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Kind and Generous

November 29, 2022
Noreen was my brother's mother-in-law, but she made us feel like her family too. She let me know that we were welcome at her home anytime. And every Christmas she would send us a gift card that I would make sure to use on something for me and the kids to enjoy together, usually a puzzle or a game. I would send her a thank-you note to let her know what her gift was used for and how much we enjoyed it as a family. She was unfailingly kind to us, which is how she will live on in my memory of her.
November 27, 2022
I met Noreen about 20 years ago through our mutual friends Joan and George Monks.  I moved to San Antonio 8 years ago and since both of the Monks’ past we did a few things together.  I’ll remember our trips down to Port A and concerts to see the Band of the West and the battle of the bands at Fiesta.  She took me to a couple of the River parades also.  She loved eggplant parmigiana and it was always a pleasure to make for her with chocolate pudding for dessert.  She made me shepherd’s pie in exchange.  I’ll miss her and our little trips and talks.  Rest in peace Noreen

Elusive Butterfly

November 25, 2022
Mom loved this song by Bob Lind.

You might wake up some mornin'
To the sound of something moving past your window in the wind
And if you're quick enough to rise
You'll catch a fleeting glimpse of someone's fading shadow
Out on the new horizon
You may see the floating motion of a distant pair of wings
And if the sleep has left your ears
You might hear footsteps running through an open meadow
Don't be concerned, it will not harm you
It's only me pursuing somethin' I'm not sure of
Across my dreams with nets of wonder
I chase the bright elusive butterfly of love
You might have heard my footsteps
Echo softly in the distance through the canyons of your mind
I might have even called your name
As I ran searching after something to believe in
You might have seen me runnin'
Through the long-abandoned ruins of the dreams you left behind
If you remember something there
That glided past you followed close by heavy breathin'
Don't be concerned, it will not harm you
It's only me pursuing somethin' I'm not sure of
Across my dreams with nets of wonder
I chase the bright elusive butterfly of love
Across my dreams with nets of wonder
I chase the bright elusive butterfly of love

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