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The Definition of Fierce Love!

May 9, 2012

Let me start by saying the Hall Family legacy is one of stoicism, hard work, love & loyalty. My dad, Uncle Bud to most of you, his sister (my aunt) Virginia, known by most of you as "Granny", & his youngest sister (my aunt) Gladys - were all very much cut out of this mold and have passed this legacy to the younger generations.

My favorite story, if I had to pick one out of the infinite number of stories, would be one that happened last year, when her brother (my father) passed away. She knew things were very rough for me, more than losing my dad, she found out some people were upsetting me. So she made it her mission to call me every day at least once, sometimes more, for the 6 weeks I spent in Michigan. She would always ask, "Is any one treating you poorly? If they are, they are going to see what an 80-year-old woman can do!!" Needless to say, that ALWAYS put a smile on my face, not because it was funny, but because I knew she truly meant it! She had my back, and I knew I could always count on her!

FYI ~ After the 6 weeks, she continued to call me at home, every week until her passing. That's the Definition of Fierce Love!

Making Pies

May 9, 2012

As kids we would LOVE to help/watch Granny make pies. She would always use her left over pastry and make a special kid sized pie shell for us. Yum!


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