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May 11
May 11
If there ever was a perfect individual, and example for a young boy to aspire to in Christian and leadership values, Bishop Nathaniel Yisa embodied this, and much more gloriously!
It was a real joy and blessing to follow his leadership in Minna diocese. I do remember excitedly, usually singing along and praying along whenever he leads services. Glorious impact throughout!
My continued gratitude to have experienced Rt Reverend Nathaniel Yisa's shining light.
May 11
I have allot to say even though it was not a very long journey we had but it was such a Blessing meeting You at the end of Your Pilgrimage here on Earth. The Grace You carry for God's Ministry is an unattenuated one I must Testify, the Stories and the Hymns every night have been of great Upliftment and Encouragement to My Spirit.
I find it a Great Privilege meeting A Man of Your Prestige, Serving as Your Nurse with Much Pleasure.
Grandpa Nath, Rest on till we meet at Jesus feet.
-Nr. Bitrus

May 11
Daddy you nurtured me through my early journey of adulthood and Christian life. How I will struggled to get to Church before you only to find everything was set. You were very caring. Once you called"Biodun" I could feel the depth of your love and encouragement
Could I ever forget your counsel in our trying times? "And it came to pass" you always told us and indeed it always came to pass.
I enjoyed your sermons which always were with you reciting very poetical lines of hymns.
Daddy we miss you but you have left us a godly heritage which we pray we never trade with the futilities of this life
We love you Grandpa
May 10
May 10
A Tribute to a Gem

Rt. Rev Nathaniel Yisa - Baba Yisa was the first Vicar I had at St Pirans as a teenager in the 80s.

He was a kind and caring man of God who knew each of our names; especially as a good bunch of us would pop into the Vicarage en route to or from Youth Fellowship at least a few times a month.

He took time to know us as individuals, for he was a man after God’s heart. Standing on the Vicarage steps with the gentle, smiling Mama Yisa they would watch us as we chatted with their children in the garden (the first three were our age mates.)

Those formative years were crucial for us, and years later even in different ministry arms of the church; he continued to encourage us to be the best.

I pray the entire family and friends are comforted by the fact that he has run his race and finished his course; and he is resting with his Lord. 1 Cor 9: 24

You were a gem Baba Yisa, and we were blessed to be your parishioners. I am glad you are reunited with your sweetheart, Mama Yisa.
Rest in Jesus’ love.

Patricia Otsapa ( nee Johnson)
May 10
Baba led an impactful life and was blessed to find one thing which is needful. Like Mary, he held onto it steadfastly, choosing the better part that cannot be taken away. His unwavering faith in God illuminated the lives of everyone around him, leaving an enduring legacy of love and devotion. We were opportuned to know him through Arc. Ben Yisa.
Proverbs 13:22 reminds us that 'A good person leaves an inheritance for their children's children,' and Baba's absolute trust in God was his greatest inheritance. Even in death, his memory remains a blessing and a beacon of light. Adieu Baba. 
Okpanachi P. M Abraham and family(Jos)
Losing our beloved Bishop is not just a loss to his family but to the entire community.
Daddy was distinguished fine man who was more than a man of faith, he embodied faith itself. His life was a testament to his unwaving commitment to serving others and spreading the love and compassion of Jesus Christ.
As a father, husband and spiritual leader, he touched countless lives with his wisdom, kindness, frankness and humility.
He dedicated his life to guiding others on their spiritual journey. His sermons were simple bible based beacons of hope and inspiration.
Daddy’s love for his family, friends and congregation knew no bounds.
His legacy will continue to inspire us and though he is no longer with us, his spirit lives in our hearts.
As we bid you farewell we celebrate the extraordinary life you live and we take comfort in knowing you’re at peace singing with the angels.
Rest in peace daddy your legacy will forever shine brightly we love you.
May 9
May 9
Tribute to Bishop Nathaniel Yisa:

"Remembering Rt. Rev’d Nathaniel Yisa brings back cherished memories of the time my then future husband introduced me to him. A true gentleman, Uncle Nat as he was then called was always warm, friendly, and hospitable. His skills as a homemaker were truly exceptional; gardening, carpentry etc
When the call came for him to serve as a Bishop, “Uncle Nat” rose to the occasion without hesitation. His devotion to the Lord shone through in everything he did, living a life that was a testament to his faith - marked by humility, dedication, and a deep sense of service.
May you rest in peace, dear Uncle Nat, in the loving embrace of your Lord and Savior. Your legacy of faith and service will continue to inspire us all."
May 9
I met The Rt Rev'd Nathaniel Yisa, OFR through the son Rev Nathanie Yisa Jr. He was my lecturer who took me as his own son, introduced me to his brothers and friend Dr. Chinedu Ekwuempu and the good people of St. Pirans Church Jos.

The Rt Rev'd Nathaniel Yisa is my grandfather, Rev Nathanie Yisa Jr is my father.

Rest in peace Grandpa

All Nations Christian Assembly, Kaduna
May 9
On behalf of the brethren at All Nations Christian Assembly (formerly Kaduna Christian Assembly), we give thanks to God for a life well lived by Papa Nathaniel Yisa, who committed his life to Christ Jesus as his Lord and Saviour, and served Him in His Church and humanity. We especially praise God in memory of Papa’s faithful and inspiring service as an Elder and Trustee of All Nations Christian Assembly since the Church’s inception till his home call. He was a diligent missionary. He served a Travelling Secretary of the Fellowship of Christian Students (FCS), after which tenure he continued his service for the Lord Jesus as a Minister in the Anglican Communion.
We commend his family to God, praying that the Lord will strengthen all of them to continue in the service of Christ’s glorious Gospel, knowing that the labour of His servants is not in vain in the Lord. The grace and comfort of God shall be multiplied to you continually (1 Corinthians 15: 58; 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18)

Yours in Christ,
Johnson O. Akinwale
(Trustee Secretary)

Anietie Jones
(General Secretary)
May 8
I must say that I am really privileged to have met you through this journey of life.
You took me as your own and I automatically became part of the family.
You have raised a wonderful family and I am sure that they are all Super Proud to have you as a father.
You lived a good life and I know you have received that crown which is meant for you.
As for me, I will say it's a celebration of a life well spent. You obviously have left a vacuum by your physical absence but God will surely take care of everyone you have left behind. Heaven has just gained another angel !!!
Forever in my heart.
Mrs Lawal
May 7
With thanksgiving in my heart for a life well lived, I write this tribute of a man of God, a servant of the Most High God with unquestionable integrity, the one who sincerely served the Lord not because of bread and butter but for the reason that God deserved his service.
Baba Yisa, your memory cannot be forgotten in our family. You were selfless, humble, loving, caring and a complete example of a true shepherd.
You made serving God enviable and you never looked for gain but focussed on doing your father’s will. Paul’s saying in 1st Corinthians 9, 14-19 was your standard.
Even in death Baba Yisa, on behalf of my family (Samson Lawal Alagbara) as you fondly called my husband, I am very proud of you.
I keep imagining how happy and joyous you are now beholding the face of Him whom you loved and served. Baba, rest is only sweet after hard work. You have worked hard thus you deserve rest. Rest on and keep smiling in the bosom of your Master whom you served faithfully.
Mrs Lawal
Ngo Sarah Chuwang
May 7
A Tribute to Rt. Rev. Nathaniel Yisa

When I think about Rt. Rev. Nathaniel Yisa, I see a true man of God who knew the complete Bible and could preach for 15 minutes what it would take other Vicars 45 minutes to say. He was a man of remarkable humility, showing little interest in the material things of the world. His life was a shining example of how true greatness lies in humility.

Bishop Yisa was once given a ticket to perform the Christian Pilgrimage to Israel, and some members of St. Piran's Church wanted to give him some money. However, he declined the offer, saying he only wanted to buy a headscarf for his beloved Rhoda, and he had enough money to do that.

Bishop Yisa was a unifier and a visionary. During his tenure at St. Piran's Church, the idea of a school was muted and eventually built. Every member felt they had contributed to the project.

He was kind, soft-spoken, and gentle but firm when needed. Bishop Yisa has gone to be with the Lord. May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace.

Fondly remembered by Ngo Sarah E. Chuwang and family.

Benjamin Yisa
May 5
May 5
My Dad. Through you, God brought me into this world with a mandate to follow Him. By your hand I was nurtured and shaped by instruction, training, discipline and the practical example of your life.  You pointed me to Christ and urged me on in His direction. Now as I follow Him for myself, I am eternally grateful that you lived your own life in personal consecration and obedience to the Lord in turning me and indeed, so many others, to the only source and sustainer of TRUE LIFE - THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. I praise and thank God for your impactful life. The memorable years of your parenting as partners with mommy, shared with my siblings and relatives, in company of friends and associates will not be easily forgotten. Though your physical presence is missed by me and the children, with whom you spent you final days, I rejoice that you have joined the saints triumphant. You have finished well. You are home at last !
May 4
Dad, as I think about you, the words of this song by Bob Hartman (Petra) come to mind as fitting:

(On this journey we begin at birth
This fleeting moment that we spend on earth
No second chance to live it all again
It must be now or never
To cherish each endeavor
What will they say that I have left behind
A faithful heritage for all to find
What will they see?
I want my legacy to be

He was a believer in deed
He had a heart of a different breed
He made his mark and he lived by his creed
A true believer
A believer in deed

Am I living everything I say?
Am I pointing others to the way?
Will I leave this world a better place?
Will Jesus say he knew me
Is Jesus living through me?
Did I maintain my authenticity?
A man of honor and integrity?
Remembering me
I hope that they will truly see

At the end of my days I know I'm gonna say
I wouldn't live my life any other way
I'll look to my posterity to carry on for me
And pray that they will see
He was a believer in deed
He had a heart of a different breed
He made his mark and he lived by his creed
A true believer
A believer in deed)

I could stop right here but there is so much more to say. Your given Name Nathaniel says so eloquently, you were God’s gift to the world.
You were not enamoured by glitz or glamour, nor drawn by adulation. Fads and trends did not faze you, nor were you impressed by high-sounding cliches. You valued Character above Charisma, authenticity against putting up appearances, conviction way above convenience and exemplary action rather than mere talk.
Your standards were always high but you were never ostentatious. Simplicity was the way you approached and did life, as you modelled prudence and preservation even to your discomfort, and sometimes, pain. Above all, you modelled godliness, lived in contentment and devotion to the plans and purposes of God. You were fully committed to the gospel and the Church of God.
You set your sights on heaven above, so much so, that the things of earth could not sidetrack or distract you. You were the epitome of hard work and resilience, totally dedicated to God’s work and now you rest from all your labours. Adieu daddy, see you over the Jordan. Home at Last! Valliant soldier, Rest on!
Nathaniel, Jr. Son
May 4
Dear Engr. John Yisa,

We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of your father, Rt. Rev. Nathaniel Yisa, the former Anglican Bishop of Minna Diocese. Our heart goes out to you and your family during this difficult time.

Your father was a remarkable individual who dedicated his life to serving others and spreading God's love. His legacy will live on through the countless lives he touched and the impact he made in his community and his sphere of contact.

May you and your entire family find comfort in the memories you shared with him and may his soul rest in perfect peace. May God grant you the strength and grace to bear this loss. Please accept our deepest condolences.

Lady Chinwe Ogbonna
For NTA Chapel Bible Study Group
May 4
May 4
My tribute to an exceptional father

Dear Dad,
Wow!, how do I begin, how do I attempt to personify you?
Organised, meticulous, focused,dutiful, diligent, principled, faithful but above all God fearing. Thank you for the values you represented and insisted that we live by. Thank you for teaching us about the things that really matter in life. Thank you for teaching us the Word of God.
Though I will miss your instruction and fatherly love, though I will miss our numerous travels together, though I will miss all the 'handyman' tasks we carried out together around the house, I do not mourn because I have hope in Christ.
Rather, I give God glory for the life you lived. Indeed you were a true pilgrim and soldier for Christ.
You laboured faithfully with the Saints on earth, you have now found your rest with the Saints above.
May 3
A Tribute To Right Reverend Nathaniel Yisa.
Reverend Nathaniel Yisa was appointed vicar and came with his wife Ruda and children to St. Piran’s church, Jos when Reverend Yemi and Mrs Ladipo were ending their service in the church. Looking back, that was a handover of the relay baton by Reverend Ladipo to Reverend Yisa, who both had previously had a robust service each in his niche of Christian calling-- Reverend Ladipo in Campus Crusade for Christ with the Great Commission Movement of Nigeria, which he birthed in Jos, and Reverend Yisa, who had served as a Travelling Secretary to the Fellowship of Christian Students (FCS).     

Reverend Yisa was a simple, smiling, laughing, approachable, uncluttered and transparent person. He and Ruda, his wife, shared the common Christian task served with utmost commitment to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:17-20). Reverend Yisa managed the administration of the spiritualities and the schedules and timings of divine services very efficiently; and he had enjoyed the support of Barrister Niyi Oyetunde (Vicar’s Warden) and Mr Volge G. Sanda (People's Warden). One distinctive feature of Yisa’s pastoral ministry was visiting and caring for members, which served as an incentive and inspiration for members' increased commitment and spawned the numerical and quality growth of the church. St. Piran’s church, Jos under Yisa was, truly and practically speaking, "a church for the nations"! Another mark of Yisa’s ministry was that he loved the flock of God and took time to know their names, he knew how to pronounce them in whatever languages they belonged. Yet another distinguishing feature of Reverend Yisa’s ministry was that he and his family lived what they preached, with simplicity, practical and evident right actions or godly examples. His service was Spirit-filled and Spirit-led; and he had a number of achievements, which we state only a few here:
1. He started a lay-ministry that involved lay members in preaching and teaching in the church.
2. He started a creche/nursery class in a three-room block with Mrs Adefisayo as the first or pioneer regular staff employed to run it, and it blossomed in due course into something much bigger and higher.
3. Reverend Yisa had and started the actualisation of the idea of a new and bigger building for St. Piran’s church, Jos, and he took the first and noble steps to start the process before he inevitably moved out to answer the "Macedonian call" from the Bishop of the newly-created diocese of Minna in 1991.

It wasn't easy for St. Piran’s church, Jos to 'release' him and let him go, but thank God she did, and in the end, it led Reverend Nathaniel to become the next Bishop of The Diocese of Minna, following the death of the incumbent Bishop Yisa there. How we thank God for the ministry of this great, real, and humble servant of God to us. We will forever keep him in our hearts with love and fond memories. Until we meet at Jesus' feet at the resurrection, we say,
"Adieu", our Vicar, friend, and shepherd indeed!      

Venerable C. Anukam (Vicar), on behalf of all clergy, clergy wives, and laity of The Church of St. Piran on the Plateau, Jos, Nigeria.
May 3
Tribute to a true Servant of God!

At last you have gone to join the Saints Triumphant, which has always been your focus as you journeyed on this side of the divide. To our family you were not just our Vicar, you were our very dear friend. We remember fondly, when our daughter got married she insisted that you come from Bida to join her and her husband in Holy Matrimony. You were the teacher who practiced what you taught, our friend at all times, our Baba, our last daughter’s baptismal godfather.

Your dedication to service was with great humility and with the use of your hands and talents. This meant you were a carpenter when you needed to be one, a mechanic when you needed to service your car, which you did so the church would not have to pay a mechanic. We remember it took the church quite a while before it got a car for the use of the church, in that time, your car was what you used for church work. You were a mason when we needed to build. Kai Baba you left a lot of experiences in us that we use as guides in our lives. We are so grateful to God that our paths crossed and gave us the opportunity to learn a lot through your vast experiences, especially those gotten as traveling secretary for FCS.

Baba, was an honest and transparent man, well respected and trusted by 'his sheep'. A man of integrity. When he made an announcement for a need in church, by the following Sunday it had been met. No one ever doubted him. He discipled by example. We will miss you but we are comforted by the fact that it is for a while and then we meet to part no more in God's Kingdom. Goodnight.

Group Captain & Mrs KET Oyerinde (rtd)
May 3
May 3
In Loving Memory of Bishop Nathaniel Yisa: A Tribute to a Life Well-Lived

Today, as we gather to honour the memory of Bishop Nathaniel Yisa, we are reminded of a life that epitomized the very essence of Christian faith and service. Bishop Yisa, who departed from this earthly realm at the age of 85, leaves behind a legacy that will forever resonate within the hearts and minds of all who had the privilege of knowing him.

Bishop Yisa was more than just a clergyman; he was a beacon of light, a source of inspiration, and a true embodiment of Christ's teachings. Throughout his lifetime, he dedicated himself to the service of God and his fellow human beings, leaving an indelible mark on countless lives. His unwavering commitment to spreading the message of love, compassion, and grace touched the hearts of all who crossed his path.

As a shepherd of his flock, Bishop Yisa exhibited a profound sense of care and concern for those under his guidance. He nurtured and mentored countless individuals, providing them with spiritual guidance, encouragement, and support. His pastoral ministry was characterized by a deep sense of empathy, humility, and compassion, making him a beloved figure within his community and beyond.

Beyond the walls of his church, Bishop Yisa's influence extended far and wide. He was a tireless advocate for social justice and equality, championing the cause of the marginalized and oppressed. Whether it was through his involvement in community outreach programs, his fervent prayers for those in need, or his unwavering commitment to serving the less fortunate, Bishop Yisa demonstrated a genuine concern for the well-being of others.

But perhaps Bishop Yisa's greatest legacy lies in the lives he touched and the souls he transformed through his ministry. He was a beacon of hope in times of darkness, a source of strength in moments of weakness, and a steadfast guide in the journey of faith. His words of wisdom, his acts of kindness, and his unwavering faith in God served as a source of inspiration to all who knew him.

As we bid farewell to Bishop Nathaniel Yisa, we take solace in the knowledge that his spirit will live on in the hearts of those he touched. Though he may no longer walk among us, his legacy of love, compassion, and service will continue to inspire future generations to follow in his footsteps. May his soul find eternal rest in the loving embrace of our Heavenly Father, and may his memory be a blessing to us all.

Emmanuel John Aliyu
May 3
May 3
My Tribute:
Your legacy will endure through the family you nurtured and the love you shared. Your absence is deeply felt, but your love will continue to surround us. We will keep memories of your spirit alive by living the values and principles you held. We will all be missing you and the Church you left behind. Adieu my lord bishop and my father in-law. Rest in peace sir.
From Mr Emmanuel John Aliyu & late Mrs keziah Tsubenya Aliyu (NEE Yisa).
Audu Emmanuel Yisa
May 3
May 3
It has been a great privilege to have had such an uncle like Bishop. His courage was as tall as his stature. A towering personality, who did not fear to speak the truth, in a sage manner that wouldn't offend even the most anti dialogical individuals he confronted throughout his career, but a man, whose words resonate the truth and earned him the respect of all, who graced his presence. He was a man of God of the finest character and our own Bishop Crowther in kin Nupezi. Men like him are hard to find or replace. He will dearly be missed and I wish him a peaceful journey to the delightful place of souls. Rest in peace and rest in power Baba Sunday

Rhoda Goshi
May 3
May 3
To God be the glory for the legacy of Rt Rev. Bishop Nathaniel Yisa! His display of humility, faith and grace was clear for all to see, even as he served as a witness for Christ among his own people, the Nupe people, in pastoring an ECWA Church in Bida. Later, his impact was felt as he played a key role in the production of the Jesus Film in Nupe (a salvation Gospel Film by Great Commission Movement Nigeria).

Rt Rev Nathaniel Yisa was one who was committed to follow God’s call, wherever it led. His commitment to serve in reaching students with the Gospel of Jesus, through the Fellowship of Christian Students, was a great exhibition of his faith in God. (This he did joyfully with virtually little or no pay, as a family man!) And in later years, he returned to a church setting of the Anglican Communion to first serve in Jos, where he impacted the Goshi family immensely, and subsequently in Minna Diocese, to shepherd the Lord 's Flock.

This commitment was also perhaps most clearly seen in his family life, alongside his industrious wife and committed home keeping partner, Late Mama Rhoda Yisa, as they raised their children in the fear of the Lord.
Mama Ruda 's health challenges could not get in the way of loving ,caring as well as cheerfully serving her family,and the family of God.

This humble man of God, along with many others who have gone before, will be greatly missed.His love for gardening and care for flowers are unforgetable.
But we're comforted by the great legacy now in his children that are walking with the Lord Jesus Christ in their own different areas of calling.

Rhoda Goshi (Mrs)
Kemi Yisa
May 3
Dearest Daddy Minna as we fondly called you. You were not a father-in-law to me; you were a father and a blessing. Thank you for loving and caring for the kids and I way you did. Sad as it is that you no longer physically with us, I am happy that you are home at last just as you had desired for a while.
I will always remember you with a smile because you brought me joy. It was always a pleasure practising my Nupe speaking with you.
Please give Mummy Minna and Aunty Ya Mummy hugs from me.
Fondly remembered, missed but always in my heart.
Sai ‘kadegi Daddy.

May 2
May 2
Among men that I have known and had close walk with who have dedicated their lives wholly to God and His service, it was you Daddy. You were so entrenched in your dedication that it affected everything else you did and anyone that had close encounters with you. Same thing you brought to raising us your children, relatives and others. It is difficult to express the impact you had on me in a few lines or pages. Your passing though I knew would one day come, has touched me beyond words. But I know it is well. You have found rest with the Lord.
May 2
May 2
Grandpa, you are sorely missed. I know you have finished your journey on earth and have gone to meet the Master. I can't question why, but your impact and tender embrace in our lives will always be remembered. Thank you for everything.
Johanna, Apphia and Tehila
May 2
Dear Daddy, It was great having you as an amazing father in-law and an awesome grandpa -to the kids. You are sorely missed But I know you are glad to be Home At Last! - a place you have always longed to be, at the feet of Jesus, singing with the angels.
Keep singing Daddy, keep singing...while you rest from all your labors here. We shall cherish the memories.
Faith Yisa
LIFE AND LEGACY OF BABA BISHOP NATHANIEL YISA The eagle flown into the sun! A mighty general returning home after a well fought battle. It is often said "The measure of a life is not in its duration but in its donation", even after my beloved Baba Bishop is committed to the keeping of the earth until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, it will not be the end of his story because the memory of his life and the influence of his life remains. When I think of him, I think of the Bible verse that says; And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, write, "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them". I say he has departed but God says he has arrived. I will deeply miss you Baba. In your honor I say: Ring out the welcome! Swing wide the gates! Choir of angels in heaven. Stand and sing "welcome thou faithful servant". There is one more soldier of the King whose trials are past! Ring out the welcome loud and clear... He is here at last! I bid you not farewell, but Goodnight! Thou shall rise soon at the first dawn of the Resurrection day of the redeemed. Champion of God, thy battle long and nobly fought is over! Thy sword which clave to thy hand has dropped at last. A victor's wealth from the Great Commander's hand has already proved thy full reward. Rest on and Goodnight Baba!!! Toyin Fadairo (Toyin Bishop
Ven (Prof). O. O. A. Fasanya,
May 2
May 2

We give thanks to God for the privilege of knowing and associating with a character and colossus of estimable character in the person of someone I can refer to as a brother, friend, core christian and a rare leader of our time.

Bishop Nathaniel Yisa, ordained us as a Deacon at the Church of Epiphany Suleja after a few discussions which centred on the essence of our coming into church service after the Lord has led us through various stages of life.

After the death of the first Bishop Yisa of Minna Diocese suddenly enters a second Bishop Yisa. It was a privilege working with both of them for different lengths of time at St. Peter's Cathedral, Minna.

Rt. Rev. Nathaniel Yisa was a man who served God with all the had. His singing talent: home based Christian, family man, father who greatly loved Mama Rhuda more than anyone could imagine.

He worried about the progress and success of his children always.

My family enjoyed tremendous love of Christ from this rare brother. He was principled to the fault. Even if you would hate him for the truth: but he expressed genuine and gentle love just as he tends to his roses and flowers.

He loved agriculture and he lived agriculture. He also loved his extended family members as he never fails to talk about them when we have the privilege of being together.

You lived to a ripe age before you departed and as Benji made me to understand: when you spoke with your grandchildren before that good Friday, you were truly set to go. You acted just the way your character depicted. You will always do what you want to do at the right time.

Truly, it was the right time for you to go. Thanks for having time with us during our service in Minna Diocese under your leadership. It was a great time my dear brother and friend.

I can't forget when we congregated to have evening walks around the home environment with Baba Nmadu (late Waziri Kateraegi). They were beautiful times.

Good bye Sir and warm regards to mama Rhuda when you see her. We surely shall all reunite at the feet of Christ.

God bless Sunday, Amos, John, Benjamin and Gloria.

Adieu Bishop Nathaniel Yisa.

Venerable (Professor) O. O. A. Fasanya
May 1
On behalf of St. Barnabas Anglican Church Madalla/Madalla District
Tribute to our Late Retired Bishop, Rt. Rev’d Nathaniel Yisa (Baba)
“Psalm 116:15 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful Servants”
The Late Retired Rt. Rev’d Nathaniel Yisa of Minna Diocese who died in Jos on the 10th April 2024. Late Bishop Nathaniel Yisa was the champion of the Christian faith. The Late Bishop served God with complete humility. He was a dedicated servant who served the people of God in different capabilities and responsibilities within the Anglican Communion and SCF. Late. Baba was a man full of humility; he was a person he loved engaging with people. He was a good listener and friendly to everybody, regardless of age group. Late Bishop Nathaniel Yisa was the true definition of a servant leader; he was a loving and a unifying figure.

The Late Bishop was a great teacher who guided and shaped so many of the clergy to become what they are today. As the second Bishop of Minna Diocese, Baba established and planted many churches across the Diocese including our church St. Barnabas Anglican Church Madalla.

As the nation and people from different works of life around the world condole with the family, Minna Diocese Anglican Communion and Niger State; let’s remember that our Late Bishop, Father and Leader is sleeping in the Lord and that we will meet again if we keep the faith. Let’s celebrate his life and ministry; Late Bishop Nathaniel Yisa was a special gift from God to the Christian body in Niger State.

“You will always be remembered for your legacy will remain forever in our hearts, may your soul rest in eternal peace”.

Ven. Eberechukwu J. Ejezie Dr. Izuchukwu Obinechina
May 1
My Father in God, my mentor, my friend and True Minister of the New Covenant. Baba Bishop, you lived and died as a sincere and consistent lover of the Gospel.
You laboured especially among the Youths, under the auspices of the Fellowship of Christian Students(FCS). That was where you met me as a young zealous Scripture Union(SU) secondary school-leaver.

You brushed me up, and set me to work within the Schools in the then North Western State.
Brother Nath. as you were fondly called then, you did your ministries work to the best of your ability, burning at both ends, as you finally noticed at your later years.

Go well, dear true Servant of God. We shall miss you greatly, but it is better that you go now to your eternal home for a good and peaceful rest. Good night, dear Bishop.
Your Son in the Lord,

Ven. Ven Godwin C Mgbemena
May 1
Late Bishop Nathaniel Yisa was a man who dedicated himself to serving God with all that he had, with his primary focus being on strengthening and growing the body of Christ. His service in the Lord's Vineyard and his contributions towards the growth of the Diocese of Minna were immense, even up until and after his retirement. He always saw the need to ensure that the youth not only knew God but built a relationship with Him and taught that every life in the kingdom must continually be transformed into the likeness of Christ.

There is no doubt that Late Bishop Nathaniel Yisa served to a capacity that only a few men can talk of, and till today, his legacy as one who feared and served the Lord remains. It is by this example of good leadership and shepherding that we are where we are today. We say thank you, Late Bishop Nathaniel Yisa. May your soul continue to rest in peace.

Many come to the work of the Lord, and after a few years, are no more. However, he remained ever faithful unto the Lord and did his very best as the Lord enabled him.

He stood as a pillar of unwavering faith, a testament to enduring commitment. Through trials and triumphs, his dedication never wavered, touching lives and illuminating hearts through his service.

In every task, he sought not glory for himself but rather, sought to magnify the grace and mercy of the Lord. His life was a melody of service, resonating with kindness and love.

Though time may pass, his legacy endures—a beacon of inspiration for all who tread the path of faith. What greater legacy can there be than serving the Lord till He calls you Home?

May his memory continue to inspire and guide us as we walk in the light of the Christ's love for us.

May 1

We remain eternally grateful to God, the Almighty and Maker of all things, for the glorification of His Name through the life and Priestly Ministry of our dear father.
A mighty warrior has sadly left our ranks and the voice that spoke of God in such sonorous tone is now silenced, the hand that has blessed many a Christian now lie impotent.
His departure is a call for the rest of us to take up the challenge, to be fervent in prayers and to intercede for the kingdom of God.
We will cherish every memory of his Godly example.
We are comforted that you fought a good fight, ran the race and kept the faith.
Sleep on Daddy till we meet at the feet of Jesus.

Mothers’ Union/Women’s Guild
Cathedral Church of St Peter, Minna
May 1
Baba, Bishop Nathaniel Yisa we thank God for your life in the Episcopal Ministry in the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) and other Ecumenical Bodies.
Your Pastoral Ministry in shepherding God’s people has impacted many souls, the posterity that will live on.
We are delighted to say that you fulfilled your Ministry and now you are resting in the bosom of the Lord Jesus Christ. Rest eternally Beloved shepherd in Christ.

Ven. Daniel S. Yisa
Vicar-Cathedral Church of St. Peter, Minna

May 1
   The Rt Rev’d Nathaniel YISA OFR

I was deeply saddened by the news of the demise of The Rt Rev’d Nathaniel YISA (Baba Bishop) who transited to eternal glory on Wednesday 10th April, 2024.
He was indeed an uncommon Patriarch and an accomplished family man in his own right. With deep sense of loss, the entire family have struggled to cope with the reality that our dear father has passed on.
“We” however submit our pains to the Will of GOD Almighty to whom all mortals owe the beginning and the ending of their earthly sojourns.
I am grateful to GOD that late Rt Rev’d Nathaniel YISA; the inimitable shining light of the YISA family lived a fulfilled life; typified by selfless commitments in pursuit of strong and united family.
Wonderful and fond memories of Late Baba Bishop cannot be diminished by physical separation. His good deeds will remain evergreen and forever be cherished by those who came across this Patriarch;the legacy of Baba Bishop is multiple; this is the most that anyone can expect of life. May his wonderful soul rest in perfect peace.
At this moment of our collective loss, my heart and thoughts are with the entire YISA family. I share in the grief of the immediate family. I pray that GOD will grant our desires to continue to identify with the immediate family in ensuring that Baba Bishop’s legacy remains immortal in our memories.
Be comforted by the exemplary life of The Rt Rev’d Nathaniel YISA which is worthy of emulation and celebration. Though our dear Baba Bishop lived long, we would have wished he lived much longer.
Again, our consolation is that Baba Bishop confronted the vicissitudes and challenges life brought his way with doggedness and candour.
I am proud and consoled by the impressive testimonials which the life of our late Baba Bishop exemplified. We give GOD all the GLORY for the rare gift he was to the family, The church of Nigeria (Anglican communion) and to the entire world in his lifetime. Late Baba Bishop lived a life worthy of celebration indeed!

Rest in perfect peace dear Baba Bishop The Rt Rev’d Nathaniel YISA!

Mrs Mary Nathan-Habila
For the Matswamgbe Family
Col. S S Umaru
May 1

To God alone be the glory for an exemplary, enviable and holy life lived on this sinful world of ours before departing to the great beyond on that fateful morning of the 10th of April 2024 at about 8am. My dear brother, friend, and great mentor, you fought the good fight of faith gallantly as a brave soldier of God Almighty and bowed out gloriously. The reward of the crown of life is awaiting you as a loyal, dedicated, obedient and brave leader of the good news of Jesus Christ.

Like the word of God says “just as he who called you is holy so be holy in all you do, for it is written: be holy because I am Holy” (1 Peter 1:15 -16). This quotation, I am tempted to believe was what motivated you for the good work of the Master. As a true elect of the Master, you responded with selfless sacrifice to the work not minding the cost and not looking back but fixed your eyes on the goal.

As Vicar of St, Piran’s Church you left a land mark record yet to be equalled not to talk of beating it. Your leadership qualities coupled with the pastoral tender care for your congregation’s welfare made you pour yourself out to solving every problem facing the members. By this singular act, you made St. Piran’s Church a family Church. You knew the houses of almost all the members not only by visitation but by help calls at anytime of the 24 hours of the day.

Your personal life style of love, and humility and very transparent way of handling issues without bias endeared you to all the members of the congregation. This is what made your mane a household name among St. Piran’s Church members even to the admiration of the Diocese. You did not limit yourself to the spiritual development but beyond that started the foundation of St. Piran’s Church School that has now grown to two high schools both boarding and day as a way of catching them young.

You were a spiritual giant, a hero of faith and Apostle Paul of our time who carried the gospel to all the four cardinal parts of the country when you were FCS General Secretary. You were my mentor and a mentor to quite a number of believers. Your outstanding qualities spotted you out for the national award of OFR. Now you have fought the good fight, you have finished the race, you have kept the faith. Your reward of the Crown of life, a greater and eternal honour is surely awaiting you. Sleep on comfortably in the bosom of God Almighty till we meet to part no more. Adieu my dear friend. 

Your friend, “Ota mi” and mentee
Col. S. S. Umaru (rtd)
April 30
April 30
Dearest Daddy of life, leaving at eighty five still feels early, I miss you dearly but I know you are overjoyed to be home with our Lord. Thank you for being the true example of a Father-in-Love, a rare gem, an excellent gentleman, a perfect example of Christ on earth. I thank God for the privilege of being your daughter-in-love. Rest on, Heaven has indeed gained an angel. Adieu dearest Daddy ❤️. Eli
April 30
April 30
Dear Daddy, it's hard to find the right the words. I miss your smile, the laughter, jokes, your singing, your love for flowers, your lovely hair and all the other wonderful things about you that cannot be easily described but all who knew you would agree that you were simply exceptional, inside and out. I thank God for the privilege of having you as a father and look forward to that "Glorious day" when we will be together singing with the hosts of heaven. Till then, I hold your memory dear and take comfort in knowing you are safely home. Love you lots. Glo
April 29
April 29
Uncle Bishop was a special soul who brought joy to everyone he met. Whether it was his love for flowers or his beautiful singing voice, he had a way of making every moment memorable. His presence amongst us will be missed. Rest in peace, dear Uncle Bishop.
April 29
She lazhin beloved Daddy, The Rt Rev. Nathaniel Yisa.
May the family and the church of God find comfort in the Lord’s loving embrace during this difficult time of mourning. Baba will be greatly missed
The Ven Olugbenga Olajide
April 29
Rest in Peace Baba. You served God with everything and lived a life that was worthy of your calling and of emulation. Thank you for your care of counsel in Jos and my time in Minna. I never forget something you said to me. Heaven doesn't help those who help themselves. Heaven helps those who are helpless and surrender to him. Those words still guide me today. Thank God for your life. You touched and inspired many. Thank you. May God accept you in his bossom. Rest in Peace.
April 28
April 28
Our beloved Bishop and father, we just want to thank you for the immeasurable impact you have had on all of our lives in the time you were with us all.
We have indeed lost a faithful shepherd who preached and lived the Word of God eloquently and faithfully.
Daddy served the Church selflessly in positions of great responsibility. He did so with great unselfishness and love for the Church and its people. I pray that the exemplary life that you lived always be an inspiration to us all. Rest in peace Daddy.
Bukky, Dotun & Family
April 27
April 27
Memories of our senior brother, friend, priest and bishop.
It is difficult for us to compose a tribute to this saint because of the length and complexity of our relationship. Tim first met Nathaniel Yisa more than 60 years ago when he accompanied Nathaniel’s younger brother, Solomon to visit him somewhere in Zaria. Solomon Yisa who became Nigeria’s Ambassador to Tanzania and Tim were classmates at St. Paul’s College, Wusasa. Nathaniel then was active as a missionary working with Rev. Piepgrass. From then on, our lives have connected and mixed as he navigated his missionary journey through work with FCS, at St. Piran’s Church and Diocese of Minna. While he was at FCS, Tim was on the National Executive Committee. At St. Piran’s Tim was one of the four supervising elders left by Reverend Yemi Ladipo, who invited him to become pastor at St. Pirans, and continued to hold fort while he took a year to deepen his theological education in the UK. The three other elders were Mr. Niyi Oyetunde, Mr. VG Sanda and Dr. Robert Koops.
In the 60 years of our association Nathaniel proved to be a faithful brother and friend who will always tell you the truth and correct you if you were wrong. He never once compromised his integrity in order to maintain a friendship. He was humble in his relationships and accomplishment. Never one to brag or engage in self-promotion. He was a builder of people and institutions. He gave those around him room to develop and grow their skills. We experienced this at St. Piran’s where many discovered they could contribute to the building of the Kingdom of God. God used him to make the exclusive, ‘oyinboish’ St. Piran’s to become an authentic Nigerian Church, without losing its core values of being Bible centred, evangelical, inclusive and sound in doctrine. He continued this building in the Diocese of Minna where he energized the clergy and got to work so that what was then one diocese is today 3 or 4 thriving dioceses in a challenging environment. It is Tim’s honour to be godfather to four of his five children. He also as my pastor baptized our two children Terna and Ruth, by immersion at our request at Elm House. Nathaniel was a rare human being. Like his namesake in the Bible, he was a Christian in whom “there is nothing false”.
Our last visit with our brother was late 2023. We were in Jos and had the urge to see him face-to-face. He was bedridden at the home of his son Arc. Ben Yisa. At first, he was not sure who we were, then the memories came back. That day we sang and worshipped in Nupe and English. Today as we celebrate his passing, I can see him in heaven doing what he loves doing; singing; only this time he is singing in praise of the Lamb in the presence of the Lamb. His life is an inspiration, may his example lead us on to our own celebration.
Venerable Professor Timothy and Professor Elizabeth Gyuse.
April 26
To God be the glory for Baba's life: a life well lived and spent in the service of God and, in the proclamation of the gospel of
the Lord Jesus Christ on this side of eternity.
Our dear father in the. Lord touched the lives of many in the course of his ministry in several places,especially at the Cathedral Church of St. Peter,Minna.I was privileged to serve as Diocesan Lay Secretary and also People's Warden of the Cathedral during his Episcopacy at the Diocese of Minna,Anglican Communion.
Baba fought the good fight
Baba finished his race and kept the faith.
May his gallant soul rest in the bosom of the Lord,whom he served with diligence and passion,until we meet to part no more. Amen.
Mr &Mrs Gabriel O Adesina.
Ruth Kadafa
April 26
April 26
I have witnessed several deaths of loved ones and certainly was far from experiencing another. Alas, a day I did not want came on the
April 10th, 2024. Sad as it was, I lifted my eyes to the hills for comfort in sweet memories of our conversation few days before the heavens took your eloquent voice.

It is a challenge to write a tribute of my beloved Uncle called 'BABA'. Making it easy, is my appreciation to a "Total Man" How God created one man as a carpenter, a builder, a farmer, a vet doctor, a gardener, an auto Engineer, a teacher, a musician, and most importantly a true Evangelist remains a mystery. As I grew older, I had more understanding, that Baba could not have met his financial  needs through the stipends paid him as an Evangelist in catering and feeding so many of his siblings children living with him . For Baba, education was on the front radar.

Baba had timeliness for everything and for every assignment, such that I wondered if it was the same 24 hours allotted in a day to us all he utilised. No minute of a day was wasted because Baba made rest a luxury.

As a disciplinarian, Baba would demonstrate his ability and capacity to deliver tasks thought impossible by me. Meeting up with his high standards was seldom challenging, but became doable as my brain transformed to being my clock. In Baba's words 'Ruth, the day you give up is the day you begin to fail' My quest for more explanations in this regard, gave a simple response " Work hard,  be fervent in prayers and trust God in all you do"
Abiet , I took this transformational attitude to the work place and applied same
to all my living.
Indeed, what Yaka lost, I gained through your selfless contributions to my early
strong foundation
educational start
My comfort is in thanking God for your life of impact. 
Your special name for me for reasons best known to you.... 'Gogonbigi 're-echoes.

I will miss your melodious songs. Your voice is heard louder amongst the host of Angels in heaven which is a place of your earnest desire.
My gist partner, keep
as you rest in your choicest bosom until we see in glory.

Your Gogonbigi. Ruth .

April 25
This tribute is to our revered, indomitable and indefatigable Late Bishop Rt. Rev. Nathaniel Yisa who lived inside millions he touched during his not too brief visit to the world.
Late Bishop Nathaniel Yisa, was a seasoned teacher, singer and doer of all good things within his power, lover of truth and encourager of diligence, with ever loving and research spirit which has set him apart as a visionary leader. He had set some standards for some non-governmental organisatons as his words of truth are unassailable.
At the Minna Diocesan Synod with the Theme “Godliness is a Great Gain” as contained in the Bishop’s Charge of 1st September 1995. appointed me as Diocesan Finance Adviser, among others “in order to properly and efficiently manage our Diocesan Finances” following the abrogation of the post of Chairman Board of Finance in the Province.
The Bishop Rt. Rev. N. Yisa came for all and stood by them both in time of joy or sorrow. Your love for our family as demonstrated through your attendance at the burial ceremony of my mother - Madam Esther D. Otitoju at Ayere (Kogi State) in 2002 will not be forgotten.
Your capacity to withstand shocks be it financial, physical or health- wise is worth emulating. Your understanding of the keys to sustained performance which lies in understanding how greatness can be lost is one of your great attributes we cherish.
As a soldier, you came, you saw and you conquered, glory be to God, therefore continue to rest in the bosom of your creator till we meet to part no more.
Chief M.O. Otitoju.
April 25
Baba Nathaniel Yisa; you were a beacon of light and guidance for us throughout your years of active and dedicated service. You not only imparted invaluable spiritual lessons to strengthen our faith but also impacted our lives deeply with your unwavering compassion, kindness, and wisdom. Your words, like stained glass, painted hope, illuminating our hearts in the darkest night. You walked the path of grace and sacrifice, shouldering burdens with unwavering love. Your hands, weathered by prayer and service, anointed heads and baptized souls. In the quiet moments of prayer, you interceded on our behalf, lifting our burdens to the heavens, a bridge between earth and eternity. Your wisdom was a beacon in the storm. With unwavering faith, you steered us, towards the shores of hope and salvation. You tended to wounded souls, harmonizing grief into hymns of healing. Your life was a psalm of devotion; your sermons, notes of grace and resurrection, lifted hearts and unburdened souls. Baba, May the angels join your chorus and may they whisper your name in celestial hymns, as you rest in the arms of the one you served so diligently and steadfastly.
Sleep on, gallant soldier of Christ.
Mothers’ Union and Women’s Guild,
Diocese of Minna, Anglican Communion
April 25
Baba, you have left a legacy in my life and ministry. The first encounter with you in Minna when I started as TS gave me direction in ministry. Last year in Jos, you shared your life with me and gave me your final blessings. Your impact will continue to yield fruits.
Rest on Baba!

Rev'd Jones, Weigopwa Tusayi.
(FCS Training Secretary Kaduna, Zaria based)
April 25
Baba meeting you at your old Age was a great blessings, your great PASSION for F C S work, reaching out to youths ' you must be BORN AGAIN ' was your heart beat. Baba you welcomed us right into your bed room, your Daily guide devotional & Bible lies by the edge of the bed and often you shared with us portion you read daily. You shared with us the wealth of your experiences in FCS school visitation and your desired to do more at that age, inspired ,motivated and showed us the way. The rich history of FCS work as pioneer staff meant so much to us. The fruits of your ministry are evidenced, raising men for Christ in Kayama, Ilorin, Keffi. Nasarawa, Lafiya, Bida, Minna, Bauchi, Zaria , Jos etc. your departure is a celebration of Saint & a General, Rest on father, grandfather, great grandfather and friend of FCS. Dr Solomon B. Adama
April 25
Baba Bishop Nathaniel o ku, fe fa lo nimi Tsoci o. Gorozo !Manza,Wo lotun nya Tsoci efo kpata nya Rayi we,wo wu katun,jin wazun nya Labari wangi,wo le yizhe kendona egan soko wu na.Etun GURU we zhi afe erizhi nya pipa wangi we. yi a keba yita Jesu o,sayi lazhi ! baba. Matron Adama Janet
April 25
A General in the Lord's Army has gone home to be with the Lord. One of your favourite scripture quotes among so many "Owe no one anything except to love one another..." Baba, you lived an impactful and meaningful life, with salvation of souls most paramount to you. Rest on at the bosom of the Lord.
Evang. Dr. Barr. Mrs. Paul N. S Kolo & Family.
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