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May 12, 2021
May 12, 2021
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Posted by Susan Harrellson on July 13, 2017
above... made me remember that Mary and I were the two girls who insisted on taking shop with the boys back in 7th grade. The hoops we had to go through, and we wanted to be in the same class to support each other. There was a conflict with band, and it never happened. But we tried to buck the system. We had both taken a short shop class in 6th grade, when they had all the kids take BOTH SHOP and HOME EC. The boys learned how to scramble eggs and serve tea, and we girls learned how to use a claw hammer.
June 4, 2020
June 4, 2020
As on earth, I am sure she is a giving, loving and an original soul in heaven, loving up every dog she sees. Rest with love and hugs Mary Faith.
June 3, 2020
June 3, 2020
Hello dear friend - We know you are two stepping your way across heaven now but you are missed here.   Ruth
May 13, 2020
May 13, 2020
I just cant believe its been three years since Ive held your hand, looked into your eyes and told you how much I love you. I miss you everyday...
all my love
May 12, 2020
May 12, 2020
Love to Mary and I am sure she is loving back all of us who she influenced and inspired from early times.
(BTW I was Debbie Rosenkrantz in our youth. I left a longer story on this site back in 2017.)
May 12, 2020
May 12, 2020
I will never forget that dear girl! How hard she worked helping to build our house and all the fun that went with it and with Mary herself, having known her since she was a little kid. our loss!
December 26, 2017
December 26, 2017
Oh, I just learned of MaryFaith's passing today. 

We worked together for a few years at REI, where she was the Hiking with your dog and Dog-Pack expert. 

I'm sorry to learn of her passing earlier this year. I wish peace and comfort to those she left behind. xo
July 20, 2017
July 20, 2017
I only knew Mary through Liz, my dear friend. But I would like to pay tribute to her. Listening to all her favorite music here is a good indication of her spirit and goodness. I love this very personalized tribute page for her. She must have wholeheartedly lived and loved! God knows she suffered a cruel disease. I love the earlier reference to release. That it must have been for Mary. Peace to all of you who grieve her and know she will be there for you always.
July 18, 2017
July 18, 2017
I am putting together a CD of songs that remind you/me of MaryFaith, please send me some of your favorite songs
July 17, 2017
July 17, 2017
Mary's spirit lived out here in Colorado, too! And as I take in the photos---I see and feel Liz and Kelly (in the hair---oh you lucky Boyers and your curls!)---and all her amazing clan. Awhile back, I realized that Release and Real Ease are very similar. That's the vision I'll hold. Mary. In Real Ease. That wild spirit---free to roam and sail the heavens forevermore...without a care. Just sheer joy! Thank you all for this precious page, honoring your beloved sister. I don't know---but I have a feeling Mary would grin and roar and say, "Happy Trails" to US all. Let's hike for her...while we can!
July 15, 2017
July 15, 2017
I know and bond with Mary through several ways, first and foremost through the love, strength and encouragement she and I both receive from her sister, Liz Boyer Ryan. Meeting Mary in Liz and Tom's home in Colorado and listening to Liz's stories of Mary, my knowing and bond with Mary grew ever more deeply. I learned of her love of the outdoors when we talked about her work at REI. Other outdoor adventure friends knew Mary through her time at REI. We bond through our love for our dogs. If Mary has blazed new trails in heaven already, I'm sure my dog, Chase, is hiking with her, until her own beloved dog arrives. It doesn't surprise me that Mary is a great dancer. I know and experience this family's grace and beauty through dancing with Liz at our church. I have felt Mary's strength through her journey and know it was increased through the love and care her family still gives her. Much love to your bold spirit, Mary!
July 14, 2017
July 14, 2017
I probably haven't seen Mary for 41 years. I remember her as the older sister to my friend Peter. But she also was remembered as a rebel. She set the bar high for the other teenagers in our church. If Mary could get away with it, then other kids could get away with it too. That made her a leader. I didn't think it was a bad thing. She made possible the pushing of boundaries, and a lot of kids grew up better people, for having followed in Mary's footsteps. And while just a coincidence, I liked that she shared my mother's birthday. Mary and my mother shared many things in common...
July 13, 2017
July 13, 2017
I remember when the family was building the house at Antietam. Mary wanted to be up on a ladder framing the walls with hammer and nails. However, it was the 1970's, and "girls" just didn't do that sort of work (at least, they didn't used to!).  Grace explained to Mary that it was their role to serve beer and lemonade to the men who were working.  It must have been hard for Grace to say that, since was such a strong advocate for women's rights.  Maybe that's when something shifted, and things started to change . . . .   Its sad that Mary died so young.  I hope to stay in touch with you Joy, Liz, and Pete.
July 12, 2017
July 12, 2017
Dear Friend,
I remember when we both learned to two step and how much fun it was for so many years.  I remember you strength and toughness, but also
That soft side you kept buried deep.  We love you and miss you here
In our here and now.  Love and White light to you MF - and we'll see eachother again by and by.
July 12, 2017
July 12, 2017
I will never forget that challenging spirit of a girl! Such great memories of building our little colony on the Antietam. The world won't be the same without her .
July 10, 2017
July 10, 2017
Mary Faith was such a fabulous dancer; I was in awe with her grace and smoothness on the dance floor. When I first met her in the ‘90s in DC, we instantly became friends. She was my dance partner, my confidante, and on the road of becoming one of my dearest friends.

She was the epitome of what it meant to be a true friend. She helped me through many tough days; help me with my English course at George Mason; and even helped me move one too many times as a poor college student in DC.

As my young career started off, she was the reason for where I am today. She convinced me to come work for the company where she was the HR manager. That move launched me into a new career path that I have enjoyed for 20+ yrs.

I owe her a lot both personally and professionally.

We both left DC around the same time. She for the Rockies and me for the Pacific Northwest.

I can only hope I gave her the same love and devotion as she gave me during our friendship.

I also hope there are hiking trails and dogs in heaven; if not, Mary Faith will no doubt change the rules and there will be by the time we all join her.

Goodbye my beautiful friend. You are forever close to my heart.
July 10, 2017
July 10, 2017
I just got this news today from my sister Kris. I guess she heard from Leslie. I was unaware that MaryFaith was having health issues. So sorry to hear. She was a fun cousin. Loved your pictures. Judy & I would join you on 7/29, but we expect to be in Montana celebrating my birthday with our son Carl.
July 10, 2017
July 10, 2017
Warmly remembered by her Wilson College sisters. Anne Grimes, Wilson 1982
July 9, 2017
July 9, 2017
My dear, dear Mary
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss your sweet smile.
You were like my big sister. Two peas in a pod we would refer to ourselves.
You are always in my thoughts and I have such great memories to carry in my heart. Until we meet again my dear angel may you rest in peace
July 9, 2017
July 9, 2017
Sweet girl Mary Faith.
Things are just not the same without you. Miss you so very much. Miss your hugs so very much which was always to scratch your back.

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