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March 28, 2019
March 28, 2019
Ed and I went to the Hick'ry Pit in Hayward yesterday, another place Ursula would like to frequent (in addition to her favorite, Sizzler, where we went last year). She would usually order "Hot Chocolate, with the meal" at the Pit!  We will never forget what Ursula meant to her children and grandchildren, and many others like in-laws, relatives and friends. I know we all miss that good Creole cooking, and she would invite everyone in, whenever they dropped by and start cooking! We would call it "Ursula's Creole Kitchen". Carla over the last year has replicated Ursula's Gumbo very precisely, presumably just from watching her do it all those years (no recipe was ever written, of course!). I miss that Bud Lite being readily available. This is a shout out and expression of love going out to the whole family!  Love you all!
March 27, 2019
March 27, 2019
Hey girl what can I say, life is not the same without you here. I miss you so much it's crazy. Things have taken a wierd turn with Kennadee but I hope someday she realize her mistakes and mend the broken relationships she alone have destroyed. I pray for her every day. Joshua is doing great and who Knows how Cydnee is doing. Your three diamonds have grown up. They need your help please help the one you protected so much to see the problem she create and help her understand the meaning of family. So with that mom I want you to Know how much I love you and that I continue to fight for your family everyday but my soldiers arent a lot of help. They rather not address issues but just let them be.
I love you
Edward Jr.
March 28, 2018
March 28, 2018
Ya'all - Ed and I went to Sizzler's last night in honor of Ursula. Had a steak and a Bud Lite! We miss you Ursula and you and Ed Sr. are always in our thoughts and memories, and always will be.
March 27, 2018
March 27, 2018
Rest In Paradise. It's been 1 year , you are so missed love you Ursala
September 24, 2017
September 24, 2017
Happy Birthday Rest In Paradise you are truly missed
September 24, 2017
September 24, 2017
Happy Birthday mommy, life is not the same without you. I try staying strong because we need strength in these difficult days. I know you are finally where you wanted to be for so long and it's the only thing that helps me get through this. I know you and daddy are celebrating your birthday in heaven. Personally myself along with Carla and the kids are having a quiet celebration. May the angels of heaven toast to your birthday and your reunion with daddy! 

Happy Birthday Mom I miss you so much.
May 26, 2017
May 26, 2017
Wow Ursula I miss you so much you always treated me like family you always had something cooking in that kitchen and I couldn't wait to taste what ever you was cooking and have a glass a beer
Wow I have so many good memories of you when I came home from you know where you made me feel LOVED and told me how much you Loved me not only did you tell me you showed me
I came from a family that didn't hug but you always hug me as if I was part of your family now I show that love to my nieces
I will miss Bingo birthday months maybe we can show you love that day by playing BINGO as a family and laughing about the good times we had with you
I will miss your calls to Cynthia whenever I was on the phone with her you will always call to see if she left the office
Ursula you was an awesome woman you made everyone feel special and loved and I will never forget the love you showed me
I will always Love You if I could have one more day with you I would sit you down and get all that wisdom on cooking
Love Love you
May 3, 2017
May 3, 2017
Our journey began on April 17th 2017 to drive to Donaldsonville to lay my mom to rest and what a journey. Dan and I rented a van that held 15 people and in the beginning and planning this trip the van was full but by the time to leave several explorers bowed out and didn't go leaving us short if funds for the trip and some didn't have the decency to let us know they weren't going. They know who they are. Anyway to you guys who decided you were to good to drive to Donaldsonville let me say to you. You missed out on a time that we shared together as family. We learned about one another and we all got along very well, except for a minor disagreement between Carla and I in El Paso Texas but we squashed it for the sake of our relationship and because we both know how much the other really mean to the other, we know, smile... I love you Carla.

There was 9 of us we all chose our space in the van and kept them throughout the entire trip going and coming back. The mission was to safely deliver my mom's family, close family her 3 sisters her 4 children (I count Dan because to her he was a son and he was always there for her) and Carla's two children Kennadee and Joshua. Joshua resisted and didn't want to go, I made him go without his shoes on. It was my duty to make sure the people who counted so much in my mom's life would be in Donaldsonville at her memorial service. I even bought Dan, Joshua and myself new Navy blue suits the theme for my mom's service. Anybody I told we were driving cringed they all thought we were crazy taking on such a task. We listened to then all and moved forward. The trip started off leaving Dan and my house in Hayward we drove to Las Vegas to pick up Ann my mom's oldest sister. We stayed at Circus Circus. Ann, Marcella and Celone stayed at the casino Ann plays at all the time. The next morning we headed to El Paso Texas to friends of mine and Dan's and great friends of our family George and Grace's home we arrived late but George and Grace had cooked us dinner and set all of us up with a place to sleep. They were true blessings to us on this trip thank you Grace and George we love you so much.

The next morning we got up everyone showered and off to Houston where we stayed wIth our awesome friends Mark and Alton. Alton spoke to me earlier before we arrived about the programs for my mom's service, you see the disc with all the design and complete program didn't work in my computer so I had to start from scratch but had finished it and packaged it to send off to the printer. I had no idea where that might be. Alton saved my life in true Alton form he was a champion and totally delivered he even paid for half the job that made me cry the love we recieved from our friends showed my moms sister they kind of people we had in.our life and they absolutely loved everybody along the way. We got up in the morning and hung out a bit. Mark cooked breakfast then took a few of us on a boat ride on the lake in their backyard. It was great seeing them. Before we left Alton gave Kennadee and Joshua journals with a pen attached and 80 dollars in each of them. Thank you guys for your love we will always remember our time spent with you. Ann, Marcella and Celone was amazed at the love our friends showed them.

Off we went on our way to our destination, Donaldsonville Louisiana the little town where my mom would be laid to rest. The place my dad met my mom and where he also rest. Donaldsonville us where the roots of our family begins. It's a long journey and the stories told are ones that shaped the character and moral compass of our family. We arrived in
D-ville around 7:30 p.m.. everybody was at my Uncle Tyrone's place cooking crayfish drinking beer and Hennessy, they love Hennessy..

To be continued...
May 3, 2017
May 3, 2017
Miss Ursula-

I loved the time I spent with her going to Sizzler or watching the Golden State Warriors on the TV, she would yell and scream as if she was at the game always cheering on her beloved Warriors (smile). I remember once when (Cynthia and I) went to bingo with Miss Ursula, she had at least fifty bingo cards in front of her, I think I had maybe twelve. A number was called and she reached over and stamped my card, told me I wasn’t keeping up. Because of Miss Ursula, I started wearing boyfriend jeans. She would always tell me exactly what was on her mind and I’m so grateful that I did and always will feel that I was her 4th child. (smile). I miss her so very much, but find comfort from this poem.

Those we love
don’t go away
they walk beside us
every day…
unseen, unheard,
but always near
still loved
still missed
and very dear
May 3, 2017
May 3, 2017
I have to say, these are beautiful words by everyone that I have read.  I just want to say that I also loved Ursula very much, and I was very appreciative of how Ursula (and Edward Sr.) treated me, like I was a son, and part of her family from day 1. I remember when I first met her, I could not understand a bit of what she said because of her thick Creole accent. I was constantly asking her to repeat herself. However, after time went by, I don't know why I couldn't understand her - it was easy. And she made being part of the family easy for me. I loved and miss her delicious food (e.g., Okra Gumbo) that she cooked, and totally miss hanging out with my Bud Lite (her choice) beer buddy! Of course, I will drink any beer with suds! Anyhow, she will always be in my mind, as well, as Edward Sr. - I know we will all keep them both in mind as we continue to go along in life. We will miss them greatly! I also want to thank my partner Ed who did everything he could for his Mom's wishes, including, as he mentioned, a long trip to Donaldsonville. I am glad I was able to support him and the family in that journey, and will continue to do whatever I can do to help in the future. Love you all!
April 15, 2017
April 15, 2017
I want to write this as if I am speaking directly to my grandmother because that makes me feel more comfortable and closer to her. ❤️ Hi, Grandma. I hope you can hear me when I talk to you throughout the day. Everything that reminds me of you takes me back to when I was that little girl you loved with all your heart, like Lipton tea, food spices and seasonings, bingo markers, the Warriors, crisp, white blouses, and strawberry ice cream and milkshakes. I remember you watching Young and the Restless and The Bold and the Beautiful every single weekday morning laying in your bed, and how you were so into it. You hated when someone would call you while they were on because you loved them so much. Lol. I also remember you singing “Reflection” by Christina Aguilera, from Mulan, with me and how much we both loved it. That song will forever remind me of you and whenever I sing it, I will be singing it to you. There are so many other memories of you that I keep sacred to me, the list goes on and on.

Grandma, you don't know how much I will always miss you. I really wish God let you stay. I know you would want me to be happy and keep my head up, but… this is insanely difficult and I don't think I will ever fully accept not having you physically there with me and the rest of your family. I really need a hug from you, those very tight and warm hugs you gave. Grandma we still had so much to do and see together… Please know that I will make you so proud and that I'm never giving up in this life. I'm doing this for you and Grandpa, who I know is full of pure bliss now that he has his lady, his true love, with him again. I love you and miss you both so badly, always wishing you two would be there when I look over my shoulder…

I love you ❤ you’re at peace now. Tell Grandpa I love him, okay?. I’ll be seeing you both again, one sweet day.

April 13, 2017
April 13, 2017
My mother, a beautiful spirit that lights my soul every minute of my existence. She maybe gone from this earth but when you see me you see her. My sisters carry her morals and with their wonderful ability to love and share their love, they too show you Ursula. when you feel the love we radiate you see the love she pinned deep in our souls. Ursula Thomas was a terrific mom we were blessed to have her here on earth with us as long as we did. Now she is in the hands of God. Take good care of my momma God, I think she is finally at peace. I love you mom. She will be so deeply missed.

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