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Share a special moment from Kasandra's life.

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Santa claus

August 14, 2020
She and her mom were walking in front of my grand momma's house' moving from mrs Carrie's her grandmother's to the other grandmothers next door. I came down off the porch to greet them with my grandma. She was carrying a plastic blow up Santa claus doll. We were both 3 years old. I asked to play with it. She put it behind her back and said no. I began to cry. Thelma fussed at her and made her give it to me to keep and made her say she was sorry. She then made her hug me. She began to cry so I gave it back and said I was sorry and gave her a hug so she could stop crying. I didnt want it anymore cause  I didnt have her with it. We hugged and played from that point on and became the best of friends. I loved her then, now and forever.

God's Peace

August 13, 2020
  • May the Lord our God be the source of comfort and strength in the loss of your dearly beloved. 
God's blessings and peace always.

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