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Our beloved Kevin, was and always will be in our Hearts and Minds. A beautiful kind, giving, caring man. We miss Kevin more than words could ever speak... There will always be a huge void in all of our life.  Kevin was raised as child in the Army. Kevin served as Combat Medic in the United States Army. He was a disabled Veteran and was faithfully and honorably retired in October 2006. Kevin loved to travel, loved sports, working out. Kevin was an awesome cook. Kevin was a Special Olympics Volunteer for many years, he started out when he was only a child. Kevin was always ready and willing to lend a helping hand. During and after Hurricane Katharina he helped cook for Policemen, Firemen and the people he was trapped with in a building. He helped with the clean up after the Hurricane in Slidell and New Orleans. Most of all "Kevin" was the best big brother to his little brother anyone could have and Kevin will always be remembered as "Our Heart Of Gold". Easy going, a smile that lit up a room like the stars in the sky. Kevin our beloved "Son" Forever and Always in our "Hearts and "Mind" sweet darling. Love is never ending, it's forever and always. Most people my darling will forget what you said and what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel, and you my darling child made everyone feel like they are the most important person when you talked to them. Thank you for everything you done in your short life. Gone to soon my sweet Kevin. A Golden Heart Stopped Beating, Your Hard Working Hands Are At Rest. If Heaven would have a stairway my dear, darling Kevin, I would walk right up to "Heaven" and bring you home again. I miss you more each passing day Kevin.  Mama loves you so very much! Hugs and Kisses always sweet darling Kevin! Deine Mama fuer immer und ewig. We all love you and we all miss you dearest Kevin! 


July 10
July 10
Lieber Kevin! Sag im Himmel hallo zu meiner Mama, Deiner Oma. Heute hat sie Geburtstag. Du warst immer Ihr Knoepfle. Ich liebe Dich Kevin! Deine Mama
July 1
Miss you more than I could ever say with any words sweet Kevin! Mama loves you my sweet, sweet Kevin! ❤️
June 16
June 16
Danke für alles was du für deinen kleinen Bruder getan hast Kevin! Du warst mehr ein Vater wie euer eigener Vater. Der hat immer nur an sich selbst gedacht und an niemand anders als sich selbst. Na ja, so sind eben Lügner, Narcissistic, self absorbed man. Das warst du nie lieber Kevin. Kevin warst immer so lieb, geduldig, aufmerksam und vieles mehr mit deinem Bruder. Danke Schatz! ❤️Deine Mama
June 2
Honey my sweet Kevin I miss you! The years pass and yet my heart is still so shattered. I love to be with you if only I could! Always love you! Sweet, kind, giving man, my beautiful SON! Deine Mama
May 9
My dearest, sweet Kevin! Today 15 years ago we talked for the last time. My heart and soul is aching to hold you, to see you, to touch you. I miss you more than I could ever say with any words Sweetheart, my Heart Of Gold always. Einmal sehen wir uns wieder. Mama loves you, always have, always will. I miss your phone calls, your voice, your laughter so very much. I miss everything about you. Life has never been the same since you died and to this day I do not and never will understand. Your voice from that night still plays over and over again in my mind and I am so sorry sweet Kevin! I miss you darling and I love you so very much. Always and forever with me right here in my heart and mind. I take you with me everywhere I go and in everything I do. Rest in Heavenly Peace my first born Son! I wish you were here. Love you more than any words could say! Deine Mama
May 6
Love you sweet, sweet Kevin ❤️ Immer in meinem Herz und in meinen Gedanken ❤️ Deine Mama
April 29
April 29
Mama loves you Kevin ❤️ I miss you more than I could say with any words. My heart and soul is aching for you to be here with me. Sweet, sweet Kevin! My Heart Of Gold, my Son I love you so very much!
March 12
March 12
My dearest Kevin! Today 44 years ago I gave birth to you in Ludwigsburg, Germany. Every day I think, what would Kevin be doing. Would he be married, have children. I will never know because your life was taken way too early. I miss you just like I always do every single day. For every day in your birthday week I would buy or make you a little something till the glorious day you were born into this world. Such a beautiful baby! I love you with all my heart Sweet Kevin always have and always will. It will always be a very special day, the day you were born your BIRTHDAY! I love you my Heart Of GOLD, my Kevin, my Son! Deine Mama für alle Ewigkeit! ❤️
February 16
February 16
Hi sweet Kevin. Today is the day your Oma died, just 3 months before you. I remember today 15 years ago still so clearly. I love you sweet Kevin! I think about you every day and I miss you still more than I could ever speak with any words. My Heart Of Gold you left a huge void that can never, ever be replaced sweet darling. Mama loves you honey!
February 13
February 13
Mama vermisst Dich Kevin! I love you Sweetheart! Always in my Heart and on my mind!
December 25, 2023
December 25, 2023
Missing you on Christmas and every day my Heart OF Gold! Bin traurig ohne dich hier und werde es immer sein. Die Tränen fließen wie immer. Ich liebe dich mein Sohn, mein Kind, mein Kevin ❤️ Deine Mama
November 23, 2023
November 23, 2023
Thinking about you today on Thanksgiving and as I do every day my darling Kevin. Wishing you were here and we could cook together. You always were an awesome chef and always treated everyone so very kindly, sweet, respectful and so much more. Never forget the day you picked me up from the airport on Thanksgiving 2007. I so cherished that time I had with you and all the sight seeing we did. Thank you Kevin! I miss you so very much every day! I love you Honey ❤️ Hoping wherever you are you may get get to cook and eat as well. With Love always ❤️,deine Mama
November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023
Hello Sweetheart Kevin! Thinking about you, not just on Veterans Day tomorrow, I think about you every day, all the time! I miss you dailey and still can't believe that you had to die so very young. I miss you my sweet SON! Love you Kevin this much! Deine Mama
October 28, 2023
October 28, 2023
Ich vermisse dich so sehr. Es gibt keine Worte dafür wie viel. Bin immer so traurig mein lieber Kevin. Love you my Golden Boy! ❤️
September 17, 2023
September 17, 2023
Ich vermisse Dich so sehr.
Muss immer weinen.
Mama liebt Dich mein Goldschatz! ❤️
September 2, 2023
September 2, 2023
Ich liebe dich! Du bist mein Sonnenschein mein lieber Kevin ❤️ Mama
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
Danke für all deine Hilfe die du uns immer gegeben hast Kevin ♥️ People forget what we might have said, but I believe, people should never forget how you made them feel and give thanks to your loving, kind, beautiful, generous HEART ❤️ I love you Kevin ❤️ Immer bei mir in meinem Herz 
May 14, 2023
May 14, 2023
Kevin I miss you! Not just today on Mother’s Day, I mis you every day. You would be always the first to call, write and not just on Mothers Day, you always thought of me in a loving and kind way and would tell me thank you and so much more. I miss your tender, kind heart heart Kevin, I miss you and it hurts so much and always will. Love you Kevin ♥️
May 9, 2023
May 9, 2023
Missing everything about your my dearest Son, my Kevin! Your laughter, your humor, your goodness, kindness, your humanity toward all humans and animals. A kind, giving, caring Man, Child, Teenager always! I can't believe it's been that many years and yet I still have those memories of that horrid night in my thoughts and they play over an over again. I love you Sweetheart. You are my first and last thought every day and night Kevin. Mama loves you and some day I hope we will see each other again. Till then my sweet Son you are with me right here in my broken heart and in my thoughts every day. Mama loves you Kevin!
May 8, 2023
May 8, 2023
Always in my Heart ♥️ Kevin my ray Of sunshine. Mama misses you every day more than I could ever speak with any words. I love you honey ♥️ I am so sorry what they didn’t do for you. So senseless!!!! My Son, my Kevin, a Veteran-
April 30, 2023
April 30, 2023
Vermisse Dich Kevin! Ich liebe Dich mein Schatz ♥️ Deine Mama
April 8, 2023
April 8, 2023
Frohe Ostern mein lieber Kevin im Himmelreich! Ich liebe Dich mein Goldschatz! ♥️ Deine Mama
April 6, 2023
April 6, 2023
Miss you my sweet Kevin like every day. Today is my birthday and 14 years ago you were right here with me my love ♥️ Thinking about you like I do every day. So sad! Ich liebe Dich mein Golden Boy ♥️ Mama
March 26, 2023
March 26, 2023
Love you Honey ♥️ I miss you sooo much Kevin!!! So sad!
March 8, 2023
March 8, 2023
Love you Kevin ❤️ It’s your birthday week sweetheart and on Sunday is your 43th Birthday. I miss you so much Kevin! My heart will always be shattered that you had to die way too young. Mama
February 15, 2023
February 15, 2023
I love you Kevin ❤️ Always right here tugged deep inside my heart ♥️ I miss you every single day sweetheart! Mama
January 1, 2023
January 1, 2023
2023, can’t believe it.
Nothing changed Kevin. I still miss you every day. I see your beautiful face in my mind daily sweetheart. I love you Kevin and I miss you every day of my lonely life ♥️
December 26, 2022
December 26, 2022
Love you Kevin ❤️ Missing you always my sweet SON
November 16, 2022
November 16, 2022
Love you Kevin. I went to your Grave on Veteran's Day. I am sorry I didn't write here. I didn't forget you or all our Veterans. As always, it's the most heart breaking walk I ever done and still do. It shattered my heart that I have to leave you there and go home without you. My whole being still misses everything about you sweet Kevin. I love you sweet, sweet son of mine! Deine Mama
July 30, 2022
July 30, 2022
Schlafe in himmlischer Ruhe mein liebes Kind! ❤️❤️
July 30, 2022
July 30, 2022
Mama liebt dich Kevin ❤️ Ich vermisse dich jeden Tag und weine weil du nicht mehr da bist. Mein Goldschatz tut mir alles so leid! Deine Mama
July 20, 2022
July 20, 2022
Mama liebt dich Kevin ❤️ Ich vermisse dich jeden Tag! Ich bin immer traurig dass du nicht mehr bei mir bist mein Goldschatz ❤️
June 19, 2022
June 19, 2022
Love you Sweetheart ❤️ I miss you so much it hurts! Deine Mama
May 9, 2022
May 9, 2022
Hi my darling Kevin ❤️ Today marks 13 years of your tragic, unnecessary death that could have been prevented if only doctors and the woman, people would have cared for you and done the right things to keep you alive. Tears! Just know my sweet Kevin I love you and your always in my thoughts, my heart and my soul. It’s the hardest journey I ever had to walk and live through in my life and it will be till the day I die. I love you so! ❤️ Sweet, sweet, kind, funny, kindhearted Kevin ❤️ I visit your grave and the birds start chirping, it’s almost like they try to cheer me up. I walk way with a heavy heartland so much sorrow within my whole body and it aches me to that I have to leave you there. I will always love my sweet, darling Kevin! ❤️ Thank you for everything you done for everyone and never excepted anything in return. Thanks you for taki g care of me when I was sick Kevin! I m sonorous to be your Mama. Ich liebe Dich mein Goldeherz! Deine Mama
April 17, 2022
April 17, 2022
Frohe Ostern da wo du bist mein Kind, mein Sohn, mein Kevin ♥️ Ich liebe Dich mein Goldschatz ♥️ Deine Mama
April 6, 2022
April 6, 2022
Nun sind es schon bald 13 Jahre her als ich dich, mein lieber Kevin zum letzten Mal gesehen habe. Ich liebe Dich mein Goldschatz ♥️ Mama hat heute Geburtstag und ich wünschte Du wärst hier bei mir. ♥️ Deine Mama
April 3, 2022
April 3, 2022
Ich liebe Dich Kevin ♥️ Mama vermisst Dich jeden Tag! Deine Mama
March 28, 2022
March 28, 2022
Ich liebe Dich Kevin ♥️ Immer bei mir in meinem Herz und Gedanken ♥️ Mama vermisst dich jeden Tag ♥️
March 22, 2022
March 22, 2022
Love you Kevin ♥️ Forever and always my baby, son you will be ♥️
March 12, 2022
March 12, 2022
Happy heavenly 42.Birthday my dearest, sweet Kevin ❤️ I love you more than I could ever say with any words I miss you so much. Deine Mama
March 10, 2022
March 10, 2022
Thinking of you Kevin with deep sorrow in my heart that you’re not here with us to enjoy your life. I miss you, your amazing smile, your kindness, everything. This is your birthday week and on March 12th, it would be your 42nd birthday sweetheart. I love my darling Kevin forever and always! Deine Mama ❤️
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July 10
July 10
Lieber Kevin! Sag im Himmel hallo zu meiner Mama, Deiner Oma. Heute hat sie Geburtstag. Du warst immer Ihr Knoepfle. Ich liebe Dich Kevin! Deine Mama
July 1
Miss you more than I could ever say with any words sweet Kevin! Mama loves you my sweet, sweet Kevin! ❤️
June 16
June 16
Danke für alles was du für deinen kleinen Bruder getan hast Kevin! Du warst mehr ein Vater wie euer eigener Vater. Der hat immer nur an sich selbst gedacht und an niemand anders als sich selbst. Na ja, so sind eben Lügner, Narcissistic, self absorbed man. Das warst du nie lieber Kevin. Kevin warst immer so lieb, geduldig, aufmerksam und vieles mehr mit deinem Bruder. Danke Schatz! ❤️Deine Mama
His Life

My Golden Boy, Love Never Dies Kevin ♥️

May 29, 2023

Einsam bin ich ohne Dich Kevin

May 21, 2023
Love you Kevin. No new picture ever again since the day you passed away. It will be forever and alw the same pictures since 2009.

I love you Kevin ❤️

September 28, 2022
Forever and always my golden boy KEVIN ❤️
Recent stories

My dearest Kevin!

May 12
This day will always be bittersweet. You died just 30 minutes shy of Mother’s Day. Yet you still thought of me as sick as you were and had a Willow Angel set sent to me. A mother holding 2 little boys. You always were the one who would say Happy Mama’s Day first. I wish I could turn back time and you wouldn’t have moved and stayed with us, your brother and me. I miss you every day of Kevin and my heart still aches for you. Life has been so unkind and I know everything would have been easier if you would have lived to lend a helping hand. I still cant barely stand it to walk away from your grave site. My heart breaks a new every time. I love you my sweet Kevin! Always in my heart darling Kevin ❤️


November 23, 2023

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