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June 21
June 21
1 year gone already.Just like yesterday. Your memories live on.
Keep resting in peace my friend and brother.
June 20
June 20
One year on
And the tears still well up
Just when one thinks the worst of the pain is gone
It all comes crashing back with the reminder That truly, you are gone
But not for long
I will see you again, Egbon
We will see you again
June 20
June 20
The price we pay for having you in our lives is to dearly miss you when you are no more.
Everyone is owed same price, rest on Dr.
June 20
June 20
Continue to rest in the bosom of our Lord and Saviour. May the Lord continue to preserve and keep your family .
Love always
Tolu Esan
June 19
Dearest Femi,
it's a year already. Those we love do not die, though physically absent but they hold that special place in our hearts to be treasured forever.
Keep resting bro, till the resurrection morning.
June 18
Its a year already, time flies indeed. We remember you today and always. Continue to rest on peace dear Femi. You are dearly missed.
February 12
February 12
Happy posthumous birthday Pastor Femi, to say I miss my Dr and friend is an understatement but I take solace that you are in a better place now, watching over your beloved family
February 11
February 11
Happy first post humous birthday Femi, we are consoled because you are now a star shinning Bright in Heaven.
February 11
February 11
Happy Birthday in heaven, Pastor Femi. Rest in peace with our Father God, until we meet again.
February 11
February 11
My first cousin, Femi, it’s still hard to get over ur passing but by His grace we are being comforted that you are in a better place; you are with the angels!
Femi, wishing you a happy birthday in heaven. While you may not be on this planet to celebrate your birthday with us, you're still in all of our thoughts. ❤️❤️❤️
July 20, 2023
July 20, 2023
Dust to dust
Ashes to ashes
Rest on my dear friend
Words fail me
The news if ur demise came to me as a rude shock,I have had u in mind to call u, but I guess i wasn't destined to see you in ur last days
You helped me snap out of depression in 2020 and you have been a good friend till death snatched you away,rest on till we meet at the resurrection day
I miss you my friend
May God accept your good deeds and grant you rest, amen
July 16, 2023
July 16, 2023
I'm speechless right now, I wish this was a dream because I'm still shocked up till now.
My pastor, and a father to not just my friend but also me, I won't forget the last time we spoke you gave me a word of which I'm still holding to. I'll miss you sir honestly and it breaks our heart that you are no more but the most important thing is that you went to be with our father in heaven .
Thank you so much for being there for me and also praying for me when I always meet you . You are greatly missed Sir
July 9, 2023
July 9, 2023
This is a very rude shock. I first met Femi during our NYSC year and he was posted to Garki hospital and my mother was the hospital secretary then. He was such a great person. We have had chance meetings over the years . Femi rest in the bossom of our lord.
July 7, 2023
July 7, 2023
Ashes to ashes they said...
Dust to dust they prayed...
I have seen births, I have seen deaths
Life, and everything in-between
But this cut deep.

I haven't penned words to paper in over two decades...
We met four years ago when you were posted to kuje and immediately, it was as though we had known for a lifetime...
So this cut deep

This posting was difficult for you but with a cheerful laugh and a knowing smile, you dressed up and showed up...
Bringing with you an enthusiasm that set the ball rolling for a change in Kuje...
You made me your Chief Reg and acting HOD, instilling and motivating me to accept  leadership roles I always fled from...

It was during wardrounds you said to me
Noku, I am not happy you are fading away... a shadow of your self,
you are made of more, made for more
You said to aim for the skies
You reached within to the core, brought out the dying light and fanned it to flames
You showed me the way and said I could do it
So I did it
Your work with the youth and adolescents inspired my dissertation for which I got a distinction.
And this cut deep.

A friend, a mentor, a teacher, a senior colleague, a gist partner, a support system, a pastor and prayer warrior...
You had your struggles and your shortcomings which you kept aside for my matters, resolving them as best you could...

Not a dry eye at the thought of you these past few weeks
A recurring word I heard thus far was IMPACTFUL
You said you were going to put Kuje on the map
You worked with accelerated speed as MD
You made amends...
As if you knew you were racing against time...

You are loved
You are missed
Your family, your numerous friendships, your students, your colleagues, your staff...
I was grieving dangerously
And then I stopped.

July 7, 2023
July 7, 2023
What an awesome legacy Pst Femi has left. He was such an example and inspiration right from the early days of TCA, and he served selflessly until his departure .

We are only pilgrims here on earth and he has gone on ahead to our eternal home.

We will greatly miss him on this side of heaven, but we are so grateful and take great comfort in the knowledge that Pst Femi is eternally in the Lord’s loving arms
July 6, 2023
July 6, 2023
Dr. Femi was always there for me when I worked in Kuje General Hospital, when I struggled to adjust; officially, personal in health and spiritual he was someone I can get advise from. May your soul rest in peace, May God uplift your family, children and mission. Rest well in God.
July 6, 2023
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; love leaves a memory no one can steal. The song has ended but the melody lingers on.
I wrote and read this tribute over and over and over, but could not post it until today. Oh death! where is thy sting? My hope is that we shall meet again at the feet of Christ. 

Olufemi, I saw you over 30 years ago. I remember us growing up in as teens in Festac, your days at Idi-Araba, you were such an amazing, easy-going, peace-loving, brilliant young man. You were full of zeal to serve Christ.

My dear cousin, your work will live to inspire millions of people despite your departure. May God comfort your nuclear family, parents, siblings, uncles, aunties, cousins, all extended families, and friends and co-workers. May God give us all the fortitude to bear your loss.

A o pade lese Jesu o, nibiti a o ni ya arawa, a ori ara wa, a o yo mo ara wa. Jesu ni o se alaga wa.! Sun re Olufemi Abiola Osideko, Baba Moyin, Baba Seyifunmi, Baba Tobi. O di arinako, o di oju ala. Good night, good bye.

Sun Re!
July 5, 2023
July 5, 2023
I honour your memory bro.. We knew each other as teenage that year. We were 16years old then.
I got kicked out of home for becoming a Christian at the time from a Muslim home, that was when I met Dr Femi, Shola, Cyprian (CY),Funmilayo Olufolabi.
I remember those days how we usually sneaked into Dr Femi house to eat etc.
Since the age of 16, we had maintained our brotherly friendship going till date.

Dr Osideko, was to visit me in uk this August 2023. But......
Femi, was full of life, great sense of humour, was intelligent and always had this contagious smile. He was so kind hearted, Jovial.
He was a true brother. He is a friend that sticks more closer than a brother.

I really miss him and will truly miss him.
He is one in a MILLION no doubt.

I love you Dr Femi Osideko and will alwayssssssssss dooooooo....

Heaven gained a soul and I know u are busy breathing heavens air...and firing few questions at Apostle Paul and some of these
July 5, 2023
July 5, 2023
Pastor Doctor Femi,
A man of great faith, wit, humour, and a heart for people. I met you first when I was a teenaged medical student, doing a summer anatomy placement at Unilag, where your intellect and learning strategies set you apart. I didn't know then that you would later become a pillar in the church where my beloved brother was the Senior Pastor, be a good friend to my medical doctor sister, and marry my youngest sister to become a part of my family.
You always had a smile, a kind word, a joke and a word of encouragement for those you met, led, and treated. You lived your life with Christ as its centre, and although you are gone too soon, leaving loved ones to mourn you, we are in no doubt as to the words of welcome you will hear: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." Rest on, until Jesus returns with all the saints 
From: Dr Wuraola Veronica Alonge
Peter Oluwatosin (In-law to Pst. Femi Osideko)
July 5, 2023
July 5, 2023
Our God allows certain things to happen to His children that usually leaves us confused. One of such is the early departure of Pastor (Dr.) Femi Osideko from this world. As terrible as we may feel, Psalm 116:15 describes it as "Precious in the sight of the Lord", and we are to give thanks in it (1 Thes 5:18). So, with that in mind, I would like to thank God for the life of Femi Osideko, and for the wonderful family that the Lord blessed him with. May the Holy Ghost comfort his wife, children, parents, siblings, in-laws, and all those who knew him and grant them the fortitude to bear this loss.
Agunna Ezissi
July 5, 2023
July 5, 2023
We will miss you but we know you are in
a Better place. Rest well, PastorFemi. Until we meet again
Adanna Ezissi
July 5, 2023
July 5, 2023
Uncle Femi,this is a such a terrible loss
Chai!^ May God fill the huge gap you left. May you rule with all the saints In heaven
July 4, 2023
July 4, 2023
Thank you for giving to the Lord! You will be greatly missed. Rest well Sir.
July 4, 2023
July 4, 2023
The news of your passing has been a huge shock to me. Never could I imagine that you would leave so soon! I was still imagining visiting Abuja very soon and being able to see you and catch up with you and tell you how I’ve been doing all these years. Your sincere friendship and good heart will always be remembered. Your inspirational life will not be forgotten. I know you’ve gone to be with Jesus and you’re doing great, it’s just that you will be missed so much here. I pray for strength for sister Dayo, the children and the family. It is well ❤️.
July 4, 2023
July 4, 2023
This is the hardest thing I have done this year, still can’t believe that I’ll be referring to u in the past now and will never see u again when ever I come to Abuja! Hmmm……… this one cuts so deep!!!
Am grateful to God for the privilege of knowing you! Met you before you got married to my best friend Temidayo way back in U.l, was at your introduction, engagement and came to Abuja for your wedding. You reciprocated by attending my late mum’s service of songs in Festac with your mum. How can I forget how you opened the doors of your house to me when I was actively selling gold, when I also came with my brother for my late mother’s gratuity and pension and generally whenever I visited, you always made sure I was comfortable and well entertained! Ever ready to counsel me and give medical advice whenever I was ill or any member of my family and you always ended it with a prayer!
You were a dependable friend and ever ready to help even when it’s not convenient and always wearing a smile! You definitely lived an impactful life and left your footprint in the sand. I pray God strengthens Temidayo, and help her uphold your legacy, give her grace and wisdom to raise your children the way you would have wanted, comfort your children, shield and guide them as they grow. No doubt you are with the angels cos your love for God was unquestionable.
You will be sorely missed my bestie (in Temidayo’s voice) 

Nonyem Olisa
July 3, 2023
July 3, 2023
When good people depart to be with the Lord, it's a reminder that we are on a journey here and should be about our Father's business like Pst. Dr. Olufemi Osideko. May his soul rest in peace, and the good Lord comfort the entire family. Amen
July 3, 2023
July 3, 2023
It was with shock and deep sadness that we received the devastating news of Femi's sudden death.

Although, Femi was a believer, we were not ready for his untimely departure.

We as a family will feel his absence. Our prayers are for those he left behind, particularly his three wonderful children, our nieces and nephew.

My husband and I were close to Femi and pray for God to comfort his parents, siblings, children, wife, friends, and patients.

May his soul rest in peace.

Margaret Abimbola and Simon Peter Aondoaver Gusah
July 2, 2023
July 2, 2023
Dr Femi Osideko was a man of many parts . He was a medical practitioner as well as a pastor. But above all he was a decent human being with an amazing capacity for genuine kindness and boundless philanthropy.
Obviously , our collective memories of Dr Osideko will be as varied as the page of his unique life we are acquainted with.
  Femi was not by any stretch of imagination a perfect man but he was an unassuming soul without guile . Even at that he was weary of hurting anyone intentionally .
 Indeed , if Femi had an obvious character flaw, it was his inability to think ill of a fellow human being. His penchant for putting other people's interest before his was not only a lifestyle he embraced , it was one that became intimately woven into the fabric of his character . Little wonder , Femi always chose to see the best in others even when confronted with incontrovertible evidence of the repulsive stench of their mindless proclivity for self conceit and consumptive consumption .
   His unalloyed fidelity to the Hippocratic oath of the medical profession often cost him considerable personal discomfort . It was not unusual to see Femi invest his time and personal resources into the wellbeing of his patients .
  If Femi was passionate about his medical calling , he was also zealous about his pastoral duties . He didn't carry an air of entitlement in the discharge of his work in the Lord's vineyard. Instead , there was a refreshingly different aura of humility and servanthood about him that often preached the gospel more eloquently than many doctrinal dissertations from the pulpit. On matters concerning the Church , Pst Femi never did anything for God in half measures : it was all or none for him. Everything and indeed all things receded into insignificance when it conflicted with his allegiance to his Lord and Master , Jesus Christ
  My relationship with Pst Femi dates back to 20 years, and l can say without fear of contradiction that , whether in the work place or in the Sanctuary , Femi has blazed a trail of glory that will be a point of reference for many years to come
  During this period, our relationship blossomed into a genuine friendship that was further cemented by the fact that we both drank from the same spiritual well . We were able to share pleasurable moments of intense cross -pollination of ideas on a range of subjects including , but not limited to the strategic place of the church in a rapidly evolving world culture . The age disparity between us notwithstanding , Femi and l built a mutually inspiring but respectful relationship that gave me privileged access into the sheer brilliance of his mind. The subject of the propriety or otherwise of some of his choices may still be a matter of conjecture but what is indisputable however is , Pst Femi lived and died serving others . Pst Femi was indeed a rare breed and one of the finest human beings I've been privileged to have interacted with in the course of my life .
 But Femi is gone , my Doctor is gone to be with his maker ! It's difficult to come to terms with this tragedy , it's absolutely unimaginable that a young man of fifty one years of age is no more ! : We all share a sense of collective anguish at the demise of this illustrious young man who was just on the cusp of manifesting his potentials
  And we grieve for him , oh how we grieve for him !!
 At this point in time , our hearts go out to his immediate family . Understandably , it will be hard to fill the void created by Femi's sudden demise but our consolation is that his memories are indelibly etched on our minds.
 Believe me they are positive memories !
  Femi personified the maxim that
 " A man's life is not determined by how long he lived but how well he lived. "
Femi was not perfect but his life is a perfect example of how God perfects imperfect vessels. We choose to remember the brilliance of the perfected parts that eclipsed his imperfections. ...and we are humbled that we are also clay in the hands of the Potter and we too , also have 
  "this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us."
  Sleep in the bosom of the Lord my dear friend , rest in His peace
July 1, 2023
July 1, 2023

It was so shocking to hear that you were no more to the extent that I had to call and confirm this was really true.
Pastor Femi was a rare gem. My first contact with him was at the College of Medicine, University of Lagos where he was our Campus fellowship Pastor. He was a mentor and a great Teacher… He made a great impact on my Christian life as an early convert. His teachings , words of advice and encouragement will never be forgotten. May the lord grant your family the fortitude to bear this loss…..
Dr Sola Olulope
July 1, 2023
July 1, 2023
Femi- A lovely reflection of God’s love.

Life has taken me on a turbulent journey.
Emotionally, I feel deeply wounded.
For the past three weeks, I've received nothing but news of the passing of close allies.
One after another, I've been informed of few deaths,
and the most painful one is that of Femi.
Undoubtedly, he was the youngest of them all.

Just six months ago, we mourned the loss
of a dear colleague on our platform.
So this year began with a consuming grief.
I struggle with words as I reflect on Femi's departure.
For us doctors, are helpless in the face of death.

The weight of mortality undermines our collective intellectual prowess.
Though we claim mastery over countless complexities, and pride ourselves on being repositories of cues, subtleties, and discernment;
we pretend to be all-knowing, all-wise, and exceptionally perceptive, yet we are utterly powerless when it comes to the subject of death.

You don't need to be an Obstetrician to determine a child's expected date of delivery.
Birth dates are often predicted, with some degree of accuracy.
But even in the hands of experienced professionals,
we possess no skill in predicting the expected date of one's passing.

If it was omitted by the Obstetricians, the Paediatricians are clueless,
It remains a mystery to the Geriatricians, while others including the family physicians are frankly, simply and expectedly hapless.

Collectively, doctors are hopeless on the subject of death.
Any possible confounding hypothesis of reversing death resides nowhere - even within the premise of an ivory tower.

We strive so much to prevent death, we can review the process of dying, we can expatiate on post mortem analyses but could never halt or prevent the ultimate sequelae.
We are severely limited in keeping anyone alive beyond the gates of death.
We ultimately accept defeat, withdraw into our shells - recoup and try to prevent a repeat of the process.

Yet, I have no less respect for the noble profession from where Femi exited. He honourably paid his dues.

Femi and I shared a common faith and believed in the sovereignty of God,
the mortality of humankind,
and the love of God for humanity, which brings salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

We connected on this level,
since his days at Loveward Fellowship during our time on campus, where he served as a leader.

I was never a member of Loveward, regardless, he would connect with anyone believing that any human being created in God’s image is deserving of love.

You don't have to be his best friend to experience the love in his own “Loveworld”
The last time he spoke with me was when he called me on my birthday to express his kind wishes, prayers and pleasantries.

We also exchanged views on secular matters such as the “illegality of paying ransom to kidnappers.”
He would send a private message out of discretion to express his views as he deemed appropriate.

It is an established fact that we are all imperfect creatures before the Lord God, our maker, the One who holds our every breath.
In this spirit of grace, I want us to kindly remember him.
Apologies to those who do not share this belief but to those who understand,
I need not overstate the salient truth.

The nightmare has transformed into a harsh reality, but the ultimate truth confronting us is the matter of life and death.
That we all - are on the cue to eternity, and the crucial question and speculation lingers; who is next and what lies ahead when we bid the world a farewell ?

Of all my options of content and context of this elegy,
I have written all of the above to honour what Femi believed in and shared.
He desired that we all make peace with God-our maker sooner than later by surrendering to His supremacy and His majesty.

On this note, I humbly rest my case. Adieu Femi.
May your gentle soul rest in peace. God be with you till we meet again.

Sola Olulope Medilag Class 93 plus 1(medical school classmate)
June 30, 2023
June 30, 2023
The news of the death of Femi about two weeks ago came to me as a shock. Oh No! This is so heart rendering. Though, he died at a very young age; all mortars shall die, in their turns in fulfilment of the obvious but inevitable as death is, it is always a sad moment when we lose a loved one like this. My path and Femi crossed when he was a Medical Student with us at College of Medicine of the University of Lagos where I was a Staff some years ago. I knew him as a humble, easy going, brilliant and a perfect gentleman. Little did I know at that time that Femi and I were to assume an even closer relationship. He later became my In Law indirectly due to the strong relationship that came to exist between him and my niece in law, Barrister Temidayo Osideko. I am proud and grateful to have been privileged to have known and close to him. I saw him last at his Mum In Love burial in March and we discussed at length on so many issues after the Reception Party reminding me of how I have always been of help to him in the Academic Office anytime he needed something in the office not knowing that it would be my last time of seeing him alive. So so sad. A beautiful soul, full of love and faith, ascended to heaven, away from us,but closer to God Almighty. He was loved and cherished by family, classmates, colleagues and above by his patients - an astute and compassionate Clinician he was. He was everything noble and dear. Being a good husband to his wife and a good father to his children, he earned their respect and was well spoken by everyone. He was dearly loved by any one who ever had any interaction with him. He will be fondly remembered. Adieu. May God accept his soul and grant him peace and perfect rest and may light perpetual shine on him Amen. May the gentle soul of Pastor (Dr) OLUFEMI Osideko rest in peace and rise in glory Amen. May God grant the family the fortitude to bear this great loss and uphold the family left behind in Jesus name Amen. iT IS WELL.
June 30, 2023
June 30, 2023
Femi! I cannot believe this. My Uni father at Medilag. Thank you for looking after me through that time. God's love shone through you. Your integrity and commitment to God were unrivalled. I pray God's comfort and strength for your family. Rest in peace. ❤️ Ngozi Russell (nee Nnatuanya).
June 29, 2023
June 29, 2023
Pastor Femi taught me how to love God and how to serve God's people.
Thank you.

Omowunmi Oluwaseun
(Mimi for Loveward Medilag)
June 29, 2023
June 29, 2023
Pastor Femi,
The news of your illness and subsequent passing deeply saddened my heart. Though we had been out of touch for quite a while, it all seemed so unreal. I admit, I am still processing it all even as I fondly remember what a huge impact you had on my life as a young christian. Words can not adequately express what a blessing you have been to me and so many others. Your legacy lives on not only through your children but also through so many of us that you touched with your faith and love for God. Even now as I write this, I remember your voice always providing encouragement, direction and laughter. You have planted seeds in us that continue to bear eternal fruit.
I am sure I am not alone when I say ~ gone too soon. But through it all, we are comforted in knowing that you are in the bosom of our heavenly Father. Rest in peace my beloved pastor, brother and friend.
Adebayo Esan
June 29, 2023
June 29, 2023
*Pastor Femi Osideko- Selfless, Simple and Sincere!*

Dear Pastor Femi,

It feels surreal to be typing this! You were such a great friend, doctor and pastor for the more than 21 years that I was privileged to know you. You were such a selfless, simple and sincere person.

SELFLESSLESS was in your DNA and this was so evident to see all through the years I knew you. There was a time things were financially tight for me when I was pursuing my PhD in Korea and you went out of your way to take a loan from a commercial bank in Nigeria and sent it to me. You then allowed me to repay the monthly installments till I paid it up. It meant the world to my family and me. Thank you Pastor Femi!

You were such a SIMPLE person; no airs around you whatsoever! You were indeed the pastor and doctor of everyone! You were just a call away and you were always ready to offer support, advice and access to your contacts. You supported both the nuclear and extended families of the people you knew. A number of the medical doctors I have on my contact list came from you, even the ones I interface with for biomedical engineering research! Your simplicity was such a marvel to behold, thank you Pastor Femi! 

You made every single man in TCA feel SPECIAL, you knew our names, the names of our wives and children, you were sincerely concerned about our spiritual and physical health and you always showed this through the deliberate actions you took to support us. On the 28th of May 2023, the last day that you came to church, we were both at the Royal City- the children's church. During the praise report segment you asked to give your praise report and, to my surprise, your praise report was about me- about how God helped me to successfully conclude my national assignment. Thank you Pastor Femi!

On behalf of myself, my family, TCA Men and every man that has passed through TCAM, we say we love you and are grateful to God that our paths crossed on earth. Good night our selfless, simple and special Pastor Dr. Femi Osideko, rest in the Father's presence till we meet again.

Femi Adeluyi
June 29, 2023
June 29, 2023
Dear Pastor Femi
I didn't think I would be writing a tribute's toooo soon.however I am glad I got a little chance to saying something ,howbeit little at your 50th..glad atleast you heard that directly.i hadn't spoken to you in years,but somehow knew you were doing what you loved ,pastoring and being the great medic you were .You had a gift for people,you made everyone feel significant as you knew a bit about everyone..That was a skill and gift wrapped in one you had a smile and eyes that lit up almost in mischief,but it was your nature,your full of life ,kind of nature,kind , reassuring words where never far from you.
 I was shocked to hear you were badly ,but we prayed and hoped for the miracle you needed..God answered ,He took you home,not what we wanted ,but..o ye Oluwa..We bless God for your life.I pray comfort for all you loved and left behind..Sun Re ,sun re!
June 29, 2023
June 29, 2023
In loving memory of my dear father who taught me everything I know and loved me unconditionally.You will be deeply missed .
   My dad was a dedicated father , doctor , pastor and so much more , who was always there when you needed him. He had a great sense of humor, and always told me stories.
   It definitely stings to loose you so soon , but like you said ; the love between a father and his daughter is forever. May each tear and fond memory be a note of love rising to meet you .
    I am glad you made it to heaven to meet God the father, but no matter how many days pass , your absence always feels the same . I will forever try to live my life the way you showed me.
I love you Daddy.
With love ; Moyinoluwa Osideko, MO D MO
June 29, 2023
June 29, 2023
My dear father,oh how I miss you!
Your presence gives me joy, warmth and peace
The amount of love I have for you is unexplainable and will forever be there
Oh daddy it really made me sad when I heard the news
But I’m happy you’ve gone to be with Lord in a better place 
I love you and I miss you
Oluwatobiloba Osideko
June 29, 2023
June 29, 2023
I never thought this day would come so soon
I always had big dreams and plans and you were a big part of the those dreams
You are my everything daddy; the one person that made me smile through everything, my best friend, my teacher, my guardian
You mean so much to me
You will always have a place in my heart
I love you and I’ll miss you forever dad
Rest in perfect peace

Oluwaseyifunmi Ruby Osideko
June 28, 2023
June 28, 2023
My dear aburo & cousin, Pastor Dr Femi Osideko. No words can describe how bad I felt when I received the sad news of your demise. I could remember two weeks before your death that we exchanged pleasantries via text messages. I never knew that would be my last communication with you. Oh death where is thy sting? Your wonderful soul touched many. May God reward you with heavenly joy. I still cannot believe that you are no more. My dear Femi, your work will live to inspire millions of people despite your departure. Not enough words can describe the feeling about losing you. My thoughts and prayers are with the family. May we all be strong enough to accept your death. May Christ rest your gentle soul in perfect peace. See you on resurrection morning!Goodnight!
Buki Alonge- sister in law
June 28, 2023
June 28, 2023
To my dear dear brother in-law, what can I say? The sudden death, why ? You had so very much to live for, so much to give! I remember after the stroke leaving you the voice note messages encouraging you to fight, pull through, just believing we would all come through together but you left us. God took you away. 'Who is man that though art mindful of him?'
'We know in part and prophecy in part'.
One day we shall see the full picture, the whole story. It is well. We were together just 3 months ago at mummys funeral chatting. Everything seemed so in control but you left us. It is well! Adieu! Till we meet again
June 28, 2023
June 28, 2023
Dear Pst Dr Femi,
I’m still shaken by the news of your passing.
You were always a source of encouragement to me. Every time I felt I messed up (and I’m sure I did) when leading praise/worship in church, you would always come to me after to say “your ministration blessed me" or “thank you for your gift”. You were a man so full of love and compassion for everyone around you. That is who you were and how you’ll be remembered.
I’m glad because I know where you are and that you’re more alive now than you’ve ever been.
Rest in Power, sir.
June 27, 2023
June 27, 2023
Apart from being my brother-in-law, Pastor Femi was my personal medical doctor. He will be dearly missed by everyone. Our consolation is that he is in a better place than we are. 
June 27, 2023
June 27, 2023
Tribute from Titi Adesanmi (nee Kasim)
Dr Femi Osideko was such a passionate lover of God and people. He was one year my senior in medical school, CMUL. His daily visits (with Pastor Yemi Amusan) , sharing of God's word with us (my room-mates and I) and daily encouragements to us throughout medical school remain forever engrained in my memory and taught me Christian discipleship in very practical ways. I remain forever grateful to God for the privilege of knowing brother Femi Osideko and being impacted by him. And even when I saw him a few years ago, he was still so genuinely interested in how my husband and I are serving the Lord and urged me to press on. At every point that I interacted with bro Femi, his love for God and resolve to please God in all things , at all times regardless of the cost, was always contagious. Doubtless, like everyone else, I will miss him. May God comfort us all.
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