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Share a special moment from Lydia's life.

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Our precious warrior

July 11, 2021
You will always be our special little girl. Your smile so contagious even in your fight. No adult could have fought as hard as you. You were so loving and your hugs so special
 We prayed so hard for you but God had other plans. I am sad you are gone but glad you are in the arms of Jesus. Both Laverne and I our little ray of sunlight

Our precious warrior

July 11, 2021
You will always be our special little girl. Your smile so contagious even in your fight. No adult could have fought as hard as you. You were so loving and your hugs so special
 We prayed so hard for you but God had other plans. I am sad you are gone but glad you are in the arms of Jesus. Both Laverne and I our little ray of sunlight

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