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My dearest Kevin!

May 12
This day will always be bittersweet. You died just 30 minutes shy of Mother’s Day. Yet you still thought of me as sick as you were and had a Willow Angel set sent to me. A mother holding 2 little boys. You always were the one who would say Happy Mama’s Day first. I wish I could turn back time and you wouldn’t have moved and stayed with us, your brother and me. I miss you every day of Kevin and my heart still aches for you. Life has been so unkind and I know everything would have been easier if you would have lived to lend a helping hand. I still cant barely stand it to walk away from your grave site. My heart breaks a new every time. I love you my sweet Kevin! Always in my heart darling Kevin ❤️


November 23, 2023

Mein lieber Kevin ❤️

November 22, 2023
Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut, denn die westlichen Dinge bleiben für die Augen unsichtbar - Antoine de Saint-Exupery - 

I miss you so much and love you Kevin

May 14, 2023
As always you would be the one who call me, write to me and if your weren’t off some place on this earth you would be here to say I love you. Then again you called me nearly every day, no special occasion. I am so proud that you’re my Son Kevin. I treasure all the memories deep down in my Heart that you gave me. You’re one of kindest man with a Heart Of Gold. I miss you and Love Sweetheart.

Your 43th Birthday Kevin

March 12, 2023
Absolutely heartbreaking to visit your grave and walk away for nearly 14 years now. I still can’t believe it and will always walk this earth with a shattered heart dearest Kevin. Love you and always in my heart
March 12, 2023
Happy Birthday in Heaven ❤️ I will always fly with you right here in my heart and mind. I miss you every day of my life. It’s so lonely here without you Kevin! 

It’s your Birthday Sweetheart ❤️

March 12, 2023
In everlasting Love and Memories my dearest Kevin. I will celebrate your birthday and you as man, son, brother and friend, always and until we meet again ❤️ I love you and forever will sweet child of mine! Deine Mama

My darling Son Kevin!

March 11, 2023
It’s cold outside. The sun isn’t shining. The universe knows my deep sorrow in my soul and heart that you’re not here with me. In German Time, our beloved home, you my sweet son already were born. I still remember your birthday as it was yesterday. I never knew I could Love like this. It’s a love like no other ever will be “ Loving your child/son is unconditionally. I was and am and always will be so very proud of you Kevin! You always gave from your heart unconditionally. You were a kind, awesome, sweet, generous, gentle soul gone too soon. I miss you every day here on earth without you! My heart aches, so does my soul and tears flow every day my beloved Son, my Kevin ❤️ I wish every day you were still here. Such unjust was done onto you! I hear your beautiful laughter and see your beautiful face still in my memories of you every day of my life here without you! Mama loves you and misses everything about you Kevin! 

In 2 days it’s your birthday Kevin!

March 10, 2023
How I miss you every day and I am so sad that you’re not here with me/us where you belong - Deine Mama

Immer deine Mama..

September 22, 2022
Werde immer deine Mama sein mein Schatzele. ♥️ Love you always! Miss you more than I could ever say with any words.

Kevin I miss you!

September 22, 2022
Every day since you died hasn’t been the same. I miss you every day and my heart is shattered forever my sweet, sweet Kevin. I love you sweetheart Kevin! ♥️ Deine Mama

Keine Worte finde ich!

August 20, 2022
My heart is aching and I am in a fog once again my sweet, darling Kevin. Mama loves you 
August 19, 2022
Love you Sweetheart ❤️ Always will ❤️ I miss you Kevin all the time. My heart is aching over your senseless death. Mama liebt dich mein liebes Kind! 

Thinking about you Kevin ❤️

July 4, 2022
Not just today, every day my Golden Boy. I love you Kevin. ❤️I miss you every day more than I could ever speak 

Always in my heart Kevin!

May 30, 2022
I love you Kevin ❤️ Always and forever in my broken heart Sweetheart. I miss you every day of my life here without you.
Today I am posting a picture of your Memorial Brick Michael and me sponsored in Memory of your service as a Combat Medic in the United States Army. My Heart Of Gold, my sweet Son never forgotten. This I promise, till the day I’ll take my last breath. Mama Loves you Kevin ❤️ Brick displayed at the Army Museum of the United States Army @ Fort Belvoir, VA.
April 17, 2022
Missing you and my heart is aching for you always. It gets softer with time, nevertheless it still hurts more than I could ever speak with any words my dearest Son Kevin. I miss you so much! Love you forever and always ♥️ Immer bei mir in meinem Herz ♥️ Mama

I miss you Kevin!

April 12, 2022
What can I say, my heart, soul and mind is aching and grieving for you. It miss you Kevin more than I could ever say with any words.! I love you Sweetheart ♥️ Mama
March 28, 2022
Werde es nie finden, ein Herz aus Gold wie Dein Herz Kevin Das gab es nur einmal in meinem Leben. Mama liebt Dich mein Goldschatz 

Sadness always -

March 28, 2022
Missing your smile, laughter, kind heart, missing everything about you Kevin always ♥️ Love you my dearest Kevin 

Kevin you are always with us ❤️

March 12, 2022
Every day is hard living without you here with us. However, today, every year is very difficult, sad, unfair, heartbreaking that you’re nothere to celebrate your birthdays here with us. Today is your 42. birthday and I been playing the music you loved so much. I cry, as I see you in my mind being the amazing, kind man you always been with whoever crossed your path. I will fly with you every day, and I know you fly with us as well. I love you Kevin and I miss every day of my life. As Long as I live, you will never be forgotten. I promise! ❤️ Deine Mama

Will never forget that night

February 20, 2022
Dearest Kevin, That night will be forever embedded in my heart, soul and mind when you left us. I still hear your voice. I love you sweetheart ❤️ Deine Mama

Quilt made from T-Shirts

February 14, 2022
This was made out of yours Kevin and your brothers T-shirts. It was Michael’s birthday gift this year. After nearly 13 years I had to decide to do something with some of your clothes Kevin. To this day, my heart and
mind still can’t bare the thought of discarding your belongings.

Always In Our Hearts Kevin ❤️

February 14, 2022
Immer bei mir in meinem Herz. Mein Kind, mein Sohn, mein Kevin ❤️

Snow Kevin!

January 8, 2022
I thought of you dear Kevin and Oma when I saw the sun shining from way up above through the tree ❤️❤️ Perhaps a wink  from Heaven.Wir haben verlernt die Augen auf etwas ruhen zu lassen, deshalb erkennen wir so wenig. - Jean Giono -
January 1, 2022
One of those American Flags is our Kevin’s. It fly’s in your honor and loving memory  Kevin. The American Flags are on display during  Veterans Day, Memorial Day, etc. I donated to Quantico National Cemetery in your Memory. When I ask them on your birthday, the groundkeepers are so very kind and they get your American Flag and put it on display near your grave by the road. I love you Kevin

Quantico National Cemetery

December 25, 2021
As every year it’s heartbreaking to place that wreath on your grave Kevin. Couldn’t find a grave blanket anywhere this year. Again, I put apples and oatmeal on your grave in hopes the deers, wildlife come visit you on your grave at Christmas Eve. 
I miss you every day of my life and I always will. I love you Sweetheart!

Weihnachten 2021

December 25, 2021
Love and miss you. You were such a happy baby, toddler, child, teenager and man always. So very kind and truly a giving Heart ❤️ of Gold to everyone ❤️ Thank you Kevin 

Christmas Eve

December 24, 2021
Ich werde immer deine Mama sein lieber Kevin auch wenn Du jetzt bei den Engelchen wohnst. Wieder Weihnachten ohne Dich mein lieber Kevin. I love you and miss you just the same as I always have and always will sweetheart

Always in my Heart my sweet Kevin!

December 23, 2021
Mama loves you more than I could ever say with any words. I miss you every day Kevin.
The sweetest, kindest, awesome and so much more man that I have the honor to call my Son.

We all miss you Kevin!

December 21, 2021
You loved music so very much. I learned so much from you about music, great TV shows and we shared our love for cooking and baking. I miss you daily phone calls my dearest Kevin.
What are we cooking today Mama you would ask every time :) I love you Sweetheart and always will! Deine Mama xx

Always in our Hearts dearest Kevin!

December 21, 2021
You are missed every day. I think of you always Sweetheart Kevin! Mama loves you so much and I always will my dear Son! Mama xx

Cookie Monster

May 9, 2014
This evening I will go to Sesame Street on Tour on all the Military Posts and Bases.. I am volunteering in your loving Memory Kevin... All my memories of you are not only the ones of you as an adult... Every year that you lived here with on this beautiful earth is a memory for, moments... How many times did we watch Seame Street together, you danced, laughed, we sang C is for cookie that's good enough for me... Cookie Monster was your favorite, we took you to see the show down town San Antonio... I also tookyou to Windsor Park Mall to meet Cookier Monster, Big Bird, etc... You started to cry as you sat on Cookie Monsters lap... I guess he was pretty big for a 2 year old... Much bigger than on TV... I am hoping to get a picture of Cookie Monster and me and I will be among all the Military Children, just like you were Kevin. Not only did you serve as an Army Child, you served your Country as a Soldier...We will always know what a kind, awesome, loving, giving human being you are, as you keep on living in our Hearts and in our Minds... I love you Kevin and I will for all eternity ~~~ Mama xo

I love you Kevin ❤️

May 9, 2018

Forgive me sweetheart mama is very sick and I can’t do the things I used to do. Just know you always in my heart and mind forever and always ❤️

In found and loving Memory my darling Kevin <3

May 6, 2013

Kevin, it's a line between living and going through the motions of living. It's a line between daily function and sinking into such deep despair. I cease to function, but different, I live becaue I have to... I am a recluse, I miss our daily talks about everything Kevin, you always made me smile or laugh... You Kevin and Michael are and always will be the highlights of my life and both of you are the LOVES OF MY LIFE... I miss your prises and of course I miss you... You are such a Sweet, Sweet Man, always bringing your Mama a PRISE, and I loved the way your presented it...
" I have a PRISE for your Mama!" Thank you my darling Kevin >3 I can't believe it's been almost 4 years since I last heard your voice my Kevin... Love never dies sweet darling <3 I will love you forever, always for all eternity my First Born Son Kevin <3 Mama loves you Sweetheart <3 <3 <3 xoxoxo

I love you Kevin

March 19, 2013

I miss you more each passing day Kevin, I don't know that so much pain and sorrow is even possible... I walk through this every single day, not a minute goes by without me thinking of you my darling Son... You are always right here in my heart and you walk with me where ever I go and what ever I do, right here in my broken, shattered heart... Memories creep up, every moment in my days, I cry for the memories... A Heart Of Gold stopped beating, and I still don't understand why... I love you and miss you more than I could ever speak with any words my darling Kevin... Mama ~~~

Miss you so very much ~~~~~~~~~~~~

July 7, 2012

Kevin my darling Son, as the days pass, I feel more lonely than ever before... I miss our conversations, talking about cooking, movies, music and just the beautiful world... Nothing is the same and it never will be without you here with me... My heart is aching for you every single minute of my days that I am living here without you... My Son, My Kevin, My First Born Son, Gone To Soon.... I love you Kevin and miss you more each passing day... My Heart Of Gold ~~~ Thank you for your kindness and everything dearest Kevin ~~~ Mama loves you forever and always ~~~ In my Heart and Mind forever and always ~~~ Mama ~~~

Love you Sweet Kevin ~~~

June 2, 2012

Chiming in this morning to say I love you my darling Kevin... I love you forever.... I like you for always.... I know you know, that I carry you with me each and every day in my heart and mind... You are my first thought in the morning and my last before I go to sleep... My darling you are missed and no words can describe how much..

Forever in our Hearts..... To have know our Kevin ~~~ Is to love him forever and always ~~~ Mama ~~~ xoxo

Memorial Day

May 30, 2012

Sorry Sweetheart I didn't write here on Memorial Day.... Kevin you are always in my heart and mind, always and forever.... I know you know that we always think about you... No words to describe what it feels like to go to Quantico National Cemetery and to have to walk away from your grave... My heart breaks anew every day my darling... You are thought of forever and always my darling child.... I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I am living my Son, my Child, my Kevin you will be... To have known our Kevin.... Is to LOVE Kevin....

Thank you my Son for serving in the Army, you will never be forgotten my Heart Of Gold... I miss you every day more, I miss your laughter, your smile, your hugs, our conversatiions, everything sweet Kevin... 

I know you right here beside me and you always will be...

I love you for all eternity Kevin.... Mama ~~~ I miss you more each passing day....

I will always remember you ~~~

May 9, 2012

I will remember you even when the world forgets... Your smile, even when I can't find anything to smile about.. Your laughter, even when nothing is funny... Your favorite color, even when it hurts when I see it brightly displayed... Your tears, even when I tried to comfort you Kevin... Your smell, even if I will never smell it again... I will remember how you felt my child, your hugs, even now that I can't hold you... I will remember you even when it hurts the most... One day I will see you again...Untill, I will remember you every single day till we meet again...

Butterfly Kisses I send you to Heaven my dear Kevin ~~~ Mama ~~~

Group Hug ~~~ Peace out ~~~ Ich bin gut, es ist ein schoener Tag ~~~

See you later Sweetheart ~~~

Engel weinen leise ~~~

May 9, 2012

Engel weinen leise... Die Engel stehn am Wegesrand, sie nehmen gerne Deine Hand... Und jeden Tag und jede Nacht ein ueber deiner Tuere wacht... vor allem sind es die inneren Tueren, das wirst du sicherlich auch spueren...Die jeden Tag und jede Nacht besonders werden uebrwacht... Nur Gutes soll Dein Herz erreichen, das Boese soll zuvor schon weichen... An jedem Tag und jeder Nacht ein Engel diese Arbeit macht... Wie wenig danken wir dafuer, das Engel stehn vor unsrer Tuer... Die jeden Tag und jede Nacht uns sorsam huelen mit Bedacht....

Ja mein liebes Kind, die Engel sind bei mir, sie wollen es sein, da mein Engel hier auf Erden im Himmel ist...

Mein Kind ich liebe Dich und jeden Tag bist Du mein Kevin bei mir, immer in meinem Herz und in meinen Gedanken...

Mama ~~~ In ewiger Erinnerung, du lebst in unseren Herzen weiter jeden Tag Kevin ~~~ Wir vermissen dich mit Schmerzen im Herz ~~~

I went to prepare a place for you ~~~

May 9, 2012

I'd like the memory of me to be a happy one... I'd like to leave an afterglow of smiles when life is done... I'd like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways, of happy times and laughing times and bright and sunny days... I'd like the tears of those who grieve for me to dry before the sun of happy memories that I leave behind when my life is done...

When tomorrow starts without me and I am not here to see, if the sun should rise and find your eyes filled with tears for me... I wish so much you wouldn't cry, the way you did today. While thinking of the many things we didn't get to say... I know how much you love me as much as I love you.. And each time you think of me, I know you'll miss me too.... But when tomorrow starts without me, please understand that Jesus came and called my name and took me by the hand and said my place was ready in Heaven far above and that I'd have to leave behind all those I dearly love... So when tomorrow starts without me, don't think we're far apart... For every time you think of me, I'm right here in your heart....

Yes Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tell me so... I still hear your sweet little voice as a little boy singing it loud and clear my sweet child....

I love you honey ~~~ Mama ~~~

Love is for all eternity Kevin ~~~

May 9, 2012

My dearest child, my Kevin, my Son.... Over the last 3 years life has been, well to say the least... heartbreaking.... I know you know, as I feel your presence near me each and every day and your love for me... Be assured that I love you to the moon and back, for all eternity, for infinity and beyond darling Kevin... Treasure what you have here one earth... family, friends, we have everything if we love, be kind, caring and thoughtful... The true measure of ones charactor comes from how they emerge from tragedy.... I I know for every tear I cry, there is somewhere, someone that weeps and cries too... For every day my heart breaks anew, there is another hearts breaking somewhere too.... For every day I ask myself why my child.... I am not as strong as I seem... Strong is what people call you... They don't see you crumbling... Strong is how people describe you, because they don't feel the moisture on your tear stainded pillow at night. Strange how you are described when others don't come close enough to see behind your broken, shattered heart... Strong is not a word that applies to a grieving parent...
You will be in my heart ~~~ Right here in my heart ~~~ Don't matter what they say.... Always and forever ~~~ I will love you forever and always ~~~ Thank you for you kind, caring, giving, loving Heart Sweetheart ~~~ Mama ~~~ Gone to soon, but truly you my darling Kevin will never be forgotten.... You live on with me every day, you presence is felt and appreciated ~~~ Mama loves you my Son, my child ~~~ xoxoxo

Love IS Never Ending Kevin ~~~

February 29, 2012

To Live In Hearts You Leave Behind Kevin, Is Not To Die ~~~ Thomas Campbell ~~~

Too often Kevin people underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around... You Kevin, had all those qualities.... I could always depend on you my Son to make the best of the worst, of whatever came along... I always could count on your, love, support and your kind, giving, caring heart.... Thank you Kevin~~~ Having someone who understood was and still is a great blessing to me my darling... Being someone who understands is a great blessing to others.... If and it did, something came or comes to life in others because of you Kevin, then you have made an approach to immortality.... It was only a sunny smile... and when you walked into the room honey it lit up like the morning sun... Little did it cost in the giving... but it scattered my life like a morning light and made my day worth living...  What comes from the heart, goes to the heart.... I love you with all my heart and might and I forever and always will sweet Darling Kevin ~~~ Mama ~~~ I miss you more each day that goes by ~~~ P.S. Michael thinks about you every day Kevin, he tells me... He misses calling you and sharing brotherly news ~~~ Since you passed on, little Deuce doesn't have that anymore ~~~ Please honey watch over Michael as you always did and help guide him and let Michael know somehow that you always right there beside him... Thank you Kevin.... All my love my darling Son ~~~ Mama xoxo

You will be in my heart ~~~

February 29, 2012

You'll be in my heart ... no matter what they say... you'll be right here in my heart.... Always and forever dearest, beloved Kevin.... xoxo ~~~ Mama ~~~

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