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A Beautiful Smile

March 2, 2021
I had not known Valerie for too many years before she kindly invited me to her wedding.  On most of the occasions I saw her she was busy and usually very serious. She had a lot to do, a young mother with a partner and home plus a full time job and other responsibilities all needing to be juggled to get everything just right. 

The day of the wedding arrived and the sun shone.
Everyone in attendance was very well dressed and eagerly awaiting the Bride's arrival.
When Valerie appeared the first thing I noticed wasn't her beautiful wedding dress, it was her beaming smile.
Valerie kept that smile on her face for the whole duration of that very special day. You could just feel how incredibly happy she was and nothing was going to spoil that day for her. That radiant smile on her face on her wedding day is how I am going to remember Valerie. 
Rest well lovely lady and share that smile where ever you are. 
With love,  Laura xx


February 21, 2021
When someone you love becomes a memory,  those memories  become treasures. As your spirit is led, please share treasured memories  of Valerie. 

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