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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Chad Huber, 22 years old, born on August 10, 1982, and passed away on May 17, 2005. We will remember him forever.
May 17
May 17
19 years baby boy you have been gone. I miss you so much and can't wait to see you again. Told you would never be forgotten. I'll love you till my last breath baby boy. Forever
August 11, 2023
August 11, 2023
Chad you would of been 41 today. I miss you so much it still hurts. I love and miss you beyond anyone's understanding. I know you are no longer suffering the fate you were given and that gives me peace. Life with you gone has been so difficult to believe. But I know we all have a day to be born and a day to die, I'm so sorry your day to die was when you were 22. I will never forget you and always love you and I definitely will see you again!
August 11, 2023
August 11, 2023
I love you and miss you happy birthday I'm so sorry that I wasn't the aunt to you like I used to be I never met to leave you or your sister I love you Chad tell Grandma I said hi I miss her too one of these days I will see you guys again until then I'll be
May 17, 2023
May 17, 2023
18 years ago today,
Chad Allen Huber you left us. But even to this day, you live on in our memories. Some day we shall meet again.

The loss of a loved one leaves us with an aching hole that never quite fills up.

Having to part ways with you was heartbreaking. But there is comfort in the fact that someday we shall meet again and what a glorious day it will be. I love and miss you son! Love Mom♥️♥️♥️♥️
May 17, 2022
May 17, 2022
I can not tell you how much I miss you! It’s been 17 years today since you passed away, and feels so fresh at times I still cry like it just happened! Guess it will always be this way!

That day is the hardest day of my life! Parents should not ever have to loose a child! No parent should have to feel that type of pain!

My first born and only sweet son! My heart still has a whole that can’t be filled with the loss of you!

Then there is times it feels like it was a hundred years ago! I miss everything about you! Life has not been easy! You would laugh at me because I’m 58! Hard to believe in August you would of been 40! Just feels like the other day I was that age!

You would be so proud of your sister Cynthia! She’s a mom of 5 year old Kaidence! And she’s a wonderful mom! Kaidence knows about you and even recognizes you by pictures, you would of loved her like your own!

You always thought that no one would remember you! You have no idea how many remember you and miss you! You were a good person and are missed by many!

Your mom sure wish I could have just a few more minutes with you so I could hug you and tell you how proud of you I am!

We will see each other again one day my baby boy! I love you FOREVER!!

December 23, 2021
December 23, 2021
Hey baby boy! It’s almost Christmas again! We miss you terribly! Hard to believe it’s going on 17 years that you left us! I am grateful to have had you for 22 years! Your not in pain anymore! I pray your singing with the angels now!
I will never forget you and I will always love you so very much! Watch over our family honey! You would love your niece Kaidence so very much! She is a mess! But beautiful! She acts a lot like you! Much love my son!!♥️♥️♥️♥️ Mom
August 10, 2021
August 10, 2021
Happy Heavenly Birthday Son! I miss you like there is no tomorrow! But I know your not suffering anymore! I hope you are happy in the arms of Jesus! I will see you soon! And it will be the most joyful reunion ever!
May 17, 2021
May 17, 2021
My love I miss you forever Chad! My heart knows your gone but my mind won’t accept it! Remembering you today on the 16 you have been gone! Love you
August 10, 2020
August 10, 2020
Chad you would of been 38 today, Our lives have been so different this past 15 years! I still can’t believe whole heartedly that your gone! I miss your funniness, your inelegance, your smile well I miss everything about you! This feels like a different life since you have been gone! When you were born you were the prettiest baby I ever seen! You are my first and only son! I’ll never ever forget my sweet son! I will see you again and it will make this mom the happiest person ever! HAPPY 38th heavenly BIRTHDAY my sweet baby boy!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
May 17, 2020
May 17, 2020
Our sweet daughter wrote this, I could not say it better so I’m sharing it! I love and miss you Son !!

Today marks 15 years since Chad died. Life has never gone back to “normal”. It was a different life, a different time. The pain is still very real. Everything failed him, we all failed him... the healthcare industry, big pharma, the system failed. The same as it’s failing all of us today.

He wrote this I just typed it out for him. There was no Facebook or even MySpace when he died. I think if there were he may have been able to open up to the world a lot more than he was capable of 20 years ago.

These words, from his head to his pen to the paper have so many meanings that only a few of us can make sense of.
Chad was a special person and deserved so much more than this life gave him in his short 22 years.

Can’t believe it’s been 15 years.
I love you brother ♥️
Written by my brother, he died 7 years ago today :'(

just hold onto happy thoughts. its ridiculous. i know the things i do that would seem to make me happy are done to appease the demons that possess my soul. i have no hope for the future and the past is such a dreary place. i dont want to kill myself, but i do sometimes wish that God would take me in my sleep. i cant remember when i didnt feel this way. i know now and i've known for a long time to stop thinking these things and grab life by the balls but its the fear that holds me back, the fear that grips my heart and wrenches it into oblivion, but to break through that fear takes time and my time has already expired.
December 22, 2018
December 22, 2018
I miss you everyday, Chad. You were a brother to me. You accepted me, protected me, and put up with me even though I’m sure I annoyed you from time to time. I specially remember a time Cyn and I only spoke in rhymes all day and through the night. You were so angry with us. You yelled at us, ignored us. Finally, around 3 am you walked through the kitchen. I was sure you were going to yell at us for continuing to keep you awake but instead you said “ I just farted, and my butt cheeks parted”. We laughed so hard. That was the kind of brother you were. Even when it seemed you couldn’t take any more of us you simply surprised us all with a joke. Love you always
December 21, 2018
December 21, 2018
With everyday missing you is so hard! miss your laugh, your smile, your big sweet wonderful heart! Never thought I would not have my only son with me forever! Coming up on 14 long years on this earth without you!
August 19, 2017
August 19, 2017
Love you more than ever! God sometimes I can't believe it's been over 12 years miss you more everyday! Love you so much son!!
May 17, 2016
May 17, 2016
11 years today my baby! I miss you every second of every day!
August 10, 2013
August 10, 2013
Happy Birthday Son in heaven !! I love and miss you dearly!!!
May 18, 2013
May 18, 2013
8 years my baby!! Lives have changed forever .. I really miss you and love you with all my heart!!!!
May 17, 2012
May 17, 2012
7 years today you have been gone .. Never thought I could live so long without you son!! My first born and only son , I miss you today as much as the first day!!! I'll always love you with ally heart babe!!!  Mom ;(
July 14, 2011
July 14, 2011
Miss him so much!! He was so intellegent..I miss that!!
No one can ever fill the hole I have with the loss of you!! Love you always baby!!!

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Recent Tributes
May 17
May 17
19 years baby boy you have been gone. I miss you so much and can't wait to see you again. Told you would never be forgotten. I'll love you till my last breath baby boy. Forever
August 11, 2023
August 11, 2023
Chad you would of been 41 today. I miss you so much it still hurts. I love and miss you beyond anyone's understanding. I know you are no longer suffering the fate you were given and that gives me peace. Life with you gone has been so difficult to believe. But I know we all have a day to be born and a day to die, I'm so sorry your day to die was when you were 22. I will never forget you and always love you and I definitely will see you again!
August 11, 2023
August 11, 2023
I love you and miss you happy birthday I'm so sorry that I wasn't the aunt to you like I used to be I never met to leave you or your sister I love you Chad tell Grandma I said hi I miss her too one of these days I will see you guys again until then I'll be
Recent stories

Love on your Birthday

August 11, 2019
Sometimes I’m so lost with you gone! I wish I could take your place! I love and miss you always and for the rest of my days! Happy Birthday Son! ❤️ 
Love Mom
May 18, 2019

It’s past the anniversary of your passing Son!  Sorry I’m late! But I thought about you all day just a lot going on! I love and miss you dearly! Always have always will! I sure hope you are at peace now! Sometimes my heart and mind can’t take your loss! Still one day at a time till I see you again!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

More from Chad:

June 7, 2011
Scabbed heart...bruised soul...we must part...break the hold....

Look everyone--a haiku-
Life is a shithole,
you are born only to die
sweet release in death.

He's a demon
can't you tell
he was born
and raised in hell

I am dying
must accept it
part of life
be reborn
only choice
break free
numbness flows
throughout body
getting tired
cannot sleep
must stop
thought process
destroying will
would mind
must move on
cannot move
body tired
invisible chains
future dark
past dead
hope losts
faith decay
matters nothing

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