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This memorial website was created in memory of our father, Walter 'Pop' Jourdan, 88, born on December 19, 1928 and passed away on April 23, 2017. His accomplishments in life were amazing, and the number of friends that he collected along the way were too numerous to be counted. He affected everyone that he came in contact with, from under priviledged kids to politicians. He treated everyone with the same regard and high esteem.

His memoirs were captured, with the help of our brother Lee, in a book entitled, "From Shoeshine to Starwars". We hope that you will take the time to read the book and enjoy just a peek into the life of this incredible man!

December 19, 2023
December 19, 2023
Hey Pop, Happy Birthday! I feel like it was just yesterday that we were sitting and laughing and joking at our weekly lunch. Miss you so much....Love you!
April 24, 2023
April 24, 2023
I try to make sure I write something each year- people like Walter are special - I would see him once a week at Steiner’s Pub where I did my SportsXradio Show on remote- I’m still there on Wednesday nights & nearly every Wednesday, Walter would come in and hang out with the patrons and staff at 1750 N Buffalo Dr- His picture from his College Football playing days is still in the trophy case when you enter - his Bear-Like handshake still resonates with me- the arm wrestling stories with the younger family members at get togethers - were amusing as well- everyone wanted a crack at beating him- he was a living legend - he told me - I’m not perfect - I’ve made mistakes but I love God and He leads my life- I miss him but as our faith tells us in Jesus Christ that through God’s Grace & the Blood of Jesus - I know I’ll see him again soon!!
December 19, 2022
December 19, 2022
Happy Birthday Pop! I ran into the folks at the Swap Meet where you used to buy your clothes. The lady still tears up when she talks about you. You made an impact on so many people. I know you're holding it down in heaven. Miss you like crazy. Much love...
April 25, 2022
April 25, 2022
Yep, Skip, I hear you....I miss those bear like handshakes. Walter was the epitome of what a "real man" should be. A kind, hard working, masculine gentleman with a great sense of humor & love in his heart for all. If he didn't agree with something you were doing he also wouldn't hesitate to let you know about it. RIP my good man...many days I wish I were right there with you in the presence of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.
April 24, 2022
April 24, 2022
Can't believe that it's been 5 years since Pop was called home to be with the Lord. I still run into folks whose lives were impacted by your amazing love, energy, and presence. Miss you Pop! Love you!
April 24, 2021
April 24, 2021
Hey Pop, we were just talking about you...all the guys back home...Fred, Tim, Jerry. You made such an impact on everyone. I can still hear that baritone voice echoing throughout the house. Love you and miss you, Pop...
April 23, 2021
April 23, 2021
I still do my radio show at Steiner's Pub 1750 North Buffalo Drive in Las Vegas every Wednesday night....Walter's football picture from College is still in the big memorabilia case at the entrance - this man was as tough as nails with the gentle spirit of God....we were all blessed by Walter's presence and blessed that we all knew him - he is resting in peace with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!
December 19, 2020
December 19, 2020
Happy Birthday, Pop! Miss you so much. You would love how the family has grown....
April 23, 2020
April 23, 2020
It seems like it was just yesterday that we were sitting and talking and laughing at one of our Wednesday lunches. I was just telling someone recently about how disappointed Pop was in today's entitled college aged young people. He use to say how much he wished the youth from his day could meet the youth from today and all their whining. He said the lesson would have been short and sweet. I suspect that it would have involved a furniture moving conversation..... Miss you Pop!
April 23, 2020
April 23, 2020
Another year has passed here on Earth and no doubt things are much better where you are my good friend...will mention you again tonight on my radio show when discussing the Raiders picks in the NFL Draft as we know you bled Silver & Black ....miss ya pal and the handshake that we wouldn't even be able to legally exchange right now.....screw that...don't want to live this confined BS life we are experiencing right now....#Faith is deep #Jesus is #Lord - gaining more wisdom - We are blessed to have been touched by you Sir Walter!!
December 20, 2019
December 20, 2019
Today would have been Pop's 91st birthday. I miss him so much...his daily calls, our Wednesday lunch's, and his ongoing stories and wisdom. Something tells me he's holding court at a heavenly birthday bar-b-q right about now! Love you, Pop! Miss you!!
December 19, 2019
December 19, 2019
Lee & Skip...this is so cool that you guys do this...I loved this guy...still miss those manly handshakes and talking football with Walter...was at the Raiders finale on Sunday in Oakland....I know your pops would've been with me...tough loss but now they come to Vegas - May The Good Lord touch all of you this Christmas Season...Life is short & goes quickly...while we are here let's touch others hearts and spread the Good News about Jesus Christ...we are all blessed and one of our blessings was knowing Walter Jourdan!!
April 23, 2019
April 23, 2019
One of the best human beings I ever met.....Class Act....zest for Life.....loved our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ and always put a smile on your face....oh and let's remember "the handshake" the manliest handshake ever...and that's when he was in his 80's.....they don't make em like that ya Walter!!......#Blessed to know this man!
April 23, 2019
April 23, 2019
Missing you Walto! Thank you for being a part of our family. I can still see that twinkle in your eye when you smile. 
December 19, 2018
December 19, 2018
I will mention my old pal tonight when I am "live" at Steiner's Pub 1750 North Buffalo Drive...Walter loved that place and they all loved him...he was a classy guy that could still put people in their place if need be of the kindest souls I ever met....knowing he is enjoying Heaven makes me smile!!
December 19, 2017
December 19, 2017
Was just talking about Walter last night to a young man D'Angelo Bottley and his dad Angelo. Told them about Walt's football days and his amazing handshake- AKA "The Grip" he would arm wrestle still in late sixties and seventies and told the young bucks he was wrestling...even if you win, who ya gonna tell? That's classic stuff....this young man just finished up his freshman year at Division III Champion Mount Union University.....miss ya Walter as does everyone at Steiner' touched our lives and we are all better for it!
May 11, 2017
May 11, 2017
Walt lived at Acacia Springs and we all loved him. He always had a story to tell us about all of his adventures. He was so proud of his kids and their accomplishments! He loved to cook and would share his ribs or shrimp with all of us. He stopped by a few months ago and he still had that big smile on his face. We will never forget Walt!
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
Mr. Walt brought so many gifts to our
life. He will always be remembered!

~Sunrise Mountain HS~ Rotary Interact Club

We will miss Mr. Walt’s
warm smile & kind words to
our students. He always made them
feel welcome!
~Steve & Kriss Moshides
 Sunrise Mt. Interact Advisors
Hector Beltran               Karla Urzua

  Brittney Mendoza

Montaysia Sims

Fredy Soto

Angelica Castro

Michelle Cruz Pichardo

Jennifer Cruz Pichardo

Shakira Guzman

Lesley Hernandez
April 29, 2017
April 29, 2017
I noticed Walter's picture from his undefeated College Football team in San Francisco at Steiner's Pub on 1750 North Buffalo Drive. Walt and I quickly became friends and I invited him on my Sports talk radio show here in Las Vegas, SportsXradio which airs on AM 720 KDWN. I picked the date January 16th which was Martin Luther King Jr. Day as well as my daughter, Kiara's 16th Birthday. We talked about Walt's book, From Shoeshine to Starswars. We talked about his life. He was a class act...quick to let you know he wasn't a Saint but that he loved The Lord and had dedicated his life to being kind to each other and helping out anyone he could. We all looked forward to seeing him each Wednesday Night after the midweek service at Randall's Church- Remnant Ministries. In 55 years on this earth, I never received a handshake quite like Walt's vice grip. At 88 years young he had a better grip than any man I ever met. I loved this man and he taught me some things. He may be here in spirit now but I look forward to seeing him again when The Lord takes me Home. His son's Skip and Lee found me last Wednesday to break the news. I knew he had been sick for a bit so I was not sad, I was reieved that God took him home. He was blessed and highly favored!!
April 29, 2017
April 29, 2017
I had the pleasure of meeting Walt when I joined the Rotary Club of North Las Vegas a couple of years ago. Walt was the most friendly and welcoming person I think I have ever had the privilege to meet. He was always quick with a smile and firm hand-shake. As the current president of the club, Walt gave me a copy of his "Rotary Moment" a few months ago. I shared this with our club at our meeting yesterday and I thought you may like to see it as well so here it is:

                      MY ROTARY MOMENT
The Santa clothes project that occurs across Las Vegas, Nevada brings to me my "Rotary Moment". Growing up in Oakland, California during the middle of the "Great Depression" meant that you could very easily qualify for the "free shoes" that the county made available to those of us on the very bottom of the economic spectrum. You were given a slip of paper which you took to an area in the smaller part of the Oakland auditorium, where you were given a brand new pair of shoes. Being blessed with large feet for a young child, meant that I would be given another piece of paper which we had to take to a shoe store located in downtown Oakland for a proper fit.

When I learned of the Santa Clothes program here in Las Vegas, it surprised me and made me a very happy person. Man, I really identify with these young children with their large eyes, confused looks, followed by big grins and unbridled laughter.

Quiet as it is kept; I'm the one receiving the most satisfaction from this experience. At the end of the day I'm so emotionally spent that it takes me several days to get my feet back on the ground.

Praise God, for allowing me to experience this "Rotary Moment" every year.

Walt Jourdan, PHF-------------North Las Vegas Rotary Club
April 28, 2017
April 28, 2017
Coach Jordan was my jr All American football coach when I first moved to Rowland Hts in the summer of 66. I joined the team late but Coach Jordan went out of his way to make me feel welcome as I didn't know ANYBODY. Turns out I made friends with lots of guys on the team including his two sons Lee n Walt (Skip).  Skip remains one of my truly good friends to this day. Mr Jordan was a wonderful man with tremendous values and he raised some GREAT kids.  I cannot think of a better tribute than that. You want to pick someone to pattern your life after??? Coach Jordan would be an excellent choice.  Thanks Coach.

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December 19, 2023
December 19, 2023
Hey Pop, Happy Birthday! I feel like it was just yesterday that we were sitting and laughing and joking at our weekly lunch. Miss you so much....Love you!
April 24, 2023
April 24, 2023
I try to make sure I write something each year- people like Walter are special - I would see him once a week at Steiner’s Pub where I did my SportsXradio Show on remote- I’m still there on Wednesday nights & nearly every Wednesday, Walter would come in and hang out with the patrons and staff at 1750 N Buffalo Dr- His picture from his College Football playing days is still in the trophy case when you enter - his Bear-Like handshake still resonates with me- the arm wrestling stories with the younger family members at get togethers - were amusing as well- everyone wanted a crack at beating him- he was a living legend - he told me - I’m not perfect - I’ve made mistakes but I love God and He leads my life- I miss him but as our faith tells us in Jesus Christ that through God’s Grace & the Blood of Jesus - I know I’ll see him again soon!!
December 19, 2022
December 19, 2022
Happy Birthday Pop! I ran into the folks at the Swap Meet where you used to buy your clothes. The lady still tears up when she talks about you. You made an impact on so many people. I know you're holding it down in heaven. Miss you like crazy. Much love...
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When The Saints Go Marching In

June 10, 2017
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This is a video from a long time friend of Pop's, Mike McCarthy, at his 65th birthday pool party in 2015. The band started playing "When The Saints Go Marching In" and Pop grabbed an umbrella and started leading the parade around the pool. This is significant because it was to be Pop's last visit with the McCarthy's, and he was indeed a Saint that the Lord called to march on in to heaven. Mike is the one that accompanied Pop to the San Francisco City College awards ceremony where Pop was inducted into the hall of fame. Many thanks to Brenda McCarthy for pointing me to this video. Pop loved you guys so much!

Walt had an impact on My Life

April 29, 2017


I remember when I was 15 or 16 years old and I was one of the finaist in the Boys & Girls Club Youth of The Year and Walt, Chris & Gary grilled me with questions to help me get out my points. They listened to me, they coached me and gave me the tools necessary to answer those type of questions. Well I did not end up winning that year and I felt a defeated but I went back again. In 2008, I made a presentation to the North Las Vegas Rotary Club to hep match funds to send me to Europe on a 3-month long educational tour with People 2 People, after giving a stand up presentation and taking the tools Chris, Gary & Walt gave me, North Las Vegas Rotary Club sent me on this trip. It was the best experenice in my life, it changed me, it helped me find myself. After that trip, at the age of 16, I knew I wanted to help people discover the best version of themselves. 

I am now Founder | Executive Director | President of Joshua's Healthcare Alliance, Co. Our mission is to provide mental and healthcare needs to homesless youth & young aduts by building a full service medical center. I recently presented JHA to the North Las Vegas Rotary Club on April 14, 2017, I was looking forward to Walt being their and I was told you were in the hospital and I immediately starting praying for you. April 23, 2017 you were caled Home, when I found out I cried tears of joy knowing you are in a better. Walt, please watch over me. It's time for you to relax and get the eternal peace you deserve. Thank You for your service to our community. 


Joshua Myles

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