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May 13
Happy belated birthday Mama that's your daughter lives I miss you so much I'm sure that's what's going on. But the most of all I miss making me with you bitches with you and all for you too long I love you Mom love you too your loving daughter Liz

Mom and Me

March 3, 2015

Today 4 years ago we lost our beloved mother. I am so sad and the tears flow. Mom you were and still are in my life. We had so many good times and I will forever remember them. Your death has taken a great toll on me. Everyday I talk to your picture which I have on the wall right beside my bed. You will always be in my heart and with me in spirit. When I feel I need some guidance, I will ask you. You always give me the right answer. 
Thank you for being a wonderful mother and a great person. I will miss you always. I love you forever. Until we meet again, mom. Daughter Carol 

ps: I made the font color purple because you loved the color.

A Bit about Kathleen and daughter Carol

April 12, 2012

Mom and me had a lot of good times together. We went blueberry picking wearing long dresses. We were out driving around and saw the berries. We couldn't resist. I loved all the times we had together. I think about her every day. It makes me sad to know that she is gone. She is probably joking around with her mom and dad. She missed grandma Lariviere alot. As  mom was getting sicker, she kept saying she wanted to be with grandma and  now she is. 
I miss her so much. I hope everyone enjoys the photos I added to this memorial.

Thanks to my sister Bev for putting this on Facebook.

Mom, you will always be in my heart. I love you so much

Daughter Carol

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