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March 5, 2022
March 5, 2022
Hello Ryan. I know this is a little late, but I wanted to give you as much respect as possible. Your endless love and joy as a friend have genuinely made me a better person as a whole. I remember first meeting you in summer school in 6th grade in English class. I remember talking about Fortnite and all the fun we would have. You made the whole summer school experience fun, especially Mr. Sandersons class. Remember all those hours spent together in that class? I will never forget the joy and laughter you brought to us. When I moved to MVMS, we always sat together and lunch, and you helped me navigate my new school. I will never forget about PD 7 Yetter. The laughter you brought to me and the unforgettable experiences that I was able to share with you. You just brought a smile to everyone. You made everyone's day just that perfect. I'm very sad that I never got to know you longer. Heaven has gained an angel. Your legacy will never be forgotten. I miss you, Ryan. I will never forget about you.
January 30, 2022
January 30, 2022
I’ve known him since 4th grade and we’ve both been really good friends since then. I’ve shared laughs with him, tears, I’ve even came to him when I needed a friend. He was like a brother to me, a friend I could come to love. He helped me see the positive within myself and helped me feel like I was part of a family and like I was loved. I miss him greatly and he’ll forever be in my heart. I’m very grateful to have called him my friend and I’m very thankful that I got to have a friend like him that made me feel special.
September 29, 2021
September 29, 2021
Hey Ryan,

I wrote a letter to you last year
meant to send it much earlier
but I wasn’t ready to do so till today

I want u to know I still feel pain and hurt
And I still miss you so much

It’s really upsetting
I don’t wanna hear about you this way

I was just washing the clothes your mom sent to your little cousin
and I burst into tears
As a mother, I can’t even imagine the pain of losing a kid
I dare not to imagine
how hard for you guys get through this…

It has been a long time since we met
I still remember how cool and cute u were
A smart, lively, naughty and fun boy
I wanna hug u tightly
To tell you everything is gonna be alright
To tell you we are here for you

We made our promise that you will come to Taiwan again
But after the day you were gone
I’m so speechless
Walking through the park we have pictures
I’m still so sad, so heartbroken

Every time I think about you, I pray
I will pray for you tonight
Hope your soul rests in peace
Hope you are living in a better world
Full of happiness and new friends
Without any pain or hurt

And I hope you know how much our whole families love you
We all love you so so so much

Auntie miss u so.
Wish to see u again next life, my dear nephew.

Auntie niuniu
October 29, 2020
October 29, 2020
Dearest Ryan,

It’s been very hard on our family to come to grips with your passing. The Mattes Family has always loved you like our own, always. We consider ourselves very lucky, to especially have known you since you were 5 years old. In that time, we have spent many many life moments with you! It is really difficult to put to words how I am feeling as my mind has been in a jumble since finding out so abruptly about your loss. But our family still holds a very neat nook in our hearts just for you, Ryan. You were one of Alex’s best friends (we thank you for that), and Alyssa very much enjoyed her moments tagging along. We will remember all the good times: from the many carpools, scouting, overnight camping, video games, day camps, Chinese camp, hikes, Lego Robotics, all the years at MWES & MVMS, Halloween’s, play dates, birthday parties, school trips... Thank you for being part of our lives and sharing your wonder with us all!! We love you, Ryan! ❤️
October 22, 2020
October 22, 2020
I'm sorry I'm super late on this but I just couldn't bring myself to do it a few weeks ago. I've only known Ryan for 3 years but in that time frame we did so much together. I still remember when Ryan and I had arrived at our very first Boy Scout camping trip and neither of us knew what to do. He recognized my Eagles hat and we immediately got into talking about football, and then Smash Bros, and Pokemon, etc. We had so much in common and we would always make the stupidest jokes and do the funniest things. Now that I think about it, he was the very first friend I ever made in Scouting. I have so many great memories of Ryan and I would give anything just to sit down with him and talk, one last time. You'll be missed buddy. You won't be forgotten in a million years. Rest in peace.
October 14, 2020
October 14, 2020
I never met you but knew you father very well.  I know your father loved you very much, and cherished the time he was able to spend with you. 

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” - Psalm 23:4
October 12, 2020
October 12, 2020
I'm glad I was able to spend time with him. He was a great friend and I'll forever charish are time together. It feel like just yesterday when we were at the January camp out. Scouts won't be the same. The type of energy he had was amazing. I'm going to miss his dumb jokes and us staying up way to late watching anime. He was a good friend and he was just honestly a one of a kind. I could go on for hours about all the dumb things we did together. Best thing we ever did was on the first Januray camping trip we stayed up until like 3 am playing Arms on the switch. We had to wake up 3 hours later and we looked like zombies. Things truly won't be the same. Rest in peace my friend I will see you again some day.
October 12, 2020
October 12, 2020
I remember Ryan so well. I remember when we went camping and I was in the same tent as him watching anime, I remember playing games with him, and most importantly being friends with him. You brought so much happiness into my life, and I hate to see you leave. <3
October 12, 2020
October 12, 2020
As I never got to know ryan much, I loved to play with him in the online world, he always found a way to make everyone happy, I loved his fortnite maps, and I wish he was still here to play some more games with us all.
October 5, 2020
October 5, 2020
Ryan is someone who I will always remember, I could be myself around him and not break a sweat. Talk to him, make memories, and make memories with him. He wasn't just another friend, he was different, something more. Working on a group project, sneaking video games on school days, and even making questionable jokes. It was hard to learn he was gone, and he has made the best of his lifetime, even if it has been cut short. Rest in Peace, friend.
October 5, 2020
October 5, 2020
I’m glad I was able to call Ryan my best friend. I wasn’t really great friends with him until sixth grade but I always knew he was a good guy. At that point I realized we liked a lot of the same things. We’d play video games and just do whatever almost every day. I always had the best time when I was with him. This is probably the hardest time I’ve gone through in my life but thanks to my amazing friends I’ve been able to get through it. He couldn’t have been a better friend. Rest in paradise, Trimm Chan
October 5, 2020
October 5, 2020
I didn't know Ryan that well. I met him online when i was playing with some of his friends. he was the most funniest person ever. it feels like a part of us is gone now. may he rest in peace and condolences to your family.
October 5, 2020
October 5, 2020
I am heartbroken to learn of Ryan's passing. He was an earnest, kind, hard-working, and creative student. I always enjoyed teaching him. My condolences to your family. He will be missed.
October 5, 2020
October 5, 2020
I am so sorry for the loss of your precious child. My thoughts and prayers are with you today and always. May Ryan rest in peace.
October 4, 2020
October 4, 2020
I didn't know Ryan very well, but he was in many of my classes in middle and elementary school. He was very kind, and was able to make friends easily. Even if you didn't know him, he was able to make you laugh. I remember in 7th grade english, he was often making funny remarks that made that class a much brighter and better period. He will be missed. Rest in Peace.
October 4, 2020
October 4, 2020
I moved to the Turf Valley area in the summer before 2nd grade, only a few days before school started, so I didn’t get to meet the other kids around. On the first day of school, I sat with Ryan on the bus, and he was the first friend I had made. We sat next to each other on the bus for the next 7 years, and would always talk about life or play with each other. During school we had few classes with each other, but in those classes we would work together very often and have lots of fun. Over the summer we played outside a lot, and sometimes went to each other’s houses to play video games. Ryan had a special place in my heart, and I will miss him dearly. May you Rest In Peace.
October 4, 2020
October 4, 2020
Ryan and I were classmates in FACS class at MVMS. He was always the sous chef! And he knew what to do when we were making the fried rice-he practically did that one himself. He was charming, people liked him and were drawn to him. He had a very likeable quality about him. I'm very very sorry for your loss. I'll always remember him.
-Luca Sambat
October 4, 2020
October 4, 2020
I was in a few of Ryan’s classes in middle school. Every interaction I had with him in school I can remember him being funny and smart and an overall great person to be around. Ryan you will truly be missed, Rest In Peace.
October 4, 2020
October 4, 2020
We are so sorry for your loss. We had great memory of Ryan. He and our triplets trigger treated many years together. He came to our house to play with the triplets and had dinner with us, I liked to watch him enjoying my cooking. His fast talking made us laugh and we had great time together. We all missed him so much and he will be remembered. Rest in peace!
October 4, 2020
October 4, 2020
Ryan was such an amazing person. He was always there for others and he had such a positive energy. He was one of the best friends anyone could have, and he lit up the room wherever he was. We'll all miss him so much, I'm so lucky to have been able to hang out with him during middle school. <3
October 4, 2020
October 4, 2020
Ryan was such a kind, respectful boy who always had a smile on his face.
Olivia was fortunate to be his classmate and chorus carpool buddy. You will be missed. Rest in peace.
October 2, 2020
October 2, 2020
Ryan's high school was kind enough to provide his classmates with the opportunity to share their condolences with us, and the outcome was overwhelming. He touched so many lives in his 14 years, more than he'll ever know. Below are just a few of the things Ryan's friends and classmates wrote about him:
- "He was always there for me when I needed him."
- "Ryan had a natural ability to make people happy wherever he went."
- "Ryan Trimm was a great person and he was respected by many."
- "He is a great role model to everyone."
- "Ryan was the kid that could be friends with anybody."
- "Ryan was a very good friend and a great person to be around. Anyone who knew him would agree."
- "Ryan was an amazing, considerate, sweet, mindful, kindhearted friend who always put others as a priority, not himself."
- "Not only was he generous and compassionate, he was also the most humorous companion to hang around."
- "Ryan was such a kind and funny person, and he was also a great singer."
- "Ryan was a great person and an even greater friend."
- "He will live on in all our hearts."

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