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So many stories......

May 10, 2017

Not a minute passes that I don't think of you. All of the fun that we had on the farm. The Boonetrail Farm. We couldn't of had it any better. We had a pony with a cart. An old willies jeep. Tractors. The best sand piles. Coolest climbing trees. Best real play houses. A pool with a slide and diving board. 365 acres to roam on. A 35 acre lake. And so so much more. I never imagined a life without you. I miss you more than anything. You are always on my mind baby bro!!! 

missing you

April 13, 2017

Mom & I went down lost creek road today.we actually went yesterday too.just reminiscing-looking around.I love going there.loved those days.just wish I could remember more.I can't remember so much!it really sucks.thank God for other people's memories. Mom told me about a time that Nick packed a little backpack & was running away.she says he stayed gone till he got hungry.LOL......he was probably a "husky" when we lived out there.and oh man I do remember that he was not happy about having to wear a husky size!they certainly fit him tho. must've been right after the huskys that he developed the attitude to go along with his pant size :) 

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