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April 10
April 10
Dear Tom,
Really hard to believe that is has already been 4 years that you left us. We are missing you as much as 4 years ago.
Your VBF
January 7
January 7
Dear Tom
Happy Birthday in heaven!
We will always miss you!
Your VBF
January 7
January 7
Dear Tom,
one more would have turned 58 today. I posted a candle in our Whatsapp group from Sloan. All of our friends wrote beautiful words about you. We keep missing you.....
April 9, 2023
April 9, 2023
Dear Tom,

today is a day that we always remember. It seems like yesterday, when we were sitting together at Sloan, taking lessons. So many anecdotes, so many stories with you that I keep in my mind and make me smile. Life might be long or short, but it is the friends that cross our ways during all those years, who make the difference. Until we get together again...
April 9, 2023
April 9, 2023
Hallo Tom!
Vor 3 Jahren, am 1. Höhepunkt der Corona-Epidemie, hast Du uns verlassen. Corona ist inzwischen weitgehend Geschichte, aber Du fehlst uns immer noch. Aber heute an Deinem Geburtstag feiern wir Ostern, das Fest der Auferstehung. Bis dann! Dein VBF Sven
January 7, 2023
January 7, 2023
Happy Birthday, dear Tom......the 3rd year since you left us...... You will always be in our hearts....
January 7, 2023
January 7, 2023
Dear Tom,
Today on your birthday we miss you especially. In silent memory, Your VBF Sven
April 10, 2022
April 10, 2022
Dear Thomas,

It has been 2 years. The great memories of working and supporting you still linger.

A lot of things have changed these 2 years, with COVID 19 (which came around 7 months after your journey). The world is very different now

Wherever you are all the best.

April 9, 2022
April 9, 2022
Dear Tom
It has been 2 years - hard to believe. We do not forget you! You would surely be proud: Your son Tiago was the godfather of my son Jonas 2 weeks ago! All the best and see you one day! Your VBF

April 9, 2022
April 9, 2022
Dear Thomas,
it's been two years today that you embarked on your final journey on this planet.
We keep thinking of you, remembering with a smile our time together and joint memories.
January 7, 2022
January 7, 2022
Happy 56th birthday, dear Tom. You will always be the "German Latin" of our group at MIT - Sloan. German mind, Latin heart......
April 11, 2021
April 11, 2021
Dear Thomas,

it has been a year now since you have been gone.
You will always have a place in my heart and be my role model when it comes to leadership.

Rest in peace Thomas

April 10, 2021
April 10, 2021
One year has passed and you’re still being missed. You’ve always been on my conversations when I speak about great leader and mentor.
April 9, 2021
April 9, 2021
One year of absence already.......but just physically........every day in our hearts, dear Tom....
April 9, 2021
April 9, 2021
Dear Tom,
It has already been a whole year since you left us. It is still unbelievable and we miss you. But the memory is a window through which we can see you, whenever we want.
Your V.B.F.
January 7, 2021
January 7, 2021
Happy Birthday, Thomas! We miss you every day!
Martina and Oliver
January 7, 2021
January 7, 2021
"Heavenly" happy B-Day, Tom! We miss and remember you!
January 7, 2021
January 7, 2021
Happy 55th Birthday, dear Tom! Always in our memory......we miss you.....
December 23, 2020
December 23, 2020
Dear Tom,
For all of us, 2020 was a bad year - not only because of the Corona situation, but especially because you left us in this world. The loss hurts.
But I keep thinking about how hard 2019 and 2020 were for you. What you had to endure is out of proportion to the bit we experienced this year. You were a fighter - until the end. Even though you ultimately succumbed to illness - it made us realize a lot. Thank you!!!
We hope that we can turn 2021 into a successful year - and be both happy and healthy. But we will always miss you!
Your V.B.F.
May 3, 2020
May 3, 2020
Liebe Andrea, Carolin und Tiago!

Unsere Gedanken sind bei euch in dieser Zeit der Trauer.
Wir teilen schöne Erinnerungen an Thomas mit euch hauptsächlich aus unserer gemeinsamen Zeit in Singapur. Mögen die schönen Erinnerungen an euren geliebten Ehemann und Vater euer Leben weiterhin begleiten.
Wir wünschen euch viel Kraft und umarmen euch in Freundschaft

Corinna & Michael Gorriz mit Sara, Malou und Noemi
April 30, 2020
April 30, 2020
It is still difficult to grasp that you are in a different place now, Thomas.
I had the privilege to work alongside you in Singapore and as such share a small part of your DMO journey. I will always remember you as a dedicated and visionary leader and as someone who fought for what you thought was right. Who would have imagined that this one fight you could not win in the end?
I will miss our conversations and discussions and most of all I’ll miss your great sense of humour.
Thomas, may you Rest In Peace.
Andrea, Carolin and Tiago, my heartfelt condolences to you and the entire family. I wish you all the strength in the world to lean on to each other in this difficult time.
April 30, 2020
April 30, 2020
Lieber Thomas, drei Wochen ist es nun her, seit du auf deine letzte grosse Reise gegangen bist. Unglauben, Traurigkeit, Enttäuschung wirken weiter.
Und die Erinnerung an schöne gemeinsame Momente. Im besonderen denke ich immer noch gerne an unseren Abend zu viert bei Mr. Storck zurück, Anfang Januar 2019, als ihr beide uns zwei so nett getröstet habt angesichts unseres Reintegration Blues.
Eigentlich hatten wir uns auf einen weiteren Rooftop Drink in Europa verabredet, und Portugal hätten wir uns sehr gerne von euch zeigen lassen ... leider hat das in dieser Welt nicht mehr sein sollen.
Danke, dass du uns insbesondere seit letzten Herbst die Möglichkeit gegeben und das Vertrauen geschenkt hast, dich einige Male im Krankenhaus zu besuchen. Ich werde mich an die vertrauensvollen Gespräche immer gerne zurückerinnern. Es tröstet ein bisschen zu wissen, dass du da, wo du jetzt bist, keine Schmerzen mehr hast und deinen Frieden gefunden hast. Wir vermissen dich sehr. Herzlichst, Maria
April 27, 2020
April 27, 2020
Liebe Frau De Jesus, liebe Carolin und Tiago, ganz zufällig habe ich schreckliche Nachricht mitbekommen, dass Herr Hungerland gestorben ist. Mein herzliches Beileid und alles Liebe für Sie.
Ganz herzliche Grüße
Ihre Klavierlehrerin
April 27, 2020
April 27, 2020
Dearest Andrea, Carolin and Tiago

I have just read a bulletin from work with utter shock about your extraordinarily sad news.

My sincere thoughts are with you, and I'm sure that you will all be of great support to each other at this very difficult time.

I have such fond memories of you in Woburn Sands together with Thomas's parents - times I will never forget.

Thomas was a true inspiration and he will live on with you all.

Take time for yourselves.

Much love.


April 24, 2020
April 24, 2020
My deepest condolences & thoughts to Thomas's family and loved ones. I will remember Thomas as a great leader and listening CEO @ Mercedes-Benz Financial Services France.
Thank you Thomas.
April 23, 2020
April 23, 2020
„Du bist nicht mehr dort, wo du warst. Aber du bist überall, wo wir sind.“
Victor Hugo

Hallo Andrea, mein tiefstes Beileid in dieser schweren Zeit gilt Dir und Deiner Familie.
April 21, 2020
April 21, 2020
Dear Thomas,

I was very sad to hear the news. I will never forget my start in Stuttgart as an intern in your team and your intrumental role for making it happen that I got hired in the SB position after finishing my internship.

From the first moment on you made me feel welcome and I still remember that I felt I can approach you at any time for advice and guidance. Thank you a lot for all you did for so many of us!

Sincere condolences to your family.

Rest in peace,
April 20, 2020
April 20, 2020
Dear Andrea & Family,
We were shocked and incredibly sad when we received the news of Thomas‘ death. We got to know him as a very smart, honest and straightforward guy with a good sense of humour - more British than German in that respect. He definitely was a global citizen raising a global family together with you living in all those marvellous places.
Passing away with 54 years of age is too early and impossible to understand. We wish you all the strength and confidence for the next weeks and months to come.
Un abraco forte
Claudia & Frank
April 20, 2020
April 20, 2020
Dear Andrea, dear family,
Shocked and with great sadness, I learned about the passing of Thomas. I am so sorry for your loss and wish you strength, hope and confidence with all my heart in this difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
April 20, 2020
April 20, 2020
I was sad to learn about Thomas’ passing. As a longtime colleague I always enjoyed our occasional encounters. He always showed interest in the people surrounding him and had such good stories to share. He was witty and a fast thinker. We lost a good friend and colleague. Chris
April 19, 2020
April 19, 2020
Dear Thomas,

About three years ago, we met you and Andrea via a weekday parent evening at UWCSEA international school in Singapore where Tiago and our daughter Carlijn were students. After this moment we were getting to know each other and our families better during many more cosy gatherings. We are looking back with great memories and warmth to our conversations with full compassion, a huge sense of humor, and your inspiring life mindset! We are grateful for our friendship and will deeply miss you!

Our deepest condolences and love to Andrea, Tiago and Carolin.

Ruurd, Christel, Florine, Kai, and Carlijn
April 19, 2020
April 19, 2020
Dear Thomas,
We got to know each other rather recently at the DFS-AAP in mid-2010. Despite a limited time we shared, you inspired and impressed me a lot with your personal side of leadership; such as honesty, fairness, openness, wisdom, and most importantly great sense of humor and marvelous smiles.  I remember I often felt touched with your affection and thoughtfulness shown to your people via your support and coaching, which we are all very much grateful for. You will be deeply missed, and never forgotten.

May you rest in peace, with my deepest condolence to your dearest Family.    
Sincerely yours,
April 18, 2020
April 18, 2020

Today we said goodbye to you via a virtual memorial service. You would be very proud of your family and how fitting and beautiful it was.

You were a dear friend and a mentor to me. Simply a brilliant man and I cannot fathom why this happened to you. You will forever be in my heart.

You gave me my first career break at Daimler and we were an awesome team. Much more than that we became great friends. Continents and entities changed for both of us over 18yrs, (you more than me) but our strong friendship remained.

You will be sadly missed by so many people around the globe. You positively influenced so many lives.

My sincere condolences to Andrea, Carolin and Tiago, my thoughts are with you.

Fly High Thomas, just like you did on Planet Earth.
April 18, 2020
April 18, 2020
Liebe Andrea, liebe Carolin, lieber Tiago,

die Nachricht von Thomas‘ Tod hat uns tief erschüttert. Unsere gemeinsamen Stunden hier in Singapur kommen uns vor als wären sie gestern und werden als wunderschöne Erinnerungen bei uns bleiben. Wir wünschen Euch viel Kraft und Mut und sind in unseren Gedanken bei Euch.

Seid herzlichst umarmt,
Euere Anne und Claus
April 18, 2020
April 18, 2020
Lieber Thomas,
in Gedanken bin ich bei Dir - Du bist einfach zu füh gegangen. Das stimmt mich sehr traurig.
Ich erinnere mich gut an unsere gemeinsamen Jahre bis zum Abitur und an unsere Gespräche beim letzten Jahrgangstreffen. Besonders angetan war ich damals von Deinem weißen Scirocco. Das Auto passte gut zu Dir.
Du bleibst in Erinnerung.
Mein aufrichtiges Mitgefühl gilt Deiner Familie, der ich für die kommende Zeit viel Kraft wünsche
April 18, 2020
April 18, 2020
Lieber Thomas,
Geschockt und traurig müssen wir alle von Dir Abschied nehmen. Es fällt schwer zu glauben, daß Du mit Deiner Persönlichkeit, Deinem Humor, Deiner Professionalität und Deiner erfrischenden Offenheit nicht mehr unter uns bist. Die vielen Jahre die wir in den verschiedensten Situationen zusammen gearbeitet haben bleiben für mich unvergesslich.
Liebe Frau de Jesus mit Carolin und Taigo, ich wünsche Euch viel Kraft, diesen Tragischen Moment zu verstehen und Mut für die Zukunft zu schöpfen.

In tiefer Trauer

Eberhard Laur mit Familie
April 18, 2020
April 18, 2020
Lieber Thomas,

vor über 30 Jahren sind wird uns zum ersten Mal in St Gallen begegnet.  In Stuttgart haben wir uns wieder getroffen und seitdem nicht mehr aus den Augen verloren – mal mit mehr und mal mit etwas weniger Kontakt.
Unsere Treffen und die unserer Familien waren immer interessante und schöne Momente. Man konnte herrlich mit Dir fachsimpeln über Wirtschaft, Politik und egal was. Die Zeit verging immer im Flug…..

Die bittere Nachricht von Deinem Tod hat mich zuerst bestürzt und dann sehr nachdenklich gemacht. Immer wieder habe ich in den letzten Tagen gemeinsame Momente vor den Augen gehabt. Das war so schön wie traurig.
Lieber Thomas, wir wünschen Dir alles Gute auf Deinem letzten Weg.

Unsere Gedanken sind bei Andrea, Carolin und Tiago

Burkhard mit Chiara und Philipp
April 18, 2020
April 18, 2020
Lieber Thomas.
Dein Tod hat mich sehr getroffen. Ich habe Dich auf unterschiedlichsten Teamentwicklungsmaßnahmen kennengelernt. Dein großes Fachwissen und Deine enorme Allgemeinbildung habe ich sehr bewundert. Bei allen geschäftlichen Themen war Dir die menschliche Komponente immer wichtig. Die Kollegen und Mitarbeiter um Dich herum waren Dir nicht egal. Du hast nachgefragt, diskutiert und ehrliches Interesse gezeigt. Deshalb habe ich sehr viel Wert auf Deine Meinung gelegt. Was ich aber am meisten bei Dir bewundert habe, war Dein enormer englischer Wortschatz mit dem Du stets brilliert hast. Wie oft habe ich schmunzeln müssen, wenn bei Deinen Beiträgen selbst Muttersprachler an ihre Grenzen stießen. Wir haben dann viel miteinander gelacht. Dazu fallen mir sofort weitere schöne Episoden aus Klausuren in Japan, Neuseeland oder Südafrika ein. Deinen intelligenten Humor werde ich vermissen.
Auch über familiäre Themen haben wir uns ausgetauscht. Du warst mir nahe auch wenn man sich nur ein paar Mal im Jahr gesehen hat. Oder vielleicht gerade deshalb...

Oh Thomas, Du bist viel zu früh gegangen.
April 18, 2020
April 18, 2020
Liebe Andrea,
wir denken an Euch und die schönen Stunden hier in Singapur mit unseren gemeinsamen Freunden. Unser tiefstes Beileid in dieser schweren Zeit gilt Dir und Deinen Kindern.

Sabine, Christoph und Sarah
April 17, 2020
April 17, 2020
Dear Thomas,

It is still difficult for me to believe you have left us.
I’m so grateful for the time I had to get to know you, work with you and learn from you during my time in Singapore. You were personally invested in people. Like a gardner watching over his seedlings, you took pride in giving people the fertile ground to blossom and grow. I’ll miss our impromptu chats and your interesting and intelligent observations. And what I’ll miss most is your sense of humor, always teasing me that I have a voice like Tina Turner...”Simply the best...Better than all the rest...”

Andrea, Carolin, Tiago, I hope your beautiful memories give you solace, and I wish you peace and strength during this difficult time. My heart is with you...
April 17, 2020
April 17, 2020
Thomas - We had a common beginning in 1987 at the Hochschule St. Gallen in Switzerland. I recall a nice meal of "Zuercher Geschnetzeltes und Weissbier" with Sven in the old part of St. Gallen. You left us too soon! Jeffrey
April 17, 2020
April 17, 2020
Dear Thomas,

I am deeply saddened that you have passed away far to early. It feels like yesterday when we met roughly 15 years ago. I truly enjoyed the inspiring and passionate discussions we had and the way you touched many colleagues and friends. You always put yourself aside and made sure that your team members were able to grow under your mentorship. You always lived the core values and the humor you shared made the workplace a “fun place to be”. You will be missed and remembered forever!

Dear Andrea, Caroline and Tiago, I am so very sorry for your loss, and I am mourning together with you. I wish you the strength, comfort and peace during this incredible difficult time.

With deep sadness,

April 17, 2020
April 17, 2020
My prayers and condolences are with you all at this time. May each day provide a moment to smile as you remember your life with Thomas. Blessings from your Daimler colleague Fort Worth, TX USA. 
April 17, 2020
April 17, 2020
Thomas, you will be very much missed. It was always a pleasure to work with you and I have taken many of you attributes and insights forward. It was only the other week that we were mailing and although we were in separate places you still managed to bring a smile to my face and give me some renewed energy. I can only say thank you. My thoughts and prays are with your family.
April 17, 2020
April 17, 2020
Dear Thomas, dear Andrea,

May the peace which comes from the memories of love shared comfort you now and in the days ahead.

I met you at the start of this last journey that seems to long ago in Singapore. Our time together is now even more precious looking back and keeping the memory of long talks with each of you.

Sending you all strength to you Andrea and your children. Please reach out any time and see you back in Stuttgart soon.

Silent greetings, Pirkko
April 17, 2020
April 17, 2020
Dear Thomas,

I think about how you always took the time to really listen, ask the right questions, give advice and fully engage. It was as if you didn’t have your own stress, your own worries and demands on your own time. I have thought of this generosity of spirit often since I met you and am privileged to have had the opportunity to learn from it. Your passing is heart rendering - rest in a beautiful peace, Thomas. Dear Andrea and family, you have my deepest condolences and I wish you all the strength going forward.
April 17, 2020
April 17, 2020
Dear Thomas,

We met first time when you visited Bangkok and then when you become the sales team lead in Singapore. We collaborated in a few projects and I was always happy to work with such a cheerful and cool leader. Your style was unique and will never be matched. We will miss you dearly.
Rest In Peace Thomas.
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