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April 26, 2017
by 毅 孙


April 23, 2017
by 毅 孙


April 23, 2017
by 毅 孙


April 20, 2017
by 毅 孙

这是我们一家和一个朋友在2013年夏季去Desolation Sound的途中,爸爸跟虎头在聊天。


April 17, 2017
by 毅 孙




April 15, 2017
by 毅 孙

这条柯基名义上是虎头养的,算虎头的“孩子”,叫“毛毛”。毛毛出生不久就被我们从宠物店抱回家。小时候的柯基真的很可爱!竖立着两只大大的耳朵,撑着短小的四肢,眼睛滴溜溜时刻监视着主人的举动,就等着你伸手去喂它。虎头非常喜欢他的这个“孩子”。不过毛毛好像经常不买虎头的帐,而是更钟情于虎头爸爸的威势,因为它可能已经发现了那些食物实际是虎头爸爸交给虎头去喂它的^_^; 。为此虎头很是不爽~~~^_^~~~

April 13, 2017

I got Tiger a hamster from school when I was in grade 6. Then I later got a cat who just wouldn't leave his hamsters alone. He then really wanted a pet that wouldn't get beaten by my cat and convinced parents to get a corgi for his birthday. My cat beat the crap out of his corgi anyways and he got upset for pretty long time. 

April 13, 2017

We used to go rollerblading every day or two with dad to a park nearby. There was a pretty steep hill on the way and one day we decided we'd make a train and skate down together. I held onto his shirt around his waist, and he held onto my hands. I stressed a million times if we went too fast and I screamed "lemme go" he had to let go of my hands so we could detach, he agreed. Then when the time came, we were going down way too fast and I kept screaming he was prob too nervous to let go. We both fell. I fell on my hip. He fell on top of me, rolled off, jumped up and screamed in excitment "that was awesome let's do it again". And I was lying on the ground in too much pain to even cry. He came back and noticed I couldn't get up and couldn't say anything, he looked a bit scared. Good thing dad caught up quickly and sent me to hospital. I didn't break any bones, but that's how I got the cruthes in the picture and Tiger had to skate around by himself for two months when we went to the park.

April 13, 2017

He baked honey ham and said something along the line "macho men eat macho ham for machoness" and posed for the picture flexing muscles trying to look all macho. 

April 13, 2017

We were on a RV trailor tour in Alaska back in late August 2016. He really wanted to go fishing and we had an argument with mom on when the start time for the license should be. Because we arrived late mom insisted on getting it to start the second day morning so we'd get some extra time for the last few days, but Tiger insisted on getting it right away so he could go right away.

After mom gave in and we got the license and back at the RV camp site, we were all really tired from having to wake up early that day and shopping for necessities for our RV trip. But we wanted to go fishing anyways so we could prove mom that we were right, so Tiger and I took out a local map and decided to take a walk around to look for a fishing spot. Me being the older sibling obviously had the sense of superiority and decided to navigate us, except we weren't even sure where our camp site was on the map. We started wandering along the creek towards East, in the direction I thought a fishing spot was.

As we wandered the area looked more and more industrial and deserted. "This doesn't look like any fishing spots, did you get us lost?" "I don't think I have ever walked this much in my entire life" "Did you actually trick me out here to exercise?", he went on and on and we joked around more. After an hour of walking along the creek looking for a fishing spot that was supposed to be only 10 min walk away, we admitted defeat and decided to cross the creek and walk back on the other side of the creek to the bridge on the West side to cross back. As we joked more, walked passed our campsite, and approaching the West bridge, we started to notice more and more people fishing. We got super excited and ran as fast as we could towards the bridge. We finally found the fishing spot, the opposite direction I thought it was.  Of course Tiger made fun of me some more, then said "Let's go back to grab the fishing rod, but remember if parents ask where we went we have to say we went for a walk and totally did not spend 2 hours getting lost looking for the fishing spot." 

After we grabbed the fishing rod, Tiger made a friend along our way back to fishing spot and had him show us his really cool glasses that made seeing fish in water better. We chased after some salmons and finally got one. It was time to kill it. I thought since I was the older one I had to do the killing. But doing it was actually much harder than planning it in my head and I almost broke down crying with a rock in my hand sitting over the fish trying to kill it. That was when Tiger stepped in. He handed me the fishing rod with the fish still attached, grabbed the rock and said "You're such a noob. Hold the fishing rod and lemme do this". He was also shaking from trying to kill the fish but he did it anyways. It took us a while and after we finally got the fish to stop moving, we realized that all we had was a plastic bag and no way it would support the fish's weight. I said I'd take off my jacket and we could wrap the fish in it and carry it back like a bag. He called me a dum dum (something I used to call him a lot), said he'd just hold it in his hands and we could rush back. As we rushed back the fish started dripping blood and white liquids down his hands. I was still freaked out from killing the fish. Tiger noticed and somehow also remembered that I used to scared him in the dark when he was little. As payback he chased me with the dead fish while saying "spooky spooky fish" and tried to wipe the fish on me. 

We almost got in trouble again with parents for making a big fishy mess in our RV, it had a super strong fishy for a really long time. But hey, at least we proved that it was necessary to get the fishing license starting that afternoon and we had fish for dinner. 

April 13, 2017

I drove him to his grad photo session at Elgin. I kept making funny faces behind the photographer to distract him from the session. He couldn't hold a straight face for photos then pretended to get mad at me while laughing, made me sit in a different room. Then at the end when it was time for props photos the photographer asked if we wanted to take one together. To be honest I probably didn't even shower for a week at that time, dressed in what we all liked to call hobo clothes. I wasn't sure but Tiger said it didn't matter I looked like a hobo and insisted on getting a photo together. It actually worked out pretty well since we both graduated in 2016, him from Elgin Park and me from UBC. 

April 13, 2017

Remembering Tiger Sun by Tom Ke-Jun Sung

April 13, 2017

On Saturday, April 8, 2017, I received shocking news from my acquaintance Quince Bielka that my friend, Tiger Sun, passed away on Tuesday, April 4, 2017.

I met Tiger during English 8 back in 2013 at Elgin Park Secondary. As per alphabetical order, I was assigned to sit beside him in class. At first, to be honest, I didn’t really like him.

Over the past 5 years I have known him, I got to know him better bit by bit. I didn’t really develop a friendship with him until end of grade 9 / start of grade 10. In grade 11, I also had English 11 with him.

Tiger was always the one who loved to joke, and often inappropriately. Of course, I would often grimace at his jokes, but I see the intention behind them: I see that he wants people to laugh and be happy.

Many people see Tiger as a person who jokes a lot and socializes with many people. Many would think he’s a jokester and is not serious about academics. However, I have seen another side of him. I have seen when he is concerned about his friends because I experienced it first hand. I remember one time I was feeling down, and he tried his hardest to try to understand what was going on. The simple words, “Are you ok? You seem pretty down today,” are the words that I never would have thought that would come out of his mouth. I judged him too quickly, just like many others.

I remember his kindness when he fixed a clipboard for a teacher. I was there. Tiger, me, and two other friends were in our French teacher’s classroom trying to fix a clipboard that probably didn’t cost more than $5. Still, after struggling for 20-25 minutes after school ended, we managed to fix the clipboard. I remember everyone’s happy faces when we were done. I also remember Tiger was the one with the strong muscles who tried to push the rod into the clipboard hinge while the rest of us held other clipboard components. I don’t know if that made sense, but what is important here is that he had the heart to help others.

I remember him getting along with all his teachers, even though he wasn’t doing well in class. In true honesty, if he tried harder and worked harder, he would’ve gotten a pretty decent mark. Even better than mine. I saw that determination when he was in grade 12, when high school grades matter for university.

Yes, there are times when we fought and when we had conflict. We quickly resolved them, though, and did not put that on our minds. He truly has a forgiving heart.

Without him in English 11, I don’t know how I would get through those English partner activities and exercises.

I remember we performed a skit in English 11 class that was hilarious. It was a scene from Macbeth, and we were supposed to be sword fighting. We used daggers instead, which was hilarious (there were no good sword props….in our defence).

Maybe he wasn’t the perfect friend (but then again are we perfect friends to our friends?), but he gave me many memories of high school. He definitely made an impact on my life, one way or another. His passing definitely reminds me of how we should all cherish the time we have with our friends now.

Will I miss him? Of course. Though often a jokester and not very serious, he was a capable, smart, kind, determined, and forgiving friend. I am glad I met him and got to know him better.

Wherever he is in afterlife, I wish him the best. Like many others, I will miss him dearly.  

With sincere gratitude and joining palms,

Tom Ke-Jun Sung

April 10, 2017

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