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Happy Mothers Day Mommy!

May 12
My family continues to grow, I wish you could have met them, they all would have loved you as much as I do

Mother's Day weekend

May 15, 2017

     Dearest Mommy,
          I miss you SO much! Mother's Day weekend has ended and your were in so many thoughts and prayers! I wish you a fabulous Mother's Day! I wish I could talk to you so badly and I do sometimes.... I just wish you could speak back to me!!! I love you Mommy and I love this memorial administered by Jeannie and Gloria. How wonderful to  see and read more about your life. You are one of the bravest people I know! Sending great big hugs and lots of kisses. OXOXOXO                
     Love Always,
Forever and a day!!! 

Maurie Ann Treen            

The Designing Factor!

October 11, 2015

My Mother loved to recover our furniture and she would even sew the curtains and anything else she could to match.   I always felt so lucky to think we had new furniture all the time.  She was always so proud of what she had and wanted everything to look nice for us.   There were times when things were tough for them but she made sure our house was Imaculate is a better word..but it was always so nice to come home.  My sisters and myself and now our own children have taken on that same trait.  

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