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December 2, 2020
First met Michael late March 2019 in a memorial seminar. He impressed me on our first conversation: on the way to his new Paller lab, he was very excited to tell me that his wife was pregnant and he would do his best to spend more time with his family which is the reason that he moved back to Chicago.

Michael told me that he loves Chinese food, and could eat dressing hot peppers from the Chinese hot dishes. So I invited him to have lunch in a Lao Si Chuan Chinese Restaurant on Michigan Avenue before the end of 2019, and he ate the hot peppers in front of Kevin, me and my friend.I still couldn't believe that someone can eat that hot hot peppers........

Michael taught me a lot, from electronics to cook, from English writing to research data statistic analysis, he influence me in many ways......

I couldn't fell into sleep the past two nights after knowing you were gone, Michael. I still feel that I am in a terrible dream, and wish I never woke up to accept what just happened.....

I also remembered that on 2020 Chinese New year day, we had a very nice dinner in Michael's Chicago home, he taught me how to cook delicious lamb ribs,  and I have cooked lamb ribs ever since on monthly many enjoyable moments that you bring into my life, I miss the time to share the office with you, to share Chinese food I made, and so on ...I cannot thank you enough and I will miss you forever....

I enjoyed to read ' The Longevity Diet" book by Valter Longo from you, and I will have it with me for the rest of my life.

Take care and wish you to be the perfect man you always tried hard to be in Heaven, and don't work too much, Michael,,,,

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