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Our beloved Kevin, was and always will be in our Hearts and Minds. A beautiful kind, giving, caring man. We miss Kevin more than words could ever speak... There will always be a huge void in all of our life.  Kevin was raised as child in the Army. Kevin served as Combat Medic in the United States Army. He was a disabled Veteran and was faithfully and honorably retired in October 2006. Kevin loved to travel, loved sports, working out. Kevin was an awesome cook. Kevin was a Special Olympics Volunteer for many years, he started out when he was only a child. Kevin was always ready and willing to lend a helping hand. During and after Hurricane Katharina he helped cook for Policemen, Firemen and the people he was trapped with in a building. He helped with the clean up after the Hurricane in Slidell and New Orleans. Most of all "Kevin" was the best big brother to his little brother anyone could have and Kevin will always be remembered as "Our Heart Of Gold". Easy going, a smile that lit up a room like the stars in the sky. Kevin our beloved "Son" Forever and Always in our "Hearts and "Mind" sweet darling. Love is never ending, it's forever and always. Most people my darling will forget what you said and what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel, and you my darling child made everyone feel like they are the most important person when you talked to them. Thank you for everything you done in your short life. Gone to soon my sweet Kevin. A Golden Heart Stopped Beating, Your Hard Working Hands Are At Rest. If Heaven would have a stairway my dear, darling Kevin, I would walk right up to "Heaven" and bring you home again. I miss you more each passing day Kevin.  Mama loves you so very much! Hugs and Kisses always sweet darling Kevin! Deine Mama fuer immer und ewig. We all love you and we all miss you dearest Kevin! 


November 23, 2018
November 23, 2018
Love you sweetheart. See you soon Kevin. I am on my way to heaven soon. I am to sick to live and doctors are not helping me. I miss you more each passing day. I cry for you every day. My beautiful Heart Of Gold always my love
March 12, 2018
March 12, 2018
38 today my sweet love. I am sorry I haven’t been to your grave site my darling Kevin. Mama is very sick and I might be coming to be with you very soon. I miss you still every day and I love you with all of my heart sweet darling Kevin. I can’t believe nobody is helping me with this illness of mine. They removed the cancer but I am talking to a wall when it comes to my stomach. I know they messed up during surgery. Feeling so sad and in despair.
At least I know if I shall die today it will be a Gloria PTS day to see you Oma and everyone else. I love you Kevin and I always will forever in and always deine Mama
January 27, 2017
January 27, 2017
I miss you Kevin! It hasn't gotten any easier since you left us. I think about you all day long. My heart aches to have you here with me. Nearly 8 years since you passed away and still every day I still can't believe that you're dead. My tears haven't stopped falling as I miss you more than I could ever say my sweet Kevin. My heart is broken and it always will be. I love you Kevin and I always will. My Sweet Heart Of Gold!!! Mama XO
May 9, 2016
Good Morning my sweet Kevin! It's been 7 years since I last spoke to you my darling Son. Every day I miss you more than I could ever express with any words. I miss your beautiful smile, your humor, your phone calls, your visits when you had moved away, I miss everything about you!!! I will never understand why you had to die so very young. Also, will never understand why you were left alone so very sick. There is a huge void in our life without you here with us. Life hasn't been the same since you passed on. As you Mama, my heart, mind and body aches for you every day. I am so sorry I couldn't save you. I love you Kevin, my sweet "Heart Of Gold"! Always kind, loving, giving and so much more. A beautiful Soul with a Heart Of Gold, gone to soon. Mama loves you Honey. My sweet Kevin, always and forever in my broken heart. Ich liebe Dich mein Kind, mein Sohn! Mama XO
March 12, 2016
March 12, 2016
Happy Heavenly Birthday my dear, sweet, kind Kevin. I love you and miss you every day of my life. I still can't believe you are not here with us. What a tragedy! Gone To Soon my First Born Son! Always, Forever, For All Eternity in my broken Heart and always on my mind wherever I go and whatever I do. You are always with me Kevin. Kevin, Our Heart Of Gold! Mama loves you Honey! XO
May 9, 2015
May 9, 2015
My sweet darling Kevin, it's been a long 6 years without you! Not an hour goes by where you are not on my mind. My heart aches for you every single day. My tears are flowing every day for the broken heart I live it every day since you passed on. No words can ever describe how much I miss you daily. I miss everything about you my First Born Son. I would give anything to hear you laughter, listen to you talk, joke around. Call me to tell me what you plan on cooking today and the list could go on and on... Just know Sweetheart you are always with me, in my heart, in whatever I do in your Memory and in your Honor. All the music you loved, I listen to it daily and I see you in my mind as you used to tell me about it. You were always the first to know about all the new Techno music. As I left your resting place yesterday evening, Enigma came on, playing "Sadness". I know how much you loved Enigma and so much more, but how fitting. I am not just sad, I am a broken to my core. All of it has been to much over the last 6 years, but I know you know all of that, watching over Michael and me. We both miss you always, forever, for all eternity. I love you Kevin, Michael loves you and we always will. Part of me went with you the day you left us. Always and Forever in my Heart and on my mind. Till we meet again my sweet Kevin. Mama and Michael ~~~ Peace Out ~~~
May 9, 2014
May 9, 2014
Dearest Precious Kevin, I will remember you with every heart beat always. Kevin I love forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I am living my Son you will be. I miss everything about you my sweet, sweet Kevin. I can't believe it's been 5 years since I heard your voice last. We all miss you, words can not describe how much and never will or could. You lit up a room when you walked in with your smile and your loving, awesome personality... I miss you day and night Kevin. Mama loves you Honey. I will see you again, you really never left, you are always in my heart and in thoughts Kevin. Love doesn't die my dear Child, my Son, my Kevin ~~~~ I love with all of my might and heart, always will and always have ~~~ Mama XO
March 12, 2014
March 12, 2014
Happy Birthday Sweetheart <3 I love you and I always will, forever, always, for all eternity... We miss you dearly every single day <3 Thank you for your kind, giving, loving Heart <3 I miss hearing your laughter, your voice, everything about you my sweet Kevin. Mama loves you Honey <3 XO
May 9, 2013
Chiming in this morning to say, I love you my darling Son. I know you walk beside us every day, I feel your presence near us all the time Kevin. It's been 4 years today since you passed on. Gone way to soon.I miss you more than any words could ever speak... I am so proud of you darling Kevin. My Heart Of Gold. Forever in our Hearts. Love never dies Kevin. I will always be proud of you! xo
May 6, 2013
May 6, 2013
Ich vermisse dich mein Kind, mein Kevin <3 Ich bin so traurig ohne dich hier in unserem Leben... Immer bei mir in meinem Herz und in meinen Gedanken.
I wish I could hold you in my arms again Kevin. I see you around every corner, I hear your voice, I hear your laughter, I see your handsome, beautiful face and smile all the time. I love you Kevin <3
May 3, 2013
May 3, 2013
Good Morning my sweet Kevin, Mama loves you and misses you more than I could ever speak with any words <3 <3 <3 Hugs and Kisses my darling Kevin <3 <3 <3 Mama
March 19, 2013
March 19, 2013
Good morning my darling Kevin, your 33rd Birthday passed, and I still can't believe you are not here with us... I miss you more each passing day my darling Son... Life is and never will be the same without you here... I love you for infinity and beyond, as you always used to say Kevin... In my Heart and Mind forever and always... Mama <3
May 9, 2012
May 9, 2012
Dearest Kevin,

Three years ago today you left this earth for Heaven. We all miss you with your quick smile! Keep sending us your smiles from Heaven. Forever in our hearts! Love always, Dad
May 9, 2012
My darling Kevin, it's been 3 long years since you left this earth, just know sweetheart you are always right here with us.... don't matter what they say... you are right here in my heart, always for all eternity, right here in my heart... I miss you more each day that passes by... Your beautiful smile, your laughter, your jokes, everything about you is truly missed every single day ~ Mama
May 9, 2012
There are souls in this world who have the gift of finding joy everywhere and leaving behind them when they go. Your presence is a gift to those who know you and appreciate you always. Some people make the world more special just by being in it and your truly did Kevin... What comes from the heart, goes to the heart.
May 9, 2012
The people that make a difference are not the ones with the credentials, but the ones with concern... Thank you Sweetheart!
People underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all have the potential to turn a life around...Thank you Kevin ~~~
May 9, 2012
People who matter most are most aware that everyone else matters, too.. Treasure the one who things of you when all others are thinking only of themselves... Thank you Sweetheart ~~~
May 9, 2012
Do a deed of simple kindness.. Tough it's end you may not see, it may reach, like widening ripples down a long eternity... Thank you sweet Kevin for everything ~~` Mama ~~~
March 12, 2012
March 12, 2012
Today is your Birthday Kevin, 32 years young my sweet, kind, caring Kevin. Happy Heavenly 32nd Birthday Sweetheart ~~~ Mama sending you a cluster of rainbow colored butterfly kisses my darling Kevin ~~~ My love for you is for eternity Kevin and I will always and forever love you, honor you, think about you and you are here in my heart, right here in my heart infinity and beyond. xo Mama ~~
February 29, 2012
February 29, 2012
Hi Honey, I miss you more each passing day, just know you are always in my Heart and Mind... Always and forever sweet Kevin... I am so very sad... all the memories of 2009 when you were so sick my darling Son... and your Birthday is coming in just 12 days... and you had to spent in the Hospital.... This time of year... the memories hurt so very much... I love you Kevin, Mama misses you ~~~
February 29, 2012
February 29, 2012
I know for every tear I cry, there is another eye somewhere that weeps and cries too... For every day my heart breaks anew, there is another heart breaking somewhere too. Every day I ask myself "Why My Child".... Kevin, my Heart Of Gold ~~~ Forever and always in my heart sweet darling ~~~ Mama ~~~
January 25, 2012
January 25, 2012
Hi my sweet darling, Mama is sick... I wish you were here, just to hear your loving voice and say it's going to be alright Mama... As always my darling Kevin, I miss you more and more each passing day and my love for you is everlasting ~~~~ Love is forever and always ~~~ With all my love from the deepest of my heart "I LOVE YOU KEVIN!" Mama ~~~
January 6, 2012
January 6, 2012
Mama muss weinen um dich jeden Tag. Alles ist so schwer ohne dich mein Kevin... Dein Papa hat uns verlassen, mich und Michael... Es ist traurig was er gemacht hat mit uns... Er war sehr gmein mit seinen Worten zu mir.. Er so viele Dinge gesagt dir mir das Herz noch mehr zerrissen haben. Ich liebe Dich mein Engel... Mama ~~~
January 6, 2012
January 6, 2012
If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane my dearest darling Kevin, I would walk right up to "Heaven" and bring you "Home" to me where you belong ~~~ Gone way to soon ~~~ Never forgotten sweet, sweet Kevin ~~~ Oh how I miss you my "Son", my "Child", my "Kevin" ~~~ Mama loves you and I forever and always will ~~~ Miss you so much, more each day ~~~ XOXO
January 2, 2012
January 2, 2012
Kevin, your candle is lit every day in our home... I miss you so much and my heart is aching to have you here... I still can't believe that you passed on Kevin... I love you honey ~~~ Mama
January 1, 2012
January 1, 2012
Yet another year has started without you here with us on earth my darling Kevin.... I couldn't say ever how much I miss your smile, your humor, you kind, caring heart and just everything about you my darling... I can't believe you would be 32 years old this year... My baby boy... I shall always carry you with me in whatever I do... in my heart, soul and in my mind... Love you, Mama ~~~
January 1, 2012
January 1, 2012
When I think of all the memories, I cry my darling.... I have so many... from the day you were born till the last minute I talked to you... When your beautiful face lights up in my memories, in my brain... sometimes I smile, sometimes I get a belly laugh but I am sorry my darling Kevin most the time I cry... What a shame you had to go so soon... My heart is broken my darling Kevin... xoxo
January 1, 2012
January 1, 2012
I think of all the moments I had the pleasure to spend with you... So much happiness you brought into my life... You always made me feel so special and I will never forget your kindness and your loving spirit. I see you in my mind, as a baby, as a toddler, as little boy, as a teenager and most of all as a beautiful "Man" with a beautiful "Soul".
January 1, 2012
January 1, 2012
Memories hurt so much Kevin, I wish we could do all those things again together... You made it always so much fun, don't matter what we did.. I miss our talks, I miss your laughter my child... The day you left here, I still remember what you wore and how you held your "Jelly Belly" dispenser, just like a little boy, with a "prise" Thank you for all my "prises" we know what prise means. xo
January 1, 2012
January 1, 2012
I see you in my heart and mind, every single day, in different stages of your life here with me my "Son", my "Kevin"... No words can ever describe the pain, sorrow, the longing in my heart to have you back with me on this earth... I love you Kevin and I always will... Till we meet again my darling "Son" ~~~ Mama ~~~ Forever in my broken "Heart" ~~~
December 27, 2011
December 27, 2011
If only someone would listen like you used to Kevin, or would stretch out a hand, or would whisper a kind word of encouragement or would attempt to understand like you did my dearest "Kevin" ~~~ extraordinary things would happen... My little buddy from the day you were born... My best "Friend" ~~~ My Child... My "Son"... I love you my darling Kevin ~~~ I miss you and love you ~~~ xo
December 25, 2011
December 25, 2011
Frohe Weihnachten im Himmel mein Kind.... I love you "Sweetheart Kevin" ~~~ Love is never ending my dearest child, my "Son Kevin" ~~~ Still can't believe you not here with us... I miss you more each passing day....
Forever and always in my broken heart my "Child" my "Kevin" ~~~ Mama loves you honey ~~~
June 30, 2011
June 30, 2011
Good Morning my darling Kevin, today is Grandpas funeral in Arkansas... but you already know that my sweet child...
I miss you so much, more than I can bare most days... I love you more each passing day... Love is never ending..
June 30, 2011
June 30, 2011
In a few days is Independence Day, thank you for your service Kevin... Have a hooah day in Heaven "Soldier"... Mama loves you so very much ~~~ Forever and always in my Heart and Mind... Kevin our "Heart Of Gold" ~~~ Hugs and Butterfly Kisses for you
June 11, 2011
June 11, 2011
My dearest Kevin, I miss you more each passing day and my love for you is never ending... It's so very hard to live without you... I will never understand why... Just know my darling child... you are always in my heart and mind... I love you my darli
May 9, 2011
May 9, 2011
My darling Kevin ~~~ today it's been 2 years since you went to "Heaven" ~~~ My heart is shattered, a huge part of me died, the day you passed on.... You will always be with me in my heart and in my mind... Forever and always.. Mama loves you.. tears
May 9, 2011
May 9, 2011
Because of you my dear Kevin, the world has more goodness, more kindness, more caring, more courage, more hope in it... "Our Heart Of Gold" gone to soon, but will never be forgotten... I love you my dear child ~~~ I miss you Kevin!
May 9, 2011
May 9, 2011
Do a deed of simple kindness, Thought it's end you may not see, It may reach, like widening ripples, Down a long eternity... You are and always will be the kindest, sweetest, caring "Man" I know.
May 8, 2011
May 8, 2011
My dearest darling Kevin ~~~ I miss you more each passing day and love you even more ~~~ You are always on my mind and in my heart sweet darling Kevin.... Mama loves you ~~~ You always will be " The Man, My Son, A Brother to Michael ~~~ The man with
May 8, 2011
May 8, 2011
Tears aren't always what falls from the eyes, but also from the heart. Those tears people fail to see, because they don't look close enough to care to see...
Love you my sweet, darling Kevin ~~~ Gone to soon ~~~
Mama, forever and always ~~~ Love is
March 12, 2011
March 12, 2011
My darling Kevin ~~~ it's your Birthday ~~~ Mama loves you my sweet "Son" ~~~ Forever and always in my Heart and mind... I shall always miss you my Kevin ~~~ Never forgotten ~~~ Always in our Hearts sweet Kevin ~~~ Mama
February 14, 2011
February 14, 2011
Good Morning sweet Kevin ~~~ Sending Love, Hugs and a Cluster Of Butterfly Kisses to Heaven my sweet Son ~~~ You are loved so very much ~~~ I miss you "Sweet Kevin"
Happy Valentines Day in Heaven Sweetheart ~~~ Mama
February 13, 2011
February 13, 2011
I miss you my beautiful Kevin, my Son, my best friend ~~~ Love goes on my "Angel", Love is never ending Kevin ~~~ You are one of kind ~~~ Our heart of gold ~~~ I shall miss you my Sweet Child till we meet again ~~~ Mama
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My dearest, sweet Kevin! Today 15 years ago we talked for the last time. My heart and soul is aching to hold you, to see you, to touch you. I miss you more than I could ever say with any words Sweetheart, my Heart Of Gold always. Einmal sehen wir uns wieder. Mama loves you, always have, always will. I miss your phone calls, your voice, your laughter so very much. I miss everything about you. Life has never been the same since you died and to this day I do not and never will understand. Your voice from that night still plays over and over again in my mind and I am so sorry sweet Kevin! I miss you darling and I love you so very much. Always and forever with me right here in my heart and mind. I take you with me everywhere I go and in everything I do. Rest in Heavenly Peace my first born Son! I wish you were here. Love you more than any words could say! Deine Mama
May 6
Love you sweet, sweet Kevin ❤️ Immer in meinem Herz und in meinen Gedanken ❤️ Deine Mama
April 29
April 29
Mama loves you Kevin ❤️ I miss you more than I could say with any words. My heart and soul is aching for you to be here with me. Sweet, sweet Kevin! My Heart Of Gold, my Son I love you so very much!
His Life

My Golden Boy, Love Never Dies Kevin ♥️

May 29, 2023

Einsam bin ich ohne Dich Kevin

May 21, 2023
Love you Kevin. No new picture ever again since the day you passed away. It will be forever and alw the same pictures since 2009.

I love you Kevin ❤️

September 28, 2022
Forever and always my golden boy KEVIN ❤️
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November 23, 2023

Mein lieber Kevin ❤️

November 22, 2023
Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut, denn die westlichen Dinge bleiben für die Augen unsichtbar - Antoine de Saint-Exupery - 

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