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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Marialla Magloire, 28 years old, born on January 6, 1983, and passed away on May 19, 2011. We will remember her forever.
May 19
May 19
Dear Mari,

This day is so hard. Your little nephew was born earlier this month, and I told myself just to be brave and remember you. I'm thankful everything went well, and it made me realize again how strong and brave you were. We love you and miss you as always. We continue to keep your spirit alive through your foundation and your memories that we are passing on to the next generation!

Love, Zi
January 9
January 9
I have been locked out of my email account since November 8, 2023, therefore, I did not get the timely reminder from this site, but I knew the date was approaching. I was trying to remember the name of this memorial site and finally I did – Forever missed! …Oh how appropriate… You are missed, you are loved, you are remembered! Crazy times Mari and I know you’re watching from above with Dad!

-Later (it’s never goodbye)
January 6
January 6
Happy birthday Mari! We love you and remember you today like every day. AnnMarie visited your memorial site for the first time today, and Fernada, ticky mom and I prayed there and left new flowers. Your foundation, MVM, is going to be more active and impactful than ever this year. You continue to inspire us. We love you forever, happy 41st birthday!

Love, Zi
May 21, 2023
May 21, 2023
Hi Mari -I was going to write some thing yesterday, May19, which is the day of your transition, but I did not see a reminder in my email. For some reason, I assumed the site was down/or no longer active. Today, Feel mentioned the site and a message from Zi. I think when someone writes a tribute that’s when it sends a reminder/notice of a new tribute.

You are missed Mari and I have some comfort to know that you are with Dad.
I like to use the image of a candle when I write to you because part of your name means light and also you will forever shine brightly in our minds and heart❣️
May 19, 2023
May 19, 2023
Hey dear sister,

We are all remembering you today and miss you so much. You continue to inspire us, and right now your niece AnnMarie is dancing in her ballet shoes to moonlight sonata playing in the background. Love you forever Mari!
January 6, 2023
January 6, 2023
Hey Mari, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ❣️ Today’s a big one, 40❗️ What do you think of our niece… Adorable and cute doesn’t do her justice…She’s so precious. I trust you are watching over us as we remember you down here.
January 6, 2023
January 6, 2023
Mari, I miss you. Happy 40th, Always in our hearts.
January 6, 2023
January 6, 2023
Mari happy 40th birthday! We love you so much and are thankful that the Lord has allowed your spirit to live on in the work He is doing in our lives. Stargazer Academy has been officially formed through your foundation and is a school that will reach many children including your little niece who shares your name. We love you forever, happy birthday!
May 19, 2022
May 19, 2022

We love you and miss you so much. Yesterday we had a wonderful time at the Leon High School awards ceremony where we awarded two stellar students the arts and sciences scholarship established in your memory. AnnMarie, your little niece named after you was there and was full of your theatrical spirit! Until we meet again, we will continue to love and pray for each other and remember you always.


Your sister Zita
January 6, 2022
January 6, 2022
Thinking of you on your birthday, Mariella and remembering all the fond memories you've shared with Erin throughout the years. We love you.
January 6, 2022
January 6, 2022
I love you Mari and am remembering you today and everyday. It's a beautiful day here in Cairo and I'm here with your little niece who is named after you and mom. I helped a mother and daughter today and it reminded me of you so much. I know I wouldn't have been able to help them if I hadn't learned the things that life with you taught me. I love you and am celebrating you on your 39th birthday!


January 6, 2022
January 6, 2022
Happy Heavenly Birthday my dearest Marialla on what would be your 39th Birthday!! It is a beautiful day here in Tallahassee and we want to remember all of the funny jokes and things you would share with us through your amazing wit. We celebrate your memory and keep your positive spirit alive through all that we can do in your name. Sending you all of my love today and everyday!! Your loving Mom.
January 6, 2022
January 6, 2022
Going to light a candle this morning and load up on coffee to celebrate God giving you to us for as long as He did. I am so blessed with all the memories and laughter your friendship brought. Wishing you a heavenly birthday today <3
May 20, 2021
May 20, 2021
My dearest darling Marialla, May 19th is always a very difficult day, and the 10 years that have passed since your departure have not softened the pain of your loss. We continue to love and cherish your memory and work to create positivity and light in the world in your name. We are so thankful for the arrival of little AnnMarie, named after you and me. She is our new source of joy and hope!! My greatest hope is that one day we will be reunited and until then I remain your loving mother. Kisses my darling. Eternally yours, Mom
May 19, 2021
May 19, 2021
Wow Mari you are still alive in our hearts and minds and we are so thankful for our dear memories of you. I am thankful for the kind of person you were--strong, intelligent and with a love for life. I'm thankful to be able to hear others talk about you and what you meant to them. We may be apart for now, but one day our journeys will bring our paths together again. Love you always.
May 19, 2021
May 19, 2021
Dear Marialla, you have always been such a good friend to Erin and I enjoyed watching you and Erin grow up together.

I think of how you made us laugh and brightened up our lives with your positive attitude. I wish you were here with us now and I miss your smiling face. Please know how mu h you've meant to us and everyone who had the opportunity to know you.

"Erin's Mom"
May 19, 2021
May 19, 2021
A decade since you left your earthly body. A decade missing you and telling our stories. The legacy you left behind is one of sense of humor, words of wisdom, love for the arts, & determination - all these things your loved ones hold dear and perpetuate. As Ella & Lily mature, I especially appreciate your emphasis on education. I think about you all the dang time and pray for you and your family, still.
January 7, 2021
January 7, 2021
Happy Birthday Dearest Mari !!
What do you think of precious AnnMarie!
I know you and Dad are overjoyed and smiling down at her.
As always, thinking of you , loving you and missing you❣️

See you later ( it’s never goodbye)!
January 6, 2021
January 6, 2021
Happy Birthday dear sister. This is truly a pivotal time we are living in, and your memory helps put all of the things we are experiencing in perspective. As we remember you on your 38th birthday, we have awarded another scholarship to a Leon High School graduate in your memory ( Thank you for being a trailblazer, leaving a path that is helping to guide others. I love you and miss you!

Your sister, Zita
May 20, 2020
May 20, 2020
My dearest Mari, I miss you so much!! As we experienced the 9th anniversary of your transition from this life yesterday, we planned the day, May 19th, to set aside time for wonderful reflection on you and your life, prayed for you, and prayed that our spirits will one day be rejoined. We have new hope and joy as we are awaiting the arrival of your niece Ann Marie - named in honor of you and me!! This is such a wonderful gift Zita and Fernada are giving to our family, we are so thankful! Mari, you are always in my thoughts and heart, this will never change. Sending you all of my love through time and space. Mom
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
My Dearest Mari, Your wings were ready but our hearts were not.

It doesn’t seem like nine years... You’re never far from my thoughts and my heart.

We are living in the time of the corona virus, but there’s good news too. We’re going to be aunts this July!

I know you’re with us Mari and you’ll be sharing everything with us in Spirit.

Until we meet again
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
Dear Mari,

We are thinking of you and missing you today. There is going to be a new addition to the family this summer and she is named in honor of you and mom- Ann Marie. Still working on if it will be one name or two, but either way she will always know who her Aunt Mari is in our family- a beautiful genius who we will love always!
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
You popped into my head today. (I think you come to my mind often, even if only subconsciously.) I was remembering how you lived like there was no tomorrow - in a good way - playing by your own rules & making your own way. You were an inspiration there. Miss you always.
January 7, 2020
January 7, 2020

I pray for you and Dad daily... That you both are at peace and enjoying God’s paradise.

You never left my thoughts since the day you transitioned...

You are loved, you are missed, you are remembered.

12:42 am

May 20, 2019
May 20, 2019
Hi Mari,
Time seems to be passing by at a rapid speed...The good thing about it is that it brings us closer to our reunion.
We are doing the best we can down here and with God’s grace we move forward in faith for everlasting life.
Mari you're missed, loved and treasured.
May 19, 2019
May 19, 2019
Dear Mari,
We are remembering you today and it is unbelievable to think it has been eight years since you left us. Your foundation just awarded two more scholarships to Leon high school seniors this past week. These students remind me so much of you as they excel in science, art, foreign languages and just have so much potential. We are praying that God grants us peace as we await the time when we will be in eternity together.
Love you always,
January 7, 2019
January 7, 2019
Happy Birthday Mari !
(I don’t know why my messages are not showing up, this is my fifth attempt since yesterday.)
While we all stay in touch with each other,
you are always in our hearts and thoughts. It goes without saying, we miss you and the family is not complete without you… Through our faith, we look forward to our reunion!
Love you,
January 6, 2019
January 6, 2019
Happy birthday sister! I love you very much and your family is remembering you in their own special way today. We spent Christmas in Vienna 10 years after we visited there for the first time as a family. You were with us in spirit everywhere we went. I think of you and pray for you often. Until we meet zizi
June 16, 2018
June 16, 2018
I have some horribly mixed feelings
it numbs my hands...
so many thoughts and where do i start?
I. Miss. You.
I hear your voice and remember your laughter and how much fun you were to be around.
I could never thank you enough for everything! Everything!
Pls, take care, Mari-ella-ella, under my umbrella -ella-ella :)
I love you!
January 6, 2018
January 6, 2018
HAPPY BIRTHDAY❣ We had to give Dad back the same way we gave you back.
I could only imagine the serenity, peace and elation that the union between you and Dad have brought.
You're in my daily prayers and thoughts..
I know somehow, someway, some form, some shape, some realm you're both with us❣

Alex ✌
January 6, 2018
January 6, 2018

Another birthday we are celebrating here without you in person, but always with your spirit and memory. I love you and miss you. As per our family custom I took the Christmas tree down today. I also cared for someone today who reminded me of you, which was the next best thing to being able to actually care for you. Love you!
January 6, 2018
January 6, 2018
Whoa, hard to believe you'd be 35 today! Been thinking of that all week, like how and where we'd be celebrating & just interacting at this age on some other plain of existence. (Well, you know what I'm saying.) I like to think we'd be toasting in one of those hot tubs that float down the Regents in London. Also, it's been a while since I thought about this but recently remembered that some guy at school always called us the oreo twins ;)
January 6, 2018
January 6, 2018
Although we have never had the honour to have personal contact with Mariella, we share the grief and sense of loss with her mother Harriett, her sister and brother. We encourage you to always treasure those wonderful memories you have of your daughter and sister.
May 19, 2017
May 19, 2017

Your transition is not something we get over as time goes on… It's something we learn to live with. It feels more like yesterday than six years ago. I pray that you and Dad and all our love ones that have left this physical world are in God's beautiful perfect paradise, heaven!
We are all here on borrowed time; I'm waiting to be In God's glory and reunited with you and Dad.
Miss you Mari,
May 19, 2017
May 19, 2017
Dear Mari, it's your sister zi. I miss you and think about you all the time. You are our inspiration and keep us focused on what's most important. I love you and know we will be together again. Hug dad for me♡
May 19, 2017
May 19, 2017
My Dearest Darling, Yeebee, and BFF, this is a bitter-sweet day. Six years have passed since that faithful day, May 19, 2011. It does not get any easier -- I will always love and miss you, and look forward to the day that our spirits will be joined again. In the meantime, your loved ones left behind work to honor your memory and your values -- helping those in need, in pain, who need some kindness. Forever Yours Mom.
May 19, 2017
May 19, 2017
I watched a video about a month ago with the moral being that time is the most precious gift you can give someone because you give it knowing you'll never get it back. How lucky I was that you chose to spend your time with me! It was not wasted and shaped my life's path. Forever missed!
January 6, 2017
January 6, 2017
Happy Birthday Mari ! You are profoundly missed.
The family was reunited due to a crisis... One day we will all be reunited in God's kingdom; what an awesome day that will be!

Love You!
January 6, 2017
January 6, 2017
Girlfriend, how long has it been, and still I've met no one who can touch your humor, charm, and brilliance. You come to life in my mind with every urge to share a photo, big news, or profound thought. I miss you deeply.
January 6, 2017
January 6, 2017
Mari we love you and miss you so much. Today we find ourselves in the midst of another trial as a family. We are trusting that God will bring us through as He did when we had to give you over to Him almost six years ago. We pray for your peace and rest, and our reunion in God's timing. Love you forever!
May 20, 2016
May 20, 2016
Mari, my beautiful sister. It's been 5 years since you left us but you live in my heart everyday. Your kindness, intelligence and humor live on.
You are truly a positive force.

Love, your brother
May 19, 2016
May 19, 2016
Hi" Mari,

It's Alex... Today is not the only day you are thought of and missed. You're in my prayers daily and in my heart forever.
All is well down here… We are all doing the best we can. Through my faith, I await our reunion. Until then, "May you always walk in sunshine and God's love around you flow, for the happiness you gave us, no one will ever know. It broke our hearts to lose you, but you did not go alone. A part of us went with you, the day God called you home. A million times we've cried. If love could only have saved you, you never would have died."

Big hug!
May 19, 2016
May 19, 2016
Still missing my best buddy like crazy. Here in Atlanta, I am reminded almost weekly of the crazy, dumb stunts we pulled at Six Flags and the unrivaled fun I had in your company growing up. So grateful for each day we had together!
May 19, 2016
May 19, 2016
Although we have never had the honor of meeting you, we share the loving memories of that of your beloved mom, sis and bro.
May 19, 2016
May 19, 2016
To my dearest Mari, how I miss you my love! My most cherished thought and prayer is that one day we will be together again -- Best Friends Forever!! Your loving family tries hard everyday to contribute in some positive way to persons in need. I believe that you would be pleased with the work that we are doing through the Foundation we have established in your memory. You are forever in my heart.
May 18, 2016
May 18, 2016
Thinking about you now and always. So thankful for the work God has let us accomplish through your foundation. Knowing He has a much bigger plan than we could imagine is my hope and encouragement. Love you Mari!
January 7, 2016
January 7, 2016
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARI !! I'm so glad we had our talks over the phone… shedding light on our perceptions of our childhoods.You shined so brightly here on earth...may God's love shine upon you in heaven.
 Love you,
Alex   PS  Only Mari knows that I began writing this on the 6 of January, but hit sent on the 7th.
January 6, 2016
January 6, 2016
Happy birthday Mari! Love you and miss you. It's really cool to realize how you're never really gone. I woke up this morning and I read your Bible, and I put on your big black fluffy jacket and it kept me warm all day. I even think I look like you when I wear it. Love you always and happy birthday. Love Zita
January 6, 2016
January 6, 2016
Happy 33rd birthday in heaven. Ashley and I miss you dearly. Mari, you truly added light to our lives.
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Recent Tributes
May 19
May 19
Dear Mari,

This day is so hard. Your little nephew was born earlier this month, and I told myself just to be brave and remember you. I'm thankful everything went well, and it made me realize again how strong and brave you were. We love you and miss you as always. We continue to keep your spirit alive through your foundation and your memories that we are passing on to the next generation!

Love, Zi
January 9
January 9
I have been locked out of my email account since November 8, 2023, therefore, I did not get the timely reminder from this site, but I knew the date was approaching. I was trying to remember the name of this memorial site and finally I did – Forever missed! …Oh how appropriate… You are missed, you are loved, you are remembered! Crazy times Mari and I know you’re watching from above with Dad!

-Later (it’s never goodbye)
January 6
January 6
Happy birthday Mari! We love you and remember you today like every day. AnnMarie visited your memorial site for the first time today, and Fernada, ticky mom and I prayed there and left new flowers. Your foundation, MVM, is going to be more active and impactful than ever this year. You continue to inspire us. We love you forever, happy 41st birthday!

Love, Zi
Recent stories

Great Teacher

May 19, 2013

Many of you may not have known this about Mari, but just as we were always learning something from her, so too did handfuls of elementary school students whom she volunteered to read to after school. As Florida Future Educators of America participants, we regularly visited a neighboring school & were each assigned a group of small children to connect with through book discussions, craft projects, & similar activities as a means of nurturing our interests and futures in teaching. This is not something I would have naturally pursued on my own, but she had that special way of transferring her enthusiasm of a subject on to us who are less motivated!

November 19, 2012

Hi Marialla,

I was just reading the stories Erin shared with you and thought back to the time when you and Erin were in front of Leon High by the big sign that originally said, "Thank you, Waste Management for the Trash Cans."  I was getting inpatient with both of you...  You were rearranging letters that Erin handed you.  Finally, I got out of my car to see what you 2 were up to and the sign now said, "Thank you, Waste Management for those Rash Cats!"  I wanted to yell at you both but instead, we all burst out laughing! 

You always seemed to appreciate the chocolate chip cookies I made you so I think of you every time I bake them.  

I honestly don't know how you two managed to keep from getting into more trouble than you did but you were always very clever and witty.  I really miss you.  My prayers go out to you and your family.  You are truly loved.

"Erin's Mom," (Adrienne)           

Creativity Abounded!

July 5, 2012

Girlie, just randomly remembering the song you wrote for my cat Midnight about shoes, his greatest passion. Not many cats can say they have a personal soundtrack, and one of such a catchy tune for that matter! I hear us - you - singing it at ear-shattering decibel levels, oblivious to the world...a bold freedom that only comes with having one's best friend by her side. Someday my unborn children will sing this to their pets! Love you.

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