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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Nicholas Logan, 38, born on July 25, 1977 and passed away on December 13, 2015.

I started this page so that everyone with memories of my brother could share them. A short paragraph, a long story, or even a simple sentence-if it's something about Nick-please share. We want to know everything. Sharing stories & laughing (or crying) about dumb ass shit he did or said is our sanity. I want our mom (Barb) & his children (Kody,Nicholas,Grace)& myself, as well as friends & our extended family to always have this page to come too. To laugh or cry-too REMEMBER! So please........take a moment to leave a memory. If Nick touched your life-SHARE!! Leave it anonymously if you prefer. Thank you so much for helping to keep Nicholas's memory alive. 




July 25, 2022
July 25, 2022
I’ve been missing you u more than I can really put into words. I need you brother and sure wish you were here!
October 28, 2021
October 28, 2021
Lit the same candle for Kody. I miss you brother. Hate that all the men in my life have died on the 13th. Dad, papa, brother, nephew…….. hate that I don’t have you here.
May 30, 2021
May 30, 2021
Omg what do I even say now?! We are all devastated and heartbroken. We lost that poor innocent boy. On the 13th. My dad, my grandpa, my brother, my nephew. All on the 13th..... It is hard to accept and I don’t think I will ever understand it. Our mom is broken. She has lost so much. I pray she finds peace and somehow comfort. I love you baby bro. And miss you so much.
July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
I miss Nick a ton! He taught me that you can make up your own words to EVERY song. He was so hilarious. I could listen to him ruin(make better) songs all night! I miss the carefree laughs, non stop laughs ❤❤ My friend forever.
December 13, 2019
December 13, 2019
Not the most appropriate place to leave this but WTH, Barbie and Kahisha will understand and hopefully get a smile because this story brings a smile to me each time I think of Nick which is often. Barb actually told me the story of how Nick would go into a store with her and not at all being discreet but rather loudly, " Mom, mom, mom, mom I HAVE TO POOP!!!" Nick being Nick. Hilarious! I would bet money that Nick, being a year older than my son, had a few tricks up his sleeve that he felt compelled to share with Mark. LOL
October 15, 2019
October 15, 2019
Not a day passes without thoughts of you. Your kids are growing up so fast. And you’re gonna be a grandpa soon lol. How funny to think of that! Making me a great aunt! Anyways....Grace has gymnastics competitions coming up. Nicholas has a football game tonight in Montgomery. And we all miss you so much!!!! Xoxo
May 27, 2018
May 27, 2018
Think of you everyday baby brother. Miss your face and your laughter every single day. Forever missed and never forgotten. We all love and miss you.
August 26, 2017
August 26, 2017
Always on my mind & heavy in my heart. Miss you more than i even thought possible.
April 15, 2017
April 15, 2017
I remember the first time we met, the first rose you ever gave me, our bond no one could ever touch...your thumbs just like my daddy's, spending your last night before you went off to do your u have a scare in my forearm from where you dropped me in the bathroom an my arm stuck in the metal toilet paper holder (ouch) tat on my lower the reason for the tat on my arm..I miss you so
April 14, 2017
April 14, 2017
It's sometimes hard to remember that Nick was a grown man when all I see in my mind's eye is a mischievous boy, vulnerable at times, quiet at other times but you could always get him to smile and when he did it melted your heart. Always the Gene mini-me but always held his me-maw close. Still waters ran deep with Nick. I will always miss that smile.
April 14, 2017
April 14, 2017
It's sometimes hard to remember that Nick was a grown man when all I see in my mind's eye is a mischievous boy, vulnerable at times, quiet at other times but you could always get him to smile and when he did it melted your heart. Always the Gene mini-me but always held his me-maw close. Still waters ran deep with Nick. I will always miss that smile.
April 14, 2017
April 14, 2017
Great Idea Kahisha, Hope more stories will be posted. Miss and Love you Nick!
April 14, 2017
April 14, 2017
I use to heat with wood, and a friend of mine told me, hell Just come out to my house a load up your truck. So I did. First load no one was home, second load. Nick was out there splitting wood with a slitter. I went over helped him with a little bit of it then loaded up my truck again. I'm not sure when Barb got a hold of me to say Nick wasn't too happy about me taking his wood. I thought he was doing that for the guy who owned the place. But the guy should of let us both know what was what . I felt bad about taking all that wood, but I sure was glad he split did tell owner. Thank you Nick, Love you . I don't know why he didn't say Lady what are you doing taking my wood?
April 14, 2017
April 14, 2017
JuJu became JuJU because of NICK. His favorite song when very small was Itsy Bitsy Spider. He couldn't say Judy so he would climb on my lap and say do it JuJu,that meant sing his song. All the other nieces, nephews and kids picked it up from him.
Memory made by Judy Coleman ;)
April 14, 2017
April 14, 2017
Nick we didnt get to hang out much but one memory was you saying you could beat me in quarters with crown royal. We played for two hours. Short story short i made like 30 quarters n shot glass he made only 4. I won but he Drank all my CROWN.!!! Gone but not Forgotten Brother..!!!
April 7, 2017
April 7, 2017
690 views....and only 1 of his buddies left a tribute. Can we please get some memories on here!!
April 7, 2017
April 7, 2017
Not a day passes that you don't fill my mind. I love & miss you so much Nick.
April 5, 2017
April 5, 2017
This is a awesome page u made for Nick . I think I tell a story once a week at least that has Nick in it . We just talked about him yesterday about the time we were working in the city an Nick went in to a small clump on woods to go to the bathroom an dropped his pants right on top of a nest of ground bees . He came running out screaming with his pants down around his ankles lol. He looked like Chris Farley on the movie Tommy boy when they pulled the car over an got out yelling bees . I know Nick was laughing right along we us ....

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July 25, 2022
July 25, 2022
I’ve been missing you u more than I can really put into words. I need you brother and sure wish you were here!
October 28, 2021
October 28, 2021
Lit the same candle for Kody. I miss you brother. Hate that all the men in my life have died on the 13th. Dad, papa, brother, nephew…….. hate that I don’t have you here.
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So many stories......

May 10, 2017

Not a minute passes that I don't think of you. All of the fun that we had on the farm. The Boonetrail Farm. We couldn't of had it any better. We had a pony with a cart. An old willies jeep. Tractors. The best sand piles. Coolest climbing trees. Best real play houses. A pool with a slide and diving board. 365 acres to roam on. A 35 acre lake. And so so much more. I never imagined a life without you. I miss you more than anything. You are always on my mind baby bro!!! 

missing you

April 13, 2017

Mom & I went down lost creek road today.we actually went yesterday too.just reminiscing-looking around.I love going there.loved those days.just wish I could remember more.I can't remember so much!it really sucks.thank God for other people's memories. Mom told me about a time that Nick packed a little backpack & was running away.she says he stayed gone till he got hungry.LOL......he was probably a "husky" when we lived out there.and oh man I do remember that he was not happy about having to wear a husky size!they certainly fit him tho. must've been right after the huskys that he developed the attitude to go along with his pant size :) 

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