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Her Life

Lenore Frances Kahanowitz Wax

April 24, 2022
Feb. 27, 1933 - April 22, 2022

Lenore was born in Latrobe, PA. She grew up in a three-generation home with her younger sister, Marilee Kaye Greenwald, her grandparents, Ethyl and Morris Goldenson, and her parents, Sylvia and William Kahanowitz. She attended college at Penn State University, graduating in 1954 with a degree in Political Science. In college, she was active in the Young Democrats and on the newspaper, The Daily Collegian. While serving as features editor for the Collegian, she had the opportunity to interview one of her heroes, Eleanor Roosevelt. 

Lenore attended a year at Penn Law and worked at Curtis Publishing Company and Towers Perrin. While living in Philadelphia, she was introduced by a mutual friend to a young Jack Wax, who had recently returned from serving in the Korean war and was taking prerequisite courses to study medicine. Lenore and Jack bonded over political satire and, after dating for 2 1/2 years, they were married on August 15, 1957, in Latrobe, PA. Shortly after, they headed out West in their VW bug to Los Angeles, where Jack would attend medical school and a residency at the LA County Hospital.

While Jack was in school in LA, Lenore supported their life working at an insurance company. She worked in the actuarial department, where her responsibility was training men to do the jobs the company would not allow or pay women to do! At that job, she was first exposed to the exciting new computing machines. She also took advanced math classes at night at LA City College and became active in local Democratic clubs. Through the Victory Young Democrats, she made life-long friends with many wonderful people, several of whom became up-and-coming movers and shakers. This group of young Democrats worked together to bring new, effective, progressive energy to local, state, and national politics, and became LA family to young Eva and Billy.

Eva was born in May 1961, just before Jack graduated, and there are photos of her in a playpen in the windows of various campaign headquarters. Just before Billy was born in December 1963, the family moved to their permanent home on Poinsettia Place.

Poinsettia Place was always a welcoming center of the LA family. The big house held dozens of political meetings, gatherings, and mailing parties across the big dining room table, stuffing envelopes full of targeted literature and potholders bearing candidates’ name. The home was the site of annual Hannukah parties, Rosh Hashanah dinners, and the legendary Passover seders, sometimes reaching up to 40 people around the assortment of tables for each of the first two nights of Pesach. There was always room for one more person—anyone who did not have a place to go, the friend or relative in town visiting—all were welcome, and no one left hungry. Lenore remarked that she met several of her close friends and colleagues at her own home because someone invited them to a seder.

There was also a long line of friends and relatives who took refuge in the guest room for days, weeks, months, or years at a time. Lenore and Jack’s generosity of time, energy, and money for the people they cared for and causes they believed in was well known and very appreciated.

Lenore dedicated her life and career to service. She worked hard to elect and support many notables, including Henry Waxman, Howard Berman, Mel Levine, Herschel Rosenthal, David Roberti, Rick Tuttle, Zev Yaroslavsky, and many more. She served on many PTAs, Democratic clubs and committees, and Jewish organizations, often in leadership roles. She was appointed to the California State Board of Education by then-governor Jerry Brown Jr. in 1976 and served on the curriculum committee for several years. Lenore also sat on the boards of Temple Israel of Hollywood, Jewish Federation Council, and the Westside Jewish Community Center, and was passionately involved for decades with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), serving on the Los Angeles Region Executive Council up until her death.

Lenore was honored to be an elector (in the Electoral College) twice. She was a delegate at many Democratic conventions and always remained up-to-date and involved in the political ongoings of Los Angeles. At her final convention as a delegate to the Democratic State Central Committee, Lenore brought her granddaughter, Maya, along as an observer. She was thrilled to be able to accompany her granddaughter to the following convention, when Maya was appointed as a delegate.

Lenore was always proud of being Jewish and carrying on holidays, culture, and traditions. She was a life-long supporter of Israel, visiting several times and making sure that her children, nieces, nephews, and grandchildren knew their heritage and traditions and had the opportunities to visit Israel.  She was an active member and supporter of Temple Israel of Hollywood from 1965 until she moved up to Santa Cruz in 2020, where she joined Maya’s congregation, Etz Chayim of Palo Alto, and the local Santa Cruz Reform community at Temple Beth El.

Lenore and Jack loved to travel and took many exciting trips all over the world, both with and without Eva and Billy.

We are very grateful that Lenore felt ready to move up to Santa Cruz in 2020 to be closer to her two children and four out of her five grandchildren. We appreciate the extra time we were able to have with her during her last couple of years.

May 23, 1988 Tribute to Lenore Wax

April 24, 2022
Monday, May 23, 1988
  Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, we rise today to pay tribute to an extraordinary individual and dear friend, Lenore Wax. Lenore will be honored on Saturday, May 21, 1988, by the Los Angeles County Democratic Party as the 1988 Democrat of the Year from the 45th Assembly District.
  For well over 20 years, Lenore has been an extremely valuable friend who has devoted her life promoting democratic causes and in helping and serving others. Her accomplishments, which include the full spectrum of educational committees as well as political and community affairs, have led others to seek her knowledge and insight.
Lenore has continually worked for the betterment of education in California. Her energy and commitment is a testimony to her achievements in this field where she is recognized as an outstanding leader.
  Lenore served as a member of the California committee on teachers credentialing from 1981-85, the State board of education from 1976-81, as chairperson on the joint committee on vocational education and chairperson of their legislative committee. She also served on the Los Angeles Board of Education advisory committee for year round schools, legislative chair 1Oth Hollywood Council PTA, and PTA and Advisory Councils for the schools of Melrose, John Burroughs, and Fairfax.
  A lifelong commitment to Democratic politics has made Lenore an invaluable leader in the party. lenore has served as cochairperson, 26th Congressional District State committee; chairperson, 61st Assembly District Council; president, Victory Young Democrats; president of the Beverly Hills Democratic Club; chairperson, Congressman Henry A. Waxman Campaign Committee. She was also a delegate at the 1984 Democratic Convention. This list of accomplishments is astounding those who know the time it takes to make a difference.
  In addition to her political and educational contributions, Lenore has also been very active in a wide range of community organizations, and has willingly and generously devoted her time and energy to important causes. President and chairperson are not new words to Lenore who has served on the board of the Fuller Avenue Senior Citizen Housing Board and vice-chair of the education committee for Pacific Southwest Region Anti-Defamation League.
Lenore has tirelessly devoted her energy and resources over the past 20 years to the Jewish community. She served as officer of Temple Israel of Hollywood, member of the boards of the Westside Jewish Community Center and Jewish Federation Council, vice president of the metropolitan regional board and board member on the executive committee and education committee of the Community Relations Committee. She was on the board of the Bureau of Jewish Education and Council on Jewish Life. The quality of life in our community has been enhanced through her efforts and a large number of people have benefited from her selfless service.
  Her husband, Jack, and her two children, Eva and Billy, share the community's pride in Lenore.
  It is our distinct honor and pleasure to ask our colleagues to join us in honoring Lenore Wax, our dear friend, an invaluable member of our community, and a truly remarkable human being.