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May 9, 2022

In the few years I knew you, I always felt  your warm and welcoming presence. From agreeing to join the Teamworks team I made in middle school, to the first practice on JV soccer freshman year, you never hesitated to make me feel welcomed wherever I was. 

One of the memories that encapsulates your presence in this world the most to me was during Semi my freshman year. You and Rosie came as the only two sophomores and weren’t afraid to run in the middle of the dance floor and break the awkwardness of all the freshman. I left crying at one point and you came right after me, despite allthe fun you were having inside, and comforted me.I am so grateful to have met you during your life and be able to call you a friend. Sending love and condolences to all of Julia’s friends and family.

I love you

February 1, 2022

Never would I have thought that I would be writing to you in this way. You were so special in a way I have never seen in a person before… so full of life, energetically passionate, and ready to take on the world. You wanted to do everything in nature and made everything an adventure, whether it was building a fire to cook bananas on, going to the beach, ice skating,having a barbecue in your backyard, swimming at my cousin’s NH house, or teaching ourselves to snowboard. I can still hear your contagious laugh when I think about the memories we have together. 

In seventh grade, you told me in math class that you could recite about 50 digits of pi. I was fascinated by this and made you show off this talent to me constantly. I was so in awe I learned pi with you, and we decided we were going to enter a “pi saying competition” on 3/14. We never got around to the competition, but continued to laugh about this together for years. I will never forget how such a simple thing could bring you so much joy, and you radiated this quality onto everyone else.

Thank you for never straying from your true self for even one second. I could always rely on you to express your true feelings and I never felt a need to mask anything around you. 

Not a day will go by where I don’t think of you Julia. My heart aches tremendously without you, but you will always hold a special place in my heart. I will let who you are guide me as I evolve into a person I hope you would be proud of. I love you so much it cannot be put into words. You made such a difference in my life and in this whole world. Thank you for everything, I will miss and love you forever. 


January 29, 2022
I was lucky enough to have met you in 5th grade, as the new girl coming in from private school. You were a well-established Bishop Bear, whom I got closer to through various plays and silliness during recess.
I remember coming over to your house one day and we decided to bake cookies and filmed a pretend YouTube tutorial on my iPod. Tragedy struck and laughter filled the air as we spilled the entire tray of cookies on your kitchen floor. I later DMed you a TBH on Instagram, as middle schoolers do, and told you that I loved that video and watched it whenever I was sad. 
You have always been such a constant in my life. A constant wave and shining smile in the halls at school, a constant source of laughter, a constant hug, a constant friend. Although we were not always the closest or always talking, I knew I could go to you with anything and you would offer nothing but love, support, and that brilliant smile of yours, always. 
Fast forward to deep into quarantine, our friends decided to wake up for the sunrise and meet at Robbins to watch it together. Once it was over and the rest of our friends were long gone, you and Cat, and I decided to stay at Robbins until 9 am, talking about everything and nothing at all while watching the morning sky. Once we finally decided to go home I remember being so happy and immediately texted you guys saying how much I loved it and how glad I was that we had stayed. 
I’ll see you in the sunrise, in people dancing, in mini electric BMWs, in pearl earrings, in kittens, and in space buns. 
I am so lucky to have been able to make so many memories with you, and I will cherish them forever. I hope you are at peace doing your silly dances and spreading laughter with the angels. I miss you <3 
Sending so much love and condolences to Julia’s family and friends.
January 27, 2022
My heart dropped when I heard the news about Julia, and I still do not know what to say besides I am so so sorry to their family and close ones for loosing such a beautiful soul. 
Julia was one of the best people to see at school and was always a smiling face. They were a person that made you want to be better and give more just by being in the same class as them. Their energy was always positive and unmatched. I was lucky enough to go to school with Julia since sixth grade, they were a peer that always made you feel welcomed, always striking up a funny conversation with you or including you in a conversation. They had the BEST smile and I hope they knew that. They were always loved in school and I understand why, they were the light in every room. I am so so lucky to have met Julia during their life that was way too short, and will always remember to carry on positive energy to others because of them.
I would like their family to know that during their years on earth they touched sooo many peoples’ lives in such a positive way, and even the peers that barely got to know them grieve along with you. Heaven gained a beautiful angel and I am so so sorry to all those grieving. 
January 26, 2022
I don’t think there are truly enough words to describe how amazing Julia really was. From a very young age I was able to spend a few days almost every summer on a camping trip in Vermont with Julia. Early memories of us playing around on a rock, floating down the river, and taking those big leaps into the waterfall that seemed so far below when we were little. As we got older the adventures during our camping trip never ended. Julia was always able to make me smile and laugh as if we were ten years old all over again. One memory from our last trip we ever got to go on that sticks with me is sitting around the campfire, looking up to the sky and getting to see all the stars. Late night conversations in the middle of the woods would lead to deep and sometimes cheesy sayings. But even so, Julia would always be eager to partake in those thoughtful conversations and the ones I can remember were so meaningful to me. I am so lucky that I had this experience with Julia and how I was able to rekindle our friendship each summer as if nothing ever changed.

Throughout middle and high school we were able to spend more time with one another. Soccer practices, bus buddies to games, walden pond adventures, double-dates, and so so much more. Julia never failed at being a good friend during these times either. I hit a tough point during high school and there were not many people I can recall at this time in my life that acted in a similar way as Julia did. I felt very alone but there was never a time where I felt like I could not confide in them. They stood by me even in the darkest of times and spoke against hateful people that came my way. I will be forever grateful for the way Julia approached hard situations such as this and how much this time in both of our lives strengthened our friendship even more so. 

I and many others were so lucky to have gotten to know this wonderful person. I know for a fact they cared so deeply about every single person they met. I strive to be half the person Julia was. I truly admire the outlook Julia carried as being yourself no matter what. They spoke out and gave voice to people who were not able to. I hope that everyone will try to learn from Julia’s actions. I send love and prayers to Julia’s family, friends, and everyone they have touched some way in their life as I know there are many.

Julia, a part of you will always be with me and your positive energy will continue to shine. I will hold each and every wonderful memory close. I love you always and forever. 

Love, Kitty

A Letter To Julia

January 26, 2022

You were my first friend in kindergarten. I was so scared to meet new people, but you were welcoming and always easy to be friends with. After a few months of knowing each other, we were peanut butter and jelly, we were partners in crime. Once in kindergarten, we stole all the snacks from the class and barricaded ourselves into the puppet house so nobody could take them back. I’m not sure that either of us actually remember that happening, but we laughed about that story so many times that we convinced ourselves we did. After our troublemaking in kindergarten, we weren’t in class together again, but you remained a constant in my life. For years we came together for plays, gymnastics, and summer camps.

I will forever cherish the time that we spent together in California and Oregon this spring. I remember our frantic phone call when we figured out that we were both in California. It had been so long since we’d last seen each other, but when we finally did, it was like we were in kindergarten again. And on the day that Sarah and I picked you up in California, you said to us, “every moment is a gift, that’s why they call it the present” and I will always remember that.

On that same day, we laid on the beach, picking out tiny colorful pebbles. If it weren’t for the fading sun and the dinnertime hunger, we could have laid there forever. I still have the pebbles from that day. Every time I look at them, I will remember you.

You were so enthralled by nature. On hikes, you were always ten paces behind us because you had stopped to study a flower or a cool mushroom or a colorful slug. You never failed to appreciate the small beautiful products of this Earth and you reminded me to appreciate them too.

Julia, every moment of knowing you was a gift. I hope that you are surrounded by many flowers and mushrooms and slugs and that you are at peace.


Bishop memories

January 26, 2022
dear julia,
I had the privilege of knowing you for many years; you were one of my first childhood best friends. I have countless memories with you and you are someone who made such a huge impact on my life growing up. We met in kindergarten, and our friendship stemmed from there. I think we had to be in every single class together until fifth grade in Bishop Elementary school. We always shared the same interests, and best friends. We were so similar in ways that we would clash like sisters: bickering over who got window seat on the bus ride home after school every day, and who got to braid who’s hair. A huge portion of our lives was spend together, Julia. in the classroom, on the bus, at girl scouts, play practice, on the soccer field, each other’s houses, and on the playground. we used to talk for hours. we would sit on the grass with our old soccer jerseys and eat our cinnamon apples and laugh. your laugh was so contagious and would spread joy throughout the entire team. your positivity was radiant through all the years I got to know you. I remember the old playground at bishop and you used to love the tire swings. I remember when they built the new playground and were were so excited to try the new space ball and saucer swings together. In the winter we would bring our snow pants and boots on the bus and geared up for recess. we would run outside to an open field of fresh snow with open arms. rolling as many giant snowballs as our little arms could manage. when the snow would harden we were light enough to barley crack it. we would call this “light as a feather”. we would swing back and forth on the swing set in the sunshine for what seemed like hours. When the spring came we would make little shelters and homes for the inch worms. Julia was protective of the inchworms. she appreciated all forms of life. Julia was very creative. i always admired that about her. She would always put her whole heart into whatever she was working on, and would perfect every detail until she got it right. she would make little doodles and drawings and we would constantly get in trouble for passing notes in class. i remember her lunchbox and she would always share her snacks. she had the best pens and markers and erasers. i remember going to her house and always playing just dance on the wii and making video star dance compliation videos.

i will always remember you julia and the memories we share. i will always have a place for you in my heart, along with everyone who you have touched in your lifetime. Thank you for spreading so much kindness and joy to the people around you, may we spread that love and pass it on. You will always be remembered.



To be Loved by Julia

January 25, 2022

Julia was one of my first friends in Arlington. Our 5th grade soccer team brought us together, and from then on the memories are immeasurable. Even at age 10 her presence was consuming; she never failed to induce an outburst of giggles during practice (much to my Dad’s disapproval as coach, but I know below the surface he was smiling right along with us, it was impossible not to while in her company). Despite the frequent diversions, Julia somehow remained in constant command of the field, sprinting wholeheartedly back and forth for minutes on end. Her authority only flourished with time, and throughout her position on the JV soccer team in high school, she gained the respect of each and every teammate. Julia was the perfect kind of leader, one who led with kindness and open arms, yet who was direct and stern for the betterment of the team. She was like this in most aspects of life, and I’d like to think she is still among us all, leading us in the ways she always has. She was elected captain of that soccer team sophomore year, and our junior year, we rejoiced together as our names were announced to co-captain (along with Megan Callaghan) the varsity lacrosse team. I ache for the season we lost and the time I missed with her on that field. Through the summers of high school we grew close: biking through the pitch black along the Cape Cod rail trail to make it to mini golf before closing and screeching with laughter until it hurt, or hiking through the Appalachians and swatting at the incessant gnats with sweaty hands, smiling regardless. My grandparents took to Julia the minute they met her that one summer in Wellfleet, and Mr. Bruno adored her positive outlook throughout that trip in Maine. One night in Maine, Julia, Maggie and I lay in our tent giggling for what felt like hours after one of them farted and repeatedly blamed the other. On one of the previous days, I had slipped on a rock during our descent through the mountains and rolled 10 feet or so. I had only suffered a small scrape to the knee but Julia was immediately by my side (not without laughing at me first of course), ensuring I was okay and pausing the rest of the way down any time I took a break. She was driven by love. Love for those around her and all things natural. Love for the beach and running and good food. I strive to love like Julia. I hope the hurt is gone my “Hulia”, and that you know you are loved in all the ways you gave love to me and everyone who was blessed to know you. To be loved by you was unparalleled and enthralling; may we all take that love and continue to pass it on. You are forever in my heart and on my mind. 
Love, Rynnie
My heart goes out to Mark, Colleen, Luke, and all those who crossed paths with her beautiful soul. ❤️
January 23, 2022
Dear Julia,

Do you remember when we’d get in trouble in second grade for laughing too much? Our teacher would make us go to our desks and put our heads down while everyone else sat on the rug for read aloud. You were so, so funny. Even though we were punished for it, I still always looked forward to the funny faces you’d make and the way we’d laugh together.

You truly led with love. You were the kind of person who wanted everyone to feel included, who would bring a group together with ease by telling jokes and making us all laugh. Throughout the difficulty and drama of middle and high school, that quality was essential and rare. I wish I would have told you how much it meant to me. 

Your passion for activism and climate justice inspired me so much. You were truly committed to the causes you believed in, and that commitment radiated through your daily interactions with others. You deeply loved the earth. I felt that love— I still do— and I greatly admire it.

You were such a fierce runner, but even more importantly, an incredible team mate— I remember you screaming at the top of your lungs in support of each runner that went by, no matter if you knew them personally or not. No one would know how fast you were because you had no ego about it. You were so diligent in supporting and getting to know every member of the team equally.

One memory that is sticking out to me is from a summer at Coniston, when we were both in the same cabin. It was the anniversary of Catherine Malatesta’s passing, and I had been thinking about it all day but didn’t know how to express it or bring it up. During highs and lows that night, you talked about Cat— how you had known her from Bishop and theatre, that she was such an amazing person, and how you were thinking of her on that day. That moment taught me so much about vulnerability and the importance of keeping a person’s memory alive. I was so impressed by the way you articulated these complicated feelings, how you were unafraid to bring up a difficult topic, and how you wanted to share Cat’s legacy with people who never knew her. I am taking this memory with me in my commitment to share your life and passion, to keep your legacy alive. I am so grateful for all that you taught me. I hope that you and Cat are together now, dancing and laughing. 

What an absolute joy it was to have known you, and what an immense loss it is that you have left earth. I hope your beautiful soul is at peace.


From her father - What Julia cared about and Bio by Julia

January 23, 2022
Julia wanted to change the World. Julia wanted the World to change. She wanted love first and foremost and constantly pushed me to be more heart first. I feel so much love for Julia and inside I am smiling thinking of her. I am also wailing in such deep sadness. I love her with all my heart & soul. She wanted equality and justice and was deeply affected by what she learned in college, by her own readings and interactions with people who were most impacted and who had strong feelings from their experiences.She had deep empathy which is a blessing and a curse. It caused her to absorb these feelings. In internalizing them they hugely impacted her. The anger at what felt like a system was palpable. She was active in the Sunrise Movement when it was like minded young people and her mindset was give us the torch to carry and get out of the way. We had many conversations about the work being done in education to teach people to fish & to create a foundation for opportunity and access. She said she was looking forward to hear what people had to say at Eduski. I thought that it would take her out of her own head to engage with thoughtful smart people who care. Julia did not suffer fools and it bothered her a lot to see that people were going through their day to day lives engaging in what she felt were often superficial conversations that did not reflect real caring and kindness. She was unable to understand how it was possible that humans are not all focused on the prospect that the inhabitability of the Earth in her lifetime was in question. I am sad for my family and for the World losing someone who had so much passion and intellect and caring and love to give. 

Julia Miller Bio
Julia Miller completed her first year of studies as an environmental studies and psychology double major at the University of Vermont (UVM). Going to school with everyone in masks and social distancing was weird. The theoretical nature of classes, exploring ideas with students who did not have a lot of life experience felt shallow because people would "try out" theories and thoughts and parrot back things but it was not from life experience or original thought.   

This clarified her desire to get off the conveyor belt. Julia always questioned the factory and memorization approach from her experience with the education system and she was burned out and took the 2020/21 school year off to explore alternative nature loving appreciating lifestyles including WWOOFing (working on a farm for experience, meeting people, room & board), visiting intentional communities and communal living situations along the way in NC, TN and Austin TX. 

Julia feels, cares and thinks a lot about how can we:

1) use our self-reflective consciousness as humans in the most peaceful, balanced ways to co-habitate Earth harmoniously ? 

2) live up to the ideals of liberty and justice for all that the United State promises and symbolizes ?

3) process, react and respond to “Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating the Climate Tragedy" ?

4) change our perception to truly experience unconditional love as the e-motional truth? 


January 23, 2022
Julia was a one of a kind person. I first met Julia in 5th grade when my elementary school (Thompson) was being rebuilt and we were moved into her elementary school (Bishop). Upon arrival at this new school I was scared that I wouldn't meet any new friends. Julia, who wasn't even in my class, made it her mission to meet everyone. I remember spending many recesses sitting on top of the playground laughing and assigning each other as characters of our favorite books. Julia, even when we were 10 years old was always so approachable and open to meeting anyone.

When we started middle school, I was very relieved to have Julia as a familiar face in many of my classes. In the 6th grade Julia, myself, and a few others were in the "IPad council" where we would essentially work with teachers and students to make our use of technology in the classroom more beneficial. While this sounds like a very minor thing, our 6th grade selves saw this as a HUGE leadership position. We would wear our matching t-shirts we were given with pride and laugh at our meetings. Julia was always outspoken and full of great ideas. Whether it was in this small club we participated in or in extracurricular activities, Julia was never the type to stay quiet about how she could make change. Through the time I knew Julia, her ability to influence others never went away.

In high school Julia was still one of my closest friends. My freshman year I decided to try out indoor track. I honestly didn't even know that this sport existed but I figured I'd give it a try. Not only did this introduce me to a sport that I still compete in and love, but I was able to see another side of Julia. Julia ran distance (which already is an extremely mentally and physically challenging event) but she was amazing at it. What was crazy about Julia is that you would never know how great she was just by talking to her. She would never brag. She remained calm and collected before her races (which still makes no sense to me) and would always cheer on others. I remember one meet I was walking around with a camera and in the middle of her 2 mile race she looked up, laughed, and casually put up a peace sign for a funny picture. She was the type of person that you didn't really need to know well to look up to her, and I know the underclassmen on the team felt the same way. 

Through high school and the pandemic Julia's passion for change only grew. I remember her efforts to get her classmates to attend climate marches with her. She was not the kind of person to attend an event like this just for the picture to post on instagram either. Julia truly cared about these issues and wanted others to feel the same way. I think that this was one of her best qualities. She did not care about the flashy aspects of activism but more the behind the scenes and hard work.

I will never forget my hilarious memories with Julia and how she taught everyone to care about what they are passionate about and how to authentically be yourself. Love you julcat <3
January 22, 2022
Julia, you won’t ever be forgotten. 
I’m reminded of you when I see flowers, your bedroom window on my walk to school, cats, smart cars, beanies, menotomy rocks park, the deluxe town diner, fuzzy jackets, willow trees, crocs, kickstand cafe, sunsets, people running, bartlett ave, and the photo booth pictures of us at the bishop bear fair which reside on my bedside table—all things as beautiful and unique as you are. You were my moral compass, my friend for any and every occasion, my person. even if you had no idea what your next step in life was, you were wholeheartedly happy for every step in mine. From playing on the playground at ACC to discussing life plans, every moment was exciting and energized with Julia. We could not see each other for months, but the second we did, it was like no time had passed. Julia was my role model in so many ways. “Big Sis” and “Lil Sis” was our running joke, but deep down it rang true. I always imagined doing the rest of my life with Julia; my graduation, college visits, going to each other’s weddings. You meant so so much to me. But you knew that. There was nothing left unsaid between us. You were always so open with me, as I was with you. I write this knowing exactly how you’d react—a smile ear to ear. That same smile that was prominent in so many lives. Whether it be people at AHS, Camp Coniston, in California, Tennessee, or North Carolina, your positivity left a mark like no other. I cherish growing up with you and I long to grow into adulthood with you. Julia was truly a gift to this Earth and will be remembered so fondly. To my forever person,

I love and miss you so much.


January 22, 2022
My family and I were so fortunate to have Julia in our lives. She was incredibly kind and cared genuinely for her family and friends. Julia demonstrated that kindness to everyone she met. We were so fortunate to see Julia develop from a sweet, attentive, fun-loving child to a strong, independent and caring young woman. We had the pleasure of celebrating so many different times with Julia and with Luke and Coll: holidays, birthdays, summer fun in our pool, school plays, princess parties. Perhaps my fondest moments with Julia, however, were over the last several years when, during the busyness of these events, I would grab a few minutes to chat with her one-on-one. Those conversations, while private, were precious and I am so happy that we had them. Julia’s with her Grampy, at peace among Heaven’s angels.
January 22, 2022
Julia, as a mama, I knew you as a mama knows her children's friends. So polite, so sweet, and occasionally mischievous, encouraged by Ruby no doubt.  Do you remember afternoons practicing upstairs in the piano nook for your recital together? I do. You were so little then, but your heart was so big, and so kind.  Reading through other remembrances, it seems your kind heart grew and grew - and that everyone could see that and feel your heart's embrace.  For your family and all who loved you, I wish the peace that passes all understanding.

Our family has a place in New Hampshire that looks across a quiet field to the Ossipee mountains.  Sweet Julia, when Spring arrives, we will plant a tree there for you.  It is a peaceful spot during all seasons, a beautiful place. Ruby and I will especially enjoy the shade of Julia's tree, and we will think of you, your sweet smile, your kind heart, and your time spent here on earth.
January 22, 2022
I can remember the day that I met Julia. It was the first day of 6th grade. I knew from that day Julia was going to be someone so special to me. Our lockers were right next to each other so we would call each other “locker buddies” all year. Through that year, the highlight of my days would be when we were at our lockers giggling together. During the first year I met Julia,  we became so close and had the biggest crush on each other. I remember one time we were joking and I came up with the nickname “Julia Breen the jelly bean queen”. That summer we would text and FaceTime constantly for hours on end.  As we went onward in middle school we grew so close, it truly felt life I had known her for my whole life.

In high school, we shared even more memories together that I will cherish forever, from going on long runs, Celtics games, and cheering on AHS sports together. My most vivid and favorite memories were when we were running. I can remember the spring going into our junior year Julia and a few other friends decided we run a 5k in town. It was at this time I was trying to convince her to quit soccer and run cross country.  We passed all the girls who ran cross country and just as we were finishing we ran right past the woman who was in first place at which point Julia went on to win the race.  After that race, the girl’s cross country team was amazed at her speed and begged her to run cross country. The following fall Julia signed up and was one of the top runners immediately. I am forever grateful she decided to run cross country. During cross country, Julia was one of my biggest supporters whether it was at practice when we ran past each other, or during a race where Julia would be screaming and cheering for me. One of the best feelings was when I would pass by her because I would be able to see her smiling and her cheering me on.  When I would go on runs with Julia she would always talk about the most interesting things and really taught me about some of the most fascinating parts of life. On one run I remember discussing how we wanted to run a marathon together when we were out of college, and now I am determined to do so.  There is no one else I loved running with more than her, we could run forever and still have something to laugh and talk about. There are just so many memories I have with Julia and I will hold all of them so close to me for the rest of my life.

Julia was just such a special person with the biggest heart. I will always remember her as a bright and beautiful person who could just make anyone smile at any time. Her laugh was contagious and could make anyone laugh in seconds no matter if you knew her or not. My deepest condolences go out to Mark, Colleen, and Luke. Sending love to all her friends and extended family.  
January 22, 2022
Julia was one of the kindest, sweetest, most compassionate children I have ever met. I was lucky enough to have her, Luke, Colleen and Mark as part of our ACC community. Lucky for me, Julia attended our preschool programs, and our after school program from kindergarten through 5th grade. As an after school teacher, I had the honor to be around her incredible light for many years. 
From a young age, Julia came right into our program with those long eyelashes and little chubby cheeks with a readiness to play trouble or candy land for hours!  She loved helping and cooking and would be the first one to help us grown ups set up snacks for all our 25 kids. Whether it was sprinkling cheese for quesadillas, spreading sauce for english muffin pizzas, running around the school to find mustard or ranch dressing for her pretzels, or spending an hour making pigs-n- blankets or deviled eggs for our family socials, she was a beautiful part of our ACC family and community. She was our go to girl and could have probably run the program on her own! :) She would help clean up our room at the end of the night and was ALWAYS there to lend a helping hand to anyone who needed extra love in their day. She had that special thing about her. 
As she got older she became a face that everyone loved and trusted. She always watched out for her younger brother, Luke. She adored him, always. She would help new children to our program become acclimated by sitting with them, showing them our game shelf and toys, inviting them to play or just putting her arm around them to help them feel like they belonged. She would help the younger kids get settled by hanging up their coats or helping them with homework. She was the kind of kid who picked up dropped mittens on the way outside or offered turns on a bike, even if she hadn’t been on it that long. She was this way to everyone. Everyday. Always. 
As she grew older, she would offer to visit her old preschool classrooms throughout the school and read to our toddlers and preschoolers onrainy afternoons. The kids loved her visits, as did her old teachers. She made time to talk with us grown ups, share her day and weekend plans of adventures with her family. As an educator I treasured our chats and she brightened my rainy days for years. She truly contributed immensely to my love of teaching children. She spread her joy everywhere, and with everyone. She was one of a kind. 
Colleen, Mark and Luke- sending you all the love and support as you navigate this. I loved your girl and truly cherished all the time I got to spend with her over the years. Xo 

January 21, 2022
Julia was such a light to everyone they touched. I met Julia in 6th grade, and was lucky enough to go through middle and high school with her. Julia is genuinely one of the most kind, thoughtful, hardworking, compassionate, goofy, and trustworthy people I’ve ever met. I miss her so much. One of my favorite memories with Julia was homecoming during our sophomore year. It took place in the AHS courtyard - there were fires for s’mores, various activities set up, and music playing for dancing. Julia and I and a group of our friends walked in about halfway through, and not much was going on. Julia quickly decided to change this. They went straight to the dance area where the music was playing and began pulling out these ridiculous dance movies, jumping up and down and pulling all of us into the dance circle. Other people came to dance, and soon enough they had created the most fun, silly, and welcoming environment for everyone. Julia’s energy was unmatched, smile glowing, and laughter contagious. It was one of my favorite nights in all of high school and only one of the countless examples of how Julia’s radiant energy could light up any room. 

I was also so lucky to have had many classes with Julia throughout high school, especially during my senior year. I loved learning about Julia’s passion for the environment and social issues, listening to how thoughtful they were in everything that they did, and just getting to talk to them and spend time with them every day in class. Not only were they unapologetically goofy and energetic, Julia was also humble, selfless, and a great listener. She would always cheer me up if I was having a bad day, spending time with her would always ease my stress and inevitably make me laugh. 

I will always remember Julia’s huge smile, passion for making the world a better place, and big heart. It is incredible just how many different people Julia knew, impacted, and is so deeply loved by. Julia was such an amazing person with a beautiful soul. Sending love to Julia’s family and friends. ❤️

January 21, 2022
Despite being two years apart in age, Julia and I had a really special friendship. I considered them one of my best friends throughout elementary school, and they even felt like a little sibling to me. We went to an afterschool program together every day and we spent the majority of our time there together. We always found ways to entertain ourselves in creative ways and have fun in our own way. We spent way too much time mixing the perfect ratio of ranch and mustard to dip our pretzels in at snack time. Whether it was joking around with our favorite counselor or gossiping about our elementary school crushes, we always had something to talk about. We put so much time into digging what seemed like elaborate tunnel systems in the mounds of snow that formed from being plowed up in the lot we used to play in. I remember going to each other’s birthday parties — a memory that particularly stands out is Julia’s birthday party at Build A Bear workshop. Each attendant was given a little felt heart, each of which was given to Julia, put into the heart of her bear, and sewed up, so that a little bit of each of us was with them. 

In highschool I didn’t see Julia as much, but when we saw each other it was always like a breath of fresh air. It was that feeling of seeing a childhood friend that brings so much comfort, nostalgia, and warmth. We would often reminisce about our memories from afterschool, laughing about our shenanigans. We went to summer camp together, where I remember sharing so many positive memories. We ran track together and Julia was always a bit faster than me, but I would try to keep up with them so we could chat on long runs. 

Julia was truly a ray of sunshine. They brought so much positivity to my life and all of those around them. While we were closest when we were young, I believe that they have a really large impact on my life and have shaped who I am today. I am so thankful to have known Julia.
January 21, 2022
I was lucky enough to watch Julia grow from a sweet girl to an amazing young woman. Julia lived a few doors down and was my daughter’s good friend. They met at ACC when Grace was 6 and Julia was 8. Julia was an older sister, of sorts, and I was more than happy for Julia to fill that role. She was responsible, wise beyond her years and a great role model for Grace.

She always came into our house with a big smile on her face and she wasn’t the type of kid who avoided parents. She always had time for a quick conversation on the street or in the house. She guided my daughter through every phase of her life: from the trials and tribulations of middle school to boys to navigating high school. I always knew Julia would give sound advice and put a positive spin on any situation. She saw the good in everyone and wanted the best for Grace.

I remember one particular incident that just sums Julia up perfectly. Both girls were auditioning for a part in a play and Julia really wanted the part. Julia had already had some speaking roles but this was a lead. Meanwhile my daughter was younger and had only been in the ensemble. My daughter got the part and when Julia found out she came running up the street, burst into the door and hugged my daughter, literally jumped for joy. She was truly and genuinely so happy for Grace. Julia was 12. At that age, most kids wouldn’t be able to get over their own personal disappointment but there was no resentment. Instead, there was 100 percent unadulterated joy, happiness and support. I watched the interaction and thought to myself: This is the type of friend you want in your life.

I expected Julia and Grace to remain friends forever and that I would see that big smile and beautiful spirit walk through my door 10 or 20 years from now. She was such a bright light. She was such a joy. She left us way, way too early.

Sending love to Mark, Colleen and Luke and to everyone who has been touched by Julia.

January 20, 2022
Words cannot encapsulate my love for Julia. Julia is the kindest, most selfless, positive, and eccentric person I know. When I think of all of my memories with Julia I am filled with immense happiness. She made every person she was around feel heard. She always made me feel safe and grounded with her calming presence. Julia is a beautiful soul and will never be forgotten. Growing up with Julia was truly an honor as she always swayed me in the right direction. Julia’s dedication to the environment, social justice, and sustainability are truly commendable. Julia brought positivity into my, and everyone’s lives. I have never experienced such warmth and reliability from another human being. The world would be brighter if there were more Julias in it.

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