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I miss you every single day

June 3, 2021

I miss you and think of you all the time.. I came across a card and what was su perfect about it is that we each gave the other the same card (several years apart). I would give anything I have just one more dance with you (preferably a buckle shine).

I will love you forever

Mary was my best friend in 3rd Grade

July 18, 2017

She probably thought that others were her best friend, but she was mine. We lived diagonally across the big block in Silver Spring. Lot's of time after school and in the summer playing spies with our little sisters, two years younger than us, over the ensuing years in elementary school. Later, much later, my mother told me that she met Mary's mother, and they didn't worry about us when we were together, because even if Mary had a lot of crazy ideas, they knew I was a chicken, and wouldn't agree if the idea was too crazy. And if I was wrong, Mary would figure a way to get us back out of the situation.

We hadn't seen each other I think since shortly after birth of my firstborn, 30 years ago. I remember the dogs. The big dogs. Running free. Mary was a most inspiring free spirit. We were both Gemini's, born 4 days apart. Of the people I know, I fee like I am an archetypal Gemini, but in comparison with Mary, I'm not. Geminis just can't be tied down and she showed us all how to do it!

Love and blessings to the Boyer family, and friends of Mary who were in more recent touch with her.

Debbie Aliya

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