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January 29
January 29
9 years you've been gone, but the memories and difference you've made in all of our lives still fresh like yesterday. Miss you Min!
January 29
January 29
How are you doing there buddy? I am sure you are smiling down on us.

Drive pass Chestnut street where your old Edison home is every week on my way to H mart and often start talking about you to my son Rupert. He was born 2 weeks before Noah, remember? I talk to him about how positive you always were and how kind you were to everyone, and most importantly how much you enjoyed life and lived every day to the fullest. I am sure that was the only way you knew how!

January 29
January 29
Hi Min

It's been a while. How are you? I'm sorry I didn't say hi in such a long time even if I opened this almost every year. I guess you might be busy on some new and fun stuff now as you never made yourself bored.
Now I'm in Toronto. I'm surprised that it's even warmer than Chicago in winter. Speaking of winter, may I remind you to wrap up warm?
Best luck with everything, my friend.
November 6, 2023
November 6, 2023
I am browsing my old fav bookmarks, and reopened this. mate, can't believe this to date.
your upward sprirt has always inspired me

January 31, 2023
January 31, 2023
Time flies, already 8 years, miss you forever!
January 29, 2023
January 29, 2023
8 years.. we still miss Min!
January 29, 2020
January 29, 2020
Been 5 years. Hope you are doing great up there. Time flies, thought of you often, all the memory of yours stays with me. Hope everything goes well!
January 29, 2020
January 29, 2020
How are you doing up there buddy? Been 5 years. Thought of you quite often, especially when i pass by your old home in Edison.... Dealt with MorningStar quite often these days. If only you were still there.....
January 29, 2020
January 29, 2020
Thinking of my friend Min and his family and friends he left behind today.  I can’t believe it’s been five years. I miss you Min.  I hope heaven has a smorgasbord of amazing foods to enjoy and funny people to laugh with.  Be at peace. 
November 27, 2019
November 27, 2019
今天单曲循环In My Life,听着挺美的… 还久违的来这里重温了一下Min的一张张笑脸,继续循环,听着听着某一瞬间却突然鼻酸眼模糊……
今天着笔写last day email, 十三年来感谢的人有一堆。
January 30, 2019
January 30, 2019
How time flies, it's already four years. I still remember your laugh and fun stories. Miss you so much. Hope you are happy in heaven. Happy New Year, and miss you forever!
January 29, 2019
January 29, 2019
Hi Min, I missed you so much. This is the 4th anniversary. Hope you are doing great up there in heaven. Time flies but all the memory of yours stays with us forever. I will repeat this again:
与君相见,喜, 数日
与君相谈,悟, 良久
与君相处,暖, 经年
与君相别,念, 毕生
January 29, 2018
January 29, 2018
Has it been 3 years already? It feels so much longer than that.. I guess that's how it feels when one loses a friend of a lifetime. Still missing you!
February 1, 2016
February 1, 2016
Its been a year
since you passed away
the way I miss you is different now
I hope you know
how much you meant to us
I still think about you everyday
I just love and miss you
in my own special way
February 1, 2016
February 1, 2016
Hi Min, how are you doing up there in heaven my friend? I am sure you are enjoying everything just like you enjoyed everything here on earth. Time flies but all the fond memory of yours stays with us forever.
January 29, 2016
January 29, 2016
The tree turn green and yellow then dropped, one year passed, but your smile remain near us.
Wish you everything well in heaven.

January 25, 2016
January 25, 2016
Hi Min, I booked a calendar one year ago and realized we didn't see each other for one year already. Keeping recall your smile and your face in recent days, especially when I heard the Korea song on the way home. I will remember all the words you taught me and keep you spirit alive forever. Miss you and Parks!
April 23, 2015
April 23, 2015
I worked with Min for a few years at Thomson Reuters - infact I reported to him briefly during that time. He was always the most friendly giving person and a true legend. Someone everyone enjoyed being around and someone who lit up the room with his humour and fun. At the same time though he was a very dedicated worker and got the balance just right! I know he was a very proud father and am pleased that I was able to communicate with him before he passed. He will be greatly missed by all but also celebrated by the same people. I wish his family and friends well
February 10, 2015
February 10, 2015
与君相见,喜, 数日
与君相谈,悟, 良久
与君相处,暖, 经年
与君相别,念, 毕生
February 10, 2015
February 10, 2015
The first time I saw Min was at the SZ town hall meeting in 2011. That was his first time visit SZ office shortly after joined Morningstar, and that was also his first time to appear and know by SZ employees as his new role publicly. I was an Equity DA sitting on the audience area with a lot of SZ colleagues together. After Kunal’s speech, he introduced Min by an unexpected riddle: “Who got his first baby delivered at home with a plastic bag?” Everyone could not believe their ears. I stopped the absence of my mind and expected the answer. Then I saw a picture showing on the big screen, the guy in the picture has a fudge face, with a warm smile and bright eyes. Then Min came to the stage and started his speech. I couldn’t help to take more look at his face to make sure I can exactly recognize this crazy and funny guy in future.

When I took over the New World migration project as project manager from SZ tech team, I got the chance to work closely with Min. I knew more about Min, not only crazy and funny, but also energetic, positive, insightful and caring man. I was always hearing Min via emails or conference call day and night, He impressed me a lot by his hard working and funny stories. I spend much time with him when his second business trip in SZ because his main purpose was new world migration release. On the live release day, Min and I stayed up till 2 am for live issues tracking and communication with London and Delhi co-workers. That’s a crazy sleepless night I will never forget.

Min is a super food lover, every time he visited SZ office, we would never forget to bring people to enjoy delicious food. He would like to try every cuisine which people recommended. We enjoyed a lot working with Min as well as eating with Min. Everyone was so happy. We enjoyed Guangdong Dim Sum, Korea BBQ and Yunnan natural mushroom hotpot within one week. He liked the mushroom best and told everyone in Chicago not to miss it when visit SZ. That’s why we went to that restaurant several times why when Jo and Izzie came to SZ.

Min is so good at telling stories. With his humorous description, even the bad experiences became vivid and funny stories. He is so charming and it seems like his own some magic can make everyone like him even at first sight of him or at first conversation with him. I am very grateful for him to offer me a chance to explore the wider world. We didn't spend much time with Min in Chicago office. I wish I could spend more time working with him.

I'm truly saddened by losing such a good human being. Min, you will definitely be missed! You are alive forever in our hearts!
February 9, 2015
February 9, 2015
Min will be remembered always. He will be missed by all whom he met in his lifetime. His humor is just a memory now. Miss you Min.
February 6, 2015
February 6, 2015
Min could touch people so easily with the warmth of his character. We may have lost his physical presence but his spirit lives with all of us who have kept a part of our hearts for him
February 5, 2015
February 5, 2015
天堂里不再有病痛,一路走好!Min, 你的明媚,乐观,积极,坚强,热情,幽默……饱满温暖的笑脸和记忆永远留存在每个人的心底。 Rest in peace!
February 4, 2015
February 4, 2015
I love your smile, pasion, humor, kindness so much. Even at this moment, your image is clearly showing in my mind. You will live in my heart as you never left, Min.
February 4, 2015
February 4, 2015
Min, you will be missed for your humor, passion and bravery!
February 3, 2015
February 3, 2015
Min you are a great motivator. I won't use past tense because he still continues to be a source of strength and motivation for all of us.
Before Min was going to check-in to the hospital, he sent me this email...

"Thanks. It means a lot to me and my family. Nowadays, I do have bit more bad days than good days, but not necessarily a bad thing – it just means that I need to get ready for the big transplant. One of the most frustrating things is that I think I am capable of something (it could be something physical like holding my son or it could be working 10 hours a day), but I just cannot make it happen. That is when I realize that I really need to get healthy and get back 100%!!!

Can’t wait to meet you in Mumbai and hangout again. Great food and great company – we had an awesome time in Southern Mumbai, but do you also remember that nice dinner with the leadership team at that Chinese restaurant? I love the great company.

Let’s do it again soon!"

I remember, once I was a bit down and out...and here is what Min sent out to me...

"I would love friend. Whatever motivates you, I will try to get it, but for now, I think it might have to be my dedicated love for ya, haha."

These emails still sit in my inbox and are a source of continued inspiration. You are alive and will be forever...
February 2, 2015
February 2, 2015
February 2, 2015
February 2, 2015
One of the most upbeat, creative and popular colleagues that I have ever had the pleasure to work with, even if only for a short while. are missed my friend. As you leave us here on Earth, someplace somewhere has gained a very special person.
February 2, 2015
February 2, 2015
A gentle giant, but underneath the gentle surface is strength, the strength to live life his way to the fullness; the strength to treat everyone with kindness and respect his whole life; the strength to stare death in the eye and joke about it... Min, we will all remember how you LIVED and you will keep inspiring us forever. Rest in peace my friend. We know you are up over there looking at us and smiling....
February 2, 2015
February 2, 2015
Min is always jovial. Even when he knew he was sick, I never saw anything but a smile on his face. He was very strong. So much to learn from him. You will be missed Min.
February 2, 2015
February 2, 2015
There was never a dull moment when Min was around. At team meetings, he always shared his latest funny story and never failed to fill the room with laughter. Min also cared deeply for those around him. As a mentor, he took the time to listen and to send encouraging words from time to time, no matter how busy he was.

To me, Min exemplified what it means to be an inspiration. He inspired those around him to action, to do better and, most importantly, to believe in themselves. He demonstrated to me what it means to be a strong and compassionate leader. When I grow older, I hope to be like you, Min!

Min, your spirit lives on in those whose lives you have touched. You will be missed.
February 2, 2015
February 2, 2015
跟Min接触过两次,一次是在会议室里,一次是Min请Equity的同事们吃饭。虽然次数不多,但是记忆深刻。 Min有一种天生的魅力可以让人一下子就记住他, 高大魁梧的身躯却带着亲切的笑容,声音洪亮、充满激情。 很难接受如此年轻、如此优秀的人却离开了我们。


I met Min only twice, one was in a meeting room for equity process enhancement, the other was Min treat the team for lunch, he made me very deep impression. He was tall and strong with a warm smile, resonant voice and full of passion. I could not imagine so a young and great man left from us.

Min, we miss you for ever!
February 2, 2015
February 2, 2015
We didn't spent a long time with Min, but he's very impressive, humorous, passionate, serious while we stayed together, and also he shared his childhood, interested things while he went back to hometown, spoke some Chinese words he knew,which are very warm memories and seems just talked yesterday...RIP, we'll do miss him...
February 1, 2015
February 1, 2015
The world has certainly lost a great human being. Min was the kind of people who can make an impact to others. I always took it as my privilege to know him 10 years ago in the old days of Reuters in Beijing and we had maintained that relationship both in and outside work. I had a chance to meet him and Erin again in Chicago 4 years ago and his smiles remains that familiar. I was so reluctant to believe that was the last meet.
I will forever remember his code name in Reuters, JMP. And remind myself of his positiveness, his shining smile, his laughter and jokes when life puts us down.
February 1, 2015
February 1, 2015
In July 2011, we learned that there would be a great guy to join our team. Till then we were always hearing this man via emails or conference call, day and night, week day and weekend. He impressed us by his positive attitude, deep and sharp insights, kindness and encouraging words at everywhere to everyone.

4 months later, in Nov 2014, It was so excited that I could meet him face to face in Delhi during the business trip. I was impressed one more time because of his warm smile. He introduced me to everyone in Delhi who had help me much there, and I got a lot of special treatment during that trip because of Min. That trip was very short, only five days, but that it made me remember Min forever.

In coming 3 years, we worked together in tons of projects which improved equity data much. I know equity data means a lots to him, so does him to equity.

It is very painful to say goodbye to this great human being. But he won’t be forgotten forever.
February 1, 2015
February 1, 2015
Min's passing will leave our lives a void, however the memories with him will be most precious wealth for us.
January 31, 2015
January 31, 2015

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