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My Mom Was a Mean Lean Bycicle Riding Machine..

April 13, 2017

Growing up in our home was a very pleasant way of life. My dad left for work daily before my sisters and I were awaken to get ready for school. I'd drag myself out of the bed brush my teeth and dress. Cynthia would be ready to go also but Carla was nowhere to be found. Mom knew where she was and after a little convincing to come from under the bed Carla would get ready for school also. Out the door before we are late. We all would jump on our bikes with mom and off to school we go. Mom would lead us like ducklings following their mother. Every morning, for I'm not sure how long, mom would ride with us to school and she would be at school everyday when we got out. It's a memory I will never forget. She never learned how to drive a car (which is another story) but rode the hell out of that bicycle to make sure her babies made it to school safely and on time. Thank you mom for caring so much. 

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