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March 18, 2020
March 18, 2020
Tribute to Dede Nke Nani m
You were an epitome of love. You had a pet name for everyone that comes close to you. No wonder you called me My ‘Kegite’. Oh! no one else to call me such a name.
Even from your sick bed, you visited me, always calling to pray and know how i feel not minding your situation. You were so detailed that you could tell when someone missed church and you would asked. You were a prolific giver and yet you would be surprised when someone give you.
You left a positive imprint on each person you met that’s why we miss you so much. You left us a legacy which now serves as a guiding light for us to follow.
We shall meet again in the sweet by and by, amen.
March 17, 2020
March 17, 2020
Upon hearing of the triumphant finishing and entering into the Bastion of Resting Glory of our awesome brother and mentor, Ambassador Emma Uche, the thought which immediately flooded my heart was the unshakable assurance that "It is well with our souls!" We totally yield with joy to the will and wish of our Father God in Heaven. The fervent and effectual prayers of saints made on his behalf globally would have kept him here way past 120 years in health and wealth, but God said it’s about time, and so we praise Him in Jesus’ name.
Amb. Emma made the most remarkable and indelible impression on my life, fresh off the Biafra war, in my early teens when I was lost in my ways, confused and angry. I'd be in his Sunday school class amazed, watching this promising young man, with depth and deft of scriptures and incredibly gifted with communication skills, teach the Word of God with zeal, conviction, and simplicity. He truly inspired and challenged my identity in Christ, more than anyone else did at that moment of my conflicted life. He was uplifting when many worried about obvious life's grind, having emerged from a senseless war with untold irreparable losses! Amb. Emma Uche was ever so loving, cheerful, inspiring, engaging and calming as an oasis of love.
We mourn his absence among us but encouraged that he bravely fought a good fight and has finished strong. Let's celebrate his life. May we be strong, for our strength shall not fail us in the days of adversity. It is truly well with our souls, in Jesus’ name.
One thing that stood out distinctly during my last two visits with him in Lagos was his penchant to make every opportunity a wholesome, uplifting and heavenly moment. He was always immaculately dressed, glowing and spoke joyfully, encouraging me to press on in my divine purpose for God's kingdom. He was never despondent so, I'd leave encouraged and hopeful. I'm sure many others can attest to similar experiences with him. His life was one of sacrificial giving in spite of whatever he was going through at any given moment.
Mama Chijinkem, be strong in the Lord for we are praying for you and your family. You now have the best memories of all to reflect upon all the days of your life. Don't hold back the joy of the Lord realizing how blessed you are to have been one flesh with the best of all men, for he sure was. We have gained with heaven by his ascent to GloryLand. Thank you as you gave all in caring, nurturing and supporting him over the years of his health challenges till death do you part. He is now liberated from every affliction of the body and now whole in the bosom of our Papa God, the eternal abode of all who fight as triumphantly as he did. May Papa's comfort and love flood your hearts and strengthen you all, in Jesus' name. (2 Cor. 1:3-5)
Adieu, Ambassador, Mentor and Teacher extraordinaire, brother Emma, until we all meet again at the bosom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Apostle Joshua O. Nathan, Sr.
Senior Pastor
GloryCenter Family Church, USA
March 17, 2020
March 17, 2020

Melancholy almost eclipsed the urge to pen a tribute to you, my Old Boy, Chorister and Friend, Barr. Emma Uche. Causative of the melancholy was your insistence on your equal right of access to the Throne of Grace believing you would be healed through your prayers of faith, that of your friends and well-wishers than availing yourself of the ministry of gifted men of God for a miraculous deliverance from your debilitating ill health.

Not more than two weeks I entreated your wife in like manner who expressed your kind of belief, I got the news that you have passed on which disequilibrated me. So, our intensive and extensive prayers of faith could not make you whole. Why? God, whom you incontrovertibly worshipped in spirit and in truth, knows best.

The Barr., as I fondly called you, your mien which portrayed humility easily adjudged to be an integral part of your character curriculum endeared you to the hearts of many. Little wonder, as an Old Boy of Evangel High School, Old Umuahia, you had virtually the phone numbers of the ancient and medieval students of the school which enabled you to network us constantly to our admiration. You were a kind of archive of the institution as you even reminded me of certain historical events of the school though my junior. Your death has created a vacuum within the polity of Evangel Old Students Association (EVOSA). No EVOSAN has your kind of link with others to network us the way you did. What shall we do?

We worshipped together at the Assemblies of God Church, Old Umuahia between 1970-1977 during which you were one of my Bass singers in the church choir I directed at certain period. I still visualize you behind the pulpit on some Sundays within the period sermonizing, uplifting the hearts of the congregants. 

As a friend, you demonstrated in concrete terms through your financial support your longing to see me victorious in my political pursuits.

Can it be said that you have fought the good fight of faith, finished the race, kept the Christian faith and should go NOW for the victor’s crown laid up for you? We will understand it better by and by.

Since man has to pass through the abominated conduit for eternity – death - where all the strings touched by one’s benevolences ooze everlasting conclusions, and the author of life and longevity has deemed it expedient to call you home now irrespective of your commitment to His service and humanity, REST in His bosom where all the Saints triumphant are and shall continually be till the resurrection morning.



March 17, 2020
March 17, 2020
Dee Emma was a colossus, bestriding both the spiritual and the earthly. He was not a member of the clergy but he taught the clergy. His mastery of the scriptures and his ability to teach it rather than preaching made his Sunday School class a hit. His SS students never wanted to leave even when we’re grown up enough to handle classes of their own. It was always difficult to find teachers willing to go handle that his class in his later years when sickness did not allow him make it church as often as he wont to. Any such teacher would end the class sweating owing to the serious engagement he would get from the class. That is a measure of Dee Emma.
I often wondered how he was able to manage his time such that he was able to pay a visit or two to almost every church member in Surulere no matter your status. One Sunday, we had about five children being dedicated in church. I had determined to put appearances for 2 or 3 of the families. At the first family, I saw Dee Emma. When I saw him at the second place I wondered loudly and asked him how he could keep up. He told me intended to visit all that day and that it is love that motivates him to do all that. I stood in awe knowing how difficult it is to navigate the street of Lagos to pay such visits. The words of Elizabeth Eliot in her wonderful book, Through gates of Splendor, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose”. Dee Emma gave freely of his time which he couldn’t keep and gained the acceptance of heaven which could not lose.
A colossus we have lost.
March 16, 2020
March 16, 2020
I began by calling you Barr. Uche, when my Pastor, Grace Johnson introduced me to you after my husband went to be with the Lord; then transitioned to Uncle and finally daddy! These represent what you meant to me and children.
Daddy was a kind and compassionate man, who loved the Lord. The way you took over our case has not cease to amaze me. You were all out helping us and not asking for any fees! I can't forget how you (and mummy) spent several hours at the probate office to stand in for us, providing all the required documents! Words fail me to express how deeply grateful we are.
How we prayed and believed God for a turn around for you...! You fought a good fight... 2 Tim 4:7-8. We are comforted because you are in a better place Rev 21:4 with our God! You are sorely missed.......
March 16, 2020
March 16, 2020
This is one of those days we never thought would come so soon because we believed you were truly one of a kind and deserved a long great life.

As kids, we still remember you filling up the tank of your official car and sending your driver all the way from Lagos State to Umuahia, Abia State to pick up I and my siblings for the usual long vacation holiday from July - September few months after my Dad's burial. That was the kind of man you were.

Or was it on several occasions when you heartily issued cheques for my school fees and that of my brothers? That was the kind of man you were.

You were in no way related to us by blood but you went above and beyond for us and loved us like your own children so when I say we never thought a day like this would suffice so soon, we believed it.

We looked forward to doing for you a thousand times over what you had done for us.

You were kind and welcoming. Disciplined to a great degree. A lover of God that would often 'cause others to ponder and reflect on how much they did for The Kingdom.

You were a treasure, a man of great value. During times of despair, your words of wisdom echo till the storm calms.

You left a dent in this world, your impact was greatly felt. Your worth, immeasurable.

Barrister Emma Uche as we called you
Sir, it breaks our hearts that you left before you could celebrate our big wins. It breaks our hearts that you left before we could repay you over and over for being the Father we needed after tragedy struck.

Our sole comfort is that we know you are with The Father of all fathers. He sees how our hearts hurt, how our eyes tear up occasionally with each thought of you.

However, we are rest assured that you are free from the agonizing pain that held you bound, free from suffering and free to sing your favourite hymns with the Angels, basking in the presence and glory of this God you so loved and devoted your life to.

We will always remember who you were, to us.
We will always remember your words of wisdom, to us.
We will always remember the stories, jokes and beautiful moments you cheerfully shared, with us.

And most of all, we will always remember your person: A Father, A Pillar and Wisdom Personified.

Your death leaves a heartache no one can heal but your life leaves with us a great legacy that resounds in the pages of history and generations to come.

Adieu, Dede.

From The Akaniro Family.
March 15, 2020
March 15, 2020
My Destiny Helper Returns to Heaven - Barr. (Amb.) E.O.N.Uche

"Daddy", that's what I call you.
Right from the first day we first met and interacted face-to-face (November 22, 2009) till your departure (February 6, 2020), you took and treated me as one of your biological sons. Gradually, I became part of the Uche family, with privileges conferred.

You taught me many useful life-changing lessons. Many! One of which is GENEROSITY. You preached and practiced unconditional liberality (Proverbs 11:25).

On that fateful day in 2015, I was protesting (refusing to accept) your decision to pay me for a little errand I ran for you in Abuja, you told me, "Uchenna, there is no amount of money you have that won’t finish. So, it's better for you to distribute the one you have to others. By so doing, when your own finishes, maybe theirs will remain and they will give back to you". I shouted, "Wow! This is a great philosophy I must adopt".

Even on your sick bed, you kept giving. At a point, I unsuccessfully tried keeping you abreast of my plans without triggering your ever active and sensitive philanthropic mind. Rather than banking in banks, you banked in human lives. 

Daddy, you're my destiny helper. You're my dream builder. Because of you, my dream of higher studies abroad got kick-started. At a point in my academic journey, I was nearly depressed. You told me, "Uchenna apply for the admission. When you get the admission letter, paste it on the wall in your room. Before going out each morning, lay your hands on it and pray to God. If you wait for everything to be available, you will never get anything done..."
You literally pushed me out of my comfort zone and today, I have a better story to tell.

Am fully aware of your over-a-decade health travails. If death is mortally and financially conquerable, you would have conquered it.
But after my rational evaluations, I resigned to fate that it is better for you to go home and rest than live in Pains. You're a plus to this earth and now to heaven.

I will forever miss your voice," hello Uchenna, ọ rịa...U dey so?” You might have gone from us but your legacies live on forever. My consolation is that it's just a night time. We'll meet in the morning.

My Heavenly Destiny Helper.

Uchenna Okoronkwo, Ph.D Ontario - Canada
March 14, 2020
March 14, 2020
Forever you'll be in my heart my bossom friend Emma.
Rest on till we meet to part no more.
March 12, 2020
March 12, 2020

Doing this was one of the hardest decisions I have had to make this year, Grand pa as we your children call you, it is hard to say good bye everyday i wish I could just be told you had returned from a short journey.

You lived for all, you were too kind to a fault, I remember that bag of rice you brought to my parents house the night before my wedding and yet you gave us money for our wedding, i remember how you always showed up just immediately my dad calls you for anything concerning me and my siblings, i also remember how you came for Chizaram's dedication even though you were ill, you climbed a three storey building just to be present, you always wanted to celebrate with anyone celebrating, you were too humble, transparent, caring, loving, jovial and loved to make people smile (your jokes, I would always remember) and thanks for representing the kingdom of God whilst you were on this side of heaven, thanks for blessing my kids few weeks before you left us and thanks for blessing me, in your next world daddy, pls come as my uncle and grandpa again and again... you lived for Christ and i know heaven has gained you!!! Adieu dede Nnem, Adieu Grandpa, Adieu Daddy till we meet again where no Cancer lives cause you won over Cancer, yes you did...

Daniel & Amarachi Ogbuagu (Nee Ndukauba)
March 11, 2020
March 11, 2020
My Lagos father..
It is so painful to know that no one will call me Ngozi of Chinedu.
Getting to know you was like seeing Jesus In Human form. You were so humble and kind.
You have a way of making people smile.
You touched so many lives including the Onuzurike’s .
I am so glad you are resting in the bosom of our lord.
Till we meet again..,,,,

The Onuzurike’s
March 11, 2020
March 11, 2020
Emma as we fondly call you, this space
cannot take the much one knows about you. This is just a summary of our True knowledge of you. You were really a True child of God who loved the things of God. You were a very responsible father and husband of One wife. You were the father of the fatherless, helper of the helpless. You were a solution to people's problems and a free legal and spiritual adviser to many, an encouragement to the discouraged. You had no distinction between the rich and the poor, the educated and the illiterate.

Your sense of humour cannot be faulted. It is not how long one lives that matters but how ones life has impacted on people. You have left your foot prints on the sand of time. Undoubtedly, you have fought a good fight. You have finished your course and have kept the faith. Sleep well in the bossom of the Lord till the resurrection morning when we shall meet to part no more. Good night, Emma!

Pastor and Mrs Eze .S. Ekeanya.
March 11, 2020
March 11, 2020
I am humbled and feel it as an honor to write my farewell in my memory of Barrister Emmanuel Uche. After a failed attempt to start my University studies in India in 2007, my parents turned to the Barrister for legal support. As a lad I thought, would this “big man” really feel my burden to get justice knowing that we lacked finance? I was more than convinced in our few meetings that this “big man” has a big heart, took time to listen to me and read through the several pages of my reported experience. I have thanked you then and I thank you again for advocating on my behalf.

The most important support I got was not the excellent legal support we received but your advice. You advised that I move on to pursue my career. In that conversation, I understood at that moment you were asking me to let Go and let God. I committed to the Lord my bitterness and forgave those that wronged me. I also moved on to pursue my career and to God be the glory, I am grateful for where I am today career wise.

I will remember you not just as an advocate for injustice, you have been an advocate of Christ’s character to me. I continually draw inspiration from my experience of letting go and allowing Christ to work in me when faced with hurtful situations. I truly believe that the impact you have had in my life and in lives of many will continuously serve as an inspiration for others to draw on. Rest well and see you in heaven!
March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020
Daddy, I gained a Father in you when our path crossed. You took me as your daughter and my children too. Always checked up on us not minding the distant calls. Who will call me that special name Coletteeeee ,Coletteeeee again. I will cherish it forever. Our family will miss you dearly but you are forever etched in our hearts. Ken will miss you so much but God knows best. Sleep on Daddy. The Ajokus.
March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020
I came in contact with Emma in 1963 at a meeting of Assemblies of God Youth Organisation formed by my first cousin, Engr Jasper Onyekachi Ezeigbo the first son of our late General Superintendent, Rev. M. O. Ezeigbo. It was the first attempt to bring children born into Assemblies of God together. That organisation later metamorphosed into the present day Casor.
Emma was very humorous and with him there was never a dull moment. We had shared many thing things together in our life time. We served together in Jos, Plateau State, during our NYSC days and later he became my best man at my wedding.
Emma was devoted Christian who gave his time & resources towards advancing the gospel of our Lord Jesus.
Emma was more than a family member of ours because he identified in all our family programs.
Today, he gone the way of all men but with full assurance that Heaven will receieve him with open hands.
Adieu Emma. Continue to rest in the blossom of the Lord until we meet to part no more.
March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020
We the family of the EGBOCHUOs are witnesses and are beneficiaries of your superb love for God and Benevolence.
Oh! That God would have kept you longer but God understands even when we don’t.
Who will fill this vacuum!?
May your legacies propel us and all that you have left behind to demonstrate genuine love, become sold out to God like you did and taught us.
May we become committed to the gospel of winning souls and establishing churches and altars like you did and demonstrated.
I know you are with the Lord and our prayer is that when all is said and done, the only thing that matters will be the labour of love that we and all that you have left behind had done will qualify us to earn the glory crown, which you have gone ahead to receive.
It is well!
May God grant all of us that you left behind, your family and loved ones, AG Family and the entire Body of Christ (Church), the fortitude to bear this huge loss! Au revoir.

Signed: The entire family of EGBOCHUO UWA AZU
March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020
Dee Emma takes pleasure in solving people's problems. Delights in seeing persons/ families being comfortable and earming to winning them for the kingdom. Remembered meeting him the first time, he gave us one of the best gift...The BIBLE.
Dee Emma as Jesus, was a compassionate man. Desires and gets you free from your distress of any sort and do not wait for compensation.
ADIEU champion of the kingdom. From Mrs. Apugo VERONICA and family.
March 10, 2020
Our Ambassador, we thank God that we enjoyed from your wisdom and humour while you were with us. You were the one who finally declared us husband and wife on our wedding day, you surprised us with a gift even when we didn't have a close relationship with you. You were so generous and accommodating. As it pleases the Lord to call you home, we take solace in the fact that you are in a better place resting from pains. Sleep on our Elder till we meet again at our master's feet.
Mr &Mrs. Chidiebere Johnson
March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020
Daddy, you are really a source of inspiration. Though I met you at the later part of your life when you were battling with health challenges through Rev Paul Ndukwe. You didn't consider your health condition you still took it upon yourself to ensure that my dream of Norisha is perfected. You gave me godly counsel, ideas and way forward to my dream. Do I talk of your exceptional humility, walking with low and mighty which is a mark of a faithful follower of Christ. Your passion and love for the kingdom though on sick bed, you ensure that the Lord's work move forward challenges me.
You are indeed a rare gem. Thank God for a man like you that passed through this generation with dream fulfilled. I am privileged to encounter you in my life time. I thank God that you are receiving your exceptional reward in heaven. The angels are happy, Jesus is happy and we on earth also rejoice for the legacy you kept in your generation.
We love you, though it painful to say good bye for we shall surely miss you. But thank God you are resting in the blossom of our God were all the faithful will meet one day where we will meet to part no me.
Bye bye Daddy. Rest in perfect peace.
March 8, 2020
March 8, 2020
Long before my wife and I met you, my late Dad Prof. H.I. Ezeigbo had created a lovely portrait of you in our hearts. I knew there was more to you when Dad insisted you will be chairman at my wedding. You have written your name in our hearts, we hope to follow after people like you with an untainted record
March 8, 2020
March 8, 2020
I am not able to write a compelling tribute for you that will encompass all you represent. You were more than a teacher, but a very challenging role model. One day I told you I will like to be like you when I grow up and you tried to flatter me by telling me I was doing well already. But every time I hear more of you, the more I see how far I am from starting to be like you. You wanted to replicate Jesus our Grand Master and his compassion towards men here on earth. The bar you set is too high. I will not write much here, but I promise to continue writing about you and referencing you till I die. Please tell Prof H.I.Ezeigbo that one person was fortunate enough to study under the two of you. By God’s grace I will continue to stand on the virtues you taught me.
Sleep well Master till we meet to part no more.

Bro JAJA Kalu Mba
March 8, 2020
March 8, 2020
Dede m Uche, you lived a selfless, kind-hearted and an examplary life, a Christian to the core, you were so much interested, very supportive to our family, so compassionate, you loved my children just the way you loved your own. Dede even on his sick bed got to know about my Mom's ill-health, donated a wheel chair to her. This is just to mention but a few, we will forever miss you Dede as we fondly call you but we take solace in the fact that you are in a better place where there is no pain, no sickness and no death, I pray to live an examplary life just as you did. Continue to rest in the bossom of your creator.
Adieu Nwoke obioma
Adieu Ezi nwa chineke agbara Ezi ama,ga ije nke nke oma. you touched so many lives,you won souls to the kingdom no doubt your crown will be decorated with many stars.
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