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Her Life
October 18, 2021
October 18, 2021
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My perfect little princess iv been thinking you alot the last few days, mummy is moving and as much as im looking forward being somewhere new this was the last place we made memories together which also makes me really sad!! If i felt any part of you still in this place i would stay here forever so im hoping wherever i go you also go as you will ALWAYS live on inside of me, you will always be part of me!! I wish i was starting this new adventure with you, i remember the first time i showed you this place and you was so happy!! You ran around like crazy and rolled all over the living room floor, its like you new it was going to be our new home!! I really really wish you was here to move into this new place with me, iv never moved into anywhere without you before, i never started a new adventure or left a old one without you before!! I miss you every second of every day my beautiful angel i just wish i could know that you was happy or at peace, if i could wish for anything in this world it would be to know that!! Love you always and forever princess xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My beautiful Princess

April 18, 2019

My beautiful princess, im still waiting for the minutes, hours and days to get easier but if anything the more time that goes by the worse i seem to feel, my chest physically hurts because of how much i miss you, i dont actually know what its like to go a whole day without crying anymore. I cry myself to sleep every time because all i see is your perfect face when i close my eyes!! Im so so scared that your not ok or your alone or you dont understand whats happening and im not there to protect you like a mummy should. I feel so angry at the world and myself because i couldnt protect you and dont know how to be in this world without you. You always made things feel like they would be ok no matter how hard they got because at least we had each other and now your gone i physically dont know how to be ok without you, i dont know how to feel like everythings going to be ok, i dont physically know how to want to carry on without you, Iv never felt so alone without feeling your heartbeat on my chest, i feel broken, empty and completly lost and i would literally give anything to know your ok. I hope wherever you are you know how much i love you princess, you couldnt of been anymore perfect if you tryed and you dont leave my mind or heart for 1 second of every day!!