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Her Life

Louise Picon Shimizu (1947-2020)

May 29, 2020
Born July 5, 1947, in Arlington, VA, she was the daughter of the late Leon and Lucy Long Picon. As her parents were stationed in England and Japan, her childhood years were spent abroad with her two siblings, Ellen and Bill, their adventures becoming the source of much family lore. After studying Linguistics, Japanese, and Chinese at Georgetown University, she worked as lecturer of English in Japan and met Masaharu at IIST. The two bonded over the Koto, a Japanese harp instrument, which Masaharu enjoyed playing in his free time. Louise became interested in learning to play the Koto, and Masaharu interested in teaching Louise, but soon became more interested in each other. The two married in 1971 and spent 28 years in Tokyo, Washington DC and Sydney (Australia), before settling in North Bethesda, MD.

Louise’s modest nature often concealed the extensive range of her contributions to various projects and organizations. She took her love for community, culture, languages, and motherhood, and channeled them into opportunities to help and support others. While in Japan, she taught English at the newly established graduate business school (IIST), taught childbirth education to foreign residents in Tokyo, simultaneously contributed to introduce and promote in Japan natural childbirth methods including the Lamaze technique, translated and authored a number of books on childbirth in Japan, co-authored the Japan Health Handbook, a comprehensive guide for navigating the Japanese Health care system for residents from abroad, and helped operate and expand a multi-language medical call-in center for foreign residents in Japan (AMDA International Medical Information Center), all while mothering three rambunctious boys. 

After moving back to the Washington D.C. area, she started working as a coordinator for WBFN, where she worked in various capacities to help World Bank families in transition from their respective countries. Following her work at the Bank, she became involved with the Aschiana Foundation where she worked tirelessly to help educate and improve the well-being of vulnerable children in Afghanistan. Throughout, Japan was always close to her heart, and as a member of the Omotesenke Domonkai Washington DC, she enjoyed practicing and promoting Japanese Tea culture with Masaharu.

Louise’s greatest passion, however, was always family. During 50 years with Masaharu characterized by love and adventure, they raised three sons, Edowa, Thomas, and Ken. They discovered the great joy of grandparenting with the arrival of Renna, Sachi, Rei, and Kaiwa, as well as grandniece, Paloma, nurturing strong bonds with each of them. Unfazed by the distance to England, the Netherlands, and Australia, Louise travelled to visit them whenever she and Masaharu were able to, and in the meanwhile, pioneered digital grandparenting via Skype (and later WhatsApp, FaceTime, Zoom, eBooks) engaging the children regularly with books, songs, puppet shows, and games — always with endless charm, and love.

As the product of an international upbringing, she had a deep appreciation for the need of community beyond borders, and was dedicated to bridging cultures through her work and friendships. She raised her children with a strong cross-cultural foundation, naturally fostering a global family rooted across three continents and Japan.

Louise Picon Shimizu (1947-2020)

May 21, 2020
1947年7月5日、米国バージニア州アーリントン市で、故レオン/ルーシー・ピコン夫妻の間に生まれる。父のイギリスおよび日本での米国大使館勤務に伴い、姉エレン、弟ビルと共に外国生活を経験しながら育った。その三姉弟の幼少期における二つの国での無邪気な冒険談は、今日でも子の代、孫の代まで語り継がれている。米ジョージタウン大学で日本語・中国語・言語学専攻。卒業後は、日本で英語講師となり、貿易研修センターで正治と出会う。正治が寸暇に爪弾いた箏の調べに惹かれ正治より箏を習い始め、やがてお互いの絆を深めていった。1971年に結婚した後、東京、シドニー、ワシントンDC地域で3人の息子を育てながら暮らした後、1999年には友人・親族の多いワシントン DC郊外、北ベセズダ市に定住した。

ルイーズ自身の謙虚さのためか、自らの広範な活動や様々な団体への貢献はあまり人目につかないことが多かった。コミュニティー、文化、言語及び母性への熱意を基に多様な仕事に関わり、積極的な活動を通して人々を繋ぎ、また支援した。日本在住時は、新設されたビジネススクール大学院のIIST (貿易研修センター)で英語を教え、次いで、東京圏の外国人夫妻を主な対象に出産教育を主宰・指導し、同時にラマーズ法等の自然分娩法の日本への導入および普及に尽力した。また、出産に関するいくつもの本や記事を翻訳・執筆し、それらの経験を踏まえ、日本の医療制度を外国人に体系的に案内するJapan Health Hand Bookを共著で出版した。さらに、増える在日外国人の医療ニーズに多言語(それぞれの母国語)で支援するAMDA国際医療情報センターの運営および拡大への支援をボランティアとして行った。この時期のこれらの活動は、三人の腕白息子を育てる傍らやりこなした。


活動と熱意に満ちた人生だったが、その中でも家族に対するルイーズの情熱はやはり格別なものであった。深く敬愛した三人の息子たち(江戸和、友益、健)が巣離れすると、やがて孫にも恵まれ「ババ」の愛称で親しまれながら、孫たち各々の成長を見守り頻繁に接する喜びは、大きな生き甲斐になった。蓮奈、咲地、麗、解和の4人の孫たち、および近所に住む姪の娘パロマにも輪を広げ、一人一人との強い親愛の情を育んできた。イギリス、オランダ、オーストラリアへの距離をものともせず正治と共に孫訪問の旅を重ね、孫たちとの肌の触れ合いでその絆を実感した。旅のできない期間にはSkype、そしてやがて活用できるようになったWhatsApp、 FaceTime、Zoom、eBooksなどのアプリを使い分け、”digital grandparenting”(「デジタル祖父母」)のパイオニアとなった。終始尽きることのない愛情を注ぎ、週に何回でも機会のある度にインターネットを介して本を読み聞かせ、歌を唄い、人形劇をして見せ、ゲームにも興じ、孫たちを魅了し続けた。
