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July 9, 2023
July 9, 2023
July 8, 2023
July 8, 2023
今天是爸爸的生日。 我還記得爸爸最後的日子不容易,可是生日天我們還是一起慶祝,吃蛋糕。 爸爸永遠在我們的心中。

July 8, 2023
July 8, 2023
日子過得好快啊!今天又到了你的生日,猶記得三年前的今天 (7/8/2019), 古鼎也來美和你一同過生日並切蛋糕,三年後你卻不在了,對你的思念和悵惘,永遠埋沒在我的心中。古風,生日快樂 ,我想念你,愛你 ❤️!
小在 Redondo Beach 剛又買了一個新的房子,現在仍在裝修之中。

November 25, 2022
November 25, 2022


劉智勇為了不喜有些同學在NCKU EE63 LINE群組貼五毛或自幹五的文章,另創 EE63群組.我消遣他乾脆再創NCKU EE63 R, NCKU EE63 G, NCKU EE63 B & NCKU EE63 CB四群組.光的三原色R,G,B都包了,不更好?

October 28, 2022
October 28, 2022

August 31, 2022
August 31, 2022
July 8, 2022
July 8, 2022
David, my dear husband,

I had been two years since we celebrated your last birthday. 

Time went by just like a glimpse but it did not stop me missing you. Sometimes I felt lonely without you but my life needed to go on.

You may be happy you will have a grandson at the end of this year. Isn’t it amazing?

Anne and I will go to visit you today. I will bring some food that you like:
Yam, Costco hot dog, peach, etc.
Happy Birthday, David.

I hope you feel peace and happy in heaven. I know that you watch me and your children some where. Please protect us. We miss you so much. You are always living my mind. I love you. 

Your wife Jane
August 31, 2021
August 31, 2021
David, my dear husband,

Time goes by so quickly. 

Today was the day you have left us for one year. I still remembered clearly what happened to you on that day. It was the day of really breaking my heart.

In the morning on 8/31/2020, I offered you some breakfast but you only ate two eggs. You went back to sleep later. At the lunch time, you told me that you still did not have appetite but ate a piece of yam anyway. In the afternoon, I took you to the bathroom for a shower. The bathroom was on the 2nd floor but you still had enough energy to climb up with my helps. You collapsed in the bathroom when I tried to get the soap. Anne and I called the ambulance in the mean time we tried to do CPR on you trying to bring you back. Unfortunately you couldn’t make it. You passed away in El Camino Hospital at 5:30pm. Your family including me, Anne & Tobia, Jimmy & Annie were staying around you and seeing you in peace.

David, I wasn’t sure how I went through the past difficult year. I was in a deep grief but still need to continue living in the world without you. 

Anne and I will go to visit you today, and bring you another piece of yam I hope you like. 

David, I love you and miss you so much. I believe you always watch me and your children in heaven. You are always with us.

Your wife, Jane
July 8, 2021
July 8, 2021
David, my dear husband,

Today is your birthday. I wish I could celebrate with you today like last year, but you have been in heaven. Anyway, Happy Birthday!! I love you and miss you forever.  
Love, your wife Jane
September 11, 2020
September 11, 2020
We dearly miss our beloved brother Gu-Fung who was a kind and faithful man in Christ. He had a sincere attitude. He was always joyful, and greeted us with a friendly smile.
It was a blessing to serve with him in Children Sunday School. When there was a need for a teacher, he was immediately willing to serve. He carefully prepared the material and brought snacks for the class. His positive attitude in always being available to serve set an example for others.
It is God’s timing for this temporary departure, and although it is difficult for us to understand, we know we will joyfully meet again someday as God has promised.
Frankie & KG Wong
September 11, 2020
September 11, 2020
September 9, 2020
September 9, 2020
永怀崔古風老弟兄 :

崔老弟兄其实并不老。 之所以称作老弟兄,不只是因为他信主很久,信的规规矩矩,更是因為他懂得照顾别人,与他人分享。

还记得吗 ?他常年用电子邮件分享许多有趣味并且有意义的文章,鼓励大家 。
还有人记得他在教会 Salinas短宣时,与其他许多位“老弟兄”一同自愿驾驶的英姿吗 ?
我还记得收到他寄来的 尼克结婚了 ! Nick - 那一位没有手,没有脚的生命斗士,令我深深的感动。  

永怀崔老弟兄 ,他永远活在我们心中 !    主內魏光民弟兄
September 9, 2020
September 9, 2020




何俊,寶成 敬哀
September 9, 2020
September 9, 2020


September 9, 2020
September 9, 2020
September 9, 2020
September 9, 2020
I will always remember Mr. Tsuei's smile. He was always smiling, a great jolly smile that was almost like an anime character, every time I saw him. Even at times when his health was not as great, I remember particularly at a summertime bbq a couple years ago, he still flashed his smile. Thankful to God for Mr. Tsuei's presence of light in this world. May God bless him in heaven. 
September 9, 2020
September 9, 2020
從1983年到灣區就認識多年的老朋友-崔古風弟兄,今先我們回歸到天家.實在不捨,感念他為人忠誠,事親至孝,事奉 神尤其忠心良善,不論是教導主日學或帶領團契查徑班都是忠於所托。心痛的是他們夫婦長年為病痛爭戰,尤其最不容易的是廷真還是半個病人的照護者,願 神賜下環護的恩典,堅固她,並用你公義的的右手扶持她及所有的家人,讓他們能得主所賜的平安而重新得力。
忠勝、德英 同懷念
September 8, 2020
September 8, 2020
我今天心情非常的難過,好想大哭一場。我可愛孝順的女婿古風走得這麼快。回想他每次來看我,帶我去博物館及名勝去遊玩,上館子大飡,要走時把我冰箱塞得滿滿的食物,我想什麼他馬上辨到,是個孝順,愛護老人及親人,家人的好女婿,希望他到天堂好好的安息,我非常懷念他,想念他。—Ching Lien Tai
September 7, 2020
September 7, 2020






September 7, 2020
September 7, 2020



蘇蒼繁 文真南 敬輓
September 6, 2020
September 6, 2020
David was the kindest, warmest and most thoughtful father-in-law I could ask for. He gave me the best hugs. Whenever we saw each other and each time we parted, we would give each other big bear hugs - often times, I’d squeeze extra tight and he’d do the same for at least a few seconds. I’m very grateful that, the last time I saw him, I was able to tell him “I love you so much dad.” He replied “I love you too” - I will treasure that moment forever.
September 5, 2020
September 5, 2020
September 4, 2020
September 4, 2020
Gu-Fung and I were classmate and close friend back in NCKU day. David was a very kind, warm and helpful person. I enjoyed so much to be with him then. A few years ago, I have a chance to visit him in his San Jose home and had a nice dinner with him. I will miss him very much!! Rest in peace my friend!
September 4, 2020
September 4, 2020
Mr. Tsuei was a warm and welcoming person and he and his family would bring me to church on Sundays for service with them and pick me up even if it was out of the way. I remember many family vacations with both of our families and bbqs and skiing trips with his cheerful presence. I admire him for his faith and his commitment to his family. He will be missed, but glad he isn't in pain anymore and is reunited with His heavenly Father.
September 4, 2020
September 4, 2020
大学同窗四年,在矽谷Sunnyvale Library 亦多次相遇。古風兄兴趣廣泛,涉猎极廣,研究学问孜孜不息。惊闻早逝,愿兄安享天家,與主同在。
September 4, 2020
September 4, 2020
憶 相遇半世紀歲月之朋友 - 崔古風

孝 - 他為方便照顧在台年邁的母親、回台任職盡為人子女之孝道。

義 - 當其弟弟出事後、他毅然回台為弟弟安排一切、讓其弟弟得到好的照顧、盡顯兄弟之義氣情懷。

忠 - 古風兄是一位虔誠信徒、他喜歡看書、忠於信仰。對鄧知晞老師非常尊敬、在公在私都能忠於其本份、故跟鄧老師能達亦友亦師之境界。隻身回台工作多年、忠於家庭妻小、忠於為夫之道、忠於為父之道。

誠 - 知䁱古風兄五十年了。成大學生年代、鮮有交流、因機緣巧合在加州又碰上了、開始以友重新認識、彼此偶爾會相約到他喜歡的麵館(Pho Tau Bay) 共進午餐閑聊、交談中、他顯露以誠為交友之道、一切盡在不言中。


學友 關鏡懷 追憶
September 3, 2020
September 3, 2020
50 years of friendship, you will be forever missed.
Rest in peace....
September 3, 2020
September 3, 2020
My dad was deeply spiritual and learned. I don't think it is an exaggeration to say that he may have read more books in one year on average than most adults read during their adult lives. He did his best to teach his children his wisdom. He didn't care at all for material wealth, and that strong belief animated how he saw and understood the world.

我父親是一個非常屬靈並且好學不倦的人。 我可以一點都不誇張地說,他一年平均閱讀的書籍數量可能比大多數成年人在一生所閱讀的書籍還多。 他竭盡全力用智慧來教他的孩子們。 他根本不在乎物質上的富足,這種堅強的信念帶領他去看待和理解這個世界。

I think, up to the end of his life, what he valued most never changed: the most important things in his life were his family, his memories and life experience, and God.

他最珍視的東西從未改變: 那就是對神的敬仰堅信不疑,在世為人處事的原則,以及對家庭妻子和兒女的愛。

Wherever he is now, I think he would appreciate seeing and hearing the stories of his life that his family and friends remember. Thank you for sharing!

無論他現在在哪裡,一定非常感謝能夠看到和聽到家人與朋友回憶他的人生故事。 感謝你的分享!

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