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February 4, 2018
February 4, 2018
Spécialement Le 24 février 2011, où ensemble, nous étions sur le plateau de la RTNH pour commenter et célébrer le lancement mondial d’ONU femmes.
Grâce à cette collaboration, les auditeurs-trics et téléspectateurs-trices de la RTNH ont pu partager l’émotion qui se dégageait de la salle de l’Assemblée Générale au moment où les artistes ont entonné la chanson One Woman que j’ai interprété en créole depuis. Ensemble, nous avions su faire ressortir la portée de cet évènement.
Je tiens à vous exprimer ma profonde gratitude car je ne saurais rêver d’une meilleure prise de contact avec la dernière-née des agences des Nations Unies.
Comme je l’ai souligné sur le plateau, le défi est gigantesque et je sais que vous aviez pu éclairer le chemin ou nos femmes doivent faire le pas qui emmène dans la véritable égalité l'héritage du 21ème siècle.

Je tiens à vous renouveler mes remerciements e fèw konnen WAP TOUJOU VIVAN nan kè e nan vi Fanm pou TOUTAN.
February 4, 2017
February 4, 2017
I'm so glad you don't have to see Donald Trump being President of the United States. I know you'd be part of the resistance.
December 2, 2016
December 2, 2016
Kathy. I still think of you often as I do my work on women's rights and violence against women. You continue to be an absolute inspiration.
February 4, 2016
February 4, 2016
Que ton âme repose en paix Kathy. Tes anciens et anciennes collègues des fonds locaux de la coopération canadienne en Haiti ne t'oublieront jamais.
February 4, 2016
February 4, 2016
Kathy, I still have fresh in my mind our last phone conversation the day before you traveled to Addis.I miss you!!
February 4, 2016
February 4, 2016
Kathy, I miss you very much. This week, it occurred to me that you were still listed as one of my references. It was painful to remove your name from that list but it is one more step towards accepting the divine order. May you rest in eternal peace my friend. Your memory and your legacy endure.
February 4, 2016
February 4, 2016

Fate had its way of making me spend your last 48 hours on earth with you. Rest in peace.
February 11, 2015
February 11, 2015
One year after your passing, I miss you often Kathy, and in so many ways you come back to us in beautiful memories. Smiling at you now, with much love
February 10, 2015
February 10, 2015
Kathy, I still think of you often, cite you and am inspired by your work and your approach. Thank you.
December 4, 2014
December 4, 2014
Kathy, i still miss you , but try to carry on by saying " we can make this world a better place " as I have learned from You.
December 2, 2014
December 2, 2014
You would have been 60 today, but alas it was not to be...sleep on and know you continue to inspire me, even in death.
August 29, 2014
August 29, 2014
My dearest Kathy. I will never forget you as a faithful friend, loving wife and mother. Our times together camping in the most beautiful parts of Haiti are imprinted on my memory...they were wonderful. Thank you.x
February 18, 2014
February 18, 2014
Adios Kathy. I will never forget our adventures running through the UN building "across the street" in NY. I will never forget you, mi querida.
February 18, 2014
February 18, 2014
I miss you my dear friend, my partner in crime. At your memorial I sat with Carine, remembering our first meeting at Presse Cafe. Your black notebook, meticulous handwriting, subtle questions and quick smile. It would be the first of many meetings, many bouts of laughter and a complicity that I cherish. Through you, I met extraordinary people and made some wonderful memories. Thank you for the gift of your friendship, your insight, your wisdom and your experience.
February 17, 2014
February 17, 2014
We have lost a star of our heart and I have rarely met people as inspiring as Kathy, the time we spent together was too short and still I am grateful for knowing her.
February 16, 2014
February 16, 2014
Kathy, you leave a lasting legacy of sisterhood, magnificent compassion, brilliant insight, and unswerving commitment to social justice. Women’s human rights just lost one of its most stalwart promoters and defenders. We were so fortunate that you made your way to UN Women/UNIFEM, that you supported such dedicated work in Haiti and Liberia and everywhere that you touched, and that we all had the privilege of working with you for the time that you were with us.

We honor your work and will continue it, mindful of reflecting your spirit of listening and love.
February 15, 2014
February 15, 2014
Mi querida Kathy, my dear friend,

You grace us all, as you always did, with that beautiful smile behind which oceans of bright hope and wisdom lapped in your endless generosity and depth of spirit. You inspire, we admire. It is our honour and privelege to celebrate you Kathy, with love, care and all my heart.
February 14, 2014
February 14, 2014
A joyful and inspiringly positive person, Kathy made so much difference to so many people. I will not forget her cheery personality, warmth of character and wonderful sense of humour. What a pleasure it was to work together!
Rest in peace. You are truly missed.
February 14, 2014
February 14, 2014
Témoignage UNFPA
Texte de Monique CLESCA,
Représentante UNFPA, Fond des Nations Unies pour la Population, au Niger
au nom de UNFPA Haïti

C’était il y a trois ans déjà. Je déjeunais avec Igor, l’ancien Représentant de UNFPA en Haïti, pendant mon congé. Il m’a raconté les rencontres qu’il avait eues au cours de ses trois premiers mois de fonction dans le pays.
« Vous avez oublié de mentionner Kathy Mangones, » je lui dis.
« Non, je ne l’ai pas encore rencontré, » il me répondit.
« Connaissez-vous qui est Kathy Mangones ? » Je lui ai demandé.
Sans attendre sa réponse, je lui ai dit: « Kathy Mangones est in-con-tour-na-ble dans le secteur genre en Haïti. Compte tenu du mandat de UNFPA qui est intimement lié aux questions de genre et de droits de la femme, il faut en toute urgence aller à sa rencontre.»
La semaine suivante, il m’a confirmé avoir suivi mon conseil. J’ai souri.

C’est cette Kathy Mangones que nous pleurons depuis mardi dernier.
C’est avec une immense tristesse que nous avons appris la disparition brutale de Kathy Mangones, l’une des plus grandes défenseuses des droits des filles et des femmes d’Haïti.
Sa mort nous a profondément endeuillés. Ce coup nous fait mal, très mal, d’autant plus que nous venons de perdre notre sœur Jesi Manigat, et que nous n’avons même pas encore pu combler le vide laissé par Myriam Merlet, Magali Marcelin et Anne-Marie Coriolan quand la terre a tremblée le 12 janvier 2010.
« On tire dans nos rangs.» Voilà les mots que nous avons trouvés pour exprimer notre désarroi face à cette disparition prématurée.

Connaissez-vous qui est Kathy Mangones ?
Kathy Mangones était une femme d’engagement et de combat qui était toujours en première ligne pour défendre les droits des filles et des femmes. Elle en a fait son métier.
Son travail à la coopération canadienne et à ONUFemmes reste une référence. J’ai beaucoup travaillé avec elle quand elle occupait son bureau lumineux à la coopération canadienne à Museau et une amitié s’est développée. Kathy Mangones a participé à la création et au renforcement de plusieurs institutions. Les sœurs l’appellent la maman du CONAP, la Coordination Nationale de Plaidoyer pour les Droits des Femmes ! Son appui a été indispensable à beaucoup de personnes, et beaucoup d’organisations.
Sa marque était son engagement profond, son intégrité, sa boulimie du travail et son humilité hors norme. C’est le travail qui devait être mis en avant, ce sont les femmes bénéficiaires qui devaient être mises en avant, pas elle.
Il y avait aussi chez elle une grande simplicité, la simplicité de ces femmes qui sont sensibles, qui sont discrètes, et qui ont du caractère. 
Kathy Mangones, c’était aussi ce sourire lumineux, ces yeux profonds, et ce regard généreux.

Kathy, tu as tracé le chemin. Tout en te rendant hommage, nous tenons à te remercier de tes conseils, de ton appui, de ton accompagnement et du « cheminement »--mot que tu appréciais particulièrement-- que tu nous a permis de faire avec toi.
Nous présentons nos condoléances émues à ta famille. Nous sommes tristes avec elle. Nous pensons à tous tes collaborateurs et collaboratrices, nous leur sont solidaires.

Kathy, nous savons que tu n’es pas loin. Nous sommes convaincus que le Bon Dieu t’a déjà accueilli de l’autre côté dans son paradis éternel avec ses bras grands ouverts pour que ton âme trouve la paix qu’elle mérite tant.
Nous allons utiliser la douleur que nous ressentons encore si fort aujourd’hui pour redoubler nos efforts. En mon nom propre et au nom de tous les collègues de UNFPA, sache que UNFPA pleure ta disparition mais que nous allons continuer à apporter notre appui à la cause des femmes que tu soutenais avec tant d’engagement et de passion.
Saches que UNFPA s’associe à tes sœurs de combat pour rassurer les filles et les femmes qui se sentent si seules avec ta disparition que UNFPA renouvelle son engagement dans le combat pour la défense des droits des filles et des femmes. Nous allons continuer la lutte avec tes idéaux, comme boussole.

Le 12 janvier, j’ai posté sur Facebook une image du soleil levant à Jacmel pour honorer nos morts et nous engager à construire des cendres de nos disparus.
Ce même 12 Janvier, à 2h59 pm, Kathy a réagi sur ma page Facebook. Elle a écrit : « Monique bien dit. Je suis au Benin et j’ai allumé des bougies à Ouidah. »
Aujourd’hui, un mois plus tard, ce 13 février, c’est notre tour d’allumer des bougies pour toi à Niamey, à Port-au-Prince, à Jacmel, au Libéria, partout.
Kathy Mangones, saches que ton engagement et les précieux conseils prodigués pour les droits des femmes, et pour leur liberté demeurent en nous. Tu es et seras toujours présente.
Monique CLESCA, Niamey, Niger, le 13 février 2014
February 13, 2014
February 13, 2014
Kathy, you were one of the most positive, open people that I've had the pleasure to work with; you gave so much to every conversation and your commitment to women's rights has never seemed to waiver or be diminished by cynicism or doubt. I wish I had known you better; and I hope that you are now at peace.
February 13, 2014
February 13, 2014
Ma très chère Kathy:

Quel choc d'apprendre ton départ si soudain, si tragique. Quelle magnifique lumière tu as apporté à notre peuple, à nos soeurs abandonnées, à nos petites filles violentées. Ton sourire, ta générosité, ton acharnement dans la lutte pour la justice, resteront dans mon coeur pour toujours. Bon voyage, ma belle! Tu as bien vécu et nous t'en remercions.
February 13, 2014
February 13, 2014
Je viens de recevoir la nouvelle -- tardif et choquant et douleureuse. Kathy Mangones: pli gwo chapo pou yon fanm ki fe anpil pou tout Ayisyen - fanm, jenn fi, gason ak mesye tou.

Je vais dedier la campagne de 1 Milya Leve Pou Jistis an Ayiti a votre honneur et memoire, -- qui rejoint les autres grandes leaders perdues en 2010.

Merci, merci et merci -- milles merci. Je suis tres triste a la nouvelle. J'ai beaucoup apprecier ta dedication, ton sens d'humeur, ton sang-froid en moment difficiles, ton plaisir de la vie, et puis ton amitiee.

Nous allons toujour te porter au coeur.

February 13, 2014
February 13, 2014
C'est tellement triste! Que ton ame repose en paix Kathy. Devouee et genereuse personne t'etais.-
February 13, 2014
February 13, 2014
Chère Kathy, la douleur de l'annonce de ton départ si brusque m'a paralysée durant quelque temps. Je pense être parmi les dernières personnes à qui tu as adressé tes derniers mots. Je me souviens encore de t'avoir rencontré en Septembre 2012 à Turin pour la formation sur le leadership. Depuis lors, j'ai pu noter tes grandes capacités de leader par la profondeur de tes interventions, ta solidarité agissante, ta grande disponibilité à mon endroit et à celle de la délégation du Mali qui t'a visité au Libéria et ne cesse de te pleurer. Dieu t'accueille dans ses bras et qu'il ouvre toutes les fenêtres et portes du paradis pour toi. Consolation à ta famille et qu'elle sache que tu as été une vraie AMBASSADRICE de la cause des femmes, la lutte contre les inégalités. AUREVOIR KATHY
February 12, 2014
February 12, 2014
Hi My Friend,
I want to talk to you again, to go for a smoke break and catch up on the latest - to know how things were in your new job, to hear about your friends, your family, your next big idea! How I want more time with you. I see you now, very clearly and you are smiling a sly smile. You know more now, my dear. I will take many lessons from our short, but valuable time together that I will try hard to actually apply! As many others have said, you are an inspiration, full of grace, beauty, dedication and love - an example to be recalled over and over and over again.
Huge love to you and to all who loved you, too.
February 12, 2014
February 12, 2014
Kathy was effervescent. An extrovert, she was both a talker and good listener and drew people to her.

While Kathy did not start the UNIFEM Office in Haiti, she more than anyone else is responsible for its firm foundations. She brought enormous credibility, connected as she was to the many layers of activists and doers in Haiti.

Every year around 12 January since the tragic earthquake, I think of Kathy and of her heart and heroism. Indefatiguable in the dark days following, she was determined to lend support to the many that she could. And she did.

She lost several close friends then but kept on moving. She was stoic and in fundamental ways, she was such an optimist.

Since her death, I been reminded of how connected she also was to the rest of the Caribbean. She was the first Haitian Reprsentative to CAFRA and she was on the board of CPDC.

She is one whose passing leaves a gap, a felt hole in the pit of the stomachs of many well beyond her immediate family and friends.

Like Lisa, i will remember how she signed off, always with hugs.
February 12, 2014
February 12, 2014
Chère Kathy,
Neuf (9) jours après cette triste nouvelle, je commence à accepter que tu n’es plus parmi nous. Cependant les œuvres que tu as réalisées ont laissé des marques indélébiles… La traversée que j’ai faite à bord d’ONU FEMMES avec toi, comme Capitaine, m’a rappelée que le milieu de travail pourrait être convivial tout en relevant de très grands défis. Par ton style de leadership, tu m’as montrée qu’une bonne gestion des ressources humaines, par la motivation de son équipe, reste en élément clé de toute réussite organisationnelle.
Merci Kathy………………
February 11, 2014
February 11, 2014
Kathy, Mèsi pou la viw, pou egzistans ou nan peyi Dayiti pandan tout tan sa yo
Mèsi pou enplikasyonw nan zafè Fanm e pi espesyalman, nou menm Fanm Ayisyèn.
Msezi tande moun di wpat Ayisyen Katy ; nan Ayisyen, ou te yon gwo Mak Kati.
« Pawol fanm pou chanjman » fè chimenl ak konpetans feminin Ayisyenn ou Kati paske reyalite Fanm Ayisyenn yo te nan tout ou menm.
February 11, 2014
February 11, 2014
Put out too soon
In the twinkle of an eye
Three days so fast the whole world changed
For office and for family We wished 'twas a dream
But lo and behold a reality to accept
Your footprints are here in the works and in lives
You touched and held in your time with us here

Goodbye dear Kathy
Goodbye our leader
Goodbye to our inspiration
Goodbye dear Madame
Goodbye to a torchbearer
Goodbye to a pacesetter
for excellence and results and all there is

The goodbyes are said the tears would not stop
The loss that is felt cuts deep inside
A mentor has fallen
A mother is gone
The world is at loss
Good rest my dear Kathy

...Sadly missed
February 10, 2014
February 10, 2014
Kathy, cette nouvelle a été un shock, une bombe. Tu resteras graver dans ma mémoire avec ton beau sourire. Tu m'as devancé. Que ton âme repose en paix.
February 10, 2014
February 10, 2014
Kathy, The last 48 hours with you was tough and went too fast...No farewell words were spoken, no time to say goodbye, you were gone before we knew it, and only God knows why! R.I.P
February 9, 2014
February 9, 2014
Dear Kathy, I had the honour and privilege to meet you twice. You filled the room with grace and warm energy. You will be missed.
February 8, 2014
February 8, 2014
Kathy , this is really shocking news and sad moment for all of us. I will never forget your enthusiasm, persistent and courage in a lot of difficult situations. You were a Women for Difficult missions , as I was always thinking of you. I will never forget your smile and encouragement and your quote "run, run help women everywhere , forget about a mandate or and agenda just remember the women you are helping". You will be Missed .
February 8, 2014
February 8, 2014
Like many of you, I am shocked and deeply saddened by the loss of our dear friend and colleague Kathy Mangones.

I met Kathy at HQ in February 2008. She had come to our team to request support for GRB in Haiti, a bold undertaking we thought at the time. For her this was much needed and our efforts to explain that we could not apply GRB in the context of Haiti crumbled before her persuasive arguments. Within months, I was in Port au Prince facilitating a GRB workshop, in French, for the first time. I lost at least 5 pounds in one week but was inspired by Kathy’s energy, support, eagerness to learn and help others learn.

As our friendship grew stronger so did my admiration and at times concern for a lady who easily worked 14hours a day and still had a smile on her face. I was particularly concerned with the way Kathy was working after the earthquake, not even taking time to grieve. She always assured me that things were fine or would be fine. Many of you know that Kathy always looked at the bright side of things.

In 2009, we were on mission in Morocco and had decided to take a day trip to Fes. The car rental company had sent us a tiny little blue car that Kathy immediately nicknamed “la petite auto bleue” dragging the words with that beautiful Haitian accent. I was worried that four of us including a partner from the Finance Ministry in Haiti had to squeeze into the small car and that the driver looked weird, but Kathy was laughing and saying that it could be worse, although I was not sure how. We visited Fes, got ripped off buying what we thought were Berber carpets made by women from a nearby village, we had lovely Moroccan pastries and we laughed our way to and from Fes.

Over the years, Kathy became a mentor, a sister for me: we constantly consulted each other on all sorts of issues, personal and professional. The last time I saw her was in New York, a few days before she left for Liberia. Just this past week she was asking me if I would be Addis (“dare I hope to see you in Addis” she said). In many ways, I would have loved to see Kathy one last time in Addis but it would have broken my heart to witness her final moments.

With her passing, I have lost the last friend I had made in Haiti, (the others were taken by the earthquake) but I am very grateful to have met Kathy and I will be forever inspired by her dedication, her passion and her kindness.
February 8, 2014
February 8, 2014
It is with great sadness that I hear the news of Kathy's all too soon passing. I feel proud to have known the woman who contributed so much good to our world.
February 8, 2014
February 8, 2014
Kathy. you told me just before you left for Africa that i will see you in NY. Cela ne pourra plus se faire. Je te vois encore bucheuse, workalcoolic mais c'etait toi. The women of Haiti and the feminists have lost a great person. it was so nice and refreshing to discuss issues of gender inequality with you. Like i am still missing our common and dear friend Myriam. Now i will miss you too.
February 7, 2014
February 7, 2014
Kathy, my heart is filled with sadness… The women and girls all over the world, will miss your voice advocating for all of us! I can’t believe you are gone. It was just last week, we spoke on the phone in Monrovia. I will forever cherish your encouragements and the positivism on our last conversation!
February 7, 2014
February 7, 2014
Such a beautiful soul; so wise and humble. Kathy inspired me with her absolute dedication to the cause of women and girls where it was needed the most. I will miss her dearly, and in her honor will do my best to emulate her work.
February 7, 2014
February 7, 2014
Malgré la douleur et la peine causée par ta mort brusque et inattendue, j’ai eu l’immense privilège de te parler, de t’embrasser et de rigoler un peu juste avant que tu ne tombes brusquement malade. Je te parle comme si tu es encore parmi nous parce au moment où j’écris ces quelques mots je revis notre conversation. Comme toujours tu étais souriante, joviale et positive. Tu étais, pour moi, l’une des personnes les plus engagées et enthousiaste de ton travail au Liberia. Tu vas nous manquer énormément mais les merveilleux souvenirs que tu nous laissent vont apaiser notre douleur.
Que ton âme repose en paix.
February 7, 2014
February 7, 2014
It has not been easy to accept that Kathy is no longer on skype, that she is no longer a phone call away. Even though she left the Caribbean to join her African counterparts, once a month - at least - if just for a minute, we sent each other a quick ‘howdy do’ or ‘have a great day’, which often meant a great night for one of us because of the time difference. I first met Kathy, in person, at a UN Women SPW/retreat in Panama in October 2011, although we communicated for weeks before. She was one of the most caring and soft spoken persons I have ever met and we bonded. She had her ways of doing things, but in the end, it was always about finding common ground. I’ll miss her raspy laugh, her ending emails with ‘lots of hugs’. She will truly be missed by me and by others that she had so graciously touched with her warmth and caring nature.

Work was indeed her life and she was often cautioned about separating the two, but to her there was no separation, work was life and life was work and in the end, she left us doing what she loved.

May she rest in peace!! Another earth angel has been promoted to a heavenly one…………………………………………
February 7, 2014
February 7, 2014
kathy, ca a ete un grand plaisir de te rencontrer et de travailler avec toi. Je me souviendrais toujours de la visite de NK a Haiti. Grace a ton professionalism et ta gentillesse, cette mission avait ete une des plus agreables et efficaces missions que j'ai faite avec ONU Femmes. Que ton ame repose en paix. JL
February 7, 2014
February 7, 2014
On behalf of UN Women South Africa Multi-Country Office and my personal behalf, we are sorry for the loss of Ms Sheelagh Kathy Mangones. She was a committed gender activist and served for the cause of women’s rights until her last breath. Ms Kathy will remain in my thoughts and her kind words will motivate and guide me in my aspirations of promoting and protecting women’s rights. Ms Kathy walked to me in the morning on 1 February 2014 during tea time and expressed appreciation “Sadiq, government and women’s groups in Liberia remembers you for your good work”.  I know for certain that Kathy will be remembered for her good work and contributions and continue to participate in every act, thought and service we do for upholding women’s rights. RIP.

Dr Syed Sadiq
UN Women Multi-Country Office
South Africa
February 7, 2014
February 7, 2014
Talking History and the Institute for Gender & Development Studies, UWI pay tribute to Kathy. Rest in peace Kathy. We will miss you.
February 6, 2014
February 6, 2014
Kathy, la douleur de tes amis chiliens est grande. Ta mémoire sera toujours avec nous. Nous avons admiré ton dévouement, ta générosité, la beauté de tes pensées et tes rapports avec les autres.
Nous remercierons toujours ton amitié.
February 6, 2014
February 6, 2014
Kathy, this is a sad moment for thousands of people whose lives have been touched by yours. You have been a truly inspiring and courageous woman whose strength, compassion and determination has made a difference to the lives of many, especially women in Haiti and Liberia, and certainly to me personally. I have had to take some difficult personal decisions recently and I count you among the handful of women whose courage has inspired me to be be braver and more truthful to myself. Although I spent only a few days and evenings with you on occasions over the last 5 years, I treasure all of those moments of connection. We will miss you Kathy and we will do our best to continue your work.
February 6, 2014
February 6, 2014
Kathy, cette nouvelle m'a deboussolée. Je n'arrive vraiment pas à croire que tu n'es plus parmi nous. Cependant, l'arbre planté a déjà de nombreuses et profondes racines - qui se multiplieront pour continuer le travail commencé. Que ton ame repose en paix.

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