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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Kathleen Mary King, 82, born on May 8, 1929 and passed away on March 3, 2011. We will remember her forever.xoxo

May 8
Happy Heavenly "95th" Birthday, Mom. God, I miss and love you so very much. Wow, the time sure passes by fast. Its been 13 years, since you have been gone now. I wish, you was here so we could have our little talks, like we use too. Its so hard not having my Mom here. Your thought of everyday, all the time. Your in my heart, Always and Forever, Mom. I guess, you'll be celebrating your Big day with all of the family. Till we meet again. My Angel in Heaven. Love you with all my Heart and Soul. Forever Lovingly and Remembered Always. Your Loving Daughter Bev xoxo
May 8
May 8
Happy Birthday mom,
I wish you were here mom so we could celebrate your birthday together. I miss and love you so much. All I have are the memories we shared. Sometimes I laugh and sometimes I cry. You are forever in my ♥️ mom.
Your loving daughter Carol
March 3
March 3
In Loving Memory of Kathleen Mary King (Lariviere) ( May 8, 1929-March 3, 2011) Today, its the 13th Anniversary of your passing, Mom. Its hard to believe how time passes so fast. I miss and love you, so very much. I guess, you know now that Ivan passed on June 13, 2023. It was a terrible accident. Now, he's up there with Daddy, Donnie, Ertugrul and you, the rest of the families. I think of you all the time. But, its been hard. Losing most of my family. Your in my Thoughts all the time. I miss the times, we spent together. When, I took my Grandson's Chris and David up to visit you. We had so much fun back then. The boys really enjoyed going up to Sudbury to visit their Great-Grandma. And, many more times I have spent with you. Now, all I have left is all the memories we had together. Your in my heart, Always and Forever. Till we meet again. Always remembered, Lovingly. Your Daughter Bev. xoxo
March 3
March 3
Hi Mom,Gosh,I sure do miss you my best friend and mother.I always remember the times we had together!We did alot together and I always treated you every pay to supper.The long walks and talks we use to have.Mom ,I believe you have met your grandson Joshua up there with you.Its difficult on this day as you both passed this day.I miss and love you both so very much.I know the Lord God has got to have a big Celebration for you both.Dont ever stop visiting me.It makes me calm and very happy.God bless the two of you today.Mommy misses you Joshua and love you with all I got!To the moon and back to you too mom.Your loving daughter Liz and mommy.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
December 24, 2023
December 24, 2023
Merry Christmas Mom in Heaven. Its 2 days before Christmas, Mommy. Its always hard at this time of the year. I miss and love you, so very much. You are in my heart, Always and Forever. Till we meet again. I will be spending, my Christmas dinner with Michelle and the Grandchildren. And, we will exchange gifts too. I think of you all the time. Always, Remembered. Lovingly. Daughter Bev xoxo
May 14, 2023
May 14, 2023
Happy Heavenly Mother's Day, to my Beautiful Mom Kathleen Mary King (Larivere). (May 8, 1929-March 3, 2011) My Angel Mom, My Heart is full of Memories, with pride I speak your name. Though Life goes on without You. It will never be the same. Its another year, without you for your Special Day. Love and miss you Mom, so very much. Always and Forever in my Heart and Soul. Always Remembered, Lovingly. Love you, Mom. Your Loving Daughter Bev xoxo
May 12, 2023
May 12, 2023
Hi Mama,another year goes by my lovely mama.Happy birthday ma,I so do miss you.All the things we talked about,trip,adventures that we have been.i love you with my whole heart soul,mind and strength.As I inherited this from you.You made me giggle the other day,thinking of our store trying hats on.Oh my that was another great say with you,like any time we spend together.i have so many precious memories of us.It keeps me going through life.We will all unite again when we live and breathe Christ our good Lord and master.Til next time mom.I feel you as I'm typing .Your presents are welcome anytime.Bless you my precious angel,je'taime becoup Mama.Cheers to meeting again. YOUR DAUGHTER AND BEST FRIEND Liz
May 8, 2023
May 8, 2023
Happy Heavenly "94th"Birthday, to my Beautiful Mom. You are so missed and loved Mom. I can't believe how fast the time is going by. Its been 12 years now, since you left your family. I think of you, all the time. You are in my heart Always and Forever. My heart aches for you, all the time. Till We Meet Again, Mom. Love you with all my Heart and Soul. Forever Loved, Eternally Missed. Forever Loving and Remembered  Always. Your Loving Daughter Bev xoxo
May 8, 2023
May 8, 2023
Happy Birthday my beautiful mom. I miss you more every day. I am getting closer to the day that I will be with you. You are my sunshine even on a cloudy day. When I look at your beautiful picture talking on the phone, I wish it was me you were talking too. You do come to me sometimes. I feel your presence and it makes me very happy. I have a Pink Candle burning for you today, mom. I know that is one of your favourite colors.
REST IN PEACE MY DEAR MOTHER! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
You are forever in my HEART. I love and miss you so much.
Your loving daughter Carol
March 3, 2023
March 3, 2023
Hi Mama, I can't believe it's been 12 years already boy it seems like yesterday. I keep you in my heart I speak to you daily if not a few times daily cuz I know you're near I feel you. Having you near mama really gives me good ambition you always gave me good ambition. I miss your counseling, our loving talks, are fulfilling walks, are oblivious laughter it was so good oh my gosh mama. I can't wait till the Lord brings me home so we can be together again until then mama wait for me at the end of the rainbow so we can cross that bridge together I look forward to that day I love you so much as if you were still here and you are.Your daughter and friend Lizzy
March 3, 2023
March 3, 2023
Mom, its 12 years now that your gone today. Life is not the same without you here with us. I love and miss you so very much. You are in my heart all the time. I remember how sick you were and you suffered in pain. Now your in a better place with no more pain. Love you, Always and Forever in my heart. Till we meet again. Your Loving Daughter Bev xoxo
March 3, 2023
March 3, 2023
Hi mom,
Another year has passed and I miss you more and more all the time. I feel so lost without you being here. I talk to your picture everyday that I took of you on the telephone when you lived on Paris St. I know you listen to every word I share with you. Dabber sees your spirit every now and then too. Mom, you are so beautiful and I wish you were here with me. We would laugh and joke like we used to. We had so much fun. I love you with all my heart mom. I will talk to you everyday until the Lord takes me to be with you. xoxoxoxxoxoxoxo Always on my mind. So much Love! Daughter Carol
December 23, 2022
December 23, 2022
HI Mama,I certainly do miss you so,especially around this time of year!I close my eyes and see you cooking Christmas meal,singing and laughing.Gosh ,those moments will never leave my heart or mind.I miss you as my confident,I could tell you anything without judgements.I k ow your close mama,as I hear your voice!We are not just mother and daughter, we are best friends.I miss and love you so much words can never explain.I would have so much to say to you at this moment.Merry Christmas Mama
May 8, 2022
May 8, 2022
Happy Heavenly Birthday My Dear Sister Kay & Happy Mother's Day, Thinking of You Always, & God Bless You. Your Sister Diana xoxoxxo.
May 8, 2022
May 8, 2022
Happy "93rd" Birthday and Happy Mother's Day, Mom. Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us everyday, Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed. Days will pass and turn into years.... But, I will remember you with Silent tears. Remembering you, Always and Forever in my heart, Mom. Theres not a day that goes by without thinking of my wonderful Mom. Your Loving Daughter Bev xoxo
May 8, 2022
May 8, 2022
Happy Mother's Day and Happy Birthday, mom. I hope the Angels are singing for you today. I miss you always. I remember the fun things we used to do. It's hard to believe that you have been gone so long. I have your picture in my living room and I talk to it all the time. I hope you can hear me. mom.
You will always be in my Heart.
I love you you always.
March 3, 2022
March 3, 2022
My Dearest Mom its 11 years now since you left to be an Special Angel in Heaven. You are Always and Forever in my Heart. I miss and love you so very much. I always remember all the good memories we had together. It hurts so much that your gone. But, one day we will be together, when my time comes. WE WILL MEET AGAIN. I LOVE YOU, MOM. Your Loving Daughter Bev xoxo
March 3, 2022
March 3, 2022
Hi mom,
Another year has gone and I am missing you as if it was today. I love you so much mom I think about you all the time. I have your picture in my living room and I talk to you often. I know you’re at peace now. I haven’t had any signs from you for a long time now and I wish I would get one mom. I need to know that you’re still around me.
I love you very much mom
Daughter Carol♥️
May 9, 2021
May 9, 2021
Happy Mother's Day, mom. Happy belated Birthday for yesterday. It's so hard not to have you here with me. You are always on my mind. I always am wishing that you give me a sign to let me know you are still around me. It makes me sad and then when I look at your beautiful pictures, it makes me happy and I think of all the fun things we used to do. May you be at rest in Heaven, mom. xoxxoxo I love you so much!
May 8, 2021
May 8, 2021
Happiest "92nd" Birthday In Heaven, Mom. Its been 10 years since you left us. You are at peace now. No more pain. You are thought about everyday. I miss our talks together. I talk to Aunt Diana, your sister all the time. It gives me peace. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. You are in my heart all the time. I miss you so very much its more than words can hear. I look at your pictures and it brings tears to my eyes. I feel you here with me and you have given me strength. Happy Mother's Day In Heaven, Mom. Rest In Peace, Mom. Love and miss you very much, Mom. Always and Forever Lovingly. Love Your Daughter Bev xoxo
May 8, 2021
May 8, 2021
God Bless You Kay, Missing the times we were together, I think about our laugher we had together also. You will always be in My thoughts. Love Your Sister Diana xoxo. !!!!
March 3, 2021
March 3, 2021
In Loving Memory of my Mom Kathleen Mary King (May 8,1929-March 3, 2011) Mom its 10 years now, since you passed. I can't believe how the time has flown by. Mommy, I miss and love you, so very much. You are in my thoughts and prayers, all the time. I miss our talks, laughs and just being together. I think of you everyday about how sick you were and your sufferings. No more suffering now. Your at peace. I love you, Always and Forever and I miss you, more than you can imagine. Remembering you, Always Mommy Forever Lovingly. Daughter Bev xoxo
March 3, 2021
March 3, 2021
My Sister Kay missing your smiles , I can not believe the 10 yrs. has passed, thinking of you many times, Hope you are seeing all the other siblings in Heaven. Loving You & missing our laughs together. Much Love Diana Grix xoxo.
May 8, 2020
May 8, 2020
Happy "91st" Birthday In Heaven, Mom. Another, year has gone by again and you are in my heart always and forever. I miss you so very much. Not a day goes by without me thinking of you. We only have 1 mother and you was the best. It hurts so much, when losing a loved one. Its been 9 years since you left. I just can't believe its been that long. Your at peace now, no more pain. I miss you Mom. Untill we meet again. I LOVE YOU ALWAYS AND FOREVER. Daughter Bev xoxo
May 8, 2020
May 8, 2020
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my wonderful mother. I hope you are having a nice time in Heaven, mom. You deserve it. I light a Candle every year on your Birthday and let it burn the whole day. I miss you so very much, mom. I still talk to your beautiful picture every day. I always tell you how much I love and miss you. Your strength is with me, mom. You were a strong person. I miss your laughs and fun times we had together. Keep well, mom. Rest in Peace my sweetheart. I MISS YOU SO MUCH. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Bye for now mom. Love daughter Carol   I'm sending many Hugs & Kisses from my heart to yours. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
March 3, 2020
March 3, 2020
Hi Mom,
Today, marks 9 years since you passed on March 3, 2011. You are so missed and loved, Mommy. I think of you everyday and talk to your picture, that I love you. Can't believe its been this long since you have been gone. I made a little memorial in a space on the wall unit that was yours. I have your picture with your ashes, Daddy's Urn with his ashes. Daddy passed away on July 17, 2019 of Acute Lukemia, Also have Donnie's picture and Uncle Cecil in that memorial too. Its so hard when we lose a loved one, Mommy. It brings back so many memories. You's are, Always and Forever in my heart. Till we meet again. My Angel's In Heaven. Still missed, loved always my Mother dear. Daughter Bev XOXOXOXOXO
March 3, 2020
March 3, 2020
Hi mom,
Another year has passed but you are still in my heart now and forever. I think about you every single day. I tell your picture on the wall that I love you and miss you so much. I have a candle lit for you, mom like I do on the Anniversary of your passing and on your Birthday every year. I love you so much and it is the exact day of your passing 9 years ago. Bev and I were at the hospital with you that Monday evening until you took your last breath shortly after 1:30am Tuesday. We cried so much for you, mom and I still cry for you. A piece of me has died because you are not here with me, mom. I know you are at peace now. Forever you are missed. I love you mom. Until we meet again in Heaven. Daughter Carol sending all my love to you in Heaven. XOXOXOXO and many HUGS
May 19, 2019
May 19, 2019
To My Sister Kay. Sorry I missed the date but I am thinking of you a lot , & missing you. Rest in Peace. Love Diana. xoxo.
May 9, 2019
May 9, 2019
Happy Birthday, mom. I had a candle lit in memory of you. You still and always will be the one that I miss and love so much. I talk to your picture almost daily. i don't want to let go. I think of the happy times we had together and the silly things we did. We laughed and cried together. I miss those special times we had. I love you and miss you so much every day. Rest in peace, mom. i can't say it enough how much I love and miss you. Your loving daughter Carol  xoxoxoxo
May 8, 2019
May 8, 2019
Happy "90th" Birthday In Heaven, Mom. Wow, the time is sure flying by. Miss and love you, my beautiful Mom. I think about you, everyday, all the time. May you R.I.P. with your family. You are Always and Forever in my heart. It hurts so much that your gone. But, someday we will be together again. Until, we meet again Mom. I LOVE YOU, MOMMY. Daughter Bev xoxo
March 9, 2019
March 9, 2019
Dear God
If flowers grow in Heaven, Lord, pick a bunch for me
Then place them in my mother's arms and tell her they're from me
Tell her that I love her and miss her and when she turns to smile
Place a kiss upon her cheek and hold her for awhile
Her loving daughter June
March 3, 2019
March 3, 2019
The years have passed by so fast, I can hardly believe it's been 8 years, since you passed, but never forgetting you , all the laughs we had together is such a memory I have of You Kay, You were a loving Sister to Me. Love You Always Diana !!!!! xoxo.
March 3, 2019
March 3, 2019
Hi Mom. Well, its your 8th Anniversary today, since you've been gone. I so miss and love you so very much. I'm always talking to your pics. You are forever in my heart. I wish there was a staircase so I could give you 1 more hug. You were a great loving, caring and wonderful mother. Oh, how you are so missed, Mom. Your at peace now and no more pain. Love you, Always and Forever Mom. Your loving Daughter Bev XOXO
March 3, 2019
March 3, 2019
Hi mom, I hope you are enjoying yourself in Heaven. I can't tell you enough how much I miss you every day. i talk to your picture and wish you were here. We had so many good times together. I love you so much and always will. You were a wonderful lady, so loving and giving. I enjoyed our times together just talking. Until next time, RIP.
Your very loving daughter, Carol xoxxo
December 26, 2018
December 26, 2018
Merry Christmas, Mom In Heaven. Another year has gone by without you. Missing and love you, so very much, Mom. Always and Forever in my heart.  Until we meet again. I LOVE YOU, MOM. Daughter Bev xoxo
May 13, 2018
May 13, 2018
Happy Mother's Day, Mom. This is the 7th year missing to celebrate your special day. Its not the same without you. I miss and love you so much, Mom. The years are passing so fast. Your, Always and Forever in my heart. My Angel In Heaven. Daughter Bev xoxo
May 8, 2018
May 8, 2018
Happy Birthday Mom., I can't believe another year has gone. I still miss you as if you had just passed. I pray that you show me a sign that you are still here with me. I miss you more all the time. I wish I could talk to you in person, mom. sometimes I think of the funny times we had and the silly things we did. We had so much fun. I love you with all my heart. Rest in peace, mom. xoxoxxo Daughter Carol
May 8, 2018
May 8, 2018
Happy Birthday, Mom. The time has passed so fast. Love and miss you, so very much. It still hurting so much from losing you. Thinking of you, all the time. Always and Forever in my heart. My Angel In Heaven. Till We Meet again. God Bless. Your a very Special lady to me. My Mom. Sleep In Peace, Mom. Daughter Bev xoxo
March 7, 2018
March 7, 2018
In Memory of my Sister Kathleen King, missing you very much, Talking with you & your smile, God Bless You!!!!.Love You. Diana xoxo.
March 3, 2018
March 3, 2018
Mom its been 7 years now, since you've left us. It seems just like yesterday. It has been very hard to lose you. I miss you with all my heart. Its been hard without you here with us. I think of how sick you were, but now no more suffering. As, your at peace now. Your in good hands now in Heaven, Mom. Till we meet again. I LOVE AND MISS MY MOM. Foreverly loved. Externally missed. Daughter Bev xoxo
March 3, 2018
March 3, 2018
Well, mom you've been gone 7 years now and it really feels like it. I miss you so much. You and I were so close and shared many things that happened to us in life. You are at peace now mom. You have no more pain or illness. The Angels are taking care of you now. I will always have you in my heart forever. Until we meet again, mom. R.I.P. I love you with all my heart.
May 9, 2017
May 9, 2017
Just a little belated note to wish you a very Happy 88th Birthday yesterday... You are missed and loved deeply by so many here on earth. Bev holds your love very close to her heart and feels you with her every single moment. Much Love, Sharon xoxo
May 8, 2017
May 8, 2017
You are forever in my heart. When God came to get you. He added a very special Angel, my Mom in Heaven. I wish, there was a staircase. so I could climb them to give you one more hug. Happy "88th" Birthday,Mom. I miss and love you, so very much. Your Loving Daughter Bev xoxo
May 8, 2017
May 8, 2017
Mom, you will always be remembered in my heart. I think about you every day and I talk to your picture that is by my bedside. I feel that you are here with me and that makes me feel comfort. You were a good person and I love you with all my heart now and forever. We had many good times together. I laugh when I think of you and me picking Blueberries in our long dresses. I miss you, mom and love you always. Untill we meet again, I shall say, goodbye. Daughter Carol  xoxoxo
April 26, 2017
April 26, 2017
Bev is very blessed to have had you as her Mom. Your qualities for living life and loving your family flow through the woman she has become. You are always with her in.heart and in spirit and it flows through Bev to all that love her. Thank you for who you were in life and who you are now. You are a huge blessing to Bev and to your family. You are missed and loved very much. Bev's friend Sharon
March 3, 2017
March 3, 2017
Mom, it feels like today that you passed, not 6 years ago today. I can't stop crying. I miss you so much. I need you, mom. I talk to your picture that I have beside my bed. You are still my inspiration. You are in my prayers. When I need advice, mom, I pray to you and I feel that you are giving me that. I LOVE and MISS you more than anyone will ever know. Daughter Carol
March 3, 2017
March 3, 2017
Mom, today is the 6th Anniversary of your passing. The time sure has passed so fast. It feels like today, was your day for leaving us. I cry, so much for you, Mom. Tears. It hurts so much, not having you here with us. LOVE and MISS you, so very much. Your, Always and Forever in my HEART. Till we meet again. Love Daughter Bev xoxo
May 8, 2016
May 8, 2016
Happy Birthday & Happy Mother's Day, Mom. I miss celebrating these special days, with you. I'm sure, your having a great time with all your loved ones today. You have a special place in my heart, with your name on it, Mom. Miss and Love you, so very much. Your Always and Forever in my Heart, Mom. Love you to the Moon and Back. Your a very Special Lady to me. Until, We Meet Again, Mom. Love Daughter Bev.xoxo
May 8, 2016
May 8, 2016
Hi mom, I just wanted say Happy Birthday in Heaven and Happy Mother's Day today. I wish you were here with us to celebrate these 2 wonderful days together. I have candles lit in your memory mom. Have a wonderful day in Heaven with your loved ones. I love you forever and you are forever in my heart. Until we meet again!! xoxoxo daughter Carol and son in law Kevin
March 3, 2016
March 3, 2016
Mom, its your 5th Anniversary, since you left us. I can't believe how fast the years have went by. I miss and love you, even more today. I miss our little talks, laughs, jokes & all those special little things. I miss you everyday, Mom. Until we meet again. Love you with all my heart, Mom. Your Loving Daughter Bev.xoxo
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May 8
Happy Heavenly "95th" Birthday, Mom. God, I miss and love you so very much. Wow, the time sure passes by fast. Its been 13 years, since you have been gone now. I wish, you was here so we could have our little talks, like we use too. Its so hard not having my Mom here. Your thought of everyday, all the time. Your in my heart, Always and Forever, Mom. I guess, you'll be celebrating your Big day with all of the family. Till we meet again. My Angel in Heaven. Love you with all my Heart and Soul. Forever Lovingly and Remembered Always. Your Loving Daughter Bev xoxo
May 8
May 8
Happy Birthday mom,
I wish you were here mom so we could celebrate your birthday together. I miss and love you so much. All I have are the memories we shared. Sometimes I laugh and sometimes I cry. You are forever in my ♥️ mom.
Your loving daughter Carol
March 3
March 3
In Loving Memory of Kathleen Mary King (Lariviere) ( May 8, 1929-March 3, 2011) Today, its the 13th Anniversary of your passing, Mom. Its hard to believe how time passes so fast. I miss and love you, so very much. I guess, you know now that Ivan passed on June 13, 2023. It was a terrible accident. Now, he's up there with Daddy, Donnie, Ertugrul and you, the rest of the families. I think of you all the time. But, its been hard. Losing most of my family. Your in my Thoughts all the time. I miss the times, we spent together. When, I took my Grandson's Chris and David up to visit you. We had so much fun back then. The boys really enjoyed going up to Sudbury to visit their Great-Grandma. And, many more times I have spent with you. Now, all I have left is all the memories we had together. Your in my heart, Always and Forever. Till we meet again. Always remembered, Lovingly. Your Daughter Bev. xoxo
Recent stories
May 13
Happy belated birthday Mama that's your daughter lives I miss you so much I'm sure that's what's going on. But the most of all I miss making me with you bitches with you and all for you too long I love you Mom love you too your loving daughter Liz

Mom and Me

March 3, 2015

Today 4 years ago we lost our beloved mother. I am so sad and the tears flow. Mom you were and still are in my life. We had so many good times and I will forever remember them. Your death has taken a great toll on me. Everyday I talk to your picture which I have on the wall right beside my bed. You will always be in my heart and with me in spirit. When I feel I need some guidance, I will ask you. You always give me the right answer. 
Thank you for being a wonderful mother and a great person. I will miss you always. I love you forever. Until we meet again, mom. Daughter Carol 

ps: I made the font color purple because you loved the color.

A Bit about Kathleen and daughter Carol

April 12, 2012

Mom and me had a lot of good times together. We went blueberry picking wearing long dresses. We were out driving around and saw the berries. We couldn't resist. I loved all the times we had together. I think about her every day. It makes me sad to know that she is gone. She is probably joking around with her mom and dad. She missed grandma Lariviere alot. As  mom was getting sicker, she kept saying she wanted to be with grandma and  now she is. 
I miss her so much. I hope everyone enjoys the photos I added to this memorial.

Thanks to my sister Bev for putting this on Facebook.

Mom, you will always be in my heart. I love you so much

Daughter Carol

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