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November 29, 2021
November 29, 2021
In memory of Michael Bonkowski, we went to Winthrop, his favorite fishing place, yesterday and eat at the Belle Isle seafood restaurant where he enjoyed getting takeouts. Our past year hasn’t been same as before without him in our lives (especially Meg, Mickey, Oliver, Michael and Meg’s families), but I am proud that we have gone through it together while carrying precious memory of him. He is forever with us in this way.
April 23, 2021
April 23, 2021
Always a Gentleman with a Beautiful Soul...
Heaven needed another Angel...
Rest In Peace...
December 29, 2020
December 29, 2020
It's been a month, and there is not a single day past by without me thinking of you Michael.

Michael was my mentor at the beginning at my PhD, and we worked together for four years. He was such a good mentor and trained me into the scientist I am today. He not only taught me experimental skills, but also guided me how to work with people and set up collaborations etc. The project he helped me incubate become the Cover story on Nature this month (, I know he would be extremely proud up there.
(he has co-authored paper on Cell, Nature, Science (CNS) journals, 3 most influential scientific magazines, which is an incredible achievement as a scientist)

But Michael did not just influence me as a scientist, he was like my second dad in life. When I started my PhD, I still had culture shock, Michael took me out boating, fishing and drinking, he explained all the American Slang and jokes to me, he has offered countless advice to help settle my family here. He was my "go-to person". I owe him a ton.

Michael used to say "Ryan (my English name), what I am teaching you, you gonna remember for the rest of your career". And he was right. He may have gone physically, but I feel a piece of his spirit is with me. I will try my best to continue his legacy.

Rest in peace fam!
December 16, 2020
December 16, 2020
Michael kindly introduced all three of my young daughters to 'real science' during their opportunities to visit the Sinclair Lab in Boston. Mike made them all smile as he took them on a tour, showing them how much fun science could be, especially when liquid nitrogen was involved! His enthusiasm and passion for research left an indelible mark on them and for that, I will be forever grateful. Rest well and in Peace, Michael.
December 14, 2020
December 14, 2020
Dr. Bonkowski and I had recently started working on a collaboration together. His passion for science was clear and impressive. From our casual conversations before meetings, I saw just how much telling stories about his family made him light up with joy. Sincerest condolences from our laboratory to his family, his friends, and his lab mates.
December 12, 2020
December 12, 2020
Michael brought brilliance into the world and I am honored to call him my friend. He made dark times sparkle and shine with laughter too. My deepest condolences to his Family and Friends.
December 5, 2020
December 5, 2020
Dr. Michael Bonkowski came into my life at the age of nine years old and little did I know that he would end up being the best friend I have and will ever know. He helped me with so much in my life and he brought me into his life and was the one person I would drop anything to help him back for all the adventures he included me in. Jet sking, fishing, Boston family, his family, dining out, living with him and thats just a few things I could go on and on about how amazing my dear friend Dr. Michael Bonkowski was and meant to me and so many others. I could honestly say and said it long ago he was my rock star and my idol. Will miss him as long as I live and never forget how special he was. Greatest man I've ever known Dr. Michael Bonkowski.
December 3, 2020
December 3, 2020
Shocked when I first heard the news from David's email. Still can't believe it is true. I was so lucky to be one of Michael's colleagues in David's lab. He always inspires young researchers around him. I once remember he asked me questions in the lab, like what's the scientist famous for in the aging field? Have you read this book about aging? I was touched by his enthusiasm in aging science. It is a painful news to accept. I have my sincerest condolences to his family. May him Rest In Peace.  /Yafeng
December 3, 2020
December 3, 2020
Michael I am still processing, just because you were one of the strongest go-getters I have ever met. I met you at U of I during a pledge recruiting event at the Phi Kappa Tau house. We clicked right away, and luckily you came back and decided to join. You were always a little older, wiser, and experienced than everyone else. Little did I know you were recruiting me/us into your life. You taught me how to snowboard, you helped me get my first serving job at TGI Fridays, you told me not to tell my girlfriend that I loved her if I wasn't willing to marry her, all while you were working hard at school and becoming the president of the house. You introduced me to Crobar and Shelter in Chicago, and in turn, I brought it back to the campus for everyone to enjoy, that was all because of you. You were always there for me when I was in a jam or just to give me much needed advice. You set up a snowboard trip to Breckenridge, Colorado in 2001. That was my first time in CO, and I think about that trip every time I drive up to the mountains while it's snowing, as I've lived in Denver since 2012. You introduced me to your family and friends, and always made me feel like family. From jet skiing to dancing, you never stopped living life. The last time I saw you was randomly when I was in Chicago, at a party, at the end of 2016 around New Years. You were there with Meg and Shawn. I was so happy to see you, because you had been in Boston for many years at that point, and I never travelled to visit you. We all went to the 4am club after for a little more fun. Shortly afterwards, you said your goodbyes and left. I left a little after you and saw you outside worried. I said, "What happened, I thought you left?" You said your car got towed, stupid Chicago Snow Route. I took you and Meg to the Sacramento pound, after two hours, and lots of stories, you got your car back, you thanked me and gave me a big hug. I finally got to help you in a jam for once. Sadly, that was the last time we saw each other, or spoke. I love you Dr. Michael Bonkowski, and will remember you for the rest of my life. My condolences to Meg, the boys, and the rest of your family. You will be missed. ❤️
-Paul “Sha Nay Nay” Rodriguez, Rivaz
December 1, 2020
December 1, 2020
The news was one of the most painful things I have ever had to take in. Michael was a once in a life time mentor and friend. His knowledge, energy, and enthusiasm for investing in the lives of those around him is something that goes unmatched. He treated me a like a brother and was there to help me navigate the adversities I faced. I am forever indebted to him for all he taught me, for treating me like his family when I was away from mine living alone in Chicago. Michael, our friendship transcends death, and the memories made will never be forgotten. Everyone you have touched has become a better person for having you in their life. My condolences to his wife Meg, their 2 beautiful boys, Mikey and Ollie, the entire Bonkowski family, and all those who were lucky enough to know Michael.
November 30, 2020
November 30, 2020
This news hit hard. Michael was one of those people that rarely comes along in life, a person who impacts everyone around them. So full of knowledge, energy, and an enthusiasm for life that was unmatched. I am forever indebted to him for all he taught me, which has directly impacted my growth as a scientist and human being. Michael, you will never be forgotten, may you forever Rest In Peace until we meet again. My condolences to his wife Meg, their 2 beautiful boys, Mikey and Ollie, the entire Bonkowski family, and all those who were lucky enough to know Michael.
November 30, 2020
November 30, 2020
Dr. Michael Bonkowski - a wonderful boss, mentor, and friend. It was an honor to get to know and work beside such a genuine, caring, and passionate person. His energy was contagious, and his presence lit up a room. I am grateful for everything he has taught me and his large impact on my personal and professional growth. My sincerest condolences to his family and to those who love him. Dr. B, we will miss you dearly. The mentorship you provided is something that may only come once in an entire lifetime. I am saddened that my time with you was cut so short, and I am lucky to have learned so much from you in such a short period of time. Thank you for changing my life for the better. Rest in peace, until we meet again. 

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