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November 18, 2022
November 18, 2022
When i woke up this morning, i thought
I saw her face today
In the sparkle of the morning sun.
And then I heard the angel say,
"Her work on earth is done."

I thought I heard her voice today
Then laugh her hearty laugh.
And then I heard the angel say,
"There's peace, my little niece, at last."

I thought I felt her touch today
In the breeze that rustled by.
And then I heard the angel say,
"The spirit never dies."

I thought that she had left me
For the stars so far above.
And then I heard the angel say,
"She left you with her love."

I thought that I would miss her
And never find my way.
And then I heard the angel say,
"She's with you every day."
November 14, 2022
November 14, 2022
Mama, I am very grateful and thankful for having you as my mother and for all your care. You were always there for me, in times of challenges and good times. If tears could build a stairway and memory lane, I would bring you back. I will not let tears mar the smiles you gave me when you were alive. My mother was an inspiring woman, she was always there for all who came to her with their needs. Our home was always open to everyone, and my mother’s hospitality made all who came across her feel important. She was the most loving, humble, compassionate, understanding, family-orientated woman and one of the most beautiful souls one could ever meet, but above all Mama you were a virtuous woman. I am going to miss you so much my mother.
To the world you were a person, but to me you were the world. You did not have much, but we always felt like we had everything. You did not leave hatred, envy, or wickedness, but you left a legacy that will reverberate in the minds of all. You taught me love, patience and endurance and these are your God given virtues.
You taught me how to pray and led by example, you did this without fail. You praised me whenever I did good and pointed out my mistakes with your motherly care. You encouraged me to work hard in school and taught me that education is important in life, even though you were denied the opportunity to further your education at a young age after your standard six. You worked hard and persevered to make sure that all your children got the education we deserved. I still remember your voice as you told me the intricacies of life.
Mama, you were the truest, dearest, more than a mother to me. I saw you as my friend, my guardian and at the same time my father when we lost Papa. You stood alone for over 30 years after my father passed on, and only God knows the inner strength you had to keep carrying the whole family’s problems single-handedly.
Precious, a gift from God, grace, love, and patience are the qualities I see you exhibit to family and friends. You touched my heart in so many ways, even during challenges, your strength and motherly advice made me realize I had an angel beside me. There were times when I felt the whole world had rejected me and thought that I had no strength to move on due the harsh realities of life I found myself in, but you comforted me and encouraged me to keep going. I remember when my school fees was stolen, I came to you crying, you gave me the little you had at the time and asked me to go back to school. When I was given names and was everybody’s disgust you took me in and even made me your friend, we would go to market to sell head of stockfish, stockfish itself and egwusi. You never lost hope on me, I remember the first time I realised that I am a woman, it was a market day, and I came to you trembling, thinking there was something wrong with me. When I eventually picked up the courage to tell you, I saw the smile on your face and how you took me to buy the needed item and asked me to go home and wait for you.
My life encounters with you are so numerous that I cannot say all here but in every step of the way, you encouraged and told me to keep going and never give up. I do not know how I would have lived my life without you.
Not a day goes by that you are not missed. I thought it might get easier as time went by, but it does not. I do not know how to come to terms with the reality that you are no more, but I know that for sure, you are the best mother in the whole world and the best mother anyone could ask for in life.
You saw beauty in everything in life, you were a very simple-minded woman. You were the best person morally that I have ever known. You taught me how to live an independent life. I promise to keep your legacy and all those virtues you taught me. I cry my eyes out because I miss you so much. How I wish you stayed a little bit longer. I remember the stories you told me and the things you said to me. If only I could talk to you one more time - I love you dearly. I am utterly heartbroken that you are gone forever; it is so hard to face reality. Goodbye, my heart bleeds because you are no more, you will always be in my heart. Adieu, adieu till we meet to part no more.
- MaryAnn Oparaugo Daughter
October 11, 2022
October 11, 2022
Irreplaceable Mother in-law

Mama’s exit came to all of us as a shock, as her flight to Nigeria had been booked, and preparation was on the way for her reception back to Nigeria. Little did we know that God had prepared a better place for her.

Mama was truthful, courageous, bold and had a large heart that accommodated all. She had zero tolerance for laziness.

Mama died leaving legacies and blue prints in the sands of time.

I have come to cherish her admonishments, directions and corrections, I appreciate them them all. We are consoled that ‘the soul of the virtuous are in the hands of the lord’(wisdom 3:1).

Mama rest well on your journey, Heaven is your reward.

Rest on Nneoma !

Rest on Ada Egubziem !!

Rest on Mama Amaimo !!!

  Fare thee well. 

                                   Adaoma Ibe Esther (Laux)
                                    1st daughter in-law.

October 3, 2022
October 3, 2022
Mmam Regina just like a story your death is becoming true.You are a lion indeed,you protected us your brothers children with all your strength.Ndaam as my daddy fondly calls you,From you I learnt a lot you stood for truth no matter whose ox is at aunty journey well may your soul continue to rest in perfect peace.Our consolation lies in the fact that your efforts were not in vain.journey on my great aunty Journey well the lioness,Journey on the first fruit of Mary and Joseph journey well the iroko,journey in perfect peace .Amen
October 2, 2022
October 2, 2022

There are many stories that can be told about you but I will always remember you as a

Black and very Beautiful tall Woman.
A very Loving Mother.
A warrior Mother that made sure her Children became all they can be.
A good christian Mother.
and my beloved Daa Regina, the best friend of Maama my late mother. There is no way I could Know find out if you will meet her over there, but if there is a chance you meet over there, please do continue your good friendship.

I will for ever remember the beautiful smile on your face each time you see me and would welcome me like my mother would do.

I pray that as you Transit into Eternity may you find mercy on your journey and find rest eternally Amen.

October 1, 2022
Nneoma Regina, the best mother inlaw any man could wish and ask for, you became who you were because of the people and events that tried to break you. You could have learned to love less or give up sooner, but your perseverance and your large heart were your biggest weapons. You loved with every ounce of your existence and you lived life the way it should be lived, Your Way. Many years ago, you advised me to live life my way and on my own terms otherwise people will use me. It was the best advise a mother can give to a son and I am doing it and happier for it. Ga nke oma Nneoma Regina ga zuo ike. You will never be forgotten.

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