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When The Saints Go Marching In

June 10, 2017
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This is a video from a long time friend of Pop's, Mike McCarthy, at his 65th birthday pool party in 2015. The band started playing "When The Saints Go Marching In" and Pop grabbed an umbrella and started leading the parade around the pool. This is significant because it was to be Pop's last visit with the McCarthy's, and he was indeed a Saint that the Lord called to march on in to heaven. Mike is the one that accompanied Pop to the San Francisco City College awards ceremony where Pop was inducted into the hall of fame. Many thanks to Brenda McCarthy for pointing me to this video. Pop loved you guys so much!

Walt had an impact on My Life

April 29, 2017


I remember when I was 15 or 16 years old and I was one of the finaist in the Boys & Girls Club Youth of The Year and Walt, Chris & Gary grilled me with questions to help me get out my points. They listened to me, they coached me and gave me the tools necessary to answer those type of questions. Well I did not end up winning that year and I felt a defeated but I went back again. In 2008, I made a presentation to the North Las Vegas Rotary Club to hep match funds to send me to Europe on a 3-month long educational tour with People 2 People, after giving a stand up presentation and taking the tools Chris, Gary & Walt gave me, North Las Vegas Rotary Club sent me on this trip. It was the best experenice in my life, it changed me, it helped me find myself. After that trip, at the age of 16, I knew I wanted to help people discover the best version of themselves. 

I am now Founder | Executive Director | President of Joshua's Healthcare Alliance, Co. Our mission is to provide mental and healthcare needs to homesless youth & young aduts by building a full service medical center. I recently presented JHA to the North Las Vegas Rotary Club on April 14, 2017, I was looking forward to Walt being their and I was told you were in the hospital and I immediately starting praying for you. April 23, 2017 you were caled Home, when I found out I cried tears of joy knowing you are in a better. Walt, please watch over me. It's time for you to relax and get the eternal peace you deserve. Thank You for your service to our community. 


Joshua Myles

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