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Thank you Ellen

April 17
I met Ellen in 2020 when I was referred to her breast cancer program. Truth be told, it was my second referral to the program but first time around I was not connected to Ellen and I was a self proclaimed “brat” who didn’t want to drive an 1.5 hour for OT. The time wasn’t right.

The second time when the referral was for Ellen, the time was right and she was exactly who I needed. She was a healer, not just of the physical ailments but also the spirit. I spoke very candidly about my breast cancer journey and she soaked it in so that she could use it to help others. 

She made a difference much more than even she could understand. I was heartbroken when she told me of her diagnosis and we kept in touch throughout. She was so kind and encouraging, even as she walked her own journey. I will cherish the cards she sent, the memories of the conversations we had and the laughs we shared over me being a brat.

Because I was driving that distance, I was often the last appointment of the day. I know that my appointment meant late evenings for her and that was a sacrifice for her family as well. Thank you for her sharing. Each time we met she spoke of all of you with so much love.

I am so sorry for your loss because when someone’s ripple is felt so far away, I know the impact of the wave to those closest has to be huge. I hope you find comfort in hearing directly from someone feeling that ripple, she made people’s lives better, was loved and admired for it. I am blessed to have called her a friend.

It was a privilege

April 16
I didn’t know Ellen well, just through friends. We met as teenagers and whenever I saw her she was genuinely interested in how life was going for me and my family.  I actually just saw Ellen a few weeks ago at a restaurant.  At that time I noticed she looked tired or didn’t feel well but ALWAYS had a smile on her face and a kind word to say.  She smiled and waved and went along her way.  She was such a class act, with a dash of fun added in.  Beautiful inside and out.  My heart go out to her family and friends.  Rest in Peace Ellen

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