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October 24, 2022
October 24, 2022
From Isaac Wax (Lenore’s Grandson). Lenore was a great person and I am sad that she is gone. I am inspired by the large positive impact she had on the world.
May 6, 2022
May 6, 2022
Lenore was a true mensch. I first met Lenore 10 years ago when I started to work for the National Council of Jewish Women Los Angeles. She immediately asked me - if I was related to Jeanne Jacoves. They were friends and neighbors. Having children the same age they shared carpooling responsibilities and became fast friends. My husband, Mitchell, joins me in sending our deepest condolences to all of Lenore's family. I so enjoyed her through the years at NCJW|LA and reminiscing on the good 'ol days. She told me many a story.
Additionally, I know that all the people she came into contact with at NCJW|LA join me in my condolences. She made a very big mark on our organization and all that we accomplished in the community. Her name was attached to many advocacy projects, programs, and services -- she cared deeply and made sure that her voice was heard. May her memory forever be a blessing. 
May 1, 2022
May 1, 2022
I first met Lenore in 1961 when she and Jack lived on Normandie Avenue. From then on she was a guiding light in my political life. Her home was the center of many meetings, reunions, dinners and politcal causes. May her memory be for a blessing.
April 29, 2022
April 29, 2022
Lenore was one of the most extraordinary of women I have met during my 70+ decades here on this planet! I met her and her husband, a distant cousin on the Wax side of my family, at Sunday school at TIOH where their Philadelphia accents and last name gave them away. Rabbi Goldberg was presiding over the class. It was so memorable because soon after I was embraced by both of them and invited to the wonderful seders mentioned by others. It was my pleasure to help out with the cooking of the salmon and whatever else Lenore wanted. She really was so kind and generous to all who knew her. Her political activism and support of many vital organizations is legendary. The hours spent with her were inspirational in many ways. I have missed her companionship since she moved to Santa Cruz to be surrounded by her amazing family for her final stage of life. May she Rest In Peace and her Memory be a Blessing. 
April 28, 2022
April 28, 2022
Lenore was a dear friend for about six decades.  She was a deeply committed activist and community leader, involved intensely in numerous political campaigns, one in particular I most remember.  She played a critical role in my first campaign, and a very important one in all the others I had after that.
In addition, back in 1972 she lent me her daughter who at a very young age walked precincts with me door to door.  So many we met loved seeing her, and voted for me. She spent a long time as a Governor Jerry Brown appointee to the State Board of Education and played a key role in so many good causes and campaigns.  Loved her very much, and regret not having kept in touch with her during her last months living in/around Santa Cruz. A very special person.
April 26, 2022
April 26, 2022
Lenore Wax was both a friend of my mother, Trudi Lippman, and a friend of my husband, Alex Kwechansky and my friend (Sharon Lippman Kwechansky).
My mother was involved in many Jewish organizations along with Lenore: Board Member Of Temple Israel Of Hollywood, Leadership Women’s Division Of Jewish Federation, National Council Of Jewish Women, Sisterhood Temple Israel Of Hollywood Leadership, where she and Lenore connected. My husband loved talking to Lenore re politics. We like others gave her rides to and from events. She certainly is a role model for all of us to follow re activism, involvement, generosity, kindness, family, friendliness, and so much more. She will be deeply missed by so many. ❤️
April 26, 2022
April 26, 2022
From Rosie wax Lenore’s granddaughter
Lenore was so nice and I love her so much we had a lot of fun and she was
always there for me she was the light in the dark.

I miss her :(
April 26, 2022
April 26, 2022
Lenore was my friend. We shared activities at Temple Israel, political activism, book clubs, theatre. She will be missed.
April 25, 2022
April 25, 2022
Lenore took in anyone who needed somewhere to go for Passover or the High Holidays, and supported generations of young activists. We were all fortunate to sit at her table and hear the stories of how she changed the game with Howard Berman and Henry Waxman. We loved her and will miss her. May her memory be a blessing.
April 25, 2022
April 25, 2022
Lenore was a brilliant and active community advocate who will be greatly missed by all of us. May she rest in eternal Peace.
April 25, 2022
April 25, 2022
Lenore was a big influence in my life, dating back to the 90s when she and Jack hosted the most wonderful, delicious, inclusive, and enjoyable Seder dinners. We had many causes in common and Lenore could always be counted on when it mattered. Whether it was an NWPC lecture, an ADL committee meeting, a JPAC lobby day, or an effort to get out the vote for a good candidate, Lenore just showed up. She was always ready to help, with or without recognition, in any way she could. She was a loyal friend and I will miss her. Our last conversation was just a few months ago and she was in fine spirits, so happy to be with family and still supporting the good causes. May her memory be a blessing.
April 25, 2022
April 25, 2022
Lenore was a genuine Human Advocate that advocated for people of every creed and color! We, the Los Angeles Community, will miss here greatly! 
April 25, 2022
April 25, 2022
Lenore was a ball of fire. I loved her passion for social justice and her activism. She has been missed at Temple Israel of Hollywood since she moved up north to be with her family, yet I'm so happy she was able to be surrounded by family in her last years. 
April 25, 2022
April 25, 2022
Lenore was one-of-a-kind.
An activist who was always ready to help, to be involved and to get others to be involved too. In my years with ADL, Lenore was a constant----working on projects, donating, inter-acting with lots of people and using her contacts to promote a cause (or multiple causes).
She was interested in issues. She would come to meetings---unsure of her ride home--but committed to learning and finding out what was happening.
She was special and will be missed.
April 24, 2022
April 24, 2022
Lenore had so much energy and was involved in so many ways Democratic Party; Jewish Federation, ADL, JPAC and so many political campaigns. Her house was a center of so many activities. She contributed in so many ways large and small. I will miss her.
April 24, 2022
April 24, 2022
Sad new indeed! I met Lenore at NCJW and worked with her on the Advocacy Committee and enjoyed the Lobby Trips to Sacramento with her, everyone knew her there. Also, was privileged to work with her ten years ago on the Howard Berman Congressional race against Brad Sherman and learned of her long political activist history. May she rest in Peace and her memory be a blessing!
April 24, 2022
April 24, 2022
Lenore was a political activist par excellence. A friend and a neighbor, her home was a political Central Station on the Westside of Los Angeles. Barbara and I often chauffeured her to campaign and fundraising events, and in the process we kept in close touch with her. Lenore was one of a kind, and I will miss her.

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