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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, SKYLAR MARIE WILKINS. We will remember her forever and to the creator of her page she went to be with God a year after my lil angel they are dancing in the heavenly skys with our amazing God.

July 22
July 22
Happy Belated Birthday Skylar. Didn't know balloons were going up or I would have tried to be there, but I guess it would have depended on the time. Miss your little self watching you at the time you had on earth. We never understand but God does. 
July 20
July 20
Today has been so hard down here without you I miss you so bad but having your aunt and nana and pa around made it so much better I hope you loved all your balloons and flowers your nana and pa left watch over all of us today and your daddy plus the rest of our lives without you bc it is a hard struggle for me everyday I know you would be beautiful I miss u so much I love u have the best birthday in heaven
July 20
July 20
Rie Rie hard to believe you would be 15 years old today. Happy Birthday in Heaven baby girl. I know every one is having a hard time today but it was a comfort to be able to send you balloons today I know you saw them cause you took the purple one from Pa hand. But that’s okay it was yours. Be with your Daddie and Mommie today to get them through this day . Lord help all of us get through this day. Love you to the moon and back.
May 26
May 26
WOW! 13 years now. You are so truly missed. I wish you was still here with all your family, but God saw that he needed you to take care of things with him in preparation for things to come. God still lets us have our memories of you. So, many of our family members have gone on after you and I know you have them all laughing and watching over each other, even though God takes care of that. I love you sweet girl.  
May 25
It’s so hard to believe that you have been gone for 13 years it seems like yesterday . I miss you with every breath I take , we took flowers to the grave today and it’s just not real to have to do that . When I think of you I think of the little girl that left us and our hearts broke that day . I can still hear you yelling daddie , mommie. Nannie. You were our little side kick . You will always be in our hearts forever. Lord be with daddie and mommie today I know their heart are broken. Take care of her brothers , they lost a lot of their hearts that day . Love you to the moon and back My RieRie
May 25
May 25
Another year has gone by and you are not here I miss you so much baby girl 13 years still seems like yesterday you have given me signs like my lilies blooming this week I know you are always with me but I wish you was physically here with me I love you for the rest of my life until we meet again I will never stop thinking about you wrap your arms around me today help me stay busy to keep my mind occupied
July 20, 2023
July 20, 2023
Happy birthday in heaven baby girl you would be 14 today god I miss you so bad I will see you again one day when it’s my time watch over me today and the rest of my life
May 25, 2023
May 25, 2023
I miss you so much not a day goes by I don’t think about you!!! Today is a hard day and I know you are with me in spirit but it is not the same. I remember everything it is to remember about you all the little things I don’t get to see ever again!!! I love you and miss you dearly!!!
April 9, 2023
April 9, 2023
Happy Easter RieRie , I miss you so much I know your daddy and mama is having a hard time today . I ask God to get them through this difficult day. Things are not the same anymore . Give Chris and granny and pa a hug and kiss . Love you
April 9, 2023
April 9, 2023
I’m so angry still to this day I miss you so much and want you here with me I want you back so bad happy Easter in heaven
April 7, 2023
April 7, 2023
Still to this day it is no easier to have you gone I miss you so much I want you back so bad I miss my Minnie me you were my baby my only girl I want you back now I hope you have a happy Easter in heaven bc I won’t with you gone I love you angel
July 20, 2022
July 20, 2022
Baby girl you would be 13 today and you are missed dearly I am crying my eyes out thinking about you not being here I am sorry I didn’t make it to grave today I couldn’t it was too hard!!! I love you and miss you too much!
July 20, 2022
July 20, 2022
Happy Birthday my sweet baby girl. Can’t believe another Birthday without you . My heart is so Broken without you . I think of you every day . It’s still hard without you .one day we will all be together again . Sending you hugs and kisses and Birthday wishes.
July 20, 2022
July 20, 2022
Hello Skylar. I have been thinking about you a lot lately. I look at your picture I have when you was little and wonder what you would be like today on your most important day of all. Even though we can't celebrate it with you, we celebrate it in our hearts. The world today is really bad in all kinds of ways and I think about how you are being so protected by our Sweet Lord Jesus Christ. I know in my heart that I will see you one day and then we can celebrate everybody's birthday together in that wonderful blue sky. The sky is just perfect today for your birthday, even though it is a little hot, but we can take it. Happy Birthday and enjoy your day because I know you have a feast for you prepared. Love to you and miss you. 
May 25, 2022
May 25, 2022
Babygirl you are so missed. It’s not a day goes by without thinking about you. Lord be with Skylar daddie and mama and brothers today I know it’s hard on every one losing you was the hardest thing in the world.You are so loved. Sending you hugs and kisses. I pray for all the family members that lost their love ones yesterday it’s so heartbreaking. Rie Rie there a lot more ANGELS in Heaven today.Take their hands and be their Angel .it’s so hard missing you. My heart is broken. Love you Baby girl
May 25, 2022
May 25, 2022
Hey little one. Well you would be a teenager now and you would have 2 cousins that you could have been a big sister to. They would have loved you, especially Ellison because she loves to play. You are still so truly missed. Spread your angel wings around everyone today and give them the comfort that the Lord has given you to give to others. See you in heaven one day. Love you.
May 15, 2022
May 15, 2022
Baby girl mommy has not been on here in some time but that doesnt mean you are forgotten because you are not. God took my best friend monday and I am so hurt like losing you all over again. Please baby girl wrap your arms around me and help me through this. I love you and I miss you so much. It will be 11 years you have been gone May the 25 it does not seem like it but it has. I am sorry I have been off here but I do love and miss you. Tell Derrick I said I miss him and watch over mommy
May 25, 2021
May 25, 2021
Babygirl you are so missed. It’s not a day goes by without thinking about you. Lord be with Skylar daddie and mama and brothers today I know it’s hard on every one losing you was the hardest thing in the world.You are so loved. Sending you hugs and kisses.
July 20, 2020
July 20, 2020
Happy birthday in Heaven baby girl. We miss you so much. The pain is with me everyday . I wish things were different but can’t change it just have to deal with it.Put it in the Lord’s hands. Send daddy and mama and your brothers a kiss from heaven. Help them Lord get through this day without pain.
May 26, 2020
May 26, 2020
It never gets easier I miss you so much I wish I could go back and. Change everything I rode to the beach because I remember taken you on trips to the beach and I was so happy but nothing is the same anymore no matter where I go all I see is you and what you would be like today I love you so much and miss you
May 25, 2020
May 25, 2020
Rie Rie we miss you so much. This is a crazy time we are going through with this Virus. My heart is so broken losing you. I know your Daddie and Mama are having a hard time as your brothers are.Lord get us through this day give us the strength. Love you too the Moon and back. 
July 20, 2019
July 20, 2019
Rie Rie I look at this day your 10th birthday and try to think of what you would look like today. All I can remember is the sweetest and loving little girl . Our hearts are broken but you will never be are always are little angel. Happy birthday baby girl
July 20, 2019
July 20, 2019
RIE RIE Today is a really hard day. I put some pretty flowers for you today from your daddie. He sends all his love to you he is really having a hard time. But GOD is going to get him through this hard time. We miss you so much our hearts hurt every day. I ask the Lord to help everyone get through this hard time. Sending you all our love.
July 20, 2019
July 20, 2019
Today you would be 10 years old I’m letting balloons go from all of us and daddy asked me to let one go for him. I know he is having a really bad day as all of us are pray that all of our family on both sides get through this watch over me please and daddy as well
June 25, 2019
June 25, 2019
Give Uncle Chris a Birthday kiss and hug from us today. Tell him we sending him hugs and kisses and birthday wishes. Love you both and miss you.
June 24, 2019
June 24, 2019
I know daddy hadin' t been on here in a very long time im sorry I lost access to it an just figured out how to get back on here I just wanted to let you know that i love you an i miss you more an more everyday and it has never got any easier I know your up there looking down on me an probaly are very disappointed in the person that i have become because i sure am I can't even help my self anymore much less anyone else i made so many mistakes that i wish i could take back but i can't I know if you was here things would be so different it's been so hard with you gone for every one you would be 10 years old soon i wish so bad that you was still here you made me so happy the first time that i held you at the hospital I just knew the year's to come would be filled with so much fun watching you grow up taken you to school an, different events an places who knew that i would only get to share one beach trip with you an one birthday its so hard I don't even know how to exsplain it i hope you know just how much I love you an miss you i know your happy up there in heaven I just wish that God could have waited to bring you there because it was so much i wanted to do with you down here.........
May 25, 2019
May 25, 2019
Did you see the pretty flowers your mom and daddie and me and Pa put on your grave today. Austin tried to send you a balloon with a gummy bear on it but it was to heavy so he ate the gummy bear. I told he ate it for you. He was funny. Nothing takes the place of the hurt we have from you not being here. We just take it one day at a time and with the Lord's help. Forever in our hearts. We love you so much Rie Rie.
May 25, 2019
May 25, 2019
Skylar today heaven another good person Ronnie Wilson is in heaven with you he will take good care of you til I see you again god please hold our family strong it gets harder every year I have struggled so bad I have even held a gun to my head but your brothers keep me alive I miss you so much please be with your daddy and me and everyone that loved you today
May 25, 2019
May 25, 2019
Lord give everyone the strength to get through today. Thank you for all our blessings.
May 25, 2019
May 25, 2019
Rie Rie today is a hard day missing you so much. Daddie is really having a hard time without you. You are our Angel in Heaven. It's sad without you. I know Chris is watching out for you. Love you to the moon and back. My Angel Baby
May 18, 2019
May 18, 2019
I miss you so much I’m not doing well here no one is that was close to you please help all of get through this I’m not getting better
February 6, 2018
February 6, 2018
Rie,Rie . Take care of Tiny for me my heart broke when he died. I told tiny you was going to take care of him for me. Don't poke his eyes like you use to. It was hard letting him go but I knew he was coming to play with you. Love you too the Moon and back. Always my Angel baby.
January 28, 2018
January 28, 2018
My Sweet Rie. Rie. Well here we are in 2018. Things are just as bad as last year if not worse. I can't understand why people do the things they do. Its one thing for sure God will take care of things. Be granny Brogden guardian angel. Pray things get okay. Look over your daddie he misses you. Don't know what will happen??? I'm just giving it all over to Gods hands. That's all anyone can do. Love you to the moon and back.
September 27, 2017
September 27, 2017
My Rie Rie give Chris a big hug and kiss today from us. It's hard to believe that you and Chris are not here with us anymore.We miss y'all so much.Love you to the moon and back
July 19, 2017
July 19, 2017
Tomorrow is yet another birthday we don't get to see your beautiful face you will be 8 tomorrow I hope you have a wonderful day in heaven I miss you so much look over us down here on earth I know there are a lot of people who are having it hard especially with you being gone I love you my precious angel give mommy lots of strength because I feel like I can't keep living without you
May 14, 2017
May 14, 2017
Please give me signs today it's so hard without with you I can't sleep eat and barely breathe I miss you so much hayden broke down and started crying about you your brothers and me miss you so much how can I have a happy Mother's Day when I don't have you I have your brothers but I lack having you
May 14, 2017
May 14, 2017
Our Angels another day with out you and Chris. My day was so special everyone made it special. your brother's gave me the sweetest card made me cry. Daddie gave me a yellow rose bush
May 9, 2017
May 9, 2017
This week is getting closer to Mother's Day and you don't get to spend it with me you get to spend it in heaven I hear Mother's Day and I just want to cry because I am not only a mother to two wonderful boys but my baby girl is gone and I don't get to see you again until I die please send me some kisses and signs you are with me I love you and miss you Skylar
April 16, 2017
April 16, 2017
Happy Easter to My Angels. miss you and Chris so much. Hard today missing y'all.Have a big Easter egg hunt in Heaven. Love so much.
March 31, 2017
March 31, 2017
I think things I'm choosing to do are right by letting nana and papa see your brothers because that is not fair to have u gone and take them away too I'm sorry mommy has been like this all these years but I'm the end I shed all the tears I think god is doing this for a reason and making me stop letting what others tell me to do and do what I think is right sissy watch all of us just because mommy and daddy didn't get along doesn't mean we didn't love y'all blow mommy a kiss and show me a sign me u are truest missed fly high my angel I miss you so much and I love u til I take my last breathe
March 8, 2017
March 8, 2017
Rie Rie we miss you so much. I would give anything to hold you and kiss you again. Hopefully better days will come.Love you to the moon and back.
February 12, 2017
February 12, 2017
Rie Rie. I know that you and Chris was there to meet. Uncle Wayne today.He made his journey today he will be so missed. His pain is over may he rest in peace. I told Wayne when he saw you and Chris to tell y'all we loved and missed y'all and to give you and Chris a big big hug and kiss for us. So I know he did..Wayne will be there taking care of y'all until we get there. Sending hugs and kisses to Rie Rie and Chris and my Bo Bo
December 25, 2016
December 25, 2016
Merry Christmas my Rie Rie. miss you so much. Christmas is not the same without you. This has been a very bad year. I don't think 2017 will be any better. It's so depressing now. Look over your daddy he could really use some kisses in the wind. I will be glad when things get better. Only God can help us. Love you my Angel
December 25, 2016
December 25, 2016
This has been by far the worse Christmas I have had thanks to some sorry a holes I wish u were here I hope u liked your arrangement n tree me n Austin brought it up there I cried so much the last week esp last night going into this morning please let all the kios be over mommy needs u so bad your brother misses you so much please help us get through today tomorrow n the rest of our lives I'm so depressed I can't keep hurting like this it's so painful to know I don't get to see u or hold u or get u Christmas it makes me so mad
September 27, 2016
September 27, 2016
Rie Rie be with your daddy today .it's a hard day for us. Give uncle Chris kisses and hugs from us. You and Chris are so missed. We love both of y'all so much. Everyday is a struggle. Your daddy needs you and Chris things are so hard for you
September 26, 2016
September 26, 2016
Here today gone tomorrow but in my heart there will always be sorrow I wish I could see who you would be today but God needed you and took you away. Words will never express the pain I feel it still all seems so unreal. My heart will never be the same but I miss you to my dying day. Watch over your nana and papa and father today I know it's a hard day for them as well they need you to blow them kisses. I love you babygirl and miss you til my last breath
September 21, 2016
September 21, 2016
Today is your brothers 9th bday he got to stay out of school to go to the dr and the dr office let him get two toys and what did he want me to do go straight to your grave in the rain and put them on there he misses u so much we all do. It's still hard on all of us we love u and miss u give him a kiss from heaven to let him know u are with him
September 15, 2016
September 15, 2016
Mommy cleaned your grave off and took off all broke stuff I washed your headstone I made arrangement on your grave yesterday I miss you so much it don't get easy on none of us that really do hurt from losing u and we all know it hurts your parents grandparents and brothers the most mommy has to see a heart specialist soon for my heart send your love from heaven I love u n miss u dearly I wish I could watch u grow up but I can't and it hurts more n more everyday
July 20, 2016
July 20, 2016
Happy 7th birthday to the most precious angel in the world!!! Mommy misses u more than u will ever know no one or anything will ever replace you my precious baby girl I love you 4 the rest of my life and always will not a day goes by I don't think about u happy birthday send mommy a kiss from heaven today!!! I hope u like your balloons mommy and Austin put the pink princess one up there for you celebrate with all your loved ones from Boths sides of your family we will all see you again one day and some of sooner than later mommy has to go to heart doctor to see why I keep having these chest pains send kisses to everyone that knew u personally and loved you
July 20, 2016
July 20, 2016
Happy 7th Birthday My Rie Rie. Did you see the flowers daddie put for you? Our purple Angel has her wings flying just like yours do in HEAVEN. celebrate with Chris today. We think of you everyday. Your daddie still has a hard time without you as we all do. Because someone has the same name as you don't mean anything but they have the same beautiful name as you do. You will never be forgotten you are in our heart's. Everyday we miss you and wish you were here with us. Always in our hearts. Sending you kisses and Birthday wishes. Blow daddie a kiss in the wind. Love you Baby Girl forever and always.
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July 22
July 22
Happy Belated Birthday Skylar. Didn't know balloons were going up or I would have tried to be there, but I guess it would have depended on the time. Miss your little self watching you at the time you had on earth. We never understand but God does. 
July 20
July 20
Today has been so hard down here without you I miss you so bad but having your aunt and nana and pa around made it so much better I hope you loved all your balloons and flowers your nana and pa left watch over all of us today and your daddy plus the rest of our lives without you bc it is a hard struggle for me everyday I know you would be beautiful I miss u so much I love u have the best birthday in heaven
July 20
July 20
Rie Rie hard to believe you would be 15 years old today. Happy Birthday in Heaven baby girl. I know every one is having a hard time today but it was a comfort to be able to send you balloons today I know you saw them cause you took the purple one from Pa hand. But that’s okay it was yours. Be with your Daddie and Mommie today to get them through this day . Lord help all of us get through this day. Love you to the moon and back.
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May 25, 2022
Skylar you are so missed today as much as the first day you left us and went to join God in Heaven, because he needed you more than all of us will ever understand, until the day we get there to with Him and he will explain everything to us.  I know your mama and daddy, nana and papa, as well as everyone else are in pain without you, but we are strong because God holds us together.  God said he would not put more on you than you can bear, but sometimes we think we have had enough.  That is when God says come to me and let me take your pain away.  I just pray that everyone will turn their eyes upon Jesus.  We just need to remember the good times that you had with everyone on earth for the short time that you was here.  Yes it is hard.  You have a lot of family members with you now, that will watch over you, as Jesus watches' over his loved ones.  I look at your picture on my shelf sometimes and wonder what you would look like and how you would be today.  Kisses to you and lots of love to everyone.
September 27, 2017

My heart breaks everyday with not having you with me. I see girls your age and think what you would be like and what we are missing together. You were my baby girl and  I love you with all my heart.Miss you forever.

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