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This memorial website was created in the loving memory of my husband, Stanley N. Jones, who was born on December 1, 1954, and passed away peacefully on January 1, 2011, at 8:11 PM. 

Loosing the year-long battle to that unexpected and vicious CANCER. But, My Love... you gave it your all; and I'll treasure all the memories of our fighting it together. 

Thank God for all your true friends and select family members who were there for you.  You know who they are... I'm sorry that the one sibling you thought really loved you was nowhere to be found during this tumuluous year (2010).  But, as you said towards the end... "when least expected, she will get hers." 

Not to worry for a moment "My Love" for I'll keep you in my heart always.  We (your friends and loved ones who were there for you while you were sick) will always remember your magnetic smile and the "Power of Example" you demonstrated for over the past 20+ years with AA & NA.  You are a keeper, and you'll never be forgotten... you are "My Forever True Love and SoulMate." 

Stan, you touched more lives than I believe you even knew... you're going to be missed terribly.  Sweetie... I love you now and forever... 'till we are joined again...  Thank you for the 16+ years we shared...  Thank God for the memorable good times that towered the small valleys we at times traveled... it's all relative as we now look back at our lives together.

Stan, God saw that you were getting tired and a cure was not to be, so He put His arms around you and whispered "Come to Me my son."  With tearful eyes I watched you peacefully fade away.  Although I loved you dearly, I could not make you stay.  A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands now rest.  God broke my heart to prove to me He only takes the Best.

I'm happy you were able to finally let go and take God's hand when you knew we had done all we could to fight the cancer.  He brought you home with Him, and I know you're now in no pain and in a better place living your reward.  You always knew how much I truly and unconditionally loved you... and, I will forever love you my sweetness.

Thank you Stanley for teaching me that taking that leap of faith and loving you would be so worth it... you taught me to love again... and for that, I am forever grateful to you for being the love of my life.  Now "My Love", it's  time for you to Rest In Paradise. Your wife "Winnie" 

July 2
My Stanley, My Love… yesterday all day I said to myself, I’m going to leave a tribute to you, and waited until it’s now after midnight… so here I am. I spoke to you all day, but was so comfortable speaking with you I didn’t take the time to open this ap. I love you my dear; and always will!!! I’m cat sitting for a week at Rejina’s, she’s on vacation for a week to Florida, then on the 4th I’m invited to BJ’s to watch the fireworks… not sure yet if I’m going, but we’ll see. Lashan’s leaving tonight to visit with Anthony in Texas to see her new grandson, Anthony, Jr. I might just want to chill and do nothing… like I said, we’ll see. I pray you’re enjoying Paradise, as you should… you deserve it. ‘Till next time my love, keep watching over me, and thank you for hanging in here with me. Your wife, “ Winnie”
June 3
My Love, I’ve been saying “ in a minute I’m gonna leave a tribute to Stan, and time moved on and today right after midnight on the 2nd, I finally opened the app to leave you a message… I love you my Sweetie like forever !!!  I went to the casino with you on my mind and enjoyed it like when we used to go… didn’t loose too much, but enjoyed the atmosphere. I want you there with me the next time I go and maybe you can work some kinda heavenly magic . Till next time continue resting in paradise! Lovingly, “Winnie”
May 2
My Love, I’m here in Los Cabos, Mexico thinking about the time we spent in Puerto Rico. The sound of the waves while on the beach… the perfect weather, the friendly people, the night breeze is just amazing…. I feel your presence and thank you for keeping an eye on me. Worshipping this sun, but not as much as I worship the memory of us. I’ll forever love you Stan. Continue resting in paradise my dear. Always “Winnie”
April 1
Hey Sweetie, it’s April Fools Day but I don’t have any jokes for you. Missing you isn’t a joke for me and that’s all I can say on that topic. It’s been said that with time everything gets better, well, that’s a myth, because the missing you becomes more intense with each passing day. The good thing is you still come to me more at night than a few years ago. I hate waking up… but you come back. Not every night do you visit, but enough to keep me happy. I love you Stan!!!
March 1
Hey Sweetie, 13 years and counting,,, can you believe it’s been that long since you went home to be with Our Lotd??? I can’t…  It still hurts when I think of you hanging in there our last day together, but I know you tried your best to make it as easy as possible for me. I’m embarrassed to say that I was selfish and didn’t want to let you go. I keep you alive in my heart daily, and speak with you often because I feel your presence at times. Continue living in Paradise my love. Forever, “Winnie”
January 1
Hello Sweetheart!!! I’m including you in ALL my thoughts today! Reliving our last day together is bittersweet… not wanting you to go, yet not wanting you to be in anymore pain either. You were so brave all day trying to keep that smile on your face for me and I guess knowing God was calling you home. You know my love for you has never felt stronger than it does today… 13 years has flown by as if it was yesterday… but, my love has never changed for you.  You’re still No. 1, and will always be in my heart !!! I Love You Stan!!!
December 25, 2023
December 25, 2023
Merry Christmas My Love!!! I miss you so much!!! Pray you’re living in PARADISE!!! Love You !!!!
December 1, 2023
December 1, 2023
Happy Birthday My Dear Love!
”69” TODAY!!! Can you believe it? I’m wishing you nothing but, LOVE, & HAPPINESS!  I miss you so badly it hurts. My love continues to grow stronger with each day that passes and I don’t believe there will ever be a love that can compare to what we had. I also pray you’re living in PARADISE!!!! Your wife forever, “Winnie”
November 3, 2023
November 3, 2023
My Love, another month has passed… were you able to greet Garland? It’s been a month now that he’s transitioned to his new life in your paradise!!! Give him plenty pointers on where’s the best places to enjoy your lives. God has definitely brought His best children home early. You are so missed & loved here, but never forgotten or ever will be. Keep visiting me so I know you’re always here in spirit since your physical can’t be. Lovingly, “Winnie”
October 5, 2023
October 5, 2023
My Love, I’m a bit sad because a dear friend of mine has transitioned finally to be with God & his mother and father. Garland Spencer is his name and he’s a wonderful soul I want you to find and become a friend. Garland is finally at peace and no longer in pain… now God has another man that I love at home with Him to look down on us and keep us safe from harm. How are you doing since I last spoke with you? I do send up my prayers nightly that you’re staying in paradise without a care in the world/universe… God’s kingdom being the ultimate blessing anyone could ever travel to, I know Garland is now in HEAVEN! Rest in Paradise Garland, my friend, you’ll be hearing from my husband soon, his name is Stanley Jones. Love you my Love of Life… your wife, Winnie.
September 1, 2023
September 1, 2023
My Love, Another month (140 months and counting) and I still miss you terribly… it still feels like yesterday. I’m not handling this RETIREMENT thing as well as I thought it would be, because God brought you home way too soon. I’m sure you can imagine my feelings of missing my baby. I want you back… I’m going to be strong because you would want me to be, but, I don’t like it one little bit. Help me in any way you can. I Love You Stan.  Your wife forever & a day “Winnie”.
August 2, 2023
August 2, 2023
My Love, it’s just passed midnight… I’m getting ready to hit the hay. Saying good night to you again, but writing you tonight (hahahaha). It’s been a crazy month and I’m glad it’s over. I’ll revisit this site once there’s something good to speak about… oh yeah, I lost 7 lbs. YES!!! Still working on it, and will keep you updated. Luv Ya Sweetie! “Winnie”
July 1, 2023
July 1, 2023
My Love Stan, I want you to lend your hand to a friend of mine who will be coming soon… he’s a real good guy and will need your friendship and guidance… his name is Garland Spencer. Barbara, Kevin and I will be going to Los Angeles in a couple weeks to say goodbye to him, we’ve been friends for over 50 years, and want him to feel at home when he gets there; he’s very much like you, meticulous in his surroundings. How are you doing my love, my sweetheart? Yesterday was my official last day of work, no more work… boo-hoo, but I know it’s time to retire finally. Love you my dear!. I will write you again soon, Love you Sweetie! Your wife, “Winnie”
June 4, 2023
June 4, 2023
My Love, it’s the 4th already and I’ve been procrastinating with leaving you a message since the 1st. It had just passed midnight on the 1st and I kept saying tomorrow, tomorrow… we’ll, today is now the tomorrow.. I’m currently sitting for three dogs for my granddaughter and enjoying my retirement best I can. I think of you daily and wish our days and nights could be together, but since that’s not possible, I plan to enjoy life with you on my mind as if you were here with me. I love you my dear; now and forever. Lovingly, “Winnie”
April 1, 2023
April 1, 2023
My Love, can you believe I had a WONDERFUL time in Jamaica, but as soon as I am to return I catch a cold… The freaking plane was freezing, and when BJay and I got back, the weather was super cold too. Spent my first day back from vacation in the bed trying to get rid of this cold asap. Well, when I feel better, I’ll write you again. Stay resting in Paradise My Dear. Lovingly, your wife, “Winnie”
March 1, 2023
March 1, 2023
My Love, I think of you everyday and love looking at your smile daily. I pray nightly that you’re resting in paradise… you deserve all the love that comes up to you from this earth… I will always LOVE You!!!! 

Looking forward to going on vacation the end of the month with BJay for the first time in about 5 years. We’re going to try Jamaica, San Francisco after that to give moral support to one our friends who just found out a couple months ago that he has cancer and there’s no treatment for him… sad but you know how important it is for your friends to be there for you when you’re going through that horrible disease. I’ll be speaking to you soon. 

Thank you for all your visits… you still keep me happy… sometimes I forget you’re not home waiting for me daily. Luv You Babe! Lovingly, Your Wife Forever”Winnie”
February 3, 2023
February 3, 2023
My Love, 145 months now has passed… I pray you’re enjoying your life on the other side with your dad and mom and other family and friends. You’re probably dancing your ass off (smile). I so miss you every day; thanks for the periodic visits, they definitely help me cope. I’m trying to ease into this retirement thing, it isn’t easy yet. I’ll be speaking to you soon Sweetie, Luv Ya! “Winnie”
January 1, 2023
January 1, 2023
My Love, it’s 12 years today… can you believe it? I pray you’re resting peacefully and you are not in any pain whatsoever. I love you with all my heart and today I began my retirement with your help. Thank you for being here for me and with me giving me strength and hope for continued happiness! Rest my dear! Your loving wife “Winnie”
December 1, 2022
December 1, 2022
Happy 68th Birthday my love! So much was accomplished today and I thank you for being there with me through it all. I was happy knowing you were with me ALL DAY! I hope your day was just as nice… I sent much LOVE to you! Continue resting in paradise my love!
November 2, 2022
November 2, 2022
My Love, you’ve heard me pondering so many things and I thank you for always having my back. Our birthdays are coming soon and that makes me happy during these crazy times… I do need you to stay close when I finally prepare this retirement. I’m believing this is the right move, but if you feel I should wait, give me a sign or better yet, come with one of your visits that paralyzes me and I’ll wait for when you think a better time is best for me/us. I’m asking for your input…Love you Babe!
July 11, 2022
July 11, 2022
My Love, it’s the 11th of July and for almost 12 days I’ve been saying, “I’m going to write you.”, well finally I got my lazy ass to stop watching these series on Prime, I saw in its entirety The Family Business, The Queens Mem, and Lethal List… they were addicting and I couldn’t pull myself away from them. I lost so much sleep, but tonight I am going to go to sleep early because I have to have in the morning, an electrocardiogram, which is like an MRI of the heart. My heart has been hurt/broken so many times in my life, and. my heart is tired. If it’s my time to come home I would love it if you’d be there to greet me… Love you Babe!  You wife forever and always, “Winnie “
June 2, 2022
June 2, 2022
Well my love, another month of paradise for you I’m praying. Thank You so much for continuing to watch over me… your love is much appreciated. Thinking of how it could be if you were still with us here on earth and having mixed feelings on how we could be relaxing inside after you’ve made we’d the lawn as you always found pleasure in those chores of maintaining a house upkeep. I miss those lazy mornings with you,?yet hope you’re just as happy up there in heaven with your mom & dad. 1/2 year left of 2022 and pray you’ll continue keeping me safe from harm. Love you Stan! Back to you resting …
May 19, 2022
May 19, 2022
Well, well my love… things have been CRAZY as you well know. I think of you and pray you continue resting in paradise every day/night. Every time I say to myself that I need to write down my feelings, something happens and the memory poofs right out my head. Sorry for the interruption on me writing you, but I’m back on the ball. Talk to you real soon my love. Lovingly, “Winnie”
January 1, 2022
January 1, 2022
It’s 11 years today, at this time, that you took your last breath in my loving arms. You were ready and happy I believe to no longer be in pain. God took all your pain away and took you to paradise to rest forever. You leaving me was way too soon, but I do understand it was your time. I thank God every day for the happiness he allowed me to share with you. I know we will meet again and that brings me peace. Continue resting My Love… knowing your wife will always love you with the same level of passion as before the moment God took you home to be with Him and all His other angels. Lovingly, “Winnie”
December 1, 2021
December 1, 2021
HAPPY HEAVENLY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE!!! 67 is a good numberI hope you enjoy your day and dance till you drop ! Thank You so much for keeping me company all of November. You’ve kept me from being too depressed and much appreciated for your visits. Love you love ! Your wife, “Winnie”
October 10, 2021
October 10, 2021
I’m back Sweetie, this operation went well, almost 3 hours, but this pain is excruciating. I can’t believe how much it hurts; didn’t realize how much your swallowing effects so many areas of your body. Four days almost and this hurt is still grand. I’m going to sign off but first I want to thank you for being there with my mom watching over me during my stay at the hospital all during the operation and after. Thank you for always being there for me… I’m looking forward to healing soon. I’ll speak with you soon, love you forever! Your wife, “Winnie”.
October 1, 2021
October 1, 2021
Hey there Sweetie, another month has passed… I saw Sammy a couple days ago and he inspected my car. We spoke of you and he couldn’t believe it’s been 10 years already since God called you home. He’s got some things going on at home and he said he can’t believe his ungrateful son doesn’t want to work anymore… he had to fire him… he said he had planned to give him the gas station and he would be able to retire; now he can’t… he said he’s sooooo tired. I’m getting ready for surgery next week; I’m happy and at the same time scared I might make it through… strange feeling. Just keep an eye on me and stay close next Wednesday. If I don’t make it, be there to welcome me there with you. Love you! I will write you again if I do make it and give you an update. I’ve been in a similar situation before and had an out-of-body experience unexpectedly so I’m trying to prepare. I didn’t have any heart issues before like I do now, so this is new for me… a little scared. ‘Till next week… talk to you soon and continue to Rest on Paradise! Luv you babe!❤️
September 1, 2021
September 1, 2021
My Forever Love . It’s another month that has passed… I can’t believe how time is passing so quickly but it also feels like you just left me yesterday. I miss you soooo much. I pray you’re resting peacefully and I thank you for still keeping an eye on me and keeping me strong. This heart issue is coming around and hopefully soon I’ll be back to my old self. Is it possible to love a person more every day you wake???? Well, I do… my love for you gets stronger every month that passes, and I want you to know and feel it. Until next month my love… continue to rest in paradise…. I love you Stan!❤️❤️❤️❤️ “Winnie”. (Your wife, ‘till I die)
August 3, 2021
August 3, 2021
My Forever Love,,, I’ve been saying everyday for a week before the first, that I can’t wait to update you on this site… then, it’s now a couple days after; but I know you’ll forgive me. I’ve been keeping busy, listening to my doctors, following their instructions on how to get stronger. You know how much I appreciate your daily visits and don’t want them (the visits) to slow or stop . It’s been one busy month, and we’re already in August… taking medicine, working, trying hard to get better physically. I love you my sweetheart. Continue resting in paradise my love. Your wife, “Winnie”
July 1, 2021
July 1, 2021
Hey there My Love! ! Thanks for all the visits this month. I look forward to hearing from you, it's almost like it used to be, a daily basis. You come when I most need you near, and I get to smile wirjout anyone knowing the pleasure I"m sharing wirh you. What a scare last night and thruout the night until I got the call back from the doctors office. I was ready to go to the hospital, I don't want to have a heart attack like Gerry from the job. He was definitely a wake up call. I hope you're still living in paradise as you so deserve. I'll always love you... no matter who I'm with, you're my first and forever soulmate... such a cliche', but it is the truth. You were definitly gpne too soon... yet will never be forgotten. Your wife forever. "Winnie"❤️❤️❤️
June 8, 2021
June 8, 2021
Hey there my love, I’m a few days late writing you but, you know we communicate daily… every day I say today, “l’ll write Stan today”, then the time rushes into tomorrow. Thank you for visiting me religiously it keeps me going… even when I want to give up… then I remember how you never gave up. I still need your guidance when I feel lost, so thank you for always being there for me. I still fantasize about how our lives would have been and know God brought you home to be with Him when your time was right though I feel you were gone too soon. I Love You Stan!!!
May 1, 2021
May 1, 2021
What can I say... another unhappy month. I’m living on memories of once was and wishing you were here to share them. I am though, enjoying your visits. It appears the more lonely I become, the more frequent your visits, so I win at the end of the day. Waiting to get this thyroid removed and this wearable defibrillator detached from my body. Other than that, I’m doing everything the doctors have instructed me to. Continue watching over me and I’ll continue to keep you close to my heart. That’s not an exchange, it’s a thank you for always being here with me and keeping me sane. Love you sweetheart! Your wife forever, Winnie
April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021
123 months!!! WOW... can you believe it’s been that long? So much has happened this past month; as a matter of fact since December 2020 it’s been quite eventful and tragic. Our dog SNJ got cancer, we found out in January, and she’s gone in three months. Too much stress for me to handle right now, but I’m trying to stay strong. Thank you for being here for me during these trying times. Love you Stan!
March 1, 2021
March 1, 2021
My love, You know what’s happening with SNJ... you’ve been watching and hearing. She’s got that fast moving Cancer just like it hit you when it came. Fine today, the next... devastation. My heart is heavy knowing the decision I have to make for her. I don’t want her to suffer just like I didn’t want you to suffer, butI had no say-so when it came to you. I love her so very much, but it can’t compare to the love I still have for you. I’m wishing you continue to Rest In Paradise, and ask that you welcome her when her time comes to join you in heaven. She’ll be there soon, and I’ll be a mess down here without either of you to share my life with me. I love you, my dearest. Your wife, Winnie
February 7, 2021
February 7, 2021
Hey Sweetie, since before the 1st I’ve wanted to send you an update. Just getting out of the hospital, feeling terrible, and exhausted, I kept saying tomorrow... tomorrow came and went, and not until today did I just STOP and force myself to write you. I know you know what’s going on, but putting it down on paper makes it a permanent memory. You know I’m happy with the progress of my old clinker, but I’m distraught with the news about SNJ. I don’t know what to do... I am so conflicted... I don’t want her to be in pain or suffer, but this CANCER has.thrown a monkey wrench in both our lives. I need your direction and blessings on the decision I ultimately have to make, but I need you to help me. I’ll be reaching out to you very soon for your help . Love you Babe! ‘Till next time, continue resting in Paradise my love... “Winnie”
January 1, 2021
January 1, 2021
Hi Sweetheart, it’s exactly 10 years tonight at 8:11 pm, that you took your last breath on this earth. The memory of me being able to lay next to you and feel your heart take its last beat is still an honor for me. I still love you with the same intensity that I did 10 years ago... as far as I’m concerned, you’re still with me. Continue resting in Paradise My Love! ‘Till we speak again, know my love is still strong as ever. Lovingly, your one and only wife, “Winnie”
January 1, 2021
January 1, 2021
Oh Stan, I can’t believe 10 years has passed...I can still hear your laugh & see that were & still are the closet thing I ever had to a brother ❤️
We will meet up again one day!!!! Love you,
Peggy & Victor
December 1, 2020
December 1, 2020
Good Morning My Love,
You’re 66 today! Happy heavenly birthday! I have been thinking about you so strongly these past months due to the breathing issues I’ve been having. I feel you every day and wondering if you’re calling for me to join you? I’m not sure if I have had a false/positive COVID-19 experience for these last 6 months or not, but it’s quite scary when I can’t get air into my lungs. I know you’ve been watching over me and I thank you, but I also thank you for allowing me to see your birthday come again. I’ll be looking for you the day I transition into your world, but I want you to know this is YOUR day today! Dance like no one is watching, and enjoy today because I’m sending you much love !!! Stay resting in paradise my love! Again, Happy Birthday to you !❤️
November 1, 2020
November 1, 2020
My Love, My Husband, My Everything, in a month on the 1st of December, you’ll be 66 years of age... can you believe it? Thank you for continuing your visits...I love you for them more than you can imagine. I pray you’re still resting in paradise as you so deserve. Lovingly, your wife, “Winnie”
October 13, 2020
October 13, 2020
My Heart’s Forever Love, My Soulmate, My Husband For Life... My Stan-the Man, I've been saying each day I was going to send this tribute, but you've been visiting me constantly and in my dreams almost daily. I didn't want to jinx your visits but I feel guilty not updating this site. Thank you Sweetie for not forgetting me and keeping me company when I get depressed or sad. My love is just as strong as it's always been. Continue Resting in Peace My Love! Your wife always, "Winnie"
September 5, 2020
September 5, 2020
Hey Sweetie,, I can't believe how fast time is moving... It's already September, close to our anniversary on the 9th. You've definitely gone too soon. Married 11 years... I still feel you so you can't tell me we're not still married.. in my heart we're still going strong... I'll always love you no matter who is currently in my keep me wanting to live. Continue resting my love in paradise! Till next time, know I love you eternally. Your wife, "Winnie"
August 3, 2020
August 3, 2020
My Love, it’s August, and my garden is producing a lot of those sweet cherry tomatoes we so enjoyed from our garden. Watering the garden daily reminds me so much of the meticulous care you had for our garden and lawn both in the back and front yard. Freddie reminds me of you when I see how he keeps the yard neatly manicured. Also, when SNJ (Sinjay) frolics in the back yard, turning on her back and swishing around enjoying the grass while getting air, I think of you when I look at her because she is such a sweet and gentle giant, just like you were in my eyes... your friends felt the same about you. When I’m happy, you always come to my mind and I know you have gone too soon... I miss you so. I’ll always love you!❤️❤️! Continue to Rest In Paradise my love! Write to you soon. Your wife forever... “Winnie”
July 11, 2020
July 11, 2020
My Love, this is the 5th basement flood, this rain is a B-OTCH... I wanted to let you that I've got to get rid of some/most of our possessions that have been destroyed. I didn't want to throw OUR stuff away but, it's hot to go. I want you beside me when I start the purge... and say I'm sorry in advance. Nostalgia is what has kept all of this close to my heart, but change is now challenging my grip and know it's now health is my main concern and more important. Love you babe, and I beg you to be with me to give me strength during this time creeping up real soon. Lovingly, "Winnie"❤️❤️❤️❤️
July 4, 2020
July 4, 2020
Hello my love, an eventful last month it was wasn't it???? I came close to being with you close and personal... with the COVID19 scare. Not being able to breath is no joke. Thanks for watching over me, I so appreciate you more and more of that's possible. But, I do know I'm still here because I haven't yet completed what I was put on this earth for. I know you're going to be there with me during my next operation and therefore I"m not scared. Love you Babe. Okay, enough of me... How are you doing? Resting in Paradise still I pray. 'Till next time, my love. My heart for you forever, your wife firever, "Winnie"
June 1, 2020
June 1, 2020
My Forever Love, continue resting in paradise my sweet baby love. I just went back to work after 2-1/2 months in quarantine and need to get back in shape... my back was killing me all day because I have been inside except for a couple hours in total all the time in quarantine. You wouldn't have been able to to do the isolation, you would have gone crazy... one good thing would be that we would have been making much love ❤️. I'm wearing a back brace tomorrow to help me walk... boy I felt old for the first time and see how people on nursing homes who don't get daily exercise have a hard time walking once they get out... I'm going to start exercising, yes I am. Well enough of me. How are you doing? Partying every week? It's probably nice spending time with your mom, your dad, your sister Francis, and your aunt Susan. Send my love to everyone, ve to you always. 'Till next time my love, stay sweet... Your wife, Winnie
May 1, 2020
May 1, 2020
Hey Sweetie, This pandemic we’re currently in would make you crazy... you wouldn’t be able to stay in quarantine... but, your job, which you would have retired from already, you’d probably volunteer to work to get out the house. The lawn would be well manicured to the utmost because being cooped up for weeks on end would drive you nuts. I so love you for visiting so often this month like you used to when your death was new. You knew I needed you and I thank you for being there for me as you promised. Continue resting in peace my love, and I’ll be talking to you soon. Your forever wife, Winnie ❤️
April 3, 2020
April 3, 2020
Stanley My Husband, My Love, It’s been a couple days from when I was going to first write you; though always thinking of you and saying good night daily. I’ve had a lot on my plate and mind lately as you already know. This COVD19 virus has me out of work and totally depressed. I try to be strong like you were your last day with me nine years ago, but it’s so hard. I don’t know how you were able to be so strong... I try to be for you. I can’t stop crying and I need you more now than ever before. I don’t know what the future holds for me and I need your strength and lovingly arms. I thank God everyday for you, and for allowing us to be together, but this unknowing makes it difficult for me to ask you for help. You’ve always been here for me and I ask you and God what do I do? I don’t want to live if I don’t know what to do. HELP me!!! I love you with every cell in my body, but this uncertainty has me feeling lost. I just want to die like I felt when you left me. You said you’d always be here for me and God also promised the same. I need you... Give me a sign and/or some strength to try carrying on. I need both your and God’s help. Your wife, “Winnie”
March 1, 2020
March 1, 2020
Hello My Husband, My Best Friend, My Love!!! I always pray you’re still resting in paradise... I so miss your touch, your smell, your voice. It’s a good thing I have a recording of your voice that I can listen to when I get lonely for you. I kept saying last month I was going to write you, but every day I was feeling guilty that I didn’t write the day before... so I don’t want today to fly by without my formal HEYYYY to you. I love you still so much... come back in another man’s body so I can be with you again. I miss us making love. You already know that; because you’re still looking out for me I feel you. ‘Till next time Love, continue resting in peace & paradise! Lovingly, Your wife forever, “Winnie
January 1, 2020
January 1, 2020
My forever love; what can I say that I haven’t said before... you are and will always be my one and only true love in this life and beyond. It’s your 9-year anniversary since GOD brought you home to be with him. You’re now 65 years old and we’re still together... my love hasn’t died, as a matter of fact you know my live has grown even stronger. Remembering holding you with my finger on your artery on your neck as you slip away from me feels like it’s just happening. 8:11 pm is engrained in my brain and the mist special time for me... love you babe...  finishing this tribute to you right at the 8:11 mark. Happy New Year 2020 my love... I still feel your presence and I can’t thank you enough for keeping your promise that you’ll always be here and looking out for me. Continue to Rest in Paradise “My Love”. Your wife, “Winnie “
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Recent Tributes
July 2
My Stanley, My Love… yesterday all day I said to myself, I’m going to leave a tribute to you, and waited until it’s now after midnight… so here I am. I spoke to you all day, but was so comfortable speaking with you I didn’t take the time to open this ap. I love you my dear; and always will!!! I’m cat sitting for a week at Rejina’s, she’s on vacation for a week to Florida, then on the 4th I’m invited to BJ’s to watch the fireworks… not sure yet if I’m going, but we’ll see. Lashan’s leaving tonight to visit with Anthony in Texas to see her new grandson, Anthony, Jr. I might just want to chill and do nothing… like I said, we’ll see. I pray you’re enjoying Paradise, as you should… you deserve it. ‘Till next time my love, keep watching over me, and thank you for hanging in here with me. Your wife, “ Winnie”
June 3
My Love, I’ve been saying “ in a minute I’m gonna leave a tribute to Stan, and time moved on and today right after midnight on the 2nd, I finally opened the app to leave you a message… I love you my Sweetie like forever !!!  I went to the casino with you on my mind and enjoyed it like when we used to go… didn’t loose too much, but enjoyed the atmosphere. I want you there with me the next time I go and maybe you can work some kinda heavenly magic . Till next time continue resting in paradise! Lovingly, “Winnie”
May 2
My Love, I’m here in Los Cabos, Mexico thinking about the time we spent in Puerto Rico. The sound of the waves while on the beach… the perfect weather, the friendly people, the night breeze is just amazing…. I feel your presence and thank you for keeping an eye on me. Worshipping this sun, but not as much as I worship the memory of us. I’ll forever love you Stan. Continue resting in paradise my dear. Always “Winnie”
Recent stories

Howl At The Full Moon

February 12, 2012


Every Full Moon I look up to the sky and smile knowing how we had our favorite times laughing and acknowledging the effects the Full Moon had on us... (SMILE).  I love remembering how you would come out at night on the patio or in the driveway and HOWL at the moon knowing I'd be in the window looking at how giddy we would get.  They aren't the same, but I will always remember them with you.  Hope you look down and smile too.

"Winnie"   (SMILE)     

Happy Birthday Stan!

December 2, 2011
Stevie Wonder - Happy Birthday To You

Today is a special day to remember, year 2011 and the day is December 1st…today is so very special because I will be celebrating your birth ~ Giving thanks to the creator up above for making no mistakes when he created you…now you can do all the thanking in person, up close and personal ~

Even though it feels like yesterday when you had to go on a journey far away…the love and memories you left behind, will always be with me, in my heart to stay ~

I know you would’ve probably celebrated today with Winnie your wife…some nice jazz music, some salad, a home cooked dinner and dessert, all by candle light ~ Or even gone out with my mom & friends to a casino…then win like crazy, take all the casino’s money, smoke a cigar and then say “I’m ready let’s go” LOL! ~

No matter how you look at it you would’ve been celebrating it along with ice cream and cake some place…so there are no room for these tears of mine that are now rolling down my face…I shall wipe these tears away, go clean my face because I believe you are truly in a better place ~

I will turn my frown upside down, and look up into that bright light, because I know that’s YOU smiling down ~ I hope you continue to visit anytime you please, I say this in prayer, with hands folded tight, down on bending knees…

Happy Birthday Stan the man!

Love you, your daughter Shanie 


My First Apartment in Recovery!!

January 20, 2011

Stan stopped by and Victor took this picture of us sitting in front of the fire place, my apartment in recovery!!!

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