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The other day God called you home to live with Him above. He said, “It’s time my precious child to feel my arms of love”. He opened up the pearly gates and ushered you inside. Then smiled at you and welcomed you with His arms open wide. We can only imagine what Heaven's like but we’re sure you stood in awe. We can picture you in Jesus arms just taking in it all. We know you longed to be with Him to see His gentle face. To look into His loving eyes and feel His sweet embrace. We’re sure you fell upon your knees and worshipped at his feet. Then joined the choir singing songs and melodies so sweet. You lived your life down here on earth by serving God above. And now you’ll spend eternity singing Him songs of love. Oh how you loved Him all your days, you gave Him your whole life. Your love for Jesus shone so bright even in times of strife. You shared His love by how you lived you gave him everything. And  we can hear Him say, “Well done, ” for living for the King.  Thank you for your faithfulness for trusting in the Lord. For all the times you prayed for us and blessed us. Thank you for all the times you cared for us. We could never have asked for another earthly father but you. You deserve His best reward.  We know each day you said a prayer  for family and each friend. And we know that you were faithful  and prayed until the end.  We know you’re up in heaven now,  your face  we cannot see. But all those precious memories will always stay with us. We  knew someday you’d leave this earth and live with God above. But we’ll keep you in our  hearts and think of you with love.


Mr. Perry Wayne Ndip Arrey was a legend in his days a people's man. He was a devoted father, a loving/ supportive brother, in-law, son, uncle, godfather, grandfather and most of all a good husband and provider. Dad the giver, a servant to all; it was never too little for him to share what he had with others. Dad was a very punctual man.

 Daddy, the rocker, a mentor to many….Papa was a "rolling stone", handsome, playful, joyful, funny, he was a hero, a strong man from Ossing and most of all a friend to us and many others.
Dad taught us most of what we know; he was a hero and still is to all who met and spent time with him. He was so young, so young, at 63 yrs old, Dad’s work here on earth was completed, he lived a full life and needed to return to the Lord.
We could not ask for a better father, he was our strength, inspiration, courage and all. He lives behind 7 children and 3 grandchildren, in/ out-laws, many friends – family members to carry memories of him forever.

July 18
July 18
Uncle Perry? It’s Ebot. Happy belated birthday Uncle. We miss you.
July 16
July 16
I am still Waiting for you. It would've been fun today sharing your cake.

Oh, how I wish I could dance again with my father.

December 10, 2023
December 10, 2023
Hi Uncle Perry!
Thank you for giving us so many reasons to miss you 12 yrs later.
Thank you for always welcoming me with a smile.
Thank you for all those times you visited and picked us up from Saker.
Thank you for working so hard to creat a great life for your family.
It is tough not having you physically here but we know your spirit lives on. Keep smiling in heaven.
We miss you!
Ebot :-)
December 10, 2023
December 10, 2023
12 years dad! I am still looking out the window, I am still listening for the phone to ring hoping to hear your voice on the other side. I am still believing that at least I will hear your voice someday. I miss you so very much. Whenever I didn't know what to do I would come to talk to you about any and everything, even the things girls aren't comfortable sharing with their fathers I shared with you....
Oh! dad if you only knew just how I need you right now, if I could only hear you say to me once again "Efu-moh'ndem" or even tell me not to worry that you are praying for me every night and that it will be okay.
You always told me to look up and trust in the Lord. You thought me to believe in myself and go for what I want. You thought me to stay strong and never stop fighting and hoping until my heart stops beating. You always reminded me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthes me.

The best man I ever knew, loved and still love, he has been gone 12 long years......hmm!
July 18, 2023
July 18, 2023
Happy Belated Birthday Uncle .
We miss you and Daddy so much.
Stay blessed in heaven.
July 17, 2023
July 17, 2023
Would have been another year yesterday.
Miss you Dad!!
December 12, 2022
December 12, 2022
Indeed my dear sister Ebot.. Saturday was different as usual for me.
Stay well dad and keep doing what you do best, serving the Lord.
I see you watching over us..Thank you for all those sacrifices you made for us.. THE ROLLING STONE..OUR ROCK, OUR LION..I will Love you forever...your butterfly!
December 11, 2022
December 11, 2022
Hi Uncle Perry, it’s Ebot
Hard to believe it has been 11yrs…..
We thank God for bringing you into our lives..
Thank you for the fun memories.
We miss you and forever will…

July 17, 2022
July 17, 2022
Happy "could have been one more year" to you dad. Yesterday was a great day. I am glad we had a good day yesterday..Your birthday. That was my prayer and the Lord answered it. Thank you for continuously watching over us. Miss you always.
July 16, 2022
July 16, 2022
Uncle Perry! It’s Ebot . We miss you!
Thank you Uncle
Now that we are parents we are starting to get a tiny glimpse of what you guys went through.
When I think back; it amazes me that you always had a smile on your face!
Thank you for setting a great example for us! We are doing well thanks to your sacrifice & dedication.
You will be forever missed indeed.
Thank you! Thank you 
December 10, 2021
December 10, 2021
10 long years dad and it's still as hard as the day you left us...
I miss you in every way but I am grateful that the Lord sends you to watch over us every day and always.
Thank you for keeping the dark clouds away from us, thank you for serving our Lord Jesus for us... Thank you for the 33 years you served me as my father and dad. I love you for ever.
December 22, 2020
December 22, 2020
Uncle Perry! Uncle! Uncle! It’s Ebot! I miss you Uncle!
I know you are smiling in heaven.
Thank you for everything.
Your hard work and sacrifice paid off big time and we will always be grateful.
You will be Forever Missed.

December 10, 2020
December 10, 2020
It's 9 years today since Ndip called to tell me you were gone forever. That day still plays in my head like it just happened today.
Mum is doing very well dad but as you already know, she struggles on this day every year. She will be fine you just keep watching over her.
We are all doing well just missing you and wishing you were here with us.
Just know I am celebrating you in my own special way..Stay in peace dad and keep on doing what you love best. Serve the Lord and watch over us all.
December 9, 2020
December 9, 2020
9 years dad. I keep thinking about you, Dad, even though it hurts. I'd give anything to relive those memories again. Dad, I'm so thankful for all the memories we shared together. ... Every day without you has been hard, but on this day especially I can't help but think how much I wish you were here with us. How I wish we had one more chance for you to see all your grandchildren, how AB and Mama have all grown. You would have loved Zaria, Zeph. Linda is a grown woman now dad. Amba, you mother Arisa and you...Ndip, he looks just like you dad, Dad Dede is a mini you really, lol he talks with such wisdom like you dad. Ella is so sweet she would have been jumping up and down and all over you. The best part is, dad, all your grandchildren remember you. Don't ask me how they even know about you but they talk about you. they ask questions about you they each have a piece of you. Continue to Rest in Power daddy.
December 8, 2020
December 8, 2020
It will be 9 years in 2 days dad. I still miss you like it was yesterday.
July 20, 2020
July 20, 2020
Happy birthday, dad. I am sure you're wondering what took me so long. After struggling with what message is befitting for the best dad that walked the earth, here is what I came up with.
Dear Dad, I sealed my birthday wishes for you inside an envelope filled with love and respect so it reaches you in heaven and goes right through your heart. Wonderful bday in heaven! Continue to rest in power
July 16, 2020
July 16, 2020
Happy birthday Dad, you would have been 72 years old today.
I do miss you dearly and still wish you were here. I know you know that life hasn't been the same since you left. This life has been filled with so many challenges ( just like you told us) and still many more to come but thank you for teaching me how to make it through with God in my heart as the only way. Wherever you are, somewhere up there with our precious Lord may you look down on us today and smile for it is your "Earthly" birthday. Happy birthday dad, you will always be in my heart. Thank you for the best seconds, minutes, days and years we spent together. 
December 10, 2019
December 10, 2019
8 years today Dad.. still counting.

You just continue doing what you know how to do best, which is serving the Lord.

You know Dad, I have been waiting for that phone call since you went on that long journey..... hmm! not sure why you haven't called to say hello or maybe you are busy serving the Lord. Just know I will keep on waiting till you call when you are ready.

Here is my one request - Do not forget to mention our names to our Most High God as you serve Him, He has been merciful and faithful to us. He is always beside us.

I Loved you then and still do till this day and will love you forever dad.


I miss you so so much dad , oh! how I wish you were here to make me laugh or shoulder my troubles... You believed in me even when I was going the wrong way, somehow you always made me know you were 100% sure I will find my way back. Thank you for all those years, I carry that with me till this day

So it is 15 days to Christmas over here I am not sure what day it is for you up there but we will celebrate and enjoy ourselves knowing you are in a better place. Chao!!!
July 18, 2017
July 18, 2017
Happy Birthday Uncle,
May your soul rest in perfect peace.
We miss you!
December 10, 2014
December 10, 2014
Dear uncle Perry, thank you for being a brother and good friend to Daddy. Thanks for showing us a great example of what a good father should be. You were always available to pick me up from school if Daddy traveled. Those & many other great memories, I will never forget.
We know you are in a better place, but miss you very much.
May your soul continue to Rest in perfect peace.........Love, Ebot
December 10, 2014
December 10, 2014
Dear Dad,
It's three years today since you left us.. We love you and will never forget you.. We have one now named after you, he swaggs just like you.
December 10, 2013
December 10, 2013
I Heard Your Voice In The Wind Today
I heard your voice in the wind today
and I turned to see your face;
The warmth of the wind caressed me
as I stood silently in place.

I felt your touch in the sun today
as its warmth filled the sky;
I closed my eyes for your embrace
and my spirit soared high.

I saw your eyes in the window pane
as I watched the falling rain;
It seemed as each raindrop fell
it quietly said your name.

I held you close in my heart today
it made me feel complete;
You may have died...but you are not gone
you will always be a part of me.

As long as the sun shines...
the wind blows...
the rain falls...
You will live on inside of me forever
for that is all my heart knows.
December 10, 2013
December 10, 2013
Hello Daddy,
It is two years today since you left and then left a hole in my heart forever, but guess what.. God always has a way of making it better.. your Boy Adriel Perry is here. I couldn't pass on the opportunity to keep your name alive. I dream about you always...Some people say the wound heals with time and some say it never heals.. oh well; all I say is thank you for the wonderful life and the precious moments we spent together. Thank you for being the best dad. I know you are watching over us because i can feel you. Keep doing what you know how to do best which is to serve people., Serve the Lord like you served everyone while you were here. The kids still talk about you from time to's amazing how and what they remember. Love you Dad.

December 11, 2012
December 11, 2012
Sharon,Tabi,Arrey and Effudem,I can't beliefe we are already celibrating the first aniversary of 'Mr Perry' as we called.As i write this tribute my eyes are full with tears.I think of all the good times he had with my Dad.What i can say is that may his soul rest in peace.You gays have to be strong and make sure you preserve his good legacy he left behind.Mr Perry we love you.Charles Eyong-
December 10, 2012
December 10, 2012
Dad i feel like i am still dreaming. I got up this morning, went to the living room hoping to see you sitting there.
I still look for you every day and i can not stop crying..
it really hurts when i can not talk to you or see you.
I am happy you are with the Lord, He loves you more.
December 10, 2012
December 10, 2012
A year ago when the Lord said Mr. Perry Arrey, it is time for you to see your eternal father, we were all shattered. A year ago is now our yesterday. We pray God will continue to nourish your soul and grant us peace that we would find solace in him whose works surpass all understanding.May your gentle soul RIPP. Goodnite. For the MBENG'S FAMILY.
July 24, 2012
July 24, 2012
Dear Uncle Perry,
though it was a long while I saw you, I still remember your kind gestures,funny jokes and magic tricks. You were a loving uncle and its sad we have to say goodbye so soon but God knows best.Farewell and rest in the loving arms of our almighty God.
July 16, 2012
July 16, 2012
God had made fathers so that children learn how to stay level headed, survive the storm and become strong and unbreakable. I thank you for passing on all these qualities to me. Happy Birthday dad
July 16, 2012
July 16, 2012
Dear Daddy,
Gone but not forgotten! Forever you will live on in our heart. A happy birthday is what we wish you, although we can't celebrate it with you, I am sure every ones thoughts are with you. You are still missed immensely. I am grateful to have met you. Proud to be part of your family.. Love you, Conn #2
July 16, 2012
July 16, 2012
Br Perry please rest in peace. We think you went away a little too early but who are we to judge God's decision? Your place will hardly be filled in any milieu where you were present. Greet my mom, your auntie."NEKOR NEREH NEREH, EJEN TEBEREH, AUREVOIR, GOOD BYE" I can speak only four languages of the many you were fluent in. Happy Birthday. Celebrate with the saints.
July 16, 2012
July 16, 2012
Hey Uncle Perry, my eyes are shedding tears again while going through the funeral pictures. You are still alive in me as i always think of your humor. Junior, Your best friend in the whole of this universe, as you fondly called him, Ayuk, who paid 25frs to you to marry auntie Christie and all my other kids have a story or two tell about you. We fondly miss you. We will forever remember you
July 16, 2012
July 16, 2012
No words I write can ever say how much I miss you every day.
As time goes by, the loneliness grows; How I miss you, nobody knows! I think of you in silence, I often speak your name, but all I have now are memories of your selfless love for us. No one knows my sorrow, no one sees me weep. The love I have for you is in my heart to keep. I've never stopped loving you and I'm sure I neve
February 25, 2012
February 25, 2012
Mr Perry, as my family called you.I just wish to tell you my family cherished the friendship you shared with our father and us the children.Your early departure for me is just like a dream.I will want to thank you every much for the advice you gave to me 12yrs ago when i was leaving home.It breaks my heart to know that you are no longer there.May the peace of the lord be with you for ever.
January 18, 2012
January 18, 2012
I beg you Lord take care of mum. That cry, that pain...oh!! how it hurts to see her cry or even hear her talk about daddy. He was her best friend and all. show her how to carry on, comfort her please. I am not good at comforting her because i already am very messed up without you. I need a lot more help than i thought. It's very depressing not to stay depressed, you left a hole in my heart
January 18, 2012
January 18, 2012
Every day i say a Prayer, i tell God one more thing that you do very well. I asked Him to take care of you. I told Him you love to serve people and so he should use you to serve Him. I mentioned that you know how to cook and take great care of kids. And then i told Him too that you are full of jokes and that you will make Him laugh harder than ever. Well He knows you more. I love you Dad.
January 18, 2012
January 18, 2012
You know something funny daddy? when we make AB angry he goes and brings your portrait saying something to me, i am not sure exactly what he says but maybe he still wants you to come rescue him from this cold cruel world... can you still do that?

shhh!! he plays on it too.. don't tell him i told you.
January 18, 2012
January 18, 2012
it gets so hard to wake up and not hear your voice.. you didnt call me up at 4 am to check on the kids. On Saturday evenning AB said " I miss Grandpa & Grandma".Tell me what do i tell him..?Dad, this weekened i just couldn't help myself. i needed you. where are you? show me how to carry on. i am lost.
January 10, 2012
January 10, 2012
today marks a month since u've been gone.the road ahead is not easy because we have way too many things to discuss but I can't seem to reach you..where do we go from here? what do we do? how do we navigate this life without ur warnings, advise and encouragement.what are u thinking about us? can you see or hear us? miss u daddy
January 10, 2012
January 10, 2012
"Uncle P" as I fondly called u. Rest in Peace at the Lord's Bossom. U gonna remain ever green in our hearts. We will miss u "big time. I pray that the Good Lord should give mama courage and strength to support yr absence with prayers.
We love u but God loves u most, RIP Uncle. ADIEU.
January 9, 2012
January 9, 2012
It will be a month tomorrow ... I still can't hear you or see your face.. Oh! How I wish I could only hear you moan /groan.
I cried for you all day yesterday, it really hurts and yesterday was a day I needed you so much, I needed to talk to you, I needed to scream.. I needed you by my side..
January 5, 2012
January 5, 2012
Dear Uncle Perry, Like a bad dream we continue to suffer from your sudden absence from our earthly lives. The pictures uploaded by Nchenge confirm to us what we have always wanted to believe was a dream. I am consumed with sadness just looking at the pictures. A life gone too soon. Just when it was time for you to enjoy your hard work. oh death how cruel
January 5, 2012
January 5, 2012
Dear Uncle, you leave a void that would not be filled. I still remember the way you called my name. your smile. your talk.This comes as a shock but like all things unexpainable, we must accept. may you rest in peace. you care gone from this earth but forever in our hearts.
December 27, 2011
December 27, 2011
As you will soon be laid to rest...all i can say is you fought the good fight..and without any doubt your exist has left a vacuum for so many...we cherish every memory we have of you..we will carry on until we meet again..We thank the ALMIGHTY FATHER, for your precious life. REST IN PEACE..Papa...thanks for the visit...
December 26, 2011
December 26, 2011

God knows when we shall meet again.

love Con
Bye for now...............
December 26, 2011
December 26, 2011
A Nyangkpe baron who knew Nyankpe inside out, a man with passion for his culture, a gallant dancer, a drummer and singer, a handsome man all through his age, a humble servant of the people. Your mom, Mami Joana is a humorist, but you beat her records by far. The light is out, my children will always remember the fun with you from their tender ages to present. You were a blend of the ages.
December 26, 2011
December 26, 2011
Brother Perry, i am plucking courage today that you are lying in state to say something about you. You were always there for everyone You never called me by name. It was always, "Ma". Always showing concern, talking to my kids, while in Houston with Efu. I really find it difficult to digest your being in a coffin. A humorist, who turns sad event to happy ones, a speaker of many languages,
December 20, 2011
December 20, 2011
When a SESEKOU falls, a white flag is conspicuously raised in his honour. No one makes a noise because the LION is raving angry. When a SESEKOU who had a very human touch falls,you cannot help but remember your last encounter and how it resonated with this case, you are understood when you weep silently. SESEKOU ARREY NDIP Perry,1month ago in uncle jimmy's? RIP.
December 20, 2011
December 20, 2011
Uncle Perry, I still remember your smiles, jokes and light heart, You were always positive when everyone else was negative. You leave an indelible mark in my life . We love you and would miss you so much but God has a better plan for your kind and gentle soul RIP
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Recent Tributes
July 18
July 18
Uncle Perry? It’s Ebot. Happy belated birthday Uncle. We miss you.
July 16
July 16
I am still Waiting for you. It would've been fun today sharing your cake.

Oh, how I wish I could dance again with my father.

December 10, 2023
December 10, 2023
Hi Uncle Perry!
Thank you for giving us so many reasons to miss you 12 yrs later.
Thank you for always welcoming me with a smile.
Thank you for all those times you visited and picked us up from Saker.
Thank you for working so hard to creat a great life for your family.
It is tough not having you physically here but we know your spirit lives on. Keep smiling in heaven.
We miss you!
Ebot :-)
Recent stories

4 years now and it still hurts like yesterday

December 10, 2015

Daddy,it hurts to think you're not here anymore. Although I can't help but smile with tears in my eyes to think of how we cherished you and every moment of our lives together wheb you were still with us.we muss you daddy

4 Years today

December 10, 2015

Hello Daddy,

4 years today (still counting  ) since you left us for a better place. 

You will never be replaced in our hearts and minds, we thank God for sending you to watch over us always.. you know what i mean.

So Long...



July 16, 2015

It's almost 4 years since the Lord called you over...I miss you and I will still say Happy Birthday even though you are not here..

Somehow, I still feel you near me and in times of difficulties I feel you even closer..

Thanks for the unconditional love you showed us, that love will reign forever from generation to generation..


..and, OH!!  we got a mini you chez nous.. DD is amazing..AB still talks about you from time to time. He cries when he thinks about you. That boy does not want to play soccer but after I told him that you were a pro and that you would love for him to at least know how to play, he agreed to play.. playing for grandpa..  

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