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August 4, 2020
August 4, 2020
Ambassador Uche, A Complete Gentleman, Core Missionary, Totally De-tribalized, Lover of people, Very Friendly, Smiling Man, Outspoken and Bold. A Hero of Faith has been called Home to enjoy a very well deserved rest. To God be the Glory. GOOD NIGHT BELOVED TILL WE MEET IN THE RESURRECTION MORNING.❤        Amb. V. V Mowoe
August 4, 2020
August 4, 2020
I met Barr Uche Emmanuel at de university of Lagos in 1980. For some of us, we came to de university directly from our Higher School. At dat time,Barr Emmanuel had already obtained his masters degree from de University of Ibadan. I knew him through my cousin brother now Professor Alemika who was his classmate at de university of Ibadan for de masters programme. I became a member of his family as soon as prof Alemika introduced me to him. I knew him as a detribalised person. He was an addicted ,genuine & loving giver. He was too gentle & caring to a faulty. He carried me to & from de school from de university of Lagos gate free of charge for one year without showing any anger whenever we came late to join him at de University gate.. He was also blessed with a loving wife. I was free with her as my blood Sister.. Anytime I was free, I will go to visit her at de UBA, University of Lagos Branch where she was working & she will give me pocket money... Bro Emmanuel as we fondly called him was a new testament practicing Christian. If I was not a Christian when I met him, his godly character would have brought me to Christ. I can never forget his impacts upon my life. Bro Emmanuel was a personality you will like to meet & relate with over & over again. Although, I don't have de names of those who have made it to heaven. But judging de way Bro Emmanuel lived his life after Christ when he was on de planet Earth, he must have made it to heaven. It is painful dat he has left us in de physical but my joy is dat we shall surely meet again at de marriage of de Lamb of God & we shall part no More. May de good lord console his amiable wife, godly children & de rest of us he has left behind to continue to fight de good fight of faith.. Bro Emmanuel Sleep well in de Bosom of Father Abraham... Hon Justice O. S. A Obayomi.. Kogi State High Court of Justice
August 3, 2020
August 3, 2020

Granddede'm i'm missing you. I want you to come back. I know you are in heaven. I love you.

(4 years)
August 3, 2020
August 3, 2020

His life on earth will remain a great testimony and source of inspiration to many including myself and my family. He was an Elder with a difference, not only to the local Church but to District and the General Council of Assemblies of God.

His passion for God’s work had no boundaries, he was truly a soldier of the cross. He planted so many churches in different parts of the country, reached out to the missionaries, provided scholarships for the less privileged, accommodated the homeless, paid school fees for pastors. What more can we say..., his sense of humor was so real, never a dull moment with him.

He was so approachable, listens carefully to hear about your concerns, and always willing to help. He will visit and call you once in a while to know how you are doing. I can’t count the number of people that will come for thanksgiving in the church, thanking him for his support in times of difficulty. He was very dependable, transparent, honest, and encouraged diversity. I remembered when he encouraged the worship team in the church to always be diverse in the choice of songs to ensure that everyone is carried along - do not focus on one dialect. 

Even while his health was failing him, he was still coming to church. I watched him struggle, supported by the wife to walk and to get into his car. 

We will miss you, until we meet again in Heaven, continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord.

Mr. & Mrs. Ken and Colette Ajoku.
August 2, 2020
August 2, 2020
Tribute for Elder Emmanuel Uche
If you are looking for a man who is not tribalistic, respecting different caliber of people, whether high or low, if you are looking for a man, who knows about 80% of where the membership of Victory Centre live; if you are to sought for a man who gives without looking at the number of the currency and the denominational value; if you are searching for a man to go to the Northern States of Nigeria for planting of Churches without waiting for leaders to give instruction; if you are looking for a man per excellent husband and father; you are looking for a man of intelligent and at the same time running away from sin, making the fear of God his treasure. If you are looking for a jovial man and complete gentle man. The only man qualifies for such position was Barrister Emmanuel Uche. He was a helper, consellor, teacher of my husband. Daddy, you are a gift from God to Assemblies of God family. In all honesty, we missed you. Rest in peace in the bosom of the master, Jesus Christ. We love you but God loves you best. Adieu

August 2, 2020
August 2, 2020


I got to know Emma shortly after the end of the Nigeria civil war. He was then at U.I., and so was not always with us at Surulere. It was not until the late 70's that I began to know the stuff he was made of. When my marriage date was announced in the church, Emma was one of my brothers offering to help where necessary. Emma Okey, Bro. Mowoe (who offered his car at the weekend for our running around) Goddy Mbatu, who told me he would "have his dinner" before opening the invitation envelope, as if there was something special in an invitation card. My beloved brother, Emma met me outside after a Tuesday bible class to let me know that he is available, should I need his assistance in any area.
Those were the days of the Patriarchs, like late Daddy Nwosu and late Mummy Echefu. Among the men were my boss, Patrick Abuka, mentors like Burumachu, Itoandon, Aja Onu, Pa Ugheighele, Elders Onuoha, Aguoru, Ugbogu Kalu, Emma Okey, just to mention a few. Among the young men/women were, Emma Uche who was undoubtedly the role model of the pack. There were Bros. Law Ugheighele (of blessed memory), John Nduaguibe, Nwagbayiro Jones (of blessed memory), Goddy Ohuegbe, Daniel. Uwadiae,Arch. Nkem, Saram Lawson (of blessed memory), Ndubuisi (of blessed memory), Goddy Mbatu, Adimchi Onoha etc. Among the sisters were Ndubuisi's wife, Olufunto, Mary Itua, Emma's wife Chiji, Felicia Okojie,and Rev. Emezi / Agbaroji 's daughters etc.
Before I departed for the East in 1982, my relationship with Emma had deepened. I discovered how articulate, dedicated, and caring he was.
I remember his visit to me at our Owerri factory. He had come to give me advice concerning a burning issue bothering us at the factory at the time. We had a brotherly discussion and he offered me legal advice that was helpful in the resolution of the issue at hand. While at Owerri, I heard much more of the good things he was doing at Surulere. Some years after returning home to start my own business, I had a big challenge. When Emma heard of it he put a call across to offer advice. The good things he was doing also rubbed off on my brother Francis (a Lawyer). Emma used to refer some legal briefs to him to handle. And of course he won't accept a kobo from fees paid. Another beautiful character trait of brother Emma was that he was completely detribalized.
Time and space won't allow me to go on and on. At times, one is tempted to wonder why such a godly person would pass through such traumatic experience as was the case with Emma. The answer lies in the fact that God's ways are not our ways. The important thing is that he has joined the Saints Triumphant in our eternal place of rest.
To his wife of inestimable value, please take heart. Rest assured that the Omofumas' will always be by your side.

My beloved bro. Emma, Fare Thee Well.
Elder Pius Omofuma (JP)
Ekpoma Edo State
August 2, 2020
August 2, 2020
A tribute to Barrister Emmanuel O N Uche, an exceptional friend and brother

It was King Solomon who said, “ …… there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” That was the kind of friendship that Emma and I enjoyed with each other for decades. I can easily fill this entire publication with my own tribute to Emma. But that would be somewhat selfish. So, I shall just focus on a handful of the sterling qualities that the Lord blessed him with, and with which he was an immense blessing to others throughout his life. These include his exemplary steadfastness in and commitment to his faith, relentless compassion, dedication to his family, complete reliability to his friends and all, and a great sense of humour.

Emma was of course an intellectual and a well-educated professional who was more than capable of giving excellent account of himself in any setting anywhere in the world. He also enjoyed the privilege of serving as an Elder of the church for decades. Nonetheless, he was not the kind of person who went about banging his own drums or blowing his own trumpets. Instead, he chose with humility the path of allowing the light of his Christian faith and commitment to so shine that God may be glorified. Some of the hallmarks that anybody who knew Emma would associate him with were honesty, trustworthiness, and generously sharing his life with others. He opened his home to welcome one and all and shared the little substance that he had with those in need.

Emma’s commitment was not only to our Christian faith. He was so deeply committed to the Assemblies of God (AOG) movement in quite an exemplary manner. Through decades, he faithfully provided personal, spiritual, moral and other support as well as guidance to numerous members, ministers (of all levels) and groups alike. Such a commitment contributed in no small measure to seeing AOG Nigeria through many a challenge. He also had exceptional commitment to his Alma Mata, Evangel High School. On his own initiative, he worked tirelessly to keep numerous cohorts of Evangel alumni as informed about, close to, and involved in the activities of the church as possible.

As most people who knew him are well aware, life was not a bed of roses for Emma. He had his share (some might say more than his fair share) of life’s challenges and traumas. Those included family bereavement, serious persecution at work and, ultimately, debilitating terminal illness. In line with Scriptural predictions, we witness from time to time when such situations result in many a Christian questioning their faith or even taking a step or three back in their commitment thereto. But that was not the case with Emma. He never allowed any of these traumas and challenges to dent his faith. Instead, he remained steadfast and even more seriously committed, à la Job, in an exemplary fashion.

One of the things that fascinate me about Emma is the way in which he led his household in daily family worship. Here’s how I could put that in perspective. I have from my childhood enjoyed regular family Bible study and prayer times at home. I have also interacted with numerous Christian families where this is similarly practiced very regularly. Conversely, I have interacted very closely with some Christian families, including those of ministers of varying seniority, where family devotion is totally neglected i.e. no family Bible study/reading or prayer time at all.

But in Emma’s household it was completely different, and their practice was quite unique in its own way. He would start each day for his family with full worship of the Lord first thing every morning, just like normal church services. There was singing of choruses, followed by hymns from Melodies of Praise (several copies of which he made available), then Bible reading and teaching, and finally prayers. There is only one other household that I have been privileged to be part of, in which I experienced and enjoyed this pattern of family devotion, i.e. conducted just like our church worship services. And that was the Ezeigbo household at Enugu. It is remarkable to me that I should go that far back and high-up to find a similar example of family worship.

There are a number of other feats for which I respected Emma a great deal. One of them was that when we were in our early 20’s and were determined to read through the entire Bible for the first time, he beat me to it by by completing it first.

In most cultures that I know of, one of the most precious hallmarks of a devoted family man is the ability to have his mother-in-law visit, let alone live (peacefully) with her. But Madam Alice, Emma’s mother-in-law, has been living in his home as part of his household for over twenty-five years. This, to most people, is highly remarkable and commendable.

Emma’s sense of humour is something that everyone who knew him enjoyed very much. Every time I had a conversation with him, in person or by telephone, we both enjoyed such bellies-full of laughter. As a matter of fact, there were times when I would telephone Emma, not just to catch up but so we could enjoy some good laughter. The challenges and adversities of life that I mentioned earlier did not at all dampen his ability to crack jokes and laugh at life when necessary. The final traumas that Emma battled through, prostate cancer and the effects thereof, were no exception.

When he and his wife flew to Germany in search of treatment, I popped over there to spend some time with them. My intention was to ensure that they had a friendly face around, being so far away from home and loved ones at such a challenging time.  I had expected to see a sad, gloomy face wondering what was happening to his world. But that was not at all the case. Despite all the pain and trauma, Emma was cheerful and jocular as always. His joy of salvation was not dented whatsoever, and we enjoyed our usual bellies-full of laughter.

It has been a wonderful blessing to know and be associated with you, Emma. It has now pleased the Lord to call you home, my beloved brother. We implored Him earnestly to delay such a call, but cannot question His will. Your love, friendship, steadfastness, generosity, whacky sense of humour, etc. will be greatly missed.

Sleep on, my beloved brother and friend. That I was able to write, and you were able to read this profile when you hit three-score and ten (this is a modified version) affords a bit of consolation. But our greatest consolation is that we shall meet with you again in the morning at the feet of the Lord Jesus.

Professor Ndubuisi C Anomelechi-Onyeodi
August 2, 2020
August 2, 2020
I met Elder Emma Uche a few times at Ambassadors of the Kingdom meetings between 2008 and 2013.

He readily came across as a humble and true christian believer. He received and encouraged me although he knew i was a very junior person to him.

He was the first person to boldly confront the then general superintendent of Assemblies of God who began to introduce flagrant worldliness and abuse of power in the church.
Elder Emma Uche wrote a great treatise wherein he unequivocally denounced the misconduct of this leader.

And 2014 God used Elder Emma Uche to save the church from this general superintendent who surreptitiously took the church to court with the intention to secure an injunction to restrain the church from removing him from office.

The information that this secret suit was filed reached Elder Emma Uche in Lagos first and he immediately alerted us to begin to search for the case file. Had he not raised an alarm one man would have through a court injunction seized the church.

Elder Emma Uche served God totally and wholeheartedly. He was a good example of the believer.

Bro Chika Igbokwe
Team Leader, AG Legal Team.
August 2, 2020
August 2, 2020

Dede, it hurts knowing you are gone from this world. We will always cherish the moments we had with you and the amazing memories you left behind. We miss your lovely smile and how you made us laugh.

You touched so many lives by your selfless acts of kindness, always giving and never expecting any favour in return.

Dede you laid the path for others to succeed. You were and will always be an inspiration to everyone of us. The Bible says in everything, we should give thanks. We are indeed thankful to God for the privilege of knowing and having you as our Dede.

Though we miss you, we take comfort in the fact that you lived a fulfilled life. We love you but God loves you more. We know you are resting comfortably in His everlasting arms. Goodnight Dede. Rest in peace.
Emma, Chinyere Ahamefule & family.
August 2, 2020
August 2, 2020


EMMA, you were more than 
a brother to me, showing unqantifyable encouragement and support at every twist and turn of life. You believed in getting the best out of the rejected, downtrodden and abandoned, thereby turning failures into great achievers. You lived largely for others and demonstrated it at every available opportunity, hence leaving unforgettable and indelible marks and moments behind.

Your faith in God was exemplary, transforming you into a great peace maker, a giver to the core and totally selfless. You served the body of Christ and humanity unreservedly. You came, saw, conquered and answered the call to glory when your assignment was completed and thus had laid down your sword as a good soldier of the cross. The Gold Standard of character you left behind may not easily be matched. This has resulted in the outpouring of immense eulogies at your departure just like Stephen of old. You are not really dead as your good works continue to speak for you.

Adieu my brother, and enjoy the bliss at the bosom of your Maker, whom you loved so dearly and served passionately till we meet on the resurrection morning to part no more. Amen.
Prof Charles Nwabuisi.
August 2, 2020
August 2, 2020
Bar. EMMANUEL UCHE (Ambassador of the Kingdom)


Deacon Barrister Emmanuel O N Uche was a gift to the body of Christ. A friend and brother, he was recognized and honored by the Executive Committee of the Assemblies of God Nigeria because he was very missionary minded. He undertook church planting in the northern parts of the country single handed. He supported missionary activities and missionaries in the field. Barrister Uche was committed to both Evangel Old Students Association (EVOSA) and Evangel Students Christian Association (ESCA). When the Assemblies of God in Nigeria wanted to build a University - Evangel University - Emma served as the Secretary and single handed wrote the University Law and Academic briefs at no cost to the organization. He was a philanthropist per excellence. Bar Uche is a friend not easily to be forgotten. Few of us with inspiration that we received by him organized the 50th Anniversary of Evangel High School a few years ago. When we celebrated his 70th Birthday to enable him smell his roses, many testified of his passion to provide soccour to many family.
Brother Emma was indeed a Christian and a radical one for that matter. I feel a great sense of personal loss that a man of integrity and forthrightness has left a great hole in the heart of many. Nevertheless since the LORD has desired him now, I can only take solace that we shall meet on the Resurrection Morning!!
Bye for now by beloved brother and friend! - Rev UcheChukwu Ama
August 1, 2020
August 1, 2020
To De Emma Uche...I can't recall where we met...but I saw you at Church growing up, you did everything a well raised young man could be then...Looked up to you as you sang in the choir, great Sunday school worker, you did it all. I wonder what your (-) Dash between your date of birth to the date you departed this earth....Your (-) dash will read like an encyclopedia with more space needed to write more accolades for you. You're a great man...God's speed in your Journey home...!! Rest in peace!!
August 1, 2020
August 1, 2020
Elder, Barrister Emmanuel O. N. Uche was a true soldier of the Cross, a whole hearted follower of Christ, a special, rare and uncommon breed. A unique specie of a man, a lover of all, a man that had no “no” to requests for help. He would go to any length to help the needy and fight for the oppressed. He would rather deprive himself to ensure another’s happiness.
A case in point was sometime in April, 2000 when I approached him for an urgent loan to enable me ‘rescue’ my impounded car from the Beninoise customs. He said he hadn’t enough of his money to give me for the amount I needed at the moment, but offered to give me Dollars which someone had sent to him to do something for him, if only I could return it early enough to enable him carry out the instruction of the owner. His major concern was how he would help me wriggle out of the situation, he didn’t bother that I could possibly disappoint him. That he could be so trusting left me ‘overgasted’, ‘flabberwhelmed’ and nonplussed. I had several other similar experiences with him, both personal and in relation to others to which I was privy, that left me wondering what type of a person he was.
An ever smiling, classless and unassuming gentleman per excellence. A man of faith, courage and wisdom. Very accommodating, patient and friendly. He loved souls, he loved the brethren, he loved hymns which he sang with passion. Never would want to miss a church service as long as he was in town, and usually one of the earliest to arrive church on Sunday mornings, in rain and sunshine.
A pleasant man to be with, never a dull moment with him, especially with his uncanny ability to produce rib-cracking jokes, apt and well thought out.
One can go on and on and still not be able to write enough to adequately describe the person of Elder, Barrister Emmanuel O. N. Uche. He was, indeed, a rare gift and blessing to those who came in contact with him, whose sweet and blessed memory will remain with us for life. May the name of the Lord be praised for so generously endowing a mortal like our Elder Emma Uche and for the privilege of knowing him.
ADIEU! Elder, Barrister Emmanue O. N. Uche, “… the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet Psalmist of Victory Centre.” (2 Sam. 23:1).
Brother Francis O. Agbonighale.
August 1, 2020
August 1, 2020
Daddy Emmanuel Uche was humble, a caring person with a heart of gold who touched lives of many persons in different positive ways. Keep resting in the bossom of your master Jesus till we meet to part no more. Adieu the ambassador of Christ.
July 31, 2020
July 31, 2020

My lovely Dad! It pains me to do this but I have to. My dad of inestimable value! Anybody can be called a father but it takes someone so special indeed, so special to be called a Dad. If I say I miss you will be an understatement. It is very difficult to believe that you are no more.
Dad…was a man of enviable character. He was a distinguished dad among daddies, a man of many nations and a man of trans-generational legacies. He was very industrious and generous with the proceeds of his hard work. Daddy Uche was a highly principled, disciplined and educationally minded man. He had a perfect spirit ever known and seen. In real sense, he was organized in everything he did. He harboured the homeless, the fatherless and fed the hungry with good things and lifted up the down-trodden. He gave hope to the hopeless and encouraged many who were discouraged.

He was a God fearing and peaceful man. He was humble and meek; he was patient and kind; he was very energetic, hopeful and transparent; he was full of wisdom, knowledge and understanding; he was good and a nice man to the call; he was a faithful steward and an encyclopedia of virtues. In fact, he was a BUILDER!
I could still see the rays of sincerity and genuine love beaming vigorously and glamorously from his eyes. These made him unique in his life time. He loved me unconditionally. He saw in me what others could not see – a great and blazing STAR, and that is what I am now!

Dad, you truly were a special man! You may have passed on, but your memories would always live on within us. Thank you for your sacrifices, your care and concern, your love and everything that you have done for me. I know you are in a much better place. I will be forever grateful and thankful that you played a Daddy’s role in my life.

July 31, 2020
July 31, 2020

You were a rare gem, you stood tall among your equals.
You did not have any dull moment, you always smiled.
You loved everyone equally.
I am happy you are in a better place where there is no sickness or sadness but joy throughout.
We shall meet again on the resurrection morning.
Sleep on the true Ambassador of God.
Felicia Abuka.
July 31, 2020
July 31, 2020
Daddy Emma Uche you were my mentor from afar yet you impacted my life greatly, you lived your life like JESUS, you had no class, no discrimination nor favouritism. Hmmmm You are no more here with us but Your teachings, jokes and legacy still lifes in me and in the life of many. Rest On, Great Ambassador
July 31, 2020
July 31, 2020
Daddy Emma Uche you were my mentor from afar yet you impacted my life greatly, you lived your life like JESUS, you had no class, no discrimination nor favouritism. Hmmmm You are no more here with us but Your teachings, jokes and legacy still lifes in me and in the life of many. Rest On, Great Ambassador
July 31, 2020
July 31, 2020
De Emma, it's difficult to believe your demise. When you were still with us, each time i entered your room to greet you, you were always like Ifeoma "olia" Madam Alice Kwanu? Even in sickness, the welfare of your mother in law was still your concern. You accommodated her well for over 26 years without a single complaint. You took care of her and pampered her like your child. De Emma you were too nice. You had a heart of gold. You were a man of peace. You wanted everyone around you to be happy. A selfless man who was ready to give up his comfort for the comfortability of another person.
I miss you so much, but my consolation is that you are resting in the bossom of our dear Lord Jesus. Rest on! By the grace of God we shall see again in heaven where death will no more have power over you. Good night.

Your Sister in Law. Ifeoma.
July 31, 2020
July 31, 2020
By Sam, Chibueze

An erudite and pragmatic teacher.
Very balance in the application of Biblical principles to practical life experience. He was real.
Full of zeal and self-confession for the work of God.
Not dogmatic in theological issues.
He had a sense of humor and full of life.
Though a teacher, he was a good listener and accept fresh idea and superior argument.
He does not compromise Church attendance and Bible principles irrespective of the circumstances.
He was a wonderful teacher, father and a friend. He was a good Christian.
I admire him for his humility, diligence, and unwavering purpose.
He thought me the value of tolerance, patience, and trust in relationship.
He was very appreciative and proactive.
From weakness to strength, from grass to grace and from nothing to something. The knowledge he has imparted in me is a great asset in my Christian life.
He was an icon of integrity and hard-work, as well as a great philanthropist. His outstanding leadership qualities are worthy of emulation.
He taught me how to stick up for myself and make a difference.
He inspired and motivated me during difficult times when I needed words of encouragement. He was a blessing in my life.
His mentorship has been an invaluable gift even in my family life.
Always bold and positive of his spiritual stand.
Bro. Sam, Chibueze (Sunday School Student)
July 31, 2020
July 31, 2020

Dear Grandede'm,
I really like you and miss you. I wish you were not dead. I just want to stay with you for a very long time. I miss staying with you in your room, but i know you are in heaven where you will not be sick again. I really miss you a lot and I love you so much.

Bye bye.

Caleb Chinualumogu Nnoli
(6 years)
July 31, 2020
July 31, 2020

My grand dede'm was very sweet and kind. He always loved me. He named me Ozioma and always called me by the name. He taught me songs and the word of God. I enjoyed staying with him in his room. He was a very funny man. One day he asked me to give him his "wrapper" and i was confused until i realised he wanted his wrapper.

He always enjoyed hosting I and my siblings. He would buy us icecream, meat pie, sweets and clothes everytime we came for holiday. He always wanted us to be comfortable and he told me to always speak up.
I am sorry you got sick many times. The best part is that satan failed and God always healed you.

I love you Granddede'm and I also miss you a whole lot. I feel bad that I cannot see you again but I know you are in Heaven and we shall meet again. The point is, Granddede'm was very loyal and loved God, no matter what, he trusted God. Granddede'm I love you, even though you're dead, I will still have you near me and in my heart.

Chimamanda Ozioma Nnoli
(8 years)
July 31, 2020
July 31, 2020

"But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly:" (Hebrews 11:16a). I've searched for a way to describe how Dede'm lived his life until I came across this passage of scripture. Like Abraham and the Apostles, Dede'm lived this life not to amass immense wealth for personal gratification, but lived like a man on a journey, who in order not to carry excess luggage with him, gave his time and possessions freely to all irrespective of tribe, social status, gender or age. Even while he was on sick bed, he kept giving without holding back.

His passion for service to God has no boundaries. He is ready to go to any length, as God will permit, to advance the kingdom of God and bless His people. He was an ardent worker in the Lord's vineyard.

As my father-in-law, some of his advice to me was apt and very helpful. He loves his grandchildren with an uncommon passion. We could never out give him; he was always steps ahead of us because he loved us exceedingly.

Dede'm, we will miss you greatly. Continue to bask in the presence of our God till we meet to part no more.

Christian Okechukwu Nnoli
(Son In-law)
July 30, 2020
July 30, 2020

I'm not sure I know how to write an appropriate tribute of an outstanding personality like Elder Bar. E.O.N Uche. How can I try to describe someone so special in plain old words. How can I possibly sum up the feelings and memories I have of Elder Emma in one tribute? It's almost impossible.
He was. Great listener with time for friends from all walks of life, the good of all Christians are so dear to his heart. He was as selfless as he was steadfast in following through matters brought to his attention.
I thank God that along my pathway in life, I had the privilege of coming in contact with this great servant of God, and more so, staying with him long enough to enable me see in him those imperishable Christian qualities and commitments which permanently underlined his lifestyle in season and out of season. He since left clear examples for anyone who cares to follow.
Perhaps God sent Amb. Emma here to fulfill His instructions as found in Isaiah 58v7. He gave himself so much to a life of simplicity ever open and accessible to all who sought his help or counsel. I have never seen or heard of any who said "I couldn't get his attention or help".
There was no chance for flamboyant lifestyle with him, because his focus was towards Godliness to which I know he was more contented with. Can anyone of us forget his emphasis on proper and appropriate tithing any time he was to receive tithes on behalf of the church. This is just by the way.
He considered paying tuition fees of indigent students or that of pastors in the Bible schools and building of churches here and there (all these quietly), more valued kingdom service than any other thing of pleasure here. He never defined himself by the acquisition of those 21st century classy cars much as they are not evil. To me that is an example on moderation.
Elder. Emma once showed up as a guarantor for one seeking for employment as conductor in an organization whose CEO is my personal friend, just because the person is a Christian he knew briefly. He took the person in his personal car meandering through the traffic jam, not minding his time. That's Emma for you.
He has stood for me in many tasks that confronted me in life and none for a fee. He identifies with you in times of good and bad,his presence was actively there, no matter where you live. It would indeed take writing a book to a enable one make a fair attempt at capturing the qualities that distinguished Elder Amb Bar. E.O.N Uche from others. He was the people's Elder this was very apparent in the last election to the Church Board which he participated in.
Rest in perfect peace, in the bosom of our Lord while awaiting our arrival in due course.
Bro. B.N Okoli
July 30, 2020
July 30, 2020
Elder/ Ambassador Barr. Emmanuel O. N. Uche.

Dede Emmanuel O. N. Uche left an indelible mark on the sand of Time in Uche's family, Assemblies of God Church worldwide. A True Child of God, very accommodating, hospitable, caring and loving like his late mother, Mama or Dada Felicia Uche as we use to call her. When i came to Lagos through dede Ugwum you personally took me to an igbo woman at Balogun Market in Lagos Island to learn a trade on selling of women footwears, after some years I graduated and you established (settled) me every money spent from beginning to the end in that business was sponsored by Dedem. I will ever remain greatful to you Dede. I did very well in the business until I receive a call to go fully in Methodist Church Nigeria ministry where I am serving now. During the period that you were sick, I visited you on some occasions from abuja to lagos i saw strength, life, hope in you, that all will be better. I also saw in you a man still dedicated & committed to the service of God and humanity. Dede i didn't know that your transition from this earth to meet with your maker is going to be this soon. God knows the best. You're not dead, but sleeping waiting for the resurrection morning.

My consolation is in the words of this song by Voice of the Cross though in Igbo.

"Ala nke-mara nma, odi-ebe di-anya. Ebe ndi-nso no, ona-enwu ka-ihe.
Nuru abuto ha na abukuru Jesus Ana ha-enye ya Ekele rue-mg be ebi- yebi........"

Dede I know that if we endure to the end as a true soldier of the cross as you did and your late mother did also, we will meet on the resurrection morning to part no more. The Uche's has lost an icon of a reputable character, may God have mercy and help us in Jesus Christ Name. The Okezies.
July 30, 2020
July 30, 2020
Daddy, Like we will always call him,

Thank you for following Him

Following Him, so well and truly

We have another example in you

To do the same and follow Him truly

As you now join the clouds of witnesses

Urging us to follow Christ just like you.

May we follow suit till we become witnesses

Thank you, Daddy.

Rest on in the bossom of the Lord.

Thank you for being a major blessing to us individually and to our families. You are truly God-sent.

-- Mr and Mrs David Egbochuo.
July 30, 2020
July 30, 2020
Amb. EON Uche' was not just human, he was an angel in human form sent by God into our midst to affect our lives for good irrespective of class, tribe, color, gender, age or affiliations. His humour is incomparable, his humility is mind-blowing, his benevolence was out of this world, teaching and counseling unique. I have no doubt that his crown awaits him in heaven because he has finished his race faithfully and successfully. Hope to see you in heaven Elder EON Uche.
Sunny Aluede
July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
Dede,The Great Iroko.
Your transition to the great beyond on Thursday, 6th February, 2020 still remains a blow. It is true that you were very sick for nearly eleven years, I had faith that you will recover but God knows and does the best. He gives and takes at will and in his own time and wisdom. 
Dede, you were a polished and perfect gentleman man, the most practical Christian I have seen, a man of the people , a lover of progress and hard work, you lived a very simple life, your wealth, status and connections not withstanding. in fact, words fail me to succinctly describe you. Chai,! Ihe ukwu mere.
Your positive impact in my life, the fatherly roles you played despite my shortcomings, cannot be forgotten. I can still remember how you encouraged me when I would have died in 2009 as a result of what people considered a terminal sickness I had then. You gave me hope to live again. You took me to LUTH, Medical research center Yaba and then to Military Hospital just to make sure that I live. Chai Dede, who can replace you?
My consolation however, is that you are resting in the bosom of the Lord.
Adieu Dede.


July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020

Barr. Elder Ambassador Emmanuel O. N. Uche was a rare gem, a dedicated servant of Jesus Christ and very zealous unto good works. He clearly understood that he was sent by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords for to be His representative on earth.
He demonstrated vividly that it pays to serve Jesus from his heart. He served the Lord more truly and died at his post, a true soldier of the Cross on 6th February, 2020. He was a serving Elder of Surulere Church Board when it pleased the Lord to recall him to glory.
He served for a very long time in the Church Board. No matter how gloomy a situation, Ambassador Emmanuel O. N. Uche had a way of easily injecting laughter into it with his exhilarating jokes.
Furthermore, Ambassador E. O. N. Uche served in various committees in the local Church, Surulere Section, Lagos Mainland District and General Council. He undertook to write the briefs establishing Evangel University.
He cared for people, orphans, widows and the needy. He impacted several lives and was loved by many. He was a generous man of God and Christlike in character. He was a soulwinner and a Church planter. He was a candle stick that gave light to others.
Although we mourn him today, but not as those without hope. He lived for Christ and died in Christ which is the greatest achievement in this life, for to die in Christ is a great gain.
It is said that “sleep is a short death, while death is a long sleep”. Sleep on in the Lord till the resurrection morning when all who do so will rise to meet with the Lord in the air and be with Him forever and ever. There will be no separation, sorrow or pain.
Our hearts go out to the entire family. We pray that God of peace will grant them the fortitude to bear this momentary separation.
Adieu our worthy Ambassador of the Kingdom
Barr. Elder Ambassador E. O. N. Uche.

Signed by:
Surulere Church Board.
July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020

Barr Emma Uche stood tall in every facet of life he was involved in during his life time. From my vantage position as a Board Member having to work together with him, the glimpses of his attractive life was very visible.
He accomplished a lot as a Missionary both in the capacity of Sender and Gower. He was a lover of mankind without barriers, a 'dangerous giver' in cash and in kind. Even on his sick bed he gave.
He was a time keeper, a lover of beautiful songs. He had to travel from Lagos to listen to and enjoy Choir Competition at the Area Eleven Assemblies of God Church in Abuja. He himself was an inspiring and sonorous singer.
In visitation he was second to none, identifying with people in sickness and in health. He was hardly absent in Church Activities and in personal programs.
A man of many parts and would fulfill the roles he played in superlative excellence. Indeed he was a good man and we have nothing against him. I am sure he took advantage of the scripture in 1John1:8,9 such that God The Father, Son and The Holy Spirit will also say 'We Have Nothing Against Him'.
July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
You were a Dad in truth and in spirit. You were an icon that displayed Christ attributes.
You visited, not minding wherever d person is living, & d day you and mummy came to my house is still fresh in my head and can never be forgotten. The mouth that spoke for the mouthless, the hand that stretched forth and helped the poor. Your signature on a case settled the mather, you were one in million. I can't discribe you enough. It is well with your precious soul dad, rest in peace till we meet to part no more.
July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
A great man that impacted the lives of all that come across him, he is a God sent to this generation, Sir we will miss you, but what can we do once it is the will of God to take you home. God will see your good deeds and keep, protect and see your family through. Rest in the Lord till we see and part no more.
July 27, 2020
July 27, 2020

Our Elder (Ambassador) Barr. E.O.N. Uche was a great philanthropist who in his life time touched many lives in and outside the Church.
As a Department, the Women's Ministries, Assemblies of God Church, Surulere enjoyed his unflinching support morally and financially.
He was appointed the head of Education Department of the Church in the early nineties and by extension, he headed the Education Board of the Women's Ministries School, De Assemblies of God Nursery and Primary School, Surulere for two decades.
As a teacher and erudite lawyer, he guided the School Management under the able leadership of the Founder, Rev. Mrs V. U. Ejim for the School's registration with the Lagos State Ministry of Education. Barrister Uche remained the Chairman of the School Board until few years ago when his health could no longer allow him.
Elder Uche knew all our homes and visited us at every child dedication and was always present in our children's weddings. He also visited the widows, sick and aged women, paying their bills which included food, medical, rent, school fees and the likes.
As a Legal Adviser in charge of Land and Property Acquisition to the Lagos Mainland District, he extended his services to one of the Women's Ministries Zones in their search for a land for Church planting.
He gladly identified with our programmes and projects with his presence and cash donations.
Wherever duty called, our Elder was always available to answer without status, religious or tribal bias.
The Surulere Women's Ministries Department shall indeed miss him dearly but we have this assurance and consolation that he is now resting in a better place where there is no sickness or pain.
Good night our dear Elder.
We surely shall meet you again in the resurrection morning when this fleeting life is over.

Submitted by:
Women's Ministries Department
Assemblies of God Church
Surulere - Lagos.
July 21, 2020
July 21, 2020

I and my family are careful to give praises to God for giving us the privilege to come in contact with you. Knowing you made a world of positive difference in our lives. To God alone be the glory, Amen.
We testify that by every description of being good known to humans, you fitted into all the modes.
As a family, we have come to know you as a perfect example for sustainable truths, a man whose love impacts, a defender of the defenseless, a hope giver, a generational builder and most kind hearted.
As you will always say ‘truth is sufficient, no need for lies; if ‘love’ have not cost you something, you have not loved; be ready to defend, give and build with a loving heart. Forgiveness was also a major part of your character and life. Whenever I, as the head of my family come to you with matters I considered are of great concerns, all I received at the end of each meeting were honest and unbiased advice. Even when I go away from you grumbling, but deep in my heart, I knew the truth has been told me. You end up demystifying my previously held positions; yes, the manners and methods you communicated your standpoints most of the time melts my supposedly strong heart away. To fill this void will be difficult but the lord knows how to do it.
Pure and simple, you were just a good man and a special gift to our generation.
As a friend, though you were better positioned in all respects, you gave us access to come close to you, and from thence you sowed seeds that helped us grow spiritually and materially. One of such is giving me the opportunity to train the drivers of your organization, Industrial Arbitration Panel. That was an experience my family will not forget even in a hurry. Even at death, we appreciate you.
You were the most detribalized Christian we have come across even up till now. You exhibited this in: your character, relationships with people of all tribes, all manners of giving/supports, visitation, etc.
Uncle Emma does not care as to who is an Ibo, Yoruba, Hausa, Edo, Calabar, etc. All are the same to him.
The lord God knows the best and has taken you to Himself. Who are we to question Him as all things that happen are to His glory alone? One thing we beg of the Lord is grace for us to meet in glory and part no more.

Francis and Laurenta Ehiguese,
Assemblies of God Church, Victory Centre, Surulere Lagos.
July 20, 2020
July 20, 2020

Our General, I tried severally to pen down my tribute but it wasn't just adding up as I wet my paper with tears.

You had asked me what I would do but cry at your demise and I have realized I could do practically nothing.

What a life. I knew you would have waited for me to see you that 26th of February that I planned visiting but God had his own better date of your arrival to be with him.

You were a super father in the Lord for me and Acha. We appreciate your advice and encouragement. Acha is so hurting missing all your precious words urging him to forge ahead.

You willingly gave your best. Ever practical. We and our four men, join in wishing you God's speedy and warm embrace for you were his good and faithful servant. Wishing Anti Chiji and others the fortitude to cope.

Travel well to the big market in heaven and may God's angels escort you into heaven. You came, you saw, you struggled and you triumphed.
You remain our role model and our very dear GENERAL.
Onyenaturuchi, Agaezichiolu, okwa otuomasirichi. Ga nke Oma onyenkem special.
IJ and Acha nke GENERAL
Mazi Acha & Barrister Ijeoma
July 20, 2020
July 20, 2020
From: Pastor Engr. Eme O. Tasie & Mrs. Ugo Eme Tasie & Family.

It is with great pain in our hearts that we write about this great man in the past.
Elder Barr. Emmanuel Uche was our big brother and friend indeed. 
He was uniquely loyal, totally dependable, very generous, completely trustworthy and honest, joyfully humorous, a strict disciplinarian, bluntness personified, always going the Extra Mile to be a blessing. A man of God who used his intellectual and financial resources to fight for the Gospel and build the Church.

Oga Emma was the Attorney of the Assemblies of God Church and also the one who singlehandedly wrote the Academic Brief that got Government approval for the AG-owned Evangel University.

When we started the Assemblies of God Church, Ajao Estate, Oga Emma was always on hand to lend a helping hand and give timely advise to move the ministry up.
He was the then Chairman of our school - The Assemblies of God International School, Ajao Estate.

When our son had a knee surgery, Oga Emma and his beautiful wife, Aunt Chiji, were on hand to give full support.

When we had our 'UCHE' ceremony and House Dedication in Abiriba in 2018, Oga Emma and his elegant wife came all the way from Lagos to celebrate with us, not minding his health challenge.
He made huge sacrifices to make others happy and loved.

How can we forget a man so well endowed yet so humble and down-to-earth. A man so brilliant and well educated yet so humane and Godly.

Oga Emma. You have fought a good fight indeed. We can testify that you finished well. Thank God you made it into the waiting arms of Jesus who you served so faithfully here on earth.
Thank God for the opportunity of knowing you. GOODNIGHT, SIR.
June 12, 2020
Tribute to Emma Uche

My family knew him as Ndubisi Ubaka Anekwe's twin brother. He called me "Arabrin" and I called him "Arakunrin Emma".

Needless to say Ndubisi and Emma were almost always on the same page in their thinking. From Clegg Street, a year together at University of Ibadan, a brief summer job at UBA, at Young Couples Meet, serving together in Sunday School and the Church Board; their friendship deepened.

They never failed to challenge each other on who was actually older! Originally it was Ndu until Emma's older brother suddenly came up with his birth year which gave him an edge over Ndu.

On the day Ndubisi passed on to his home above, Chineme called Uncle Emma to break the news: it was dead silence. Emma had stayed with us throughout Ndu's hospital battle. Finally, Uncle Emma's words were, "It's okay, the Lord's will has been done." She could hear the sadness in his voice as it began to crack and the call ended quickly. Again our hearts sobbed a little deeper when he paused during Ndubisi's eulogy to fight the tears.

Emma was to Ndubisi a loving, trusted and loyal confidant who knew how to counsel in both family and church politics. Emma was a GIVER: he gave himself first to the Lord; to those who had need of advice and encouragement; to the work of the Lord. He gave of his substance, always trusting the Lord to provide for him and his family. Indeed friends like Emmanuel Uche are a rare find.

Emma never lack courage to face tough situations and call even Elders to order. He worked proudly alongside Ndubisi and other young non clergy as part of the early 1980s restructuring of AG Nigeria.

Adieu Arakunrin, a General in the Lord's army, till we all converge at Jesus feet in glory. 

2 Corinthians 5:6‭, ‬8 NLT
So we are always confident, even though we know that as long as we live in these bodies we are not at home with the Lord. Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these earthly bodies, for then we will be at home with the Lord.

Tobenna Anekwe, Chineme Ijeabuonwu and Olufunto Onimole
Representing Ndubisi Ubaka Anekwe's household
June 12, 2020
June 12, 2020
Tribute to Emma Uche

My family knew him as Ndubisi Ubaka Anekwe's twin brother.
He called me "Arabrin" and I called him "Arakunrin Emma".

Needless to say Ndubisi and Emma were almost always on the same page in their thinking. From Clegg Street, a year together at University of Ibadan, a brief summer job at UBA, at Young Couples Meet, serving together in Sunday School and the Church Board; their friendship deepened.

They never failed to challenge each other on who was actually older! Originally it was Ndu until Emma's older brother suddenly came up with his birth year which gave him an edge over Ndu.

On the day Ndubisi passed on to his home above, Chineme called Uncle Emma to break the news: it was dead silence. Emma had stayed with us throughout Ndu's hospital battle. Finally, Ucle Emma's words were, "It's okay, the Lord's will has been done." She could hear the sadness in his voice as it began to crack and the call ended quickly. Again our hearts sobbed a little deeper when he paused during Ndubisi's eulogy to fight the tears.
Emma was to Ndubisi a loving, trusted and loyal confidant who knew how to counsel in both family and church politics. Emma was a GIVER: he gave himself first to the Lord; to those who had need of advice and encouragement; to the work of the Lord. He gave of his substance, always trusting the Lord to provide for him and his family.
Indeed friends like Emmanuel Uche are a rare find. Emma never lack courage to face tough situations and call even Elders to order. He worked proudly alongside Ndubisi and other young non clergy as part of the early 1980s restructuring of AG Nigeria.

Adieu Arakunrin, a General in the Lord's army, till we all converge at Jesus feet in glory. 

2 Corinthians 5:6‭, ‬8 NLT
So we are always confident, even though we know that as long as we live in these bodies we are not at home with the Lord. Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these earthly bodies, for then we will be at home with the Lord.

Tobenna Anekwe, Chineme Ijeabuonwu and Olufunto Onimole
Representing Ndubisi Ubaka Anekwe's household
April 22, 2020
April 22, 2020
        When I Must Leave You
When I must leave you
for a little while,
Please do not grieve
and shed wild tears
And hug your sorrow
to you through the years
But start out bravely
with a gallant smile;
And for my sake and in my name
Live on and do all things the same,
Feed not on your loneliness
on empty days,
But fill each waking hour in useful ways,
Reach out your hand
in comfort and cheer
And I in turn will comfort you
and hold you near;
And never, never be afraid to die,
For I am waiting
for you in the sky!

Elder Chris Kwekowe
April 13, 2020
April 13, 2020
Daddy Uche, as I fondly call you! I do not know where to start in writing about you but need to remind myself and my family that my Christian father, mentor and adviser have really gone to be with the Lord.
You have always given us fatherly advise each time we come to you for an advise and this has always built our Christian and personal lives. My entire family missed you as I have always informed them how your instructions have built my life. 
My husband has been rooted in Assemblies of God Church from Deeper Life Ministry today because he studied under your teaching in the Sunday School class at 111 Clegg Street Church. 
You are never tired of finding out how my family fares. Always asking me about my aged mother (Dada) as you call her, even at your sick bed. You touched many souls positively. You will be hardly forgotten so soon.
Daddy, it was down on me that it might be all over when I visited you last in the hospital bed at Surulere and you did not know that I was around to see you.
One thing is sure daddy, that you are sleeping in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sleep well Sir. We missed you, but God loves you best.
Joy Okorie & Family
March 28, 2020
March 28, 2020

Oftentimes in life we experience sadness and tragedy, Brother Uche’s home call is one of such not only to me as an individual but to the entire body of Christ. I got to know Brother Uche for the first time as far back as the 1970s when I was a teenager. He used to come to our church during revivals with his team of dedicated young men to sing and minister the word of God. He was also one of the Bible Study leaders.
I heard the song “A little talk with Jesus” for the first time from him; he sang with the male quartet group during one of the church revival meetings. He had an amazing voice (I strongly believe he has been singing with the angels in heaven since he left us!). I didn’t know that our paths would cross again until I met his wife (who was my childhood friend) at the bank after many years, even at that I didn’t know he was the husband until his children became my students at the International School, UNILAG. I got to know Bro. Uche better when we lived close to each other at Akoka.
I call Bro. Uche “the God Chaser” because of his ZEAL/PASSION for God. He was steadfast and consistently trusted God even in the face of trials. I recall when tragedy befell him with the death of his son, his faith in God was unshakeable. He was the encourager throughout the trying period. He was a good husband to the wife, godly father to the children and role model to the body of Christ. I have always thought that such men as Bro. Uche would never die! How wrong I was in my thinking! The Bible says in Is. 57: 1-2:
“…the righteous are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death”.
This should be our consolation; Bro. Uche is very much at peace, he has found God and seen Him face to face at last and our Lord Jesus has decked him with GOLDEN CROWN. All glory to God.

Dr Ojiugo Nwanneka Sam-Ejehu
March 27, 2020
March 27, 2020

I knew of a saint
A general with nation wide troop
whose arms are wide and far reaching
to the rich as well as the down trodden.

Tears flow like a river
With endless witnesses
And testimonies
A good man has gone home
Another Tabitha gone home

Our tears have refused to do the magic

Should we weep forever?
No !!!!!!!!l
I and all of us should be consoled 

We were privileged to come in contact
with a replica of Jesus

Dee Emma, our Barrister,
The ready and Willing
Shoulder for Uche's family

You are the epistle
we will never stop reading

Your legacy is a monument for us
Your love and kindness has turned
Many to agents of love

Our success story can never be complete
Without mentioning
Your love, advice and care

Rest on my beloved Dede and caring big brother in--law.
March 27, 2020
March 27, 2020
Dede it sad n painful to talk about you in the past but i take solace that you died in the Lord and know you are now resting in the bosom of the Lord waiting for us,Dede you lived a life full of good memories,you touched and inspired my life greatly, Dede though you are gone you will always remain alive in my heart,i remember you one day saying,"God since you know that we will live forever with you why are you in a hurry to call your children home "
March 26, 2020
March 26, 2020
My Dear Dede,
It truly hurts excruciatingly, writing this tribute. You were an amazing and perfect spirit-filled gentleman.
Reflecting on my memories from our homeland Assemblies of God church several years back, despite the age gap, you were among the role models the young ones, myself inclusive, morally and spiritually emulated.
Reconnecting with you here in Lagos, years after, was a wonderful experience. Your love for my family, especially my mother was exemplary. You visited, often called and cared beyond expectations for the spiritual growth and welfare of a woman who was not your own mother, and you did till your passing.
The few times I visited your home, I was overwhelmed by the love and reception that exhumed from everyone and every nook and cranny in your residence, each time. Your Home was everyone’s home in the real sense of it.
God chose you as a rare golden instrument of service in His hands and vineyard, decorated you with His signet ring and sent you forth to bear fruits; and you did, oh yes you did Dede. You produced fruits of million folds, of souls in all ramifications. In my spiritual journey, you added to the few i’ve met who were so selfless, caring, committed, truthful, who sustained the qualities of a good Chritian man, mentor and role model.
The sound of your melodious voice and laughter ( though in pain ), as we sang Hymns and choruses, during the last EVOSA meeting I attended In your house, still rings in my mind.
Life indeed is a mystery. It feels sincerely sad writing about you in past tense. But, it’s okay. The pains are all gone. But, thanks be to God for the divine hope we have in Christ Jesus to meet again.
I’ll repeat Dede, you were an amazing and spirit -filled perfect gentleman. Your impact and legacy will live after you and forever.

As we weep over your departure here on earth, may The Host of Heaven celebrate over your arrival and honour you with the number of deserved crowns commensurate to your Labour for the kingdom of God.

May our faithful and merciful God comfort your amazing and gentle wife, your biological children, grandchildren, son in-laws, plus your innumerable mothers and fathers, sons and daughters and loved ones, giving them peace, such that only Him can provide.
Your departure is only a reminder of the fact that we are all in a compulsory queue and must take the flight when time is up.

Rest in perfect peace my Dede.
We will surely meet again in due time.

March 25, 2020
March 25, 2020


You have flown away! Your flight has caused grief in a variety of quarters and left gaps that might be very difficult to fill. Our friendship of over 56 years has now transited from currency to history. Where can I find another best friend with whom to share such a relationship for another 56 years? What of Form 1 B, nay Form 1, of 1964 of Evangel High School, Old Umuahia? Where can we find another custodian of information who would keep tab on almost every member everywhere in the world, as you did, and update us whenever the need arises? Can they do so unreservedly, sacrificially and without expecting accolades, as you did?

What of your Sunday School students who almost always came to school expectant once they were sure you would be there to teach? Your style of, and humour in, teaching ensured that every student would grasp something to go away with, as from Elder Uche, which would fix the lesson much longer in their minds. What of ordinary people that came into contact with you in one or other sphere of life that you did not leave without something to thank God for through you?

What of Assemblies of God Districts in Lagos and even the General Council itself that you had to serve at one time or the other, in your uniquely selfless manner? Do I mention CASOR of UI (i.e. University of Ibadan) and a host of young people whose lives were changed by your contact with them, Churches you single-handedly planted and pastors whose school fees you paid? The amazing thing is that you never knew many of those. Now, tell me, how do you think all these people would be feeling now?

Yes, you have flown away to grab the laurels that are deservedly yours. And we cannot begrudge you that. That is the other side of this coin. You have flown away, far beyond the reach of sickness that debilitated you here on earth, the pains that tried very hard to crush your spirit which proved indefatigable, and all those therapies by whatever flabbergasting appellations.

I have since ceased to grieve. I am taking another look at your flight which I am sure is to a better land. God has assured us that it was to give you an expected (obviously better) end – Jer. 29:11. His ways are higher than ours and his thoughts than ours – Is. 55:9. Just think of it (as our missionary American Principal used to tell us back in Evangel High School in those days). God decided to take you before the revelation of a new devastating virus called Coronavirus for which State governments all over the world shut down schools and banned gatherings, including Church services, with attendance exceeding 50. Your flight has spared you the anxiety about that virus. Congratulations!

Talk of Evangel reminds me of the school where we took a stand, early, against what we perceived as high handedness of “powers” and gave them a good fight. We fought against our seniors way back in our first year (1964) when they attempted to make us, whom they daubed “foxes”, their fags. The difference between a “gentleman” like me and you was that while I confined my fight to verbal altercation with my “master”, you went beyond to exchange of raw physical blows with yours. We would not accept “tradition” as justification for fagging but dismissed those who accepted it as “villagers”, our parlance for “timid people”.

We stood by what we believed in and against what we did not. Remember how our class (Form 1 B) stood against our Bekee (Oyibo) American Peace Corps English teacher whom we perceived as attempting to intimidate us with his superiority complex. We forced him to abandon our class to a Nigerian English teacher and we resolved that his students would not excel us in the subject. Did they?

Afo, you came to establish yourself as committed, whether in support of what you believed in or in opposition to what you were against. Your passion was so intense that I was afraid for you. Remember, way back in our student days when I warned you that I was afraid that you were stressing yourself too much, especially in fighting against what you did not like. I had told you that if you died before me, I would ask your wife (whoever she would be) what the doctors would say killed you and I would expect hypertension to be implicated. But what eventually happened? In all your fight, your blood pressure remained normal. It is my “gentle” self that have been a hypertension patient for well over twenty years. What irony!

Your passion has proved of immense benefit to humanity. Even during your years of sickness which gulped millions of naira, you still maintained your commitment to myriads you were supporting. Obviously, you have left this world much better than you met it. I feel proud to have been associated with you as best friend.

See you later, at the trumpet call. I am comforted – 1 Thess. 4:18.

(a.k.a. Samuel Okonkwo)
March 25, 2020
March 25, 2020

Subject: LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME ON THIS SIDE OF ETERNITY........from Ihee George Alioha (USA)
   I cannot forget that fateful morning of Feb. 6, 2020 when I got two phone calls that said " He is gone" . Sleep left me and
silence followed and the line went dead with the receiver in my hand. It was tragic from human point of view. Its difficult to
cope and how can one write on a page all the experiences one shared for more than 45 years. I'll try.
After the war in the '70s Emmanuel Uche (I never called him by his name...we had pet name for each other) and few other
friends 'clustered' at home planning life and getting involved in scripture union at St, Silas, Old Umuahia church. Being stunch members of AGM church, we were heavily vested in church activities such as Christ Ambassadors, Sunday school and choir. I joined the
choir not because of my ' angelic voice' (ha! ha!!...I only sing in the shower) but for the company I kept. Under Emma's leadership, 
we transformed the CA and established a one of its kind library. with books donated by missionaries from different
denominational bends. The library was still functioning when we left in pursuit of life. Emma went to the university of Ibadan and I eventually went to the United States. Before then, there was no family in Old Umuahia from
Amuzuta village to Umuezeala village that did not enjoy our uninvited visits on a regular basis especially if there were beautiful
'missionettes' around. We loved life then and gallivantly innocently enjoyed it to the fullest.
    One flavor Emma has is being a child of God. To grow and mature as a child of God, the company one keeps matters.
You cannot hang out with him for 5 mins without the radiance of God shinning out. He is a man of peace. He preaches it, 
lives it and pursues it and will go to any length to make it happen to his friends.(don't mind my tense. Emma is still with me).
Our friendship has long metamorphosed to brothership and he knows how to pull both nuclear and extended families in.
He knows how to care, empathize and give. He is so altruistic to a ' fault ' and knows how to enjoy giving.
    Another quality Emma has is that he is fun to hang out with. You cannot be around him for long without him saying
something to crack you up. He is never boring. When I am on the phone and laugh loudly and wildly, my wife knows who is on
the other end. When we were home ,we used to spend time on the Holy Hill, Old Umuahia. One day one of our pastor friends
said that God would call us to the ministry since we were already there. Emma retorted, " When God looked down, He thought
He'd called us". God sure did in a different sort of way. My friend touched thousands of lives..Only eternity will know how many.
   Finally and objectively, I am glad that you are now free from pain, anguish or tribulation of this life. You are resting in the
bossom of our Lord. I am sure you'd never come back even if offered because
you are in a better place. When you are settled, look for me, for I'll be there too. Tell the Lord that the
mansion next to yours is reserved for me.
We'll do our best to take care of your family down here and they will be ok!. Your legacy lives on. Count on it! What may now seem to be a mountain, is just but a hill from heaven's point of view. Remember, God's got their backs and that's enough.
    My brother, you've fought a good fight and have won the race. I can only imagine how happy you are now. You can't
come back to me ; but I will come to you. In that bright beautiful morning, my Oooo, fare well, we'll see later. Till then, you will
be greatly missed. SAIL ON, SAIL ON. Thanx for giving me a piece of you. I'll keep it until we meet again. It was a fun ride!! Bye for now. Oh yes, one more thing, Oooo, " You are a fine chap". When we see again, fill me in on what I missed up there. Good night.
March 24, 2020
March 24, 2020
The Ambassador Emmanuel Uche that I know was a good Christian to the core. He loved the Lord and worked for Him so faithfully in every aspect of life with all his heart, strength, knowledge and resources. He was a man who committed his profession wholly to the benefit of the children of God. He would always undertake to rescue anybody who had a legal problem. He loved souls so much that he went out of his way personally building Churches outside his community. He was a good teacher and preacher of the Word. He was very honest, kind, bold and strength forward in everything he handled. His contributions at the Church Board level was unsumountable. He loved the Word of God so much that he wouldn't part with his Bible physically even when called upon to pray at the Alter. His full commitment to the things of the Lord was a big challenge to me even though he was much younger than I. I am not in doubt where he will be now - in the bosom of the Lord. He really has fought a good fight, finished his course, kept the faith and has gone to collect his Crown of Life. Adieu Emma, my good friend. We shall meet at the resurrection morning and part no more.
March 19, 2020
March 19, 2020
One of the greatest gift God has given us is the gift of a Father.

Daddy has been a Father to us. He cared for us such that even when our father; Evang. Sunday Ekanem went to be with the Lord, he stood by us strongly. We can never forget. Hearing of Daddy's demise brings back memories. However, we glory because Daddy fought the good fight of faith.
Daddy was a great example to believers in word and deed. He pleased the Lord and shuned evil. Whenever he found himself in the house of the Lord, commitment was his guiding principle. He served the Lord with everything in him. He lived his life for others making sure we were all happy. He cared and supported us in every way he could. You will be greatly missed Sir!.

Precious in the sight of God is the death of his Saints (Psalm 116:15). It has been a struggle to come to terms with the fact that you are no more here with us, but we are glad because you finished strong. A crown of glory awaits you in the Bossom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Sleep on Daddy! Till we meet again.
March 19, 2020
March 19, 2020
We met in the mid seventies during CASOR Conference here in Lagos. You schooled in University of Ibadan and I was in University of Lagos. The fact that we all worshipped together at AG Surulere (because I was in Akoka Church) made the association free and easy.
By year 2000, I lost my mother in-law and lamented so much in my tribute to her. One of my lamentations in the tribute was the loss of the pet name Mama called me, 'Nwannem Uche' as none would call me by the name anymore. After the burial, you tapped me on my back and said, 'that tribute spoke volumes, from today I assure you, the name Nwannem Uche lives on'. From then you called me Nwannem Uche till you lost consciousness. But now Dede, none else will call me by that name anymore.
You spent yourself for people. Very caring to a fault for both the high and the low. You never rendered a one-off help to people. You followed them up to make sure they were comfortable.
Your caregiving ministry went round the whole country and beyond; on different categories of people ranging from feeding, school fees, rents, hospital bills and drugs; of widows, less privileged children, the aged and the sick, pastors and even some friends and relatives; to building Churches especially in the Northern part of the country.
Your house is a welfare centre. You take some of the less privileged boys to live with you, who are sent to schools and upon graduation and youth service you asked for another set. Even on your sick bed, you were following up with all of their welfare. How I wish we can learn this missionary mindedness and true religion, James 1:27.
When I had major surgery in 2006, your family, apart from mine, was all over me. Your wife visited me in hospital on surgery eve with gifts. Early the surgery morning before I went into the theatre, you sent me this prayer text: 'Our prayers go with you as you go in for surgery this day. Our faithful God will see you through and give us a testimony, Amen. Emma Uche & Family. You did not stop at this but still visited several times in hospital and at home with cash and kind gifts. The most amazing and astonishing being the gift of a brand new generator bought in our name. People, by this time electricity supply was epileptic and our two generators hand been messed up by technicians (he had no knowledge of this). You impacted us as a family in other numerous ways and maintained a very close friendship with my husband who you called 'G-John'.
What a friend indeed you were, kind hearted and full of humour. You made fun of everything including your sickly condition.
Dede, you sang hymns from your head. Your Bible was your closest companion, it was always in your hand, your head and heart as well. You were a charismatic teacher. Your Sunday School students will not want to study in another class. Ever present in weddings and child dedications. You knew and visited almost everybody in Church and around you. Never absent/late to Sunday School or Church activities.
There is so much to be written about you but time and space will not permit me. You are greatly being missed already, Dede.
May the Lord grant us and those you left behind the fortitude to bear and hold on till we see again in glory.
Adieu Dede.

Nwannem Uche (Mrs Uchenna Nduaguibe)
March 18, 2020
March 18, 2020

On Friday 1st May, 2020, the remains of Barrister Emmanuel Onyema Nhorom Uche who went to be with the Lord on 6/02/2020, will be laid to rest.
Barrister Uche’s death was such a loss to all who knew him that one of his mentors Barrister Patrick Abuka lamented, ‘Can there be another Emmanuel Uche?’ He was a special human being’.

Born to the Uche family in Nkpuke Village in Amakama Umuahia in Abia State in 1948, Barrister Emma Uche was indeed a rare gift who gave a piece of his life to all who knew him.
If reincarnation was a reality, on this occasion of his interment, the summary of his funeral oration would be that he should come back to this life the way he came.

If reincarnation was not a lie, we would say to him at this funeral ‘Barrister Emma Uche, if you lived a selfish life, we would ask you to come back a selfless man, but you were thoroughly selfless and gave of yourself to all who ever came in contact with you.

If you were heartless, we would have asked you to come back with a heart that cared for others, but you had a Godly heart of flesh and you were indeed a gift to all.
Barrister Emmanuel Uche, if you lacked wisdom, we would have asked you to come back a wise man, but you were the Socrates of our time.

You were the wise counselor whose counsel and advise broke deadlocks, resolved knotty issues and brought clarity and succour to many in diverse situations.

If you were stingy and bothered only about ‘you, yourself and yours’, we would have asked you to come back to this life a generous man, but you were a philanthropist per excellence. Your generosity knew no bounds. You were a giver who gave when you identified any lack.

You cried when others cried and rejoiced when someone else rejoiced. You visited the needy and sick and never failed to give an “envelope” at sick beds, burials, weddings, child dedications and on all occasions that involved anyone you knew.

Ever smiling, supremely witty and infectiously humorous, your presence and utterances brought joy wherever you were.

As a seasoned legal practitioner, your voice rang out in court rooms free of charge, in defence of those who were hounded and oppressed. Those included widows and the deprived. Emma, you did not believe in accumulating wealth for self-aggrandizement, but you believed in ‘wealth for assistance’.

You would have made a fortune in life, but your philosophy of assisting people made you a man of modest means. And even at that, you paid the school fees of orphans, assisted the children of widows, supported indigent pastors e.t.c.

From your modest means, you built churches in various locations across our country Nigeria.
You took in, nurtured and supported needy ones from various tribes especially youths from Taraba, Kaduna, Plateau States and other places.

Even on your death bed, Barrister Uche you gave out to those who needed help. Everyone you knew benefitted from your largeness of heart.

If reincarnation was a reality, at his grave side we would further say to him, ‘Barrister Emmanuel Uche, if you were a proud man, we would have asked you to come back in the next life a humble man, but in spite of your great learning and prodigious intellect, you were a humble man who made room for anyone you came in contact with, no matter the person’s status in life’.

‘If you were not a great family man, father, husband, in-law, uncle, brother e.t.c, we would have asked you to come back a different person, but you were a wonderful family man who touched the lives of members of the Uche family, your in-laws and cousins in ways that were decisive and profound. You were a dotting husband and a caring father’.

If reincarnation was not an empty myth, part of his funeral oration would also read, ‘Barrister Uche, if you were intellectually shallow, we would have asked you to come back with deep intellect, but you were a thorough-bred intellectual, a brilliant Federal Government Scholar who attended the University of Ibadan where you bagged your B.Sc degree as the best graduating student in the Department of Sociology in 1974, a Master’s degree in 1976 and a Law degree from the University of Lagos in 1983’.

You later had a fulfilled working life where you rose to the position of Deputy Chief Registrar, Industrial Arbitration Panel.
Most importantly Barrister Uche, if you were not a child of God, we would have asked you to come back in your next life and serve God, but you were a transparent child of God who served God with your whole being, an awardee of the ‘Ambassador’ of the Kingdom by Assemblies of God Nigeria. You served on the Deacon Board of the Assemblies of God Church, 111 Cleg Street Surulere Lagos for over 20 years till your death on 6th February 2020.

You were indeed the man in whom there was no guile.

The conclusion therefore is that If we believed in reincarnation, we would say to you, ‘Come back in your next life the very same way you came in your first life’,
but we do not believe in reincarnation.
To us, reincarnation is a hoax and an empty myth.

The next time we will meet you Barrister Uche, you would be putting on a body cloaked in the splendor of immortality. When we will meet you in glory, our voices will blend with yours to tell the story of ‘How We Overcame’, to sing the ‘Amazing Grace’ song of the redeemed.

As the remains of this icon is lowered into the grave on 01/05/2020, we bid Barrister Emmanuel Onyema Nhorom Uche farewell.
May God console your dear wife Barrister Chijinkem Uche, your daughters Engineer (Mrs.) Chimezirim Iroeche and Barrister (Mrs.) Uloaku Nnoli and the entire Uche family, the Osisiogu family (your maternal home), the Nkpuke Community and the Assemblies of God Churches in Amakama and Lagos as well as the entire General Council, Assemblies of God, Nigeria and all those you have left behind.

May God console the innumerable number in whose mouths you have left a sweet alluring and unforgettable taste.

Adieu Barrister Emmanuel Onyema Nhorom Uche.
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