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October 23, 2023

It is with a deep sense of grief that I convey to the entire family our condolences on the passing of your beloved patriarch - Chief Chris Ogunbanjo who passed away peacefully two months before his 100th birthday on Saturday, October 7 2023.

Papa's achievements have been sufficiently published. From afar, a person can have a fair idea of who he is. For me, I have been permitted the honour and privilege of crossing his path and learning at his feet. Anyone who has been granted the privilege of knowing him this closely would realize that his death is not only a great loss to his children but to the less fortunate ones that he added much value to their lives and by extension, the entire society.
He lived an outstanding life so selfless that every one that came across him was touched with his love and generosity. How I wish I had met him much earlier in my life to learn to learn more at his feet.
I remember him for the great love and affection he showed me and my family since his friend and my late Uncle Chief Olu Akinfosile introduced me to him after my MSc programme in 1994. He restored to me and many Nigerians the honour, confidence and courage to face the future. He was a father in a million NOT a boss. In his magnanimity without any strings attached to it, he sponsored the education of my children from Nursery schools to the University.
On account of his charitable disposition, my son also whistled his way through his Pharm.D (Doctor of Pharmacy) and certification to practice pharmacy in the United Kingdom. Indeed, Papa was my greatest benefactor of all time.
Papa did similar things to make life less irksome to many other weary, helpless and underprivileged. His compassion transcends gender and social class and his kindness to humanity was spontaneous and knew no bounds.
He assisted  many indigent Nigerians that inundated him with appeals to offset their medical and educational bills on a 'daily' basis. He was also saddled with the herculean task of addressing appeals from many unemployed Nigerians for letters of introduction, which he addressed by giving them letters of introduction to the C.E.O of his companies and other prominent Nigerians. My younger brother, who was a prodigy of his benevolence in this regard is now a professor of petroleum Geology and sedimentology at the University of Lagos.

During his lifetime, I was tempted to pray to God to allow him to live forever. It has just dawned on me that, this prayer has been answered by God, as what he did with his life is a testimony of one who will live forever
Papa's life will remain a great inspiration to the coming generation who will endeavour to live by the highest ethical and moral standards demonstrated by him. To be well born, well bred, successful, yet humble and invariably polite, yet direct were blessings given to him, but not given to many. No wonder he lived a fulfilled life and died peacefully.
For the remainder of my life, I shall remember his values and legacies of honesty, integrity, hard work and his unparalleled care of his family and humanity.
I pray God to forgive his mistakes and reward his good deeds with a befitting peace in heaven. May God give the children the fortitude to bear this painful loss

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