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February 23
February 23
The XVII Winter School "Robert Roe and Bernhart Wilpert" of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Course is now in progress (Gandía, 11-24 February 2024). As in previous years, the winter school is dedicated with gratitude to the memory of Robert and Bernhart for their inspiration and important contributions. Robert, we miss you a lot but seeing every year the impact of this initiative to which you contributed heavily is comforting us. Young psychologists coming from all around the world benefit strongly from your legacy.
February 23, 2023
February 23, 2023
Dear Rob,
seven years ago..
We often think of you here at EFPA, your name is mentioned at several occasions.
I would have loved to hear your opinion about so many things, not the least about the global situation. But it is not possible..
Missing you.
Sabine and colleagues
February 23, 2023
February 23, 2023
dear Robert
here in Gandia, at the 16^ Winter School, we remind of you every day - the school is dedicated to you and Bernard Wilpert - and also in my teaching on Design in WOP I often remind you opened this way to psychologists, and I also remind the spirit with which you was dedicated to students, teaching and research. Missing you.
August 11, 2021
August 11, 2021
Such a lot has happened since you left us, and we would have benefitted so much from your wisdom. Your ideas and values live on.

Very much missed.

February 24, 2020
February 24, 2020
Always remembered fondly and with respect. I am honoured to have worked with you and thanks for all I learned form you. Bernard Caruana (Malta)
July 27, 2018
July 27, 2018
I was going to leave Professor Roe a note about how useful his thinking in the field of motivation had been to me, that it proved instrumental in my most recent publication. During this process, it was with great regret that I learned of his passing and eventually I ended up here. I would have sincerely liked to have met him. A mind that truly cares about a field is so very rare.
August 12, 2017
August 12, 2017
Mr. Roe is only I know from his research papers. I am studying Phd and was looking for permission . I sad to know that He died. Many questions i want to ask, some paper I need to read. His concept about competence is save my paper after long confusing to find the right concept . Robert Roe for me is my inspiration and he did tought me by his thought , his paper that i download . Thank You Mr. Roe. Rest in peace....
For the family, with my sympathy,  I hope I still have chance to read more his great work, help to me to continue his concept landed in my Phd research.


Rita Kardinasari

+62 22 8122232461
March 21, 2016
March 21, 2016
EFPA Standing Committee on Traffic Psychology

The passing of Robert Roe is a great loss for the professional, scientific and academic psychology, and for us personally. As Robert became the new EFPA president he decided to be the EC liaison for the Standing Committee on Traffic Psychology. Robert gave us friendship, advice, and help in our efforts to work for development of Traffic psychology, at a particularly difficult time for the profession. As a professor of organisation theory and organisational behaviour he was always aware about the close link between organisational and traffic psychology; in fact, some of the first empirical studies of psychology dealt with traffic-related issues. Thus, during our first contact Robert emphasised that he is very interested in enhancing the visibility and impact of traffic psychology, and in the last two years Robert took a very active part in the work of our Standing Committee. His contributions will remain and will be remembered.

The members of the EFPA Standing Committee for Traffic Psychology want to express their condolences. All our heartfelt thoughts are with the family. We hope our friendship and gratitude to Robert relieve you during this difficult time.

EFPA Standing Committee on Traffic Psychology
March 9, 2016
March 9, 2016
Roger Lécuyer - FFPP

Robert Roe, ancien président de la Fédération Européenne des Associations de Psychologues (EFPA) nous a quittés

Robert Roe était professeur de psychologie du travail à l’université de Maastrich. Je l’ai connu et j’ai travaillé avec lui d’abord quand nous étions membres du comité qui a mis en place EuroPsy, de 1999 à 2008, ensuite quand il est devenu président de l’EFPA et que j’étais membre du comité exécutif de la Fédération Européenne, de 2007 à 2009. Concernant EuroPsy, et mise à part Ingrid Lunt qui pilotait le groupe, Robert a été le principal contributeur. Il n’arrivait jamais à une réunion sans avoir de nouvelles propositions pour faire avancer la réflexion. Dans les moments de tension, il défendait ses idées avec constance mais sans animosité, éventuellement prêt à changer d’avis si des arguments solides lui étaient présentés, mais jamais prêt à accepter un compromis boiteux.

En tant que président de l’EFPA, il s’était fixé pour but de rendre la profession plus visible, et pour cela d’envoyer aux décideurs un message simple et clair sur cette profession complexe. Défenseur de l’idée de la diversité des compétences nécessaires au psychologue en fonction de son champ d’exercice, il mettait en avant la notion de santé, telle que la définit l’OMS et professait que tous les psychologues interviennent peu ou prou en matière de santé. Grâce à lui, les psychologues existent un peu plus auprès des instances de Bruxelles.

C’était un immense plaisir que de travailler avec Robert : il était très stimulant, très à l’écoute de ses collaborateurs, sachant conduire une discussion pour que les problèmes de fond soient abordés à fond, et sachant ensuite présenter aux présidents des associations nationales membres de l’EFPA ou à l’assemblée générale de la Fédération des synthèses fouillées, structurées, et très claires, qui faisaient le plus souvent l’admiration de tous. Très international comme tout bon Hollandais, Robert aimait beaucoup la France et n’hésitait pas mettre bout à bout quelques mots de notre langue pour une parole amicale ou un mot d’humour.

Travailler avec cet homme simple et intelligent fut un honneur. L’avoir comme président fut une chance pour l’EFPA.

C’est un grand président qui nous a quittés.

Roger Lécuyer
March 9, 2016
March 9, 2016
Fédération Française des Psychologues et de Psychologie FFPP

Paris le 6 mars 2016

Nous avons appris le décès de notre collègue Robert Roe, ancien président de l’EFPA. Nous tenons par ce courrier à partager nos sentiments attristés avec tous nos collègues européens de l’EFPA.

Nous vous adressons joint un texte rédigé par Roger Lécuyer qui a eu l’occasion de travailler longuement et directement avec Robert Roe. Il s’agit d’un texte de témoignage qui va figurer dans le prochain numéro de notre Revue en ligne Fédérer.

En vous adressant nos salutations les meilleures,
Marie-Jeanne Robineau
Chargée de mission Europe
Benoît Schneider
Président de la FFPP
March 9, 2016
March 9, 2016
Dear Marika, Angela and Tony,

We haven't met before but I had in a very high value your husband and father, Rob, and I would like that you have knowledge of it.

I, and many others who have known him, have been very affected and shocked by the news of his decease. A very sad news for the Psychology and for the psychologists who have known him, and his wise contributions to our work. Specially in my case, in the EFPA, in the Standing Committee on Traffic Psychology, and in the University of Valencia, place in which we were coincident in several times, as consequence of his visits as lecturer.

Milano and Valencia, were the last two places and times I was with him, when I knew his delicate state of health. In Valencia, I was present and accompanied him in the ceremony in which Robert was awarded "Doctor Honoris Causa" by the University of Valencia. At that moment belongs the two attached photos, perhaps the last photos of him, when he caught me by surprise in the moment that a mate was going to take me a photo with the statue of the valencian humanist Jan Ludovicus Vives behind. Very appropriate photos, through them I will remember him forever.

Marika, Angela and Tony, I will not be able to be with you the Saturday 12th, but my heart and thoughts, of course, will be there. A warm hug.

Hector (from Valencia, Spain)

Prof. Dr. Hector Monterde-i-Bort ( )
Psychonomy Research Unit - Department of Methodology
Facultat de Psicologia - University of Valencia (Spain)
Av. Blasco Ibanyez, 21-
ES-46010 - VALENCIA (l'Horta) – Spain
March 8, 2016
March 8, 2016
Beste familie Roe,
Een aantal jaren heb ik met Robert en Eugène Sutorius deel uit mogen maken van de raad van commissarissen van Human Company. De samenstelling van deze raad was heel divers en daardoor ook heel compleet. Met veel waardering en genoegen denk ik terug aan onze vergaderingen. Van de inbreng van Robert, vanuit zijn specifieke invalshoek, heb ik veel geleerd. Daarnaast waardeer ik zeer zijn gevoel voor humor. Ik blijf me hem herinneren als een heel deskundige, betrokken en plezierige collega.
Ik wens u alle sterkte toe.
Hartelijke groet,
Richard Zijderveld
March 7, 2016
March 7, 2016
Prof. Dr. habil. Olaf Morgenroth
Health Psychology

I’m deeply moved by the sad news. I will always remember Robert as a very supporting colleague, a compassionate scientist, and a great human being. I shared his interest in the study of time.
My heartfelt sympathy,
Olaf Morgenroth, Hamburg

MSH Medical School Hamburg – University of Applied Sciences and Medical University
March 7, 2016
March 7, 2016
It was a shock to hear that Rob Roe passed away – I did not know he was so ill. Since the time that I was a student of work- and organizational psychology in Amsterdam,
I have known him as a very inspiring, creative, vibrant and thought-provoking scholar. He wrote the classic 'Grondslagen der Personeelspsychologie', which for many years I used in my course on Personnel Selection at the VU University.
Rob was a true European and international Dutch scientist. When Arne Evers and I organized the Amsterdam 2012 ITC conference, we asked him to address the delegates in De Waag during dinner. I vividly remember that he told us all how he grew up just a few footsteps away from where we were that evening.
I am happy that Marika and Rob were able to share their lives in the years they had together. I wish Marika and Rob’s children all the best with this immense loss.
Warmest regards, Marise Born
March 7, 2016
March 7, 2016
On behalf of all EUROPLAT members we would like to express our sincere condolences to Robert's family and friends. Robert was very supportive of the setting up and development of EUROPLAT and enthusiastically helped us achieve our aims. Robert was such a great communicator, he was wise and very kind and he will be sadly missed in the European Psychology Teaching and Learning arena. Dr Jacqui Taylor and Pete Reddy
March 4, 2016
March 4, 2016
Dear Robert,

Two months passed since our last exchange of letters. I wrote to you on Christmas morning sending my best wishes, updating you about EFPA and about my family, including the idea that I am thinking of visiting you in Leipzig as you kindly suggested several times.

I am visiting you but that is already too late to meet you in person. Therefore I am writing you a letter.

I remember when I met you first time in Prague at the General Assembly of EFPA in 2007. I did not know you then but for me it was clear that you should be the President of EFPA. It did not happen in Prague but you were elected at the General Assembly in Oslo in 2009. This was the time when big changes for EFPA started. I remember how I came timidly to congratulate you during reception.

The first letter I received from you was on January 13 in 2010. It is very personal day for me. You did not know that at that time but later on it was the theme that we were discussing many many times. It was a day of commemoration of the events that took place in January in 1991 when Lithuania’s freedom was attacked by Soviets who sent tanks and military troops against Lithuanian people. People were killed and injured. And my father was killed there as well. We were discussing these events for many times with you because you knew that I am working much to bring Gorbachev to trial and I am continuing doing this. I did not write you but finally Lithuania started a war crimes trial in the end of January this year for the crimes that were committed 25 years ago.

Since the first your letter I received 1636 e-mails from you. These 6 years were very intensive that I spent with you working in EFPA. They were very intensive and also very enriching. It was not always about work that we discussed. There were many other themes that we touched. Do you remember how I greeted you for your birthday two weeks after your real birthday and then you replied that I was not so late and you wrote a story that your friend once called you in October congratulating you cheerfully with your birthday.

I was surprised so many times seing how quickly and wisely you are responding to various questions. I saw so much respect in how you were talking to people, how enthusiastically you were bringing and presenting new ideas to our meetings and taking us forward. “Fasten you seatbelts” you said once in the beginning of our meeting and this comparison with an airplane is very good metaphor for a speed that you were taking us forward.

When you started steering EFPA, EFPA changed a lot. EFPA started looking outwards to the world and psychology started being more and more visible at the European level.

It was so nice to see that so many other European psychological associations responded to your invitation to come together, to share experience and discuss how we could speak as a united voice of psychology in Europe. You were the person that brought people together.

I cannot forget the last General Assembly in Milan, where you stepped down from the duties of President and how the delegates were applauding and thanking you. So sincerely, so strongly, so warmly.

Big EFPA community will be missing you so much!

Dear Robert, it is so sad that this my last letter to you. I am so glad that I had a chance to meet such a wonderful and kind person that you were.

Rest in peace my dear colleague, teacher and friend.
March 3, 2016
March 3, 2016
European Association for Aviation Psychology EAAP

The board and members of EAAP offer their deepest felt condolences to Robert’s wife, son, daughter and other family. We wish all the family much strength in coping with such a great loss.

Rob took a great interest in aviation and aviation psychology and has made major contributions to it in, among others, the field of the selection of pilots and air traffic controllers. He was an appreciated speaker at our conferences, presenting us with important high quality research and stimulating visions and ideas. Not in the least, driven as he was by the sake of advancing psychology, he strongly stimulated us to get aviation psychology recognized at the European level, and always in a very positive manner.

Personally, having known him for over thirty years in different phases of my career, I have always felt a deep respect for him and have felt inspired by his clear visions, writings and leadership of projects. Working together with him was a pleasure as he never tried to dominate the scene otherwise than by his wisdom and friendliness. Much appreciated, he was both a very determined professional psychologist and a good listener as well.

We are grateful for what Rob has meant to us, and will mean to us in the future thanks to his writings, the frameworks he created and the inspiration he gave us.

He will be missed and we will remember him.

On behalf of EAAP,

André Droog, president
European Association for Aviation Psychology
Groningen, The Netherlands
3 March 2016
March 3, 2016
March 3, 2016
I have known Robert closely th past seven years, working under his leadership in the EFPA Executive Council. Robert was a very determined and hard-working individual. A very well-respected academic who worked for the development of psychology as well as a figure in Psychology Associations among which EWOP and later on President of EFPA. Robert had a vision and transformed EFPA: working on a vision document and its implementation. He wanted a united profession both on a national level and a European level and worked for it. He wanted psychology to be visible in the EU fora and worked for it. During the six years of his presidency his life was EFPA during his whole career his life was psychology.
Robert, however, was also a very cultured individual and a very good friend who's company one always enjoyed.
Deepest sympathies go to Marica and his children: You missed a loving husband and father; psychology missed a dedicated father too.
May you rest in peace Robert, you will always remain in our hearts and memories
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
Italian Network of Psychologists Associations

INPA-Italy shares the sorrow for the loss of our former president, Robert Roe.

Mario Sellini

Via Arenula 16 - 00186 Roma
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
It is so difficult to say a final farewell to a friend and colleague whom I was privileged to have known for over a quarter of a century. Psychologists from Europe and throughout the world will attest to Robert Roe's scientific and professional contributions and leadership to psychology.

My thoughts and condolences are with Marika and his son and daughter
James Georgas
Emeritus Professor
University of Athens
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
I would like to express my condolences!!!

I'm really sorry.

Dra. Marina Romeo
Professora Titular
Internal Coordinator Master Erasmus Mundus WOP_P
Directora del Grup Consolidat d'Innovació Docent (GID-CAV)
Directora de la Càtedra UB-FA per a l'Integració Laboral de Persones amb Discapacitats 
Membre del Grup de Recerca Consolidat PSICOSAO
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
I express my sincere condolences to the family.
May he rest in peace.

Barbara Craciun, Ph.D.
Titu Maiorescu University
Faculty of Psychology
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
My sincere condolences. We have lost an excellent professor and person.
Vicente Martínez-Tur
University of Valencia, Spain
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
Finnish Psychological Association

Dear Marika and family,
Dear colleagues,

We wish to extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to you.

Robert loved psychology and he gave psychology generous gifts
through his extraordinary talent and practical work as a visionary leader.

To those of us who knew him personally he was also a good friend with a great sense of humour
- and therefore we will miss him both personally and in our organisations.


Tuomo Tikkanen
Finnish Psychological Association
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
EFPA Standing Committee Geropsychology

We all share the feeling of a loss since Robert has in some or the other way touched us all as the great and dedicated person that he was. He will be remembered.

On behalf of the Standing Commitee on Geropsychology
Dieter Ferring

Prof. Dr. rer.nat. habil. Dieter Ferring
Professor of Developmental Psychology and Geropsychology
University Luxembourg

Head Research Unit INSIDE
Head Institute for Research on Generations and Family
Course Director « master en gérontologie »
Convenor of the SC Geropsychology of the EFPA
Member COST Action IS1311 INTERFASOL
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
British Psychological Society

On behalf of the British Psychological Society may I express our deepest condolences of the passing of Robert Roe, a lovely man, an excellent psychologist, a wonderful colleague and a memorable EFPA President.

May he rest in peace.

Prof Jamie Hacker Hughes CPsychol CSci FBPsS |
President 2015–2016
St Andrews House, 48 Princess Road East, Leicester LE1 7DR
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
EFPA Board of Assessment

On behalf of EFPA’s Board of Assessment, we would like to extend our deepest sympathies to Robert’s wife Marika, his son and his daughter. We wish them all strength in these sad days.
Robert was our Executive Council Liason for quite some years. It was a great pleasure working with him.

Best regards,
Dave Bartram and Iris Egberink
former and current convenor of the Board of Assessment
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
'Marco Guicciardi'

I learn with consternation the death of Robert Roe, scrupulous scholar, exemplary teacher, person sensitive to the needs of an entire professional community, which has contributed as President EFPA to develop in Europe and the world. His analytical skills and clarity of its summary, combined with a strategic vision, have been a costant stimulus to build a credible project for our scientific and professional development. Rests in peace.

Marco Guicciardi

Prof. Marco Guicciardi
Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy Faculty of Humanities University of Cagliari
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
Spanish Psychological Association

Please accept the Spanish Psychological Association (COP) condolences on the passing of Professor Robert Roe. We feel deeply sadden by this news. It was an honor to have known such a wonderful person and will surely miss him.

We would really appreciate your extending our most heartfelt sorrow and condolences to his family.

Warm regards,

Francisco Santolaya Ochando

Manuel Berdullas Temes
Convenor on International Relations

Spanish Psychological Association (COP)
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
'Filotheos Ntalianis'

I would like to express my sincere condolences for the death of Professor Roe and my sympathy to his family.

Filotheos Ntalianis
Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior/Management

University of Piraeus
Department of Business Administration
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing EMDR


March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
I was shocked and saddened to hear of Robert’s untimely passing. I am proud to have known him and worked with him on a number of occasions. I consider him not just a work colleague but also a friend and mentor. He will be missed by many people whose lives he touched but especially missed by his wife and children, to whom I express my deepest condolences.
Dave Bartram

Prof Dave Bartram, PhD, CPsychol, CSci, FBPsS, FIAAP, FITC
Chief Psychologist
CEB Talent Measurement Lab
CEB – What the Best Companies Do
Thames Ditton Surrey United Kingdom
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
Slovenian Association of Psychologists

Dear friends,

I'm really sorry to hear that dear Robert passed away. I believed in him and in his strength to win in this battle. But unfortunatelly...
I'll remember him as open minded, smart and warm person. And it was a real privilege for me to meet him!


Univerza v Ljubljani
Filozofska fakulteta prof.dr. Vlasta Zabukovec
Oddelek za bibliotekarstvo, informacijsko znanost in knjigarstvo

Filozofska fakulteta / Faculty of arts
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
Polish Psychological Association

Dear Colleagues,
The Executive Board of the Polish Psychological Association extends condolences on account of the death of former President of EFPA Prof. Dr. Roe. He was always kind to all of us and never failed to express his friendship.
We will remember him and always aspire to continue his work.
We share the grief with the authorities of EFPA.

On behalf of the Board of the Polish Psychological Association

Dr. Mal
Mał‚gorzata Toeplitz - Winiewska
President of the Polish Psychological Association

Prof. Dr. Andrzej Sękowski
Vice-President of the Polish Psychological Association
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
Latvian Professional Psychologists Association

In the name of all Latvian psychologists we express our deep condolences to Robert Roe's wife and children and simpathy to all, who know him.
We remember him as special person, very wise and humane, very deep, comprehensive and supportive in EFPA matters. He did so much us for us and always be in our memory.

Latvian professional Psychologists Association,
Evelina Muze
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
A man so kind and so wise… a man who welcomed me in his house and made me feel at home, who tought me about music and life… a man whom I called my “Father-in-love”…
I will miss your roasted duck and delicious salads, I will miss our talks over a wine glass… but I will always cherish the moments we shared. I am blessed to have known you, dear Robert! Rest in peace…
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
Swedish Psychological Association

Robert Roe will be greatly missed by Swedish colleagues and friends and his death is a big loss to the European psychological community.
We have known Robert Roe to be a true European with a never-ending ambition to contribute to the integration of the east and the west of Europe. He was always ready to share his knowledge, wisdom and experience, most recently – and partly during his illness - as chair of an international panel evaluating Swedish research on work organization for the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (FORTE).
To many of us he was not only a prominent work psychologist but also a great friend, always fun and rewarding to work with in the various projects that aimed at closer practical and scientific collaboration across Europe, and of which he had himself often taken the initiative.

On behalf of the Swedish Psychological Association

Anders Wahlberg
Swedish Psychological Association
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen e.V

Dear Colleagues,

The Federation of German Psychologists' Associations is shaken from the sad and unexpected message that Prof. Dr. Roe passed away.
The Executive Board always valued the results of Prof. Dr. Roe ministry as President of the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations. He was able to overcome difficult challenges with his capacious knowledge, experience and his good sense of humour. The German Federation will miss him as a reliable partner.

We are glad that he was able to attend the Awarding Ceremony of the German Psychology Award (Deutscher Psychologie Preis) in October 2015 in Berlin and that we were able to meet him there.

We will remember him as a true friend. Our heartfelt sympathies go to his family.

Cordial Greetings
Prof. Dr. Michael Krämer                 Prof. Dr. Andrea Abele-Brehm
Federation of German Psychologists' Associations
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
Peter Reddy - Aston University - Europlat

Robert was a an excellent President of EFPA and an inspiring and very kindly man. I am very sad to hear of his untimely death and my heartfelt condolences go to his family, friends and colleagues.


Peter Reddy
CPsychol, AFBPsS, PFHEA 
Reader in Psychology
National Teaching Fellow
Psychology Year One Tutor

School of Life and Health Sciences.    
Aston Triangle
Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
Union of Psychologists' Associations of the Czech Republic


With great sorrow, we wish to extent our sympathies upon hearing of the loss of Dr. Robert Roe.
It is no exaggeration to say that Dr. Robert Roe was one of the most influential people in formation of what is EFPA today. His personal warmth and his deep professional engagement ensured that he brought to this role, not only a very broad academic experience and an impressive intellect, but also a unique and personal vision.
Robert played an integral part in the development of the field of psychology in Czech Republic. We valued his wisdom and appreciated his personal knowledge of the Czech culture. His personal interest was of great support and we have lost a dear friend.
It has been both a privilege and an honour to know him, and we will miss him greatly. We extend our sincere and heartfelt condolences to all his family.
Iva Stuchlíková President of UPA CR
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
Malta Union and Professional Body of Psychology

I would like to express heartfelt condolences on behalf of all of MUPP. Robert will be remembered as a great man who was a great contributor to our profession. It was a pleasure having met him.

In our thoughts
Dr Paul Attard-Baldacchino
Obo/ all MUPP council

Malta Union and Professional Body of Psychology (MUPP)

Address: UHM – General Headquarters
“Dar Reggie Miller”, St. Thomas Street
Floriana FRN 1123
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
EFPA Standing Committee Community Psychology

It was with great sadness and shock we received the news that former EFPA president Robert Roe had passed away this week.

On behalf of the EFPA Standing Committee on Community Psychology I wish to express our deepest condolences to his colleagues and family.

It has been a pleasure to work for Robert, as he was an inspiring person to be with. Always encouraging and looking for solutions.

For the last 5 years we met with Robert in Brussels and Conferences around Europe. He was eager to support and include European

Community Psychologists in EFPA activities. He represented true dignity in working with people, and will be missed.


Nicholas Carr
Convenor EFPA CP on CP
Clinical Community Psychologist
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
It is with great regret that I learned of the passing of Robert. It is a very sad time indeed. I shall always remember him for his admirable combination of intellectual rigour and political acumen. He was a man of many depths and skills. 

Dr Mark Forshaw, BPS Trustee,
Chair of BPS Membership Standards Board,
President of the Institute of Health Promotion and Education

Dr Mark Forshaw C.Psychol, C.Sci, FBPsS, FIHPE
Subject Leader in Psychology, Registered Health Psychologist
Natural Sciences and Psychology
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
European Community Psychology Association ECPA

Please accept the condolences of the President and the Executive Committee of ECPA on behalf of all members.

Losing a loved one is never easy. Robert was for us a President, but he was also a very good friend and an excellent scholar.
We are honored that he opened our 2013 International conference in Naples and keep in our mind his speech as treasure.
His words on the importance of social issues and therefore the suggestion to give attention to “the forest not only considering the single tree” became for us, as community psychologists, a special thought.

There are no words to describe how sorry we are for his loss and we ask you to bring to his family our condolence

Our hearts and thoughts are with him

The President and Executive Committee of ECPA,
Liz, Caterina,Serdar, Maria, Bruna,Ruben
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
European Master on Work, Organisational and Personnel psychology

Students, teachers and all staff of the European Master on Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, express to his wife and family the most heartfelt condolences for the death of Prof. Robert Roe.

The words we know are unable to communicate how much we owe to him. It was truly a privilege to have had the opportunity to meet and learn from him. We will never forget his teachings and the Person he was. It will be our tribute!
Leonor Pais, Duarte Gomes, Paulo Renato Lourenco, Carla Carvalho, Joaquim Valentim, Nuno Rebelo dos Santos, Alice Oliveira, Isabel DD
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
I would like to express my sadness by the passing away of our Master and friend Robert.

His wisdom and warm support for so many initiatives will be in our memory forever.

My sympathy for his family and friends.

José Ramos (University of Valencia, and Europsy Spanish NAC).
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
'Rainer K. Silbereisen'

Dear Marika Roe and family,

please accept my personal condolences - you have lost your beloved husband and father, and I am very sad about that. International psychology has lost a hero of applying psychology to the promotion of human welfare in a global arena.

We met last time in a bus in Milan, and our chat was about life and achievements, and Robert had such a wonderful way of talking about this complex issue. I was very much impressed and left the bus with the feeling that I had leared something.

Loss is terrible, but we also know that life is in our memories about the great things that have happened and the sad things we have overcome together.

With my warmest regards in a difficult time, Rainer
Research Professor Dr. Rainer K. Silbereisen
Director Center for Applied Developmental Science (CADS) Past-President International Union of Psychological Science Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Psychology
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
Carribean Alliance of National Psychological Associations

Dear Colleagues:

I seek to represent the entire community of psychologists in the wider Caribbean, generally, and the members of our Member Associations, specifically, as well as the Executive Council of the Caribbean Alliance of National Psychological Associations (CANPA), when I join my voice to the chorus of voices that are raised to express sadness and loss at the passing of your President, Professor Robert A. Roe. Indeed, we are saddened that he has left us still young and hope that our condolences will reach his family and loved ones. We are already very conscious of the loss that his passing represents to Caribbean psychology as we mobilize to build capacity in this region of the world.

Professor Roe was a friend of Caribbean psychology. He did not hesitate when we invited him to participate in the Capacity-Building Pre-Conference Workshop at CRCP 2014 in Paramaribo, Suriname, in November 2014.  He provided a most informative and historically and culturally sensitive presentation of the EuroPsy process and credential as models for our consideration as we begin to grapple with the creation of multi-country credentialing arrangements in psychology. He also contributed a well-received presentation during the conference. Both of these roles established his interest, sensitivity and expertise to be a valuable friend to Caribbean psychology. We were looking forward to his on-going collaboration and lament the premature termination of his promise and support. He will be missed.


Omowale Amuleru-Marshall, Ph.D., M.P.H.
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
Icelandic Psychological Association

On behalf of the Icelandic Psychological Association I send very sincere and deep condolonces to Roberts close colleagues in the board and offices of EFPA and of course his family .

Warm regards,
Hrund Thrandardottir
President of the Icelandic Psychological Association

Með kærri kveðju,

Hrund Þrándardóttir
formaður Sálfræðingafélags Íslands
Borgartúni 6, 105 Reykjavík
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