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A Life Well Lived

January 29, 2022
We were told that we would not be able to conceive. We decided that we would wait until after the Christmas rush to check out adoption agencies. It was the busiest time of the year as we owned a jewelry business. Time passed quickly.

Months later my husband took me to the doctor, because we thought I had the flu. The doctor listened, a cup had been handed to me, and the usually thump, thumps were done, besides the taking of the temperature, blood pressure, and please open your mouth.

The doctor came back into the room a few minutes later saying, “ You don’t have the flu, you are pregnant”. I started laughing, “That’s a good one, Dr. Milner, April Fool’s Day to you. It was after all April 1st and we had been told that we couldn’t have children of our own. Dr. Milner was horrified saying, “I would never kid about such a thing”. I was stunned, amazed, speechless, and thrilled! “Would you like me to call your husband in to tell him the news”. I nodded my head in agreement. My husband came in and when he was told he reacted much the same saying April Fool’s Day, but when he realized this was not a joke, he picked me up and danced me out the door, down the hall to the reception room yelling, “We’re pregnant, we’re pregnant!”

Sarah Rebecca Suejennifer Roberts came into this world eight months 9 days later. You may wonder why there are so many names. I wanted to name her SarahSue, but Daddy had waited a long time for a girl, because he already had three sons and he wanted to incorporate the two girl names he had chosen years previously. Is it no wonder Sarah, became Sydney?

She certainly was a wonderful baby, who grew up to become a wonderful woman.

The Zoom celebration of her life last week, and todays in person celebration is an amazing testimony to a life well lived. I had no idea how many friends she had nor the impact that she had on you. Despite how short we may think her life has been; she packed in a lot of life into the living of it. It is a reminder to us that we don’t die in order, nor do we know how many breaths we are allotted.

Life truly is a circle, because you have touched my life as well. Thank you for taking the time to celebrate my daughter, for loving her, and for sharing your memories.

KathySue Roberts

Speaking of Vegan Food by Geni Roberts

January 23, 2022
When Sarah came home for the summer after her first year at college, she talked incessantly about the food and how hard it was to eat her kind of food living in the dorm.

So, she and her Dad decided to write a cookbook for dorm living, all vegetarian meals that could be prepared in a dorm room on a hot plate.  They never completed the project, but I still have the recipes in their handwriting!  

Did Sarah ever mention Dam Yate Supreme to any of you?  It's become a staple for our family holiday dinners.

She loved experimenting with food and cooking.  I have many memories with her in the kitchen.

When we lived at Lake Almanor, the kids often had free range in the kitchen experimenting with cooking.  One day, they made a cake, which contained nearly everything they found in the pantry--I mean everything, hundreds of ingredients--I can only remember rice crispies, cocoa and pancake flour, various extracts, spices, herbs, nothing that should have been combined!  However, it is most memorable, because it actually tasted delicious.

Then there was the time, in Albuquerque, when they made Boggled Eggs - combining scrambled eggs and popcorn.  That was memorable, because it was awful.  But we ate it anyway and praised the results and the effort.

We had a lot of fun in those days.  

Sarah as Miranda Silver in The Trailblazer

January 23, 2022
I met Sarah at 21 when she was the lead as Miranda Silver in our super low budget film, The Trailblazer.  The story is based on my co-writer / co-producer Miriam Langer's experience in a wilderness program for troubled teens. Miranda is navigating her way as a counselor for really screwed up kids while coping with the harsh realities of being in the wilderness. Miranda's and the other counselors' job is to get the teens to "tell their story," meaning the truth about their lives, despite its difficulty, without rationalizing or glorifying.  During the course of the film, Miranda realizes that she has a story to tell about her relationship with her parents and her dead brother.  We shot this film in 1997 in Albuquerque, Jemez and the Santa Fe National Forest in difficult conditions - not far from civilization, but at night, in bad weather, and out in the desert. Our cast was a set of teenagers from Albuquerque and professionals from the area.  We had cast as Miranda a "known" actress who got to New Mexico and couldn't handle it - the environment, the intense physical and mental challenge of the role - and we parted ways.  Sarah came in a week before we planned to start shooting.  I remember her as valiant and brave and fragile, and she did not have time to rehearse or live with the role before we put a lot of demands on her - including being in every scene for 3 weeks of shooting.  25 years later, what I remember is her resilience (she wasn't a seasoned backpacker!), her bonding with the teen actors, and how she got better and better as we kept shooting.  The film never got anywhere commercially, I'm sorry to say, but she made it possible.  I don't have anything digitized but will try to add a link if I get a trailer or the feature digitized and available online. 

My friend in the unprecedented.

January 22, 2022
Sydney was always telling me she used to be just like me. I never pushed for clarity. I think she meant it mostly affectionately, I think it was something about being soft, pre - tough, as she saw it. We were two women among very few other females taking active part in the Southern California wave of flat earth - ing circa 2018. When we met I had already hosted maybe 30 flat earth meet-ups over the previous few years and that specific day I had rallied many of the people I had met through these meet-ups to come out to Salton Sea for an experiment between flat earthers and a scientic group that wanted to challenge us. National geographic was coming to film too. We all had to gather on the putrid salty shore at 5 in the morning on a grueling hot mid summer day. It was fun. It was adventure.  
Sydney appeared to me as this bright blonde girl under a white hat explaining to a camera man how the waves of the water obscure objects at a distance when you are photographing close to the surface. The way she explained it was excellent as I'd heard other people try to make the same point with less clarity. I walked up to her and told her she was doing a great job and to keep talking to the camera men. She told me she was with the science group but this was her idea to do the flat earth experiment. She told me she didn't know any other flat earthers and asked if she could hang with us. I waved my arms around and said you are welcome among all of us. I introduced her to a few people to get her started and honestly didn't think much more about it that day. I've met first-time flat earthers so many times but Sydney would prove to be much more memorable than I then guessed. 
I'm going to skip ahead right now and say that I grew to love her. It's a strange wide world we explored through many adventures, trying to communicate to press abd other various parties that we don't live on a globe, doing experiments to test it, dealing with the backlash from various sources for expressing these ideas. But it is also freaking fun!
I Loved standing on the edge of the water on Salton at night on one among many return trips and sharing theories about where we really are with Sydney. Even among flat earthers Sydney was often the quickest to see the reasoning in a new theory I was sharing. It was a magical and wonderful feeling. To think so freely, with a friend... in the middle of darkness and feel excited instead of scared at mysteries and possibilities. Our appreciation for flat earth bled into... perspective on life in general and being women, and not letting life or bad relationships or anything beat us down. We shared encouragement about persuing.... what we wanted to pursue. 

In the last year of Sydney's life we often texted daily. We coached each other to get out in the sunshine every day. Sometimes we'd just exchange photos of a sunny sky verifying we felt the direct sun. I love her. She was like a friend I had from another dimension.  We had something in common that I don't think either of us could ever fully name, beyond flat earth, but also including it. I recently had a dream that her ghost came to visit me. It felt so real and happy.  I have this sense if there is a way to communicate from whatever is beyond this life Sydney would give it a shot and she would include me. And she would know I'd be open to whatever she wanted to show me.

One thing Syndey would often do was encourage me to come out for one more adventure. When i was tired or broke, she always tried to find a way to lure me out. With sorrow and joy I look forward to some day seeing her on the other side and rejoicing and laughing and exploring new mysteries together. And again being brave together.

Then one day Sarah decided to be a blond starlet named Sydney

January 22, 2022
Then one day Sarah decided to be the blond starlet named Sydney Silver. She made a decision that she would ONLY do what she wanted and NOBODY would ever hurt her (tell her what to do) again. In her grandiose delusions and amongst the energy that derived from her vengeance, Syd became a single handed force in the world. She was a tech savvy and extremely versatile, multi- talented human being who's skillsets combined with determination were unmatched. Privately she was all business and a successful entrepreneur ranging from entertainment production to free energy research, sustainable farming, crypto currencies and real estate investments. Already having having been an actress, a model, a singer/songwriter, a dominatrix, a published author and film maker amongst her resume items... she was not confined by title or genre. Here are some of links to her more public work featured online. Sydney the Goddess/Priestess... LOL and under this title were also her Mandela Effect vids too there was a more recent interest in science and the Flat Earth with Syd being the catalyst for a National Geographic segment on her planning flat earth testing the earth's curvature at the Salton Sea working as Sydney Earther on Youtube (OMG ... so many alias' she had) With her past interest and use of Hollywood seemingly long gone, by now... Syd left that, and the music scene behind as she moved over to fight for the rights of individuals, women, chickens and cows while looking to save the world and to correct the many wrongs she found within our society.

A caring and compassionate friend

January 21, 2022
I went to high school with Sydney, although I did not know her too well back then.  We took three French classes together, and I remember admiring how much of a better speaker she was.  Her “who’s who” feature in the yearbook always stuck with me from the moment I read it, and we talked about it recently, and I’ll post it in the photos.  

Twenty years went by without me seeing or speaking to her, but when we reconnected online, she immediately became one of my dearest and trusted friends.  We would text often and talk about what was going on in our lives.  We had similar relationship experiences, and could relate well with the problems we had.  My interactions with her mostly revolved around that, although I consumed a lot of her media, especially the Sydney Sliver Show where she mentioned me a couple times.  It was a nice feeling-she was really good at the “little things” that make you feel good-at least for me.  And she inspired me to go vegetarian exclusively for a four year period, and I have remained predominantly so since then.  She was happy about it and never made me feel like I wasn’t doing enough by not being Vegan.  That’s just the kind of person she was.

miss you my dear, compassionate friend.

Quench the fire

January 18, 2022
I think the kindest thing anyone ever did for me was what you did when you went to the Quench the fire pain event in Van Nuys at the park that morning and got Richard Dean Andersons autograph on the photo of my Dog Snow and me. I had wanted to go so badly and meet him, and we would have visited too because you were living in Van Nuys close to the park the event was being held. I had bought tickets and had planned to go and was so excited. Then as it got close I could not go, I was in too much pain and just knew I wouldn't be able to handle it. I was crushed because not only would I miss out visiting with you I wasn't going to get to meet my favorite actor Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver) but you saved the day Sydney. You asked for my ticket and I was able to get it to you, you went to the event in my stead and met Richard Dean Anderson  you told him about me and about how I had wanted to be there so badly but my pain made it impossible and you got him to autograph my photo.  You took a photo of him holding my autographed photo. He even gave you a hug and told you to pass the hug on to me. It was a really kind and special thing you did for me and I'll never forget it. I love you so much. 
January 17, 2022
She was an online friend, but a true friend.  She was my go to person whenever I had questions about vitamins and minerals.  She became a model for my agency after about a year of knowing her. 
The very last time I spoke to her I needed help because someone was trashing my agency online.  She came to my defense with both barrels blazing. That is who she was in life. She would defend her friends to the end. 
I wish I got to know her in person. We were talking about my wife and I meeting her at the Clown Motel in Nevada.  We both didn't have fear of clowns and it was supposed to scary to those who feared them. Also, I never been to Nevada and always wanted to go. Unfortunately, this never happened. 

Tribute to Sarah Sydney

January 17, 2022
January 16, 2022
by Geni Roberts

I didn’t know Sydney.  I knew Sarah.  Although, I believe Sydney was there the entire time, waiting to emerge from her chrysalis.

I met Sarah when she was 6 years old.  Raven hair, blue eyes, her alluring, dimpled, smile.  I knew then that there was an intensity and power, within this child.  It was a joyful and creative power.

As youngsters, the kids emptied the contents of a closet in one of the bedrooms and created a stage where they performed plays which they had produced.  I’m pretty certain Sarah was the spearhead of this endeavor, the consummate playwright and performer that she was.

The plays were very entertaining and contrary to Julie’s statement, we, as parents, were very impressed and thoroughly thrilled with their creativity and ingenuity.

One day, the kids were doing housecleaning chores and I don’t even remember how it started, but the four of them (ages 5-8) started marching around the room chanting, “No fucking around in the Army! No fucking around in the Army!…”  It was hilarious and Sarah had the most prideful and mischievous grin on her face.  It was adorable.  She could be a stinker!

As she journeyed toward adulthood, it was a reward to watch her seemingly effortless accomplishments, especially in drama, art and writing.  Obviously, a deep thinker and philosopher her mind appeared to work overtime.  She was exceptional.

All I can say is that I admire Sarah Sydney, and the dramatic, creative, brilliant, compassionate, open-minded, spiritual, complete and in-depth role that she played in her life.  I do get the sense that for her, it was play.  Serious, but playful; and, I have missed her.

Memories of childhood from your sister - learning to fly!

January 14, 2022
When we were kids I remember jumping off the front wall with you for hours & hours! We were very serious about it, keeping notes about it like "I think I was more horizontal this time" and "I floated a little bit." We thought if we just kept practicing we could do it.

I remember when we were trying not to go to sleep and told our parents we were hungry but they wouldn't let us get up to get a snack. We were furious and you said "Let's show them that we're really hungry by eating our blankets!" I agreed and started eating the lining of my sleeping bag. The next morning when we woke up I saw that only my blanket had a hole in it. You said "I thought we were just pretending!" and we laughed about it. 

You were an early actress and director, producing several plays including an "Amelia Bedelia" book, and the "Hinkey & Pinkey" series. While I remember our parents trying to say "that was great!" to get out of it after a while, we loved putting them together, and I remember Hinkey & Pinkey bringing Devd and I together after a fight.

You went on to be in an actress and wished you could make more music, but you took a lesson from those "flight lessons" that not everything you want to make happen can actually happen. What a bittersweet lesson. I love that in this video of your music that also stars you that you actually get to fly.  

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