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A great mother (The Maamaa)

October 2, 2022
My beloved mother; NneOma, Cheif (Mrs) Regina Ugochiñyere  IBE nee Egbuziem, you are very inspirational to me. Mama has remained the Piller, the corner stone and the foundation upon which the IBE's family stood on by the grace of God given to her.
It will take me sixty years to fully narrate in details what the above statement mean. However, I am what I am and what I going to be by the grace of God through her exemplary persistent doggedness, strength of purpose, unassumingly very humble, a strict disciplinarian, very resourceful and innovative and above all has very deep rooted reverence and believe in God through Jesus The Christ, also filled with the Holy Spirit, for Which she served actively all her life.
I count myself successful in life because Mama thought me(us) never to relent even in times of difficulty but to keep pressing on to the goal at the top in life.I can not forget in my year 8 (secondary class 2), my immediate senior brother Anthony and I, we refused to go to school because we had no school locker; as was the fashion in the 1970's in my local high school "Amaimo High School". Mama had gone for morning mass as was her routine before going for her trading business, and Mama came back to meet us at home. As would be expected, she thunderd in question "what are you children still doing at home by this time of the day, other children are in school learning and you are here doing what? Then we gave all our reasons for not wanting to go to school. She responded, is that all? is there no child in that school that has not got the so called locker? and we chorused , yes. She concluded that, that is a lie, alright I will go now and see your Principal and find out why he should send children back home because of locker.
 Instantly we new we were in trouble because we wanted to take the meck to get our own locker. 
  Mama went into her room dropped her Bible and Church books, came out took a glance at both of us, while we began to take back steps. She reached for a very long stick( útalí gova) and walked behind both of us while we ran to the school, which was about 20mins from our home. Mama followed us right into the school compound, watching us get into our classes, she headed straight to the Principals Office. My heart was pumping so hard and fast and I was sweating profusely.
Moment later the Principal came into our class and called, Anthony and Eugene Ibe, stand up. He said Never again must you refuse to come to because of anything unless you two come to let me know. Do you understand that?  Yes sir,we chorused. 
 From that day we became a secured caw in our class.
From then till today, I do not give up on anything that I am supposed to do. This one of the numerous disciplinary techniques of Mama.
My dearest mother, I am confident that you are resting with our Lord Jesus with God Almighty until we meet again.

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