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A friendship grows in Brooklyn

August 14, 2023
It was 1952, the place St. Gregory s Grammar school.  It was my fourth grammar school, and I was only nine years old. My family was moving frequently due to my mother s severe bouts of depression. My father had brought me to the 4th grade classroom .A nun introduced me as "the new girl" and I stared out to a sea of faces.  Some how my eyes wandered to the back of the room and I saw this smiling face, she raised her hand and gave me a wave, her name was Kathleen Ging. She was placed there, i later found out, because "she was a distraction". I sat in the desk next to her..and that began a friendship that lasted 70 years. Kathleen was an only child, we were a match made in heaven. We talked every day, for hours, most of our lives! She was a gift from heaven!

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