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October 24, 2023
October 24, 2023
Tribute to Papa Chief Christopher Ogunbanjo
(Dec 14, 1923 - October 7, 2023)

Chief Papa Christopher Oladipo Ogunbanjo was a profound family man, who was not only interested in his immediate family but also in his extended family, and even strangers. Thank you Papa for being my angel. Say hello to your beautiful late wife, Mama Hilda, who during her visit to Maryland chatted with me on the phone a few times and encouraged me to return back to Nigeria after many decades in the US, and she said “even, if it’s only for short visits.” Thank you for the warm welcome you gave me during my numerous visits to you. Thank you for sharing good knowledge and understanding of modern technology especially the features on your iPhone that you proudly showed me and the need to always learn a new word daily. Thank you for the love and warmth you gave to my husband at your house in Ikoyi during his first visit to Nigeria and when I brought our eldest son to meet you in Erunwon during his first visit to Nigeria. He still talks about the memorable time he had and the feasts that you provided for the occasion.
We shall miss you Papa Chris until we meet again in Glory, but we rest in the knowledge that all that you stood for, and all of your greatness will be carried on by your family and passed down through the generations to come.

Adieu Our Grand Cousin

Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die -John 11:25-26

What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments but what is woven into the lives of others - Thucydides

In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years -Abraham Lincoln

Dr. Julia Oyefunke Fortune-Johnson
Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
October 18, 2023
October 18, 2023
Tribute to Late Pa Chris Oladipo Ogunbanjo.

I join family and friends to celebrate a life well spent by late Pa Christopher Oladipo Ogunbanjo. Papa had early life opportunity to be the son of an Anglican cleric. He seized such rare opportunity at his early age to listen to parental advise to become a good Christian, well educated and notable person in life. He depicted Christian life, leadership, a giver and role model for someone like me to emulate. His life style, coupled with the Grace of God made him to have lived long for almost a century. I personally emulate his life style and wish to live long like Papa. Your legacy will live for ever. Adieu Papa Chris, Omo Eleruwon Sodimeso. May Papa’s soul Rest In Perfect Peace.

Osileke Osipitan, MSc, MRP, MA, PhD, MRICS, MNIQS, RQS, CMILT
October 15, 2023
October 15, 2023
In loving memory of my dearest Papa Chris Oladipo Ogunbanjo, who recently left us at the remarkable age of 99, just a few months shy of his 100th birthday. His passing reminds us that God's plans are always best.

Papa was an incredible icon, a grandfather figure who blessed my life with his presence and wisdom. His influence has made me wiser beyond my years, and I can't help but smile at how much more foolish I might have been without his guidance.

If I've ever wished you "Wealth of Health" on your birthday, it was because of Papa. He taught me that health is the most important wealth of all. Even at 90 and beyond, he was active and could still be seen shopping at the mall. His mental acuity was astonishing; he could recall dates, phone numbers, and home addresses effortlessly.

I remember a time when I lived in the UK and visited Nigeria to launch, the first online payment portal. During a strategy meeting with colleagues, I mentioned knowing Papa. Their excitement was palpable, but I assured them we could see him right away. They couldn't believe it, knowing how busy he was, but when I called him, he welcomed us immediately. That connection led to Chief Subomi Balogun becoming the Chairman of our project.

Papa's generosity knew no bounds. He was always ready to help, urging me not to be shy about asking for more. He was tech-savvy, using iPads and iPods and sharing his music playlists with enthusiasm. He achieved remarkable success as the Chairman of over 14 top-notch companies, yet his humility remained intact, always crediting his accomplishments to God's ordination, not his own power.

He was a giver in every sense, building a legacy of humility and kindness. Though I hadn't seen Papa in a while, I had hoped to visit him again in Nigeria. Regrettably, it never came to be. But I'm profoundly grateful to have known him and shared so many precious moments. I'll miss him, but his memories will forever remind me of his impactful presence in our lives.

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