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January 19
January 19
it’s snowing today and i feel you here with me today, as i do everyday, but it’s different today. i hope you and mac miller are singing and dancing together today somewhere. all my love ❤️ ♾
June 25, 2023
June 25, 2023
Dear Julia,

Today you came into my thoughts and I was reflecting on life and loss. Just wanted to write down somewhere that I’m thinking of you and missing your presence.

All my love,
March 10, 2023
March 10, 2023
Happy birthday Julia. Missing you today and thinking of you all the time ❤️
January 19, 2023
January 19, 2023
I can’t believe it’s been a year since our beautiful Julia passed. But I know she’s still with us everyday in the flowers, in the trees, in the sunsets; in everything beautiful around us. I miss her smile and laugh everyday.
Sending everyone love on this heartbreaking day and all the ones after this. Look for Julia in the stars ✨
January 19, 2023
January 19, 2023
Dear everyone,
Please take care of yourselves today as we remember Julia on the first anniversary of her passing. Reach out to each other and your support systems, take a moment to feel Julia's continuing beautiful presence in our lives, and be kind to yourselves.
Much Love,
May 8, 2022
May 8, 2022
Not an hour goes by that I don’t think of you. Love you forever and always
March 10, 2022
March 10, 2022
Happy birthday beautiful angel. Keep shining your bright light down on us. You are missed dearly.
March 10, 2022
March 10, 2022
Happy Birthday to the sweetest soul there ever was. Miss you every moment.
March 10, 2022
March 10, 2022
Happy birthday Julia. I’m thinking of you always
March 10, 2022
March 10, 2022
Happy birthday angel❤️ We miss you so much. I hope you are at peace and enjoy your birthday.❤️❤️
March 4, 2022
March 4, 2022
Julia and I have played lacrosse since 4th grade. God that girl had the absolute best laugh I ever heard . Whenever they would laugh, I would automatically laugh with them. It was very very very rare to not see her smiling, she was always such a hard worker. When we both didn’t make varsity lacrosse freshman year, we were sad at first obviously but they were singlehandedly the reason that I was so happy I didn’t make varsity that year because it gave me a chance to get to know them on a deeper level . Every single moment I spent with them we were either laughing or running around being dumb little kids. Julia was one a kind. Truly. I love you Julia, I hope you know how special you are ❤️❤️❤️ May you rest in the sweetest peace, your spirit and memory will be with us forever
January 28, 2022
January 28, 2022
My thoughts and prayers go out to all who were touched by Julia’s life. Julia was a beloved teammate and captain on the track team. Julia always had a positive word and bright smile for whoever needed it. Julia’s passion for others touched many who will now carry her spirit and continue to share the empathy that Julia had for anyone struggling. My condolences to the many who are deeply grieving.
January 27, 2022
January 27, 2022
I met Julia last year through Lilly. Even though I only met her once, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to stay with her and Lilly for a whole week in California. Even in that short amount of time, we made so many memories. Her smile and laugh was contagious. I will always remember my trip there and the time I spent with her. ❤️
January 27, 2022
January 27, 2022
It breaks my heart to know that I will never see Julias sparkling eyes light up when she smiles. No words will be able to explain how special Julia Miller was, and their spirit continues to be in this world. I was lucky enough to live with Julia and go through college with them for our freshman year. Julia was so fearless and her mind was so deep and beautiful, I’ve never met anyone like her. Julia brought so much purity, truth, justice, love, peace, and joy into the world and into my life. I am so thankful I got to know them. Their passion to make the world a better place will continue to inspire me everyday. I want to fight for a better world for Julia and I will plant gardens and trees wherever I can in their honor. I could go on and on about how incredible Julia was but words don’t do them justice. I love you to the moon and back Julia, I can’t wait to surf with you again someday ✝️❤️‍‍♂️
January 27, 2022
January 27, 2022
Julia and I were never the best of friends, but they were always present in my life. From Arlington Soccer Club to middle school to high school, they were always there. And I can feel their absence now.

I don't remember much from our soccer years, but I can distinctly remember their crazy, chaotic energy during practice and games. I was, without a doubt, terrified of them. They were so outgoing and sociable, while I was introverted and nervous around new people. Even in 6th grade, when we each only knew 1/7 of our peers, they were ready to make new friends and talk to everyone. I was instantly drawn to them. I knew they could introduce me to all types of people, take me on adventures, and bring me out of my comfort zone. Throughout our friendship in 6th grade, even though we weren't super close, they were still, somehow, able to coax me out of my shell. I don't even know if I would be as outgoing as I am today without the influence they had had on me back then. Julia truly left a mark on this world. I've read many of these stories and tributes, and I can't believe the impact they've had on so many others.

Julia left joy in their wake and that's still true today. After their passing I looked back on the times we had together, and I smiled. We have few memories, but they're filled with happiness and excitement. That's how I'll always remember them: cheerful, caring, and ready to take on the world.
January 27, 2022
January 27, 2022
I’ve spent the last few days trying to collect my thoughts and find the right words to say. I was lucky enough to have met Julia in sixth grade. We always had many classes together in middle school. Julia was always a ray of sunshine. She had the ability to light up any room she walked into. She was very bright and always spoke very intellectually, and that’s why I admired her. She always knew the answers to everything; ironically, that’s how we became friends, I used to always cheat off Julia. They didn’t care, they were always more than happy to help me. Julia was a great teacher to me as well. She never got frustrated with me when I didn’t understand word problems or equations, she was patient. Our friendship progressed throughout the years, and although we were never very close, I cherish those times I did get to spend with them. I remember a random Saturday night in high school, it was Caterina, Julia, and I, aimlessly driving around Arlington. I remember Julia playing the song “1950” by King Princess, it was her favorite song at that time. I had never heard that song before, it was a very slow and mellow type song. When hearing this song for the first time, honestly I didn’t think I would like it, it just wasn’t my vibe. I remember sitting in the passenger seat of the car and turning my head back to look at Julia, only to see her face with a giant smile, screaming the lyrics at the top of her lungs. Just seeing Julia glowing and radiating such a happy energy made me feel happy. It didn’t even matter to me if I liked the song or not, Julia’s smile made me smile, it was contagious. I remember us uncontrollably laughing and almost peeing ourselves in that car because Julia was pretending to act like a “singer in a music video”; glancing out the window with an Arizona iced tea in her right hand acting as a microphone. Julia always made an impression, she was loved by everyone. They were kind, positive, and constantly made people feel welcomed. Julia had such great confidence. They were able to walk up to anyone or anything without a care in the world and simply just have a conversation. I loved that about her, she wasn’t afraid to do anything, it was inspiring. She always wanted to have fun. She had a spontaneous side to her, she was a rebel. She was fearless and brave, yet so calm and collected at the same time. Julia wasn’t like any ordinary person. They always had goals and were driven. Julia loves to question everything in life, and that’s what made them so fascinating, she always had her own original thoughts.

I am so thankful to have had the chance of meeting someone as magnificent as Julia. I will always remember the memories we share and all the laughs you’ve given me. Thank you for sharing your love and wisdom with the people around you. Words cannot express how deeply saddened I am. My heart hurts for her family. Julia will always be in my thoughts and prayers. I’m going to miss you Julia, rest easy love. <3
January 26, 2022
January 26, 2022
I remember Julia vividly. We met in the 5th grade. We were in the same class. She was always smiling or giggling about something. She had such a contagious smile. As we moved to middle school, that same smiley and giggly girl continued to grow into the beautiful and amazing woman everyone knew her as. When I watch the videos on this page and hear her voice, it brings me back to seeing her sweet smile and hearing her contagious laugh in the hallways of Ottoson. I will always keep our memories close to my heart.

I didn’t attend AHS with Julia but my heart aches for her entire family and for everyone else that knew her. May Julia Rest In Paradise.
January 26, 2022
January 26, 2022
I went to Ottoson with Julia and we were never close, but they were always the kindest person. The one thing that always stood out to me was their gorgeous smile. Whenever they were brought up in conversation by a mutual friend or I saw them in the hallway it was the first thing that came to mind. I really wish that I’d gotten to know Julia better but I hope they knew the impact that they had on the people that they didn’t even know well.
January 26, 2022
January 26, 2022
I can remember the first conversation I have ever had with Julia. It was my freshman year of cross country and it was Julia's junior year during our pre-race. I had dropped out of the race because I was feeling sick. Although it was her very first cross country race, Julia had led the top pack, being one of the first to finish. Right after finishing the excruciating 5k, she had walked back to the start line to talk to me. She came up to me to tell me everything was going to be okay and that I was going to do incredible in the next race. She had no idea what those words meant to me. I believe this displays exactly what kind of person Julia was. She was selfless, kind, and cared for each and every person in her life, and beyond.

I got to know Julia much better throughout the rest of that season, and the following one. Her infectious smile and laughter spread through every warm-up, run, and stretching circle. I was always so admirable of her ability to stay so calm on race days. She never displayed an ounce of nerves. Her relaxed manner was more helpful than she would ever know. I remember on race days I would come up to her at school stressing out. Her response was always: "really? I haven't thought about it once." As incredulous as I was, this always made me laugh. She would ask me what I thought about during races, and try to help me find ways to relax. She was always there to help. On every run, we would join together in the back of the group to laugh and chat about every random thing that happened through our days.

Through the following spring of her final cross country season, there wasn’t much else to do besides run, so we kept it up. I remember taking random detours into the woods alongside the bike path, or putting our feet in the Mystic Lake. One day we sat at a random opening at Mystic and looked out at the water. She told me about all the new hobbies she was starting, like learning sign language and water color painting. I was always in awe of all the things she was up to, and anything she had to say, or provide insight on. Miss you forever<3
January 26, 2022
January 26, 2022
I first met Julia in elementary school when we were assigned the same bus stop. Although we never became close friends, our paths crossed frequently in the years we spent growing up together in Arlington schools. Julia was always such a kind and friendly person and every memory I have of them is with a smile on her face and laughter all around.

I recently learned about something called "lollipop moments" which made me think about Julia. These are moments where you have positively impacted someone's life but don't necessarily know it. From my own experiences with Julia and from reading the other tributes and stories on this page, it is clear that Julia had countless lollipop moments and left such a positive impact on this world. Her passing is truly a heartbreaking loss. Sending love to her family and friends. <3
January 26, 2022
January 26, 2022
I met Julia when I was a junior in high school. I was hoping help start a Sunrise hub in Arlington and, as it turned out, so were they. We collaborated with two other AHS students to make the hub happen, but Julia was the heart of the team. I remember how she approached challenges with a determined positive attitude and how she reassured me when I felt out of my depth. And, like so many others, I remember her bright smile and infectious laugh. I looked up to Julia, and I feel so fortunate that our paths crossed.
To Julia's family—I am holding you all in my heart.
And to Julia—it has been so good to know you.
January 26, 2022
January 26, 2022
I've been thinking about Julia a lot the past few days. This poem keeps coming to mind, it's called Separation by W.S Merwin. It goes, Your absence has gone through me / Like thread through a needle / Everything I do is stitched with its color. Wether it was organizing to build Sunrise Arlington, just hanging out, hiking, or late night talks about the stars and abolition and justice and what everything means, I know that I changed because of the time I spent with Julia. I know they changed a lot of people. All those who cross paths with someone brave get their lives changed, and Julia was really brave. I know that Julia's memory and essence and courage and passion and light will be stitched into everything we do for a long time.
January 25, 2022
January 25, 2022
Julia was a wonderful person to have by my side as we gave a presentation, worked with middle school campers, or ran meetings. They knew how to put campers at ease, beating them at card games and talking to them about their interests. I am lucky to have witnessed her dedication to running, the environment, and her friends. She was truly kind, thoughtful, bright, and genuine. My first week at college, I saw them outside the dining hall and she gave me the biggest, warmest hug. No words were needed, that act meant so much during the nervousness of living away from home for the first time. I wish they were still here with us, and I'm so grateful to have known her.
January 25, 2022
January 25, 2022
I came to know Julia during cross country. They brought so much energy and support to the team. I instantly felt welcomed when I was around them. I will always remember Julia for their radiant smile and true kindness. I am so thankful I was able to know them. They will be dearly missed. Sending condolences to their family and friends. 
January 25, 2022
January 25, 2022
I met Julia at cross country and her spirit, kindness, power, and silliness came to define the sport for my next four years on the team. Julia was an amazing runner, but she was an even more amazing teammate. She led the pack during the varsity race and then led the team in cheering on the JV team and then the boys during their races. When she had a conversation with anyone, (and Julia talked to everyone on the team), her eyes widened and her attention focused solely on you. Julia was invested in every conversation and laughed at every joke, even as we huffed and puffed up the very long (and very tiring) Winchester Country Club hill route. Even after she graduated I still thought about Julia every day and how I could make people on the team feel the way that she made me feel. My favorite memory of Julia came during the 2018 season when almost every meet we had was before, after, or more commonly during a downpour of rain. One meet as we prepared to race by doing plyos on the soccer field behind the Res, I remember Julia was the first person to point out that, behind the gray and bleak storm clouds, a rainbow was emerging. I couldn't be sadder that Julia is gone and I send my deepest condolences to her family and friends.
January 25, 2022
January 25, 2022
This one memory of Julia keeps returning to me. She was playing Mrs. Potts, wearing a fabulous costume, in a production of Beauty and the Beast. The show was so much fun and Julia did a smash up job. It was only afterwards that I realized she had to do the whole performance with one arm pinned to her side due to the extravagant costume. I was even more impressed that she was able to execute the role with that limitation!
She was so happy after that show, beaming with pride and with that "ah, shucks" kind of embarrassment from all the praise and flowers.
I will cherish that memory. Love to all of Julia's family and friends, Kristin
January 25, 2022
January 25, 2022
I only met Julia once - she was full of energy and life. We were out in the San Francisco Bay on a sailboat. As I channeled that memory, some words came tumbling out... I share this as both a reflection and an offering to all of you who have known Julia so much more deeply...

“The Wind” - for Julia
Warm sigh from summer's sun, the wind.
Taut sails catch and lift, the wind.
Rising storms, heaving waves, the wind.
Etching rock with whipping whisper, the wind.
Escaping fleeting finger's grasp, the wind.
Lifting, soaring, distant kite, the wind.
January 25, 2022
January 25, 2022
I’m so sorry and saddened by the loss of Julia. Having worked closely with Mark over the years, we compared notes about raising daughters. Through Mark’s stories about his children, I feel like I was close with Julia even though I only had the pleasure of meeting her on a few occasions. It is truly heartbreaking. My condolences go out to her family.
January 24, 2022
January 24, 2022
I ran track and cross country with Julia, and from day one they were always so encouraging and supportive of their teammates. She was a great person to talk to at practice, on runs, and during meets. They were always to kind and positive, and made everyone feel welcome. I was also in Sunrise with her for some time, and she was an incredible leader; you could tell how much she cared about the environment and about justice. I’m so thankful that I got to know them; it was devastating to hear that they passed. Sending condolences to all of their family and friends <3
January 24, 2022
January 24, 2022
I chose to remember Julia as she was when we spent the day together last spring on a beautiful sunny day in the Napa Valley.  We had a lively engaging debate about many of the issues that trouble the globe today. She was intelligent and fierce and driven and caring and concerned all rolled into a tour de force. I thought certain she would change the world for the better with all her positive intentions and contagious energy. We will make sure we continue her legacy as she organizes the angels in heaven.
January 24, 2022
January 24, 2022
Julia was born a month and 10 days after me and we have been friends since. Even if we weren’t always in the same friend groups they was always there for every family gathering and stupid random dinner. I always expected our lives to be forever intertwined. Even if we didn't see each other every day or every month or even every year I knew we would always know what was going on in each other’s lives. She always had a permanent seat at every table. A designated spot at every event. As i look forward I realize that in a week I will enter my twenties. I can not wrap my mind around the idea that I will enter my twenties and the brightest, sweetest, most loving soul I have ever met won’t. She was a piece of sun molded into a person. I will see them in every flower, every funky tree, every tie-die shirt, every campfire. I love you jules and I miss you more than words can say.
January 24, 2022
January 24, 2022
Julia was the funniest, kindest, most intelligent soul. Everyone who knew them knows how they lit up a room. They always made our family laugh til our stomachs hurt, I’ll never forget all of the memories our families shared and enjoyed together. Traveling to Pennsylvania to see the Breens, playing games in the basement and having Chinese on Christmas Eve every year, going to the bathroom to have girls talk when we went out to dinner on Christmas at Smith and Wollensky, running across the airport so we didn’t miss our flight, meeting Elizabeth warren… I could go on. The holidays were always something I looked forward to because I knew I would get to see Julia and Luke since we only saw each other a few times a year. The holidays are some of the most fondest memories I have of you. I’ll never forget this hilarious story about Julia at Thanksgiving: We were sitting at the table about to go around and say what we were thankful for and Julia was looking at the butter. My cousins from my moms side said “if you eat that butter by it’s self I’ll give you $10….” Julia started laughing and ate the butter and everyone was cracking up. It just shows how Julia would do anything to put a smile on others face, even for the silliest reason. I wish I got to see you before you left us, but I know you were really hurting, especially with COVID and how bubbly and outgoing you were just like me and loved to talk to others... We miss you so much already. I hope you look down and see the incredible legacy you will leave with all of your family and friends, teachers, acquaintances etc. You are so loved Jules. I’ll never forget how passionate you were about social justice and the environment. I hope that I can be like you one day, fiercely passionate about things you wish to be changed to make the world better. But what you didn’t realize, is you yourself made everyone’s world better. I’ll live the rest of my life trying to pass on your legacy you gave to us and keep your memory alive. I wish you didn’t think that leaving us was the only option, but I feel better knowing you’re reunited with Grampy. Tell him we miss him and we say hi. We love you Jules, we will miss you forever. Rest easy angel.
January 23, 2022
January 23, 2022
I am so saddened to hear about Julia's death. I did not know them well, but we were in various classes together during middle school and high school and I always thought of them as so thoughtful and kind. I remember we worked together on a quick presentation in AP Language and I was sick on the day we were supposed to present, so Julia presented our notes on their own. I felt so bad about that and when I apologized the day I came back, they were so understanding. I wish Julia's friends and family space for their grief and wish them love.
January 23, 2022
January 23, 2022
I was lucky enough to meet Julia during middle school soccer and was able to spend time with her in high school in class and in home room. I am heartbroken to hear about her passing. She was truly an amazing presence. Sending my condolences to her friends and family.
January 23, 2022
January 23, 2022
Julia was one of the first people I met when I moved to Arlington in seventh grade. I remember them asking me all sorts of questions about my life in Europe. One day we were walking to the bus stop when they asked me how to say it's really cold in Dutch. When I told her the translation, they immediately started saying, much to her own amusement, that it was "ijskoud" outside. I was always happy to see Julia in school, whether in class or in the media center, enthusiastically trying to put together one of the puzzles during senior year. I was thrilled when she decided to join the cross country team our junior year, and am grateful for the many long runs and races we ran together. I will miss one of my favorite running buddies, someone who not only kept us all on pace, but who also convinced us to stop at a flea market on our long run. She made sure we trained hard—and that we had fun along the way. I am grateful to have known such a passionate, smart, and enthusiastic person, and will forever be thankful for the time I had with them.
January 23, 2022
January 23, 2022
hi Julia,
I’ve spent the last few days trying to think of the right words to encapsulate your incredible energy and bright personality and quite honestly, I’m not sure I’ll ever find the right words because you truly are one of a kind. From our days on the preschool playground to the time we spent together at UVM, the thing that stands out the most was that beautiful smile that never left your face. Thank you for bringing so much positivity to this Earth and for making myself and so many others better individuals. I will forever cherish our time together and continue the fight against injustices in this world just as you worked to do every single day. Julia, you are so missed and loved beyond belief, thank you for the happiness you brought us all.

And to Julia’s family, thank you for sharing your amazing Julia with us, I feel so so lucky to have known her. My deepest condolences and all my love during this extremely difficult time.
January 23, 2022
January 23, 2022
Joseph Modoono and I are so sorry to be reading this …may your family stay strong through this difficult time ….our thoughts and prayers are with your family at this time … may Julia RIP….
January 23, 2022
January 23, 2022
My earliest memories of Julia come from our annual camping trips to Jamaica State Park in Vermont. I looked forward to these trips every year and feel so lucky that I got to spend many summers giggling around the campfire, playing intense games of manhunt, and biking around the park with the lovely Julia Miller. They were so easy for anyone and everyone to get along with; they truly did have the sunniest disposition and such a comforting presence. In high school, we were both guilty of spending hours at Kickstand Cafe and I would always love when we would bump into each other and get the chance to catch up. I feel so so sad that I cannot run into her down there the next time I am home. Julia was a wonderful person and I will remember her so fondly. Sending all of the love in the world to Julia's friends, family, and everyone who knew them.
January 23, 2022
January 23, 2022
I met Julia at Cross Country, and they were truly the embodiment of everything joyful and lovely in the world. From the start, I was in awe of her ability to run super fast, remain relaxed and stress free before a race, and be a constant source of support for all of the other athletes around her. Julia's selflessness and genuine care for others was infectious and immediately lifted everyone's spirits around her. Julia could always be counted on to bring a moment of laughter, peace, or calm before any race and was always a great person to talk to on long runs. I am lucky to have shared time in their presence and will cherish my memories with her forever.
January 22, 2022
January 22, 2022
I was two years ahead of Julia at AHS, but met her through my Bishop friends my junior year. We’d pass each other in the hallways with a “Hi Julia Miller” and her response an enthusiastic “Hi Lucy Welch” with her beautiful sunny smile. The day before I left for college I saw Julia at Kickstand Cafe and she gave me a big hug and the kindest well wishes. I was lucky that a few years later, I’d reconnect with her during my junior year at UVM when she came over to my apartment with her roommate for a night out with me and my friends. I never knew Julia super well, but this night together solidified what a magnificent person I knew her to be from high school. So smiley, warm, sunny, kind, and so herself. Reading the stories on this site, I am so proud of Julia for deciding that UVM and college wasn’t for her at this moment in time. I wish we could have had a long, silly, inquisitive conservation over this at Kickstand. I so admire her capacity to be true to herself despite the pressure. I can’t believe that sweet little Julia Miller is no longer with us, and I wish I could have known her better in our time together. But I’m so grateful to have been a recipient of her smile. To her family, my heart and soul is with you and your sweet girl. I hope you know (well, I know you know) how truly special she was, even to someone like me who was only briefly graced by her sunshine.
January 22, 2022
January 22, 2022
The earth is a little darker without you Jules. You blessed me with love, giggles, and so much insight. I’m in awe of your love of the earth and the hope you had for a better future for us all. What a gorgeous transition from a little chubby cheeked baby to an all star athlete to an activist. I assumed we would pass milestones together and I’m crushed to know you will only be with us in spirit. I miss you and I love you and I hope you are in a place that is kinder to you than here was. Thinking of you always ❤️
January 22, 2022
January 22, 2022
Dear Julia,
We didn’t know each other well, but we crossed paths many times while growing up in Arlington. I remember going to summer camp with you, being LTPs together. You were a year younger than me but I looked up to you and thought you were the coolest human ever. You were always so kind, bubbly, and outgoing- truly the life of every party. In our Spanish class, you perfectly balanced being a good student with cracking jokes and messing around, making your friends laugh. You never cared about social status, you were so kind and made everyone feel welcome and included. I always admired your confidence and the way you opened yourself up to people. You are a beautiful soul, inside and out. I hope you know how many people love you, how many days you brightened, how many hearts you touched. You are very, very missed.
January 22, 2022
January 22, 2022
Hoping the beautiful memories of Julia shared by everyone brings peace to her family and friends. We first met Julia as a Bishop Bear. She captured our attention with her brilliant smile. She shared it freely. This poem by Jez Alborough captures the spirit of Julia's smile. 

Smiling is infectious,
you catch it like the flu.
When someone smiled at me today
I started smiling, too.

I passed around the corner
and someone saw my grin.
When he smiled, I realized,
I'd passed it on to him.

I thought about my smile and then
I realized its worth.
A single smile like mine could travel
right around the earth.

If you feel a smile begin
don't leave it undetected.
Let's start an epidemic quick
and get the world infected.
January 22, 2022
January 22, 2022
Julia, thank you for bringing joy to my family; you simply made our lives better. Thank you for happiness you shared with Grace; her childhood was the richer for it. I don’t pretend to understand any of this. But I know that you are at peace in the loving embrace of God.
January 21, 2022
January 21, 2022
I was fortunate enough to meet Julia in high school, however, I really got to know her around the start of the pandemic. Julia was such a positive presence despite how grim the world around her was. She always had a smile on her face and brightened up any room she entered. I am forever grateful to have known her and will never forget the time I got to spend with her.
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